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Spectacular_Insanity 2008-05-12 01:46

I've found the 4th DVD special. If you guys want the link, PM me and I'll send it to you ASAP.

Urzu 7 2008-05-12 20:58


Originally Posted by KurosakiIchigo15 (Post 980255)
OK are Dori and Gura boys or girls ive seen alot there boys but wouldnt that make Oboro gay? Ive only seen the 1st 3 episodes but ive seen this picture on websites for the show, and i dont have the patience to wait for the episode so can some1 tell me whats goin on.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

As someone said, they are male in the game, and then in the anime, it isn't told if they are male or female. However, on this forum, there is a thread for discussion on that. You can check it out if you like. Some think they are male, and some think they are female, and people have backed their opinions with reasons and debated about it. If you check out the thread, try reading some of the thread before posting. Some people have brought up points for debate that have been discussed already.

Shana 2008-05-19 00:40

Playing the game, but since started playing wondered what is this Hard Mode. What is it?

Spectacular_Insanity 2008-05-19 01:33


Originally Posted by Shana (Post 1601872)
Playing the game, but since started playing wondered what is this Hard Mode. What is it?

Just as it infers. The story line, as far as I am aware, is the same, but the battles are harder. Much harder, if you play on Hard Mode 2 or above.

Touka 2008-05-25 17:39

Hey, I finally got hold of the first 5 DVD volumes of Utawarerumono. But only the first 3 include the booklets with the voice actor Q&A's and stuff like that. Are volume 4 and 5 suppost to have them booklets aswell? Because I don't want to be missing out.

retardsrox 2008-06-01 09:32

It was stated somewhere ( i can't remember) that they were male in the game but were definietly female in the anime

Potatochobit 2008-06-24 23:07

I may be a little late, but I just saw that utawarerumono was released on blu-ray in japan?

is this an upscale or was it remastered in HD?

this also has been encoded with english dub and english subtitles?

relentlessflame 2008-06-24 23:43


Originally Posted by Potatochobit (Post 1677443)
I may be a little late, but I just saw that utawarerumono was released on blu-ray in japan?

is this an upscale or was it remastered in HD?

this also has been encoded with english dub and english subtitles?

According to the press releases, it was an original HD master, but I haven't seen it myself to confirm. And yes, the English dub and sub are available on the release, and we are in the same region for Blu-Ray. If it weren't for the fact that I already own all the R2 DVDs (and so the steep price of double-dipping), I would certainly have picked it up. Seems like a good set.

Feitolicious 2008-06-29 14:21

I have a question. How exactly do you pronounce Utawarerumono?

miroku2192 2008-07-02 16:36

utawarerumono = the "u" (u sound from "wu"), "ta" (sounds like the "ta" from talk), "wa" ("wa" from walk), "re" (sounds like ray), "ru" (like "roo" from root), "mo" (the mo sound in mobile), and finally "no" (the no sounds like know)

so put it together u-ta-wa-re-ru-mo-no and you should pronounce it correctly...hope that helps:heh:

Vexx 2008-07-10 18:59

Japanese is actually pretty easy to pronounce syllable by syllable (syllables are always said the same way). It is just that some of the syllable combinations are tricky for english speakers to spew out quickly. Also.. depending on the particular japanese accent, some syllables get slurred a bit (like sukiyaki coming out s'kiyaki for example).

Utawarerumono (oo-tah-wah-ree-rue-moe-noe) requires some practice to say smoothly :) (its actually a bit of a compound word to express a more complex concept).

Ryuhou 2008-07-15 20:01

Spoiler for Endgame Sequence:

holyman282 2008-07-16 02:27


Originally Posted by Ryuhou (Post 1732443)
Spoiler for Endgame Sequence:

No one knows that's why everyone says it's up to your interpretation. Honestly we would give you an answer if we could but we're all in the dark about the ending's interpretation.

warman343 2010-02-01 21:27

i'm trying to make hakuoro's fan for an anime convention, but i dont really know what i should make it out of. i have the right length. i know how it works. i just need to know how to build it, so can anyone help me if you can?

Urzu 7 2010-02-01 23:25

Do you want to use metal, like it is in the anime? Or can you not construct something using metal?

warman343 2010-02-02 21:03

well, something like the anime one.

Urzu 7 2010-02-03 22:00

I web searched around for ten minutes and found nothing about the type of fan Hakuoro has. I found a Japanese metal fan replica for $120. First, it costs a lot. Second, it doesn't even look like Hakuoro's fan.

I say, instead of making a replica out of metal, just get a paper and wood Japanese fan. Unless you are really good at working with metal and have access to a shop, just go with a paper and wood fan. Don't try to make a replica of his fan out of something other than'd probably turn out bad, I'd imagine. Maybe a plastic replica would work, but how would you build that? You'd need to have the right kind of plastic pieces.

warman343 2010-02-16 23:32

the fan
i might do the fan last, right now i'm working on the mask. i made it out of papper first. i'm thinking about making it out of duck tape and papper.
thx anyway

warman343 2010-03-08 21:58

now what about his shoes? i can't really see what they look like.

Urzu 7 2010-03-09 19:15

If I'm not mistaken, he might have traditional Asian footwear that looks something like these shoes:

I believe his footwear is like this. What color scheme; I do not know.

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