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LeoXiao 2009-04-02 02:27

I'd like to see if China can do that with their economy about to go down with everyone else. It seems cool otherwise, though. We should've done that like ten years ago.

Kamui4356 2009-04-02 03:06


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 2314246)
On an unrelated note, something I've been waiting to hear for a few years now. China is going to take advantage of being newly in the auto game, leapfrog and go directly for alternative fuel vehicle leadership in the world.

Hopefully the rest of the developing world will follow China's example here. Those nations have a chance to start clean and develop an infrastructure based on less polluting technologies. Hopefully it'll also spur the development of such technology in the west.

Though I can help wonder if China's waited too long for this and already has too much reliance on gas powered cars. Plus there's still the issue of their coal power plants... Well it's still a step forward.

SaintessHeart 2009-04-02 06:12


Originally Posted by LeoXiao (Post 2314264)
I'd like to see if China can do that with their economy about to go down with everyone else. It seems cool otherwise, though. We should've done that like ten years ago.

Now China is even stronger than US economically, very soon militarily it will match, or even more capable than US's.

Time to do some work with your damn military, China. Quit sitting there and criticising people and start helping out in the genocide of religious extremists.

yezhanquan 2009-04-02 06:40


Originally Posted by SaintessHeart (Post 2314485)
Now China is even stronger than US economically, very soon militarily it will match, or even more capable than US's.

Time to do some work with your damn military, China. Quit sitting there and criticising people and start helping out in the genocide of religious extremists.

That is very untrue. China is only the world's third largest economy. Per capita-wise, it remains a joke.

In military spending per capita, China still lags behind many Western countries.

Kamui4356 2009-04-02 06:52


Originally Posted by SaintessHeart (Post 2314485)
Now China is even stronger than US economically, very soon militarily it will match, or even more capable than US's.

Time to do some work with your damn military, China. Quit sitting there and criticising people and start helping out in the genocide of religious extremists.

Wait, what? How is China's economy stronger than the US? :eyebrow:

WanderingKnight 2009-04-02 10:02


Now China is even stronger than US economically, very soon militarily it will match, or even more capable than US's.
China is doing pretty badly with the crisis, considering most investors in China were US and European companies.

SaintessHeart 2009-04-02 14:23


Originally Posted by WanderingKnight (Post 2314787)
China is doing pretty badly with the crisis, considering most investors in China were US and European companies.

Investors can be changed. But China has the most funding to other nations, so now the investor-project roles have pretty much been swapped (they are already investing in Uganda to harvest minerals and materials!).

GuidoHunter_Toki 2009-04-02 19:23

China may have the fastest growing economy but, despite that it still faces a multitude of problems.

China's 2008 growth was lower than the previous two years, due to a collapse in exports. There is a precipitous drop in foreign demand for their exports. China's place in the world today is very similar to where the United States was in the 1920's. As the U.S. eighty years ago, China's export model has been successful and it's made them a global producer of finished goods. But with that role comes an almost extreme dependence on foreign demand. Foreign demand that quite simply, evaporated in the last few months, hitting Chinese industry at one of the worst possible times.

The 2008 Olympic Games; China's chance to prove that they were a refined, cultured and sophisticated member of the international community. With this came concerns over air pollution prompting Chinese manufacturers to fill inventories in the first half of the year, idling their facilities during the games to cut down on smog.

In so doing, they committed one of the exact same mistakes American industries made in the 1920s; producing a glut in inventory at the very crest of the bubble. This means that a significant portion of their capital is locked into consumer goods gathering dust on shelves, unavailable to pay off wages and debt, and accelerating the pace of the economy's decline.

2.7 million jobs lost in a single Chinese province (Guangdong) between April and November of last year. Half of that province's 3,600 toy factories already closed. 670,000 businesses shuttered. China is facing harder times than one might expect.

Shadow Kira01 2009-04-02 23:04

US Again Warns of 'Consequences' if North Korea Launches Missile
China Calls for New World Reserve Currency

The best solution to North Korea would be to intercept their missile on the day of their launch, then launch an attack on the mainland of North Korea to show that their military might is nothing more than just a joke. They definitely need to be taught a lesson!

It appears that the world has recently backed down against the new Axis of Evil due to the rising threat of North Korea's missile launch because experts had pointed out that those missiles may possibly be downsized nukes. Supposedly, the United States has been relying on their arch-rival China for support against North Korean aggressive actions but sadly to their disappointment, not just that China has no plans to go against North Korea. They even suggested that the world should stop using the American currency as the global currency, instead should come up with a new currency. As things go wrong for the Members of the US-Alliance, things only get worse.. Iran is still awaiting an apology from the Obama Administration rather than having smooth negotiations to promote peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

Unfortunately... the Obama Fever has already died and now, there seems to be an increasing number of Americans who are hit by the China Fever. All sorts of people are now claiming that the only reason why the global economy is in a turmoil state because capitalism isn't functioning properly and that the reason why so many Americans had supported Obama was that they thought he was a socialist yet it turns out to be otherwise. No matter how you look at it, the United States is in quite a fix.


