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warita 2012-02-12 17:53

Now would you believe, they actually managed to incorporate an onsen scene into this anime as well. Its like the obligatory cliche in EVERY anime out there.

Other than that the episode didnt provide any entertainment. Its still the same old "every woman in the universe is after Saito". Its getting old and pretty annoying.


Originally Posted by Nochgo (Post 4002240)
I also wondered how in the world Saito and Louise got to their bedroom and went so far without realizing that Tifa was there...

Wonder no more, they will take any excuse, however ridiculous to throw Saito and some other girl on one pile.... sigh


Originally Posted by Nochgo (Post 4002240)
The best part of the episode for me was when Louise b!tch slapped that wh0re of a princess :heh:

Oh yeahhh.... Ok, I am ranting here, but wtf.... one would expect better behaviour from a princess. She knows Saito is taken, taken by a good friend of hers no less and she just inserts herself into that relationship? Talking about insolence and 0 manners.

The only highlight of the whole episode was, how Saito finally collected himself enough to tell the princess and indirectly Tabitha to forget it.

No wait, there was another highlight. I actually realised this in the previous episodes too... I just love the way Siesta sticks together with Louise when something is going on: Miss Valiere Miss Valiere..... kindo cute. Seriously, Saito does have 2 gf, because Louise is more or less tolerating Siesta and as much as I hated Siesta in the beginning, I am starting to warm up to her.

Manic 2012-02-12 17:57

The best part of the episode for me was when Louise put her clothes back on, and pretty much all the mayhem tabitha and siesta created

Wandering_Youth 2012-02-12 18:40

Meh, they need some serious plot development going or something. I'm tired of the whole love comedy thing, I want some more magic, mysterious and action.

Dr. Casey 2012-02-12 19:17


Originally Posted by warita (Post 4002468)
Now would you believe, they actually managed to incorporate an onsen scene into this anime as well. Its like the obligatory cliche in EVERY anime out there.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind if I never saw a hot springs or beach episode again. They're boring and incredibly overdone, I don't see why Japan finds them so compelling that they have to be featured in every anime ever.

Nochgo 2012-02-12 20:12

Well, it is one of the easiest methods to put most, if not all, of their female characters in a naked situation. And the last time I checked, naked female bodies still sells :heh: So yea, they will be as popular as ever for a long time.

djmaca 2012-02-12 22:07


Originally Posted by Nochgo (Post 4002240)
The best part of the episode for me was when Louise b!tch slapped that wh0re of a princess :heh:

QUEEN, not princess. And she's not a whore. A whore shakes her butt on guys willing to dish out cash for sex. That girl right there shakes hers for Saito only. Madame de Pompadour, anime style.

Chaos2Frozen 2012-02-12 22:15


Originally Posted by warita (Post 4002468)
Oh yeahhh.... Ok, I am ranting here, but wtf.... one would expect better behaviour from a princess. She knows Saito is taken, taken by a good friend of hers no less and she just inserts herself into that relationship? Talking about insolence and 0 manners.

lol, you seem to be under the impression that a princess is suppose to be dignifying, that's only a fantasy :p The truth is adultery is not that uncommon among people of power.

Guido 2012-02-13 01:32

Trouble at the Outdoor Bath

lol, you seem to be under the impression that a princess is suppose to be dignifying, that's only a fantasy The truth is adultery is not that uncommon among people of power.
It's been a long journey since I take a look back at the first season at the time when Henrietta's first love was alive, and the consolation she felt from spending some time alone in Saito's company at season two which made bloom within her her love for him seen all the way into the current season.

Pretty much I lol at Louise vs Henrietta kids quarrel in the hot spring, prompting me who to cheer for: DFC (Delicious Flat Chest) vs Melon-chan.:heh:
Or was it Carpenter's dream vs Holstein Cow?:heh:

But, I disliked that at first Louise said for a brief moment that she allowed Saito to cheat on her, at the time both went inside the hot-spring together; they did not do any sorts of ecchi things, if that's what you were thinking.

Also, I really did not like the sound of....

Ok. Judging from the next episode's preview, the De Orneille's arc concludes in this episode, and we're moving towards a new story arc that would be involving Tiffa and the return of the Gunson's.

warita 2012-02-13 05:07

Well as for Henriettas and Tabithas antics..... lets just say that I have been in love with a guy before, who had a gf and even though I suffered like a wounded animal, I NEVER tried to break up his relationships. Its one of those things a moral person just doesnt do. Hence my disappointment with Henrietta and Tabitha as well.
Speaking of which..... this is just a side note.... I always wondered, what women think, when they break up a relationship and steal the guy. Becauce frankly, if he is willing to cheat on his gf and leave her for another just like that, he will do that again. So if Henrietta managed to break Louise and Saito apart....... what does that say about Saitos character? Could she trust him after this? Or does she think that she is so much more awesome than Louise and he would never do the same to her, what he did to Louise? I got to ROFL at that!!!!

