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Casshern 2010-05-16 19:30

This ep was pretty slow paced, with lots of lows and no highs. You would expect a big comeback normally. I think they're trying to make the viewers experience some of the fans' anxiety. Pretty interesting, almost as if they want to lure the viewer into losing faith in Tatsumi like the fans are, even though logic dictates he'll pull through and the team will make a huge comeback.

Azuma Denton 2010-05-16 23:38


Originally Posted by KiNA (Post 3049317)
As far as I have watched football .. I've never seen a team playing with 2 PM at the same time... And as far as ETU play Gino is the assigned PM. If Tatsumi are indeed a MF (I think he is as well now) then he is most likely be the Box 2 Box Midfielder. A Gerrard/Ballack type of player .. Or Diaby/Ramsey in Arsenal :D

Hmm, i prefer to think Murakoshi is like Vieira...
The one to slash the attacking opponent, then build attacking from deep...

KiNA 2010-05-18 01:09

Well.. whatever the mystery about Tatsumi's position, its now cleared up in the latest episode... Same as Murakoshi ..

@ Azuma .. Viera is a B2B player.. I just give example of current players .. They are energetic player that can cover the whole pitch by themselves .. rare breed nowadays .. Another one from that era would be the other captain fantastic.. one Roy Keane :D

Anyway, as expected .. A string of loss against other teams, discontent brewing in and out of of the team.. Tatsumi need a pillar of confidence from someone, his idea seems distance from his teams ... I think its now, where he need Murakoshi the most, which he seems to get, albeit reluctantly at first.

Regarding the tennis tourney.. My best bet is that he wanted to see the teamwork from each position.. Teamwork seems to be missing from the team itself, and from the short scene during it, it seems it relief the tension from the players.

I just watched the episode once in a hurry, would probably rewatch it again to understand the episode better..

And to the ETU fans around the world.. be patient, Rome isnt build in a single day ;) And coming from Arsenal's fan.. it seems like something of a normal advice to me :heh:

anyone else find it funny that Gino is exempted from the tourney?

AbSoLuTeMiKe 2010-05-18 07:24

Remember early on in the series when the two younger players teamed up with Gino against the older vet players? It showed to me that Gino is so skilled that he can pretty much mash up with any player.

Kuro...I understand his passion to win, but there is usually someone like that on a losing team, or a team that can be quite weak, someone who is so determined to win they literally handicap the team themselves.

Azuma Denton 2010-05-20 10:03

Auch 3 losses already.
I can see the midfield is torn between attacking and defending.
Poor Tsubaki.

Kuro should be reflecting on himself.
Why he blamed other people? It is his job to defend. He is payed to become a defender.
If i'm the manager, i'll sell him right away...

Shiroth 2010-05-21 13:52

Giant Killing is now on crunchyroll.

germanturkey 2010-05-21 15:54

Kuro is pretty dumb. 'nuff said. anywho, has it crossed anyone else's mind that Tatsumi was SOLD by the board when a foreign offer came in? for a guy who picked up and left, he's pretty indifferent given his situation.

ditn 2010-05-21 16:21

Poor Belgium no love from crunchyroll :)

Saturn Beaver 2010-05-21 17:47


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3058301)
Giant Killing is now on crunchyroll.

Yay! Netherland's included, so this means a guaranteed faster release of GK! Thanks, CR! I can't wait for the next episode, hoped that Tatsumi has some plans to fix this situation, it always hurts to see the team that you're rooting for loses again and again. It is arguably more realistic though, and the advantage of having a league system is that unlike the tournament system (which can be boring as you know they'll win anyway) you're allowed to lose and still win the whole thing at the end.

KiNA 2010-05-21 23:11

Dear CR,
Screw you!

A Malaysian.

fertygo 2010-05-22 01:42

at least DEEN' get more share because this title, so maybe they can throw more budget from upcoming episode and maybe give some reason to make a sequel in future :p
but its too naive thinking :heh:

yay more faster release anyway

LusterFlare 2010-05-22 22:00

Just caught up to 7. Definitely following this.

KiNA 2010-05-23 00:44

Ep 8


The series continue to amaze me, while the animation in and off field are something better left unsaid most of the time, the story shape up to be very interesting.. I only catch a few bits of dialogue most of the time .. My self taught japanese skill are still poor :( - I'm curious about the ramen talk from that oyajii lol... but I really impressed from what I do understand. The author do knows his way around tactic and strategy of the game.

gonzo562 2010-05-25 11:09

just started watching this series. Awesome anime

hopefully they start winning soon

Kaoru Chujo 2010-05-26 17:02

Ep 8 worked for me. It's not as if a lot happened on the outside, but the internal emotional pressure is strong and interesting. Good stuff. And I liked where they broke the story. Here we go, boys!

KiNA 2010-05-26 23:13

For those who wonder, why Kuro and his defense partner is making mistake by staying closer to the GK (in football, we call it deep defensive line).. Imagined a glass of water.. and your goal is at the top. Those defense line is how high the water is. If its nearly full (aka, almost spill over .. which is what Kuro and his partner is doing) theres a lot of space.. if we put a small fish in it, it can swims freely around. Now imagined if we want to catch that fish.. because there's a lot of water, he can easily evade around. That fish, is the opposing player with the ball. What the current team doing right now, is playing with high defensive line ... In our glass example, its like playing with half glass full, or simply, lesser water. The fish will still able to swim around, but now his movement is a bit more restricted, thus easier to catch.

Playing high defensive line is not without danger of course, because if the offside trap fails, the opposing striker gets a free one on one shot with the GK.

:D I sux at explaining :p

Saturn Beaver 2010-05-30 20:52

Hmm, no one watched the newest episode yet?

Spoiler for Ep 9:

The Brazilian players are great fun to watch as well, although a bit stereotypical in depicting Brazilian players as happy-go-lucky less disciplined people with superb skills in street soccer. Still, it's not like it's really that much of a stretch really, being selected to be on the national team means learning tricks like that shouldn't be so hard. Great to see the animation on the play too, and I don't know anything about Portuguese but the native language they're speaking seems natural.

KiNA 2010-05-30 22:59

I think it was explained earlier.. Tatsumi just call the chairman ojiisan as a sign of respect. Also, you really need to differentiate the use of her and he /grammar nazi :p

Anyway, I watched the raw yesterday and as you said, no match, so I really cant comment much on the episode. Now that I watched the sub however


Saturn Beaver 2010-05-30 23:10

Yeah, I was too tired to check my post for grammar and it resulted in a horrible mess in which I mixed up the gender pronouns really badly...Hopefully won't happen again.

Can't wait for the next episode, as this episode has already set up all the necessary pieces on the table, next one is going to be an exciting match to show the true meaning of Giant Killing!

KiNA 2010-05-31 00:07

Dont feel bad.. just a friendly poke ;) .. My post is filled with it as well :D

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