Originally Posted by LeoXiao (Post 2314236)
Al-Qeda groups don't exist without reason/ If the USA did not have troops in Saudi Arabia (muslim holy land) or actively support Israel, for example, Al-Qeda wouldn't be after the US and 9/11 wouldn't have happened. The point of my idea is to avoid blowback while at the same time keeping the American continent safe. IMO the US government has been very irresponsible when it comes to avoiding hatred.

A lot of people have forgotten the original situation prior to the 9/11 incident.

A few days prior to the 9/11 incident, the Bush Administration had announced to take a firm stance against China and North Korea. Unfortunately, the 9/11 incident had reverted the attention focused on the two rogue regimes over to terrorism which led to the Invasion of Iraq causing the majority of the people in the world to hate the United States over it. Could there be a conspiracy behind it...? Or is it just mere coincidence...

Kamui4356 2009-04-03 00:16


Originally Posted by Shadow Minato (Post 2316261)
US Again Warns of 'Consequences' if North Korea Launches Missile
China Calls for New World Reserve Currency

The best solution to North Korea would be to intercept their missile on the day of their launch, then launch an attack on the mainland of North Korea to show that their military might is nothing more than just a joke. They definitely need to be taught a lesson!

Shooting down the missile won't solve anything. Even if it works, it's a waste of a perfectly good intercepter missile. Not to mention it'd just inflame the situation even more. Launching an actual attack on North Korea is going to result in the North bombarding Seoul until their preplaced heavy artillery is taken out. Most likely that'll give them a few days. Really, no one wants a war here.


It appears that the world has recently backed down against the new Axis of Evil due to the rising threat of North Korea's missile launch because experts had pointed out that those missiles may possibly be downsized nukes.
Backed down how? :eyebrow: Also, what experts are saying the missile has a downsized nuke? :eyebrow: The North Korean nuclear test is widely believed to have failed to have achieved critical mass. It was only 1 kiloton. By contrast the trinity device, the world's first nuclear weapon, was 20 times more powerful. Also, even if they do have these downsized nukes capable of being mounted on their missiles, why would they put them on a missile they're claiming is going to launch a satellite?


Supposedly, the United States has been relying on their arch-rival China for support against North Korean aggressive actions but sadly to their disappointment, not just that China has no plans to go against North Korea. They even suggested that the world should stop using the American currency as the global currency, instead should come up with a new currency.
China's the US' arch rival? :eyebrow: Also it's not like the US is eager to invade North Korea either. Sure the US would win, but the rebuilding would make Iraq look like a cake walk, and that's assuming no insurgency at all. Alos the Chinese world currency idea is basicly a non-starter at this time. Unless they can get US and European support it's not going to go anywhere.


As things go wrong for the Members of the US-Alliance, things only get worse.. Iran is still awaiting an apology from the Obama Administration rather than having smooth negotiations to promote peace and prosperity in the Middle East.
You expected things to go smoothly right from the start?


Unfortunately... the Obama Fever has already died and now, there seems to be an increasing number of Americans who are hit by the China Fever. All sorts of people are now claiming that the only reason why the global economy is in a turmoil state because capitalism isn't functioning properly and that the reason why so many Americans had supported Obama was that they thought he was a socialist yet it turns out to be otherwise. No matter how you look at it, the United States is in quite a fix.
What are you even talking about here? :confused:


A lot of people have forgotten the original situation prior to the 9/11 incident.

A few days prior to the 9/11 incident, the Bush Administration had announced to take a firm stance against China and North Korea. Unfortunately, the 9/11 incident had reverted the attention focused on the two rogue regimes over to terrorism which led to the Invasion of Iraq causing the majority of the people in the world to hate the United States over it. Could there be a conspiracy behind it...? Or is it just mere coincidence...
Are you suggesting China was responsible for 9-11? :twitch:

Vexx 2009-04-03 01:14

Its so derailed from reality --- that I thought it was just better left laying there..... (sigh).

aohige 2009-04-03 02:12

I wanted to scream conspiracy nut, but then I figured why should I give him the pleasure. :heh:

Kamui4356 2009-04-03 03:42


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 2316526)
Its so derailed from reality --- that I thought it was just better left laying there..... (sigh).


Originally Posted by aohige (Post 2316607)
I wanted to scream conspiracy nut, but then I figured why should I give him the pleasure. :heh:

I was going to leave it alone too, but then he editted more about North Korea and that China world currency thing in it, and I just couldn't resist. :heh:

SaintessHeart 2009-04-03 04:50


Originally Posted by Shadow Minato (Post 2316261)
The best solution to North Korea would be to intercept their missile on the day of their launch, then launch an attack on the mainland of North Korea to show that their military might is nothing more than just a joke. They definitely need to be taught a lesson!