Speaking of Tabitha, so she wants to "hatch an egg" and understandably, she wants to do it with the person she likes. But really, if she just wanted a kid, she could do with whoever. Also, would somebody be so kind and enlighten me on whats going on in her head? She wants to become queen AND before that to have an illegitimate child with a commoner? I fail to follow her logic.

demonkevy666 2012-02-13 12:02


Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen (Post 4002826)
lol, you seem to be under the impression that a princess is suppose to be dignifying, that's only a fantasy :p The truth is adultery is not that uncommon among people of power.

women killed chivalry a long long time ago. lol

I thought it was kind of nice seeing Louise being a little honest with her self about Saito.

um did everyone forget Saito took on an army by himself >_> ?
manliness level ??? unknown. Doesn't surprise me.

warita 2012-02-13 13:41

I just got feedback that Henrietta never meant to break up Louise and Saito..... she just wanted to share him.

Please do tell me anonymous criticizer: in what universe would Louise agree to it? And since when is it socially acceptable to "share" a guy and since when is it morally acceptable do share him behind the girlfriends back?

Xaturas 2012-02-13 15:44


Originally Posted by warita (Post 4003995)
I just got feedback that Henrietta never meant to break up Louise and Saito..... she just wanted to share him.

Please do tell me anonymous criticizer: in what universe would Louise agree to it? And since when is it socially acceptable to "share" a guy and since when is it morally acceptable do share him behind the girlfriends back?

Morality is made up by current social culture and beliefs.
Even in current world you can find places where is socially/morally/religiously acceptable to have more wifes, as long as you can afford to feed them and give them a proper life.
Dunno how it was made in the evolution of our time that people thought that man should only have 1 woman.

ZNT world is different world, we don't know all of it secrets and quirks, still you could compare it to middle ages more or less. Its not something new that people of *power* such as kings/nobles had mistress. There was a wife and a womans such as Siesta who did what the wife didn't want to, or didn't have time to. It worked both ways.

I don't want to get into Louise psyche, but she already agreed to share Saito with Siesta, and who knows what she will agree to later on.
I and many people already said that for us Louise is a Bad End, and any other girl is Good End, some may think that Henrietta should be True End, but thats our opinion and we have all the rights to diss Louise in any way we wish.
Frankly Louise is such a person that its so easy to diss her that its not even funny, she has so many cons compared to her pros that I would call it a bad taste to diss her as she's already pitiful.

warita 2012-02-13 16:19

If I were Saito, I wouldnt go for Louise either....

But that was not my point at all.... and in the universe where Louise lives polygamy is obviously not accepted..... so thats where I am coming from. And thats all I am saying.

Nanaya 2012-02-14 14:31


Originally Posted by warita (Post 4004202)
If I were Saito, I wouldnt go for Louise either....

But that was not my point at all.... and in the universe where Louise lives polygamy is obviously not accepted..... so thats where I am coming from. And thats all I am saying.

Not accepted does not mean not practiced. Besides, Louise's mom is the illegitimate daughter of a previous king of Tristain, right?

We're not even sure what the laws are in respect to concubines and mistresses, which isn't really polygamy because you're not married to them.

Tabitha's gone in the novels or does she still play a role? Or are we just getting original stuff on her in this season?

monsta666 2012-02-14 19:38

Finally caught up with Zero no Tsukaima; I am a bit surprised that no story has really materialised as yet unless you count a bunch of cat fights as a plot. Saito is behaving like a horny dog and his words are a only as good for the time it passes through the wind. Louise rightly has every reason to get mad at him but her competitors not only encourage Saito to stray but are more than ready to bounce on any leftovers Louise leaves behind.

It really puts Louise in a weak position and she has been forced to ramp this relationship up a notch or several lest some other girl steals a march on her! lol It is almost like these girls are giving Louise her marching orders. Ah but at least Louise has to come out from under her shell and not indulge in such childish behaviour like she did in previous seasons it is just too bad that every girl will take any opportunity to interrupt any potential loving making session Louise and Saito try to undertake.

Texas84 2012-02-14 20:32

Louise is getting on my nerves. Time for Saito to go full School Days on the other girls.

djmaca 2012-02-14 20:54


Originally Posted by warita (Post 4003995)
Please do tell me anonymous criticizer: in what universe would Louise agree to it? And since when is it socially acceptable to "share" a guy and since when is it morally acceptable do share him behind the girlfriends back?

Not the anon-crit: "In a femnazi world, where men = manslaves"

Joking aside. The act of having a mistress seems still acceptable in some parts of the modern world. Muslims can marry as much as they can support. The upper curst of society is plagued with kept women.

And Henrietta did openly state she wants to "share" with Louise(the legal wife). Making Henrietta the mistress here.


FlareKnight 2012-02-15 02:44


Originally Posted by djmaca (Post 4006287)
Not the anon-crit: "In a femnazi world, where men = manslaves"

Joking aside. The act of having a mistress seems still acceptable in some parts of the modern world. Muslims can marry as much as they can support. The upper curst of society is plagued with kept women.