I propose an easier solution by dropping a single Peacekeeper into Pyongyang. ;)

danin8r44 2009-04-03 05:08


Originally Posted by Shadow Minato (Post 2316261)

I don't think there is anyway that the yuan is going to replace the dollar as the major world currency any time soon, but the euro might. China doesn't even mean the reserve currency replacement seriously, I don't think. It feels alot more like they are just trying to harass America. All of the arguments they make in that article for leaving American currency are slightly laughable as well...

Shadow Kira01 2009-04-03 14:18

Critics say Japan overreacting to NKorea launch


Japan has twice tested its ship-to-air interceptors, but has succeeded only once. And shooting down debris would likely be more difficult because of its unpredictable trajectory.

"If Japan fails an intercepting attempt, it would be a serious setback for the country's defense policy, because people would think the costly missile defense system is not reliable," said Minoru Morita, another political analyst.

"The Japanese government has managed to convince the public of the need for a stronger defense capability, while Aso probably regained some support by acting as though everything was under control," he said. "But after taking it this far, Japan dare not actually try to intercept debris and fail, and end up losing everything, including their credibility."
Although, it appears that tons of people are claiming that being cautious of North Korea's objectives is over-reacting whereas not caring about it isn't called carelessness and ignorance is pretty laughable.

The more it seems to people that the multi-billion dollar missile defense system is merely just a showroom item for decorative purposes, the more necessary it is to test it out. If it works, it will serve two purposes: 1) North Korea and other threats will be more careful as to not invoke a war because there will be serious consequences and 2) the multi-billion dollar funding was actually worth it and was not a mere waste of money. On the contrary, if the multi-billion dollar missile defense system turns out to be useless, then some questions will be arise in which some military head figures may have some explaining to do, whether or not they will be receiving an envelope afterwards is irrelevant. At best, some reforms will be passed and that defense system upgrades will be a must. And the only way to ensure the success of it, Japan will have to seek the aid of the United States which in turn will strengthen bileratal ties.

GuidoHunter_Toki 2009-04-03 15:37

I may just be going a little out there, but I have this strange gut feeling that there is a possibility that the whole thing may have some grand connection to China. It has promoted two so-called nuclear weapons powers at its northeastern and southwestern extremities - North Korea and Pakistan, both of which more or less eat out of China's hand. China can call them to order whenever it likes but for the present it likes to keep the world community, especially US, jumping at the possibility of a missile launch, which may also be a nuclear weapon launch, to signal that defiance of the established world order is possible and that USA and the rest of the world can do nothing about it. It also makes nonsense of the nonproliferation regime, which China has routinely defied for decades. Again this is just some far out feeling of mine and I don't nessecarily think this is the case.

Xellos-_^ 2009-04-03 16:06


Originally Posted by GuidoHunter_Toki (Post 2317794)
I may just be going a little out there, but I have this strange gut feeling that there is a possibility that the whole thing may have some grand connection to China. It has promoted two so-called nuclear weapons powers at its northeastern and southwestern extremities - North Korea and Pakistan, both of which more or less eat out of China's hand. China can call them to order whenever it likes but for the present it likes to keep the world community, especially US, jumping at the possibility of a missile launch, which may also be a nuclear weapon launch, to signal that defiance of the established world order is possible and that USA and the rest of the world can do nothing about it. It also makes nonsense of the nonproliferation regime, which China has routinely defied for decades. Again this is just some far out feeling of mine and I don't nessecarily think this is the case.

doubt it, while China wouldn't mind seeing the US get burn on it foreign adventures. Promoting Nuclear Weapons on unstable regimes isn't in China's best interest either. If Pakistan's nuclear weapon falls into the hand of Islamic Terrorist they can use it against the US or just as easily use it against China over the Uighar issue in XinJiang.

Shadow Kira01 2009-04-03 18:47


Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ (Post 2317842)
doubt it, while China wouldn't mind seeing the US get burn on it foreign adventures. Promoting Nuclear Weapons on unstable regimes isn't in China's best interest either. If Pakistan's nuclear weapon falls into the hand of Islamic Terrorist they can use it against the US or just as easily use it against China over the Uighar issue in XinJiang.

You make a good point which then prompts a question, a good one of course..

Considering that Pakistan is a subordinate of China who acquired nuclear capability from China against their arch-rival India, who is a subordinate of Russia.. How would Pakistani nuclear technology fall into the hands of the Middle East when they aren't even on the same side to start off with? Both the Muslims living in the Ugyur and the ones in the Middle East are enemies of China and thus, it makes no sense as to how the chances of Pakistani nuclear weapon falling into the hands of Islamic freedom fighters. Or perhaps, there are some complexed relation between the nations in which I haven't heard of. If that's the case, then this point shall be voided.

mg1942 2009-04-03 20:37

A few days ago FNC launched The FOX Nation. It's a site equivalent to Huffington. Its tagline is simple and bold...

"It's Time to Say NO to Biased Media and Say YES to Fair Play and Free Speech."

I bet that site is getting a lot of hits (mainly by huffpos?)/.

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