And Henrietta did openly state she wants to "share" with Louise(the legal wife). Making Henrietta the mistress here.


Well of course it's fine for Henrietta to "share" there's nothing but gain for her in that scenario. Less reason for Louise to willingly go along with it. Of course if Henrietta actually cared about Louise's feelings she wouldn't be trying anything in the first place.

I still think the only solution for SaitoxLouise is literally for them to go back to his world. His harem power doesn't seem to work there so they'd finally be safe. Life wouldn't be luxurious anymore...but if it meant ditching all the competition almost think Louise would go for it :heh:.

warita 2012-02-15 09:10


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 4006693)
Well of course it's fine for Henrietta to "share" there's nothing but gain for her in that scenario. Less reason for Louise to willingly go along with it. Of course if Henrietta actually cared about Louise's feelings she wouldn't be trying anything in the first place.

Thanks for saying that, you put it in better words than me.

Well, as for the whole sharing business and whether it is acceptable or not... let me say this:

I guess there would be nothing wrong with Henrietta being the occational mistress, if thats what she wants (and I have my doubts here. Who would want to play the second choice long term?).... The real issue here is, that Louise doesnt want this. Period. Her relationship with Saito and her wish to have an exclusive relationship with him is to be respected.

But it is true, that Saito is kind of inviting this behaviour by not being straight forward about his feelings and intentions with Louise. He could easily put an end to all of this, like he did in the past episode, when he told Henrietta how he feels about Louise.

Deathscyther 2012-02-15 18:23

Wow, finally caught up. I had to rewatch the first 3 seasons first.:heh:

It is apparent that the anime changed quite a lot in comparison to the novels. So I guess I'll just stop comparing the two. I'll just read the remaining novels when and if they're translated. The anime is pretty fun on it's own as well.:)

The beginning of season 4 was pretty good imo. The action scenes were pretty nice and I like Louise and Saito bonding more and more.
There is something I don't like though. It feels like the anime is kind of forcing the others girls to constantly be around Saito and Louise. I don't mind it if there is a reason for them to be there, but it often feels like they're just there for the sake of ruining a moment between Saito and Louise or for fanservice.

This applies espcially for Siesta. She has been pretty annoying lately. It's sad, because I used to like her back in season 1. Didn't she tell herself that she would give up on Saito if he and Louise are in love with each other? She should be able to understand that this is indeed the case. She still refuses to step out though. Especially her constantly sleeping in the same bed as Saito and Louise is becoming very annoying. It feels so forced to me, just a reason to keep their relationship from developing too much. I like her antics with Louise as long as Saito is not around though.

Although the start of the season was pretty good, the last few episodes didn't really feel like ZnT to me though. Somehow it felt like a regular harem anime. Maybe the silence before the storm? I didn't really like it, but I guess we did get quite a lot of development in the love area.

I think these last few episode were meant for Saito and Louise to become truly honest with their feelings. All of this (everyone trying to 'claim' Saito) mostly happened because Saito wasn't clear towards others about his feelings for Louise. He's very honest about these feelings when he's alone or with Louise, but he wasn't honest about these feelings when other girls tried to make a move on him. He was easily seduced by them as well.

The explanation Saito gave this episode is that he's basically used to living a careless life, that he didn't have to think things through before doing them in the past, that he just lived day to day. He thought this was the way to become an adult. That's why he went along with the flow and acted like a 'harem male lead' when he had the chance. He didn't think about he consequences his actions would bring.

After falling for Louise he slowly started to change. But it was only after he nearly lost her during Joseph's arc that he finally realized that he only wants to be with her, even if it means not returning to his world. He realized that she's his reason to live. Only now he understands that he has been acting like a fool all this time. He wants to be with Louise, so he can't live like that anymore. He has to change for her.

He was finally able to tell this to Henrietta as well. (If she or Tabitha makes another move on him after they clearly heard his true feelings, they completely lose all respect from me) I hope Saito will show this conviction to all other girls from now on. If he's able to tell Henrietta, he should be able to tell the others about his true feelings too. It would make things a lot easier for him and Louise.

I liked the romantic scenes between Saito and Louise throughout the season though. I think their relationship IS developing. Especially Louise is putting a lot of effort and I think she's grown a lot since the beginning. She's not the withdrawn, proud, arrogant girl she was in the beginning anymore. She opened up to her friends and especially Saito.
First it was only Saito making moves on Louise, but in the last few episode Louise seems to be making lots moves on Saito as well. She doesn't seem to care that he's her Tsukaima or a plebeian anymore. She's also able to honestly tell him that she wants to be with him, which she had trouble with in the past.
She is constantly trying to get closer to Saito and gets hurt because he lets the other girls make moves on him. She constantly feels betrayed and sad because of this and takes it out on Saito (who deserves it most of the times).

But now that Saito realized his mistakes (and Henrietta and Tabitha should be out of the way) I hope they'll continue to improve their relationship. I guess Louise's final opponent, Tiffania, will come into play now.

I hope the next arc will feel like ZnT again.

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