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Mr. DJ 2012-03-21 19:36


Originally Posted by Taco Bell (Post 4064687)
well its pretty much 99% confirmed that probably grimmjow and stark are going to be alive too seeing as they were like the "good guy" arrancars along with halibel. Its nice to see somebody good dying for a change. Were making progress 500 chapters later! Also aizen needs to come back and destroy everyone.

Grimmjow is just MIA.

Frailty 2012-03-21 19:43

I'm going to quote something from the other thread


Originally Posted by sayde (Post 4064639)
Actually in the short novel that was released, she seemed to have denied the offer to take over HM, even though her fraccion highlighted the fact that she was now the strongest known resident. This was the translated quote:
Spoiler for harribel:
Take it as you will.

so, does that mean that Stark is dead?

Bonta Kun 2012-03-21 20:09

So a funeral for a soul of a dead person?

Does that make sense to anyone or should I simply accept it as whatever and roll with the punch?

Well actually was a pretty decent cahpter if only for Nel and Hali showing up again!
Nothing like seeing some of the best under boobage you'll see....altho in this case just boobage now:D:naughty:

kitten320 2012-03-21 20:17

Did Kubo die and someone took over his work?
a) A positive character with name actually died! Ok, it was almost a none existent character but hey, at least it's better than what we had in the last 484 chapters

b) Oh my, Kubo actually remembers that some of espadas were still alive! Poor Halibel, always gets the shortest end of the stick. Let's wait for ice boy to save her now.
Hmmm... I wonder what Grimmjaw is up to then.

TrueElements 2012-03-21 20:28

..............Characters that aren't main characters are actually being reuse?!?!?! MADNESS!!!bleach may develop some kind of plot tie in soon O_O

Eragon 2012-03-21 20:54

Finally someone's dead:D No wait, I shouldn't be happy over someone's death. Damn you Kubo:frustrated: you've turned me into sadist.
On another note, killing someone who didn't even have much of a presence, bringing back characters that he forgot, showing the villain actually killing someone,.......seems like Kubo's trying hard to make right his wrongs. But its a lost cause. :sad:

HiddenMessage 2012-03-21 21:19

^ Ichimaru Gin died. :( Of all the useless garbage in the series, the one who had to die was a awesome character to show death was possible.
And oh yay.... more things/people who needs saving.

Lord of Pandemonium 2012-03-21 21:20


Originally Posted by Liwyn (Post 4064676)
I don't know what to say, so I'm just going to write what I thought while I was reading this chapter.

Oh my god. OH MY GOD! oh my GOD! OH MY GOD!!! oh my god... OH MY GOD! OH MY GOOOOOOD! OHhhhhh my GOD! oh my GOD. Oh. My. GOD. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! OH MY GOD!

I thought you were a yaoi fangirl? :eyebrow: You found Bondage Harribel that amazing? :uhoh: I would never have thought you had an interest in anyone but gay males :heh:

Allow me to crush the dreams of a few fanboys :p


No rape fantasy for you!!!!!:heh:

As for the Quinranccar.....I guess it's just like Shinigami. Hollows were originally human and I guess some were Quincy before Hollification and then became Quinranccar when they reached some form of enlightenment

So Zangetsu's brother is ruthless. I f--king love characters that maim and kill. HE GETS A PASS FROM LOP!!!

And....NO ONE BUT AIZEN can come up with a plan like that. I think Bondage Aizen will return soon. :D

well that's it for me. I have to head back over to Vega...I really want to see Kagura stick his fang into Mikono...ciao!

Eragon 2012-03-21 21:35


Originally Posted by HiddenMessage (Post 4065288)
^ Ichimaru Gin died. :( Of all the useless garbage in the series, the one who had to die was a awesome character to show death was possible.

I think its better that he died at a time when Bleach was still good. I would not want to see an awesome, badass character like him in any of this mess. Gin's way too cool for this shit.


Originally Posted by HiddenMessage (Post 4065288)
And oh yay.... more things/people who needs saving.

*Sigh* Kubo better not show Ichigo saving Grimmjow.

HiddenMessage 2012-03-21 21:56

That's nothing new, Ichigo somewhat saved Grimm Jay from Nnoitra's kick-the-dead-dog-attack. What would kill my last shred of respect for Bleach is if Grimm pull a Renji and go all butt-buddy with Ichigo.

MidnightViper88 2012-03-21 21:58

Oh, poor VC of the 1st whose name I can't remember...You were sacrificed for the greater good to revive Tits McGee from the dead...You were missed...

...past tense, of course...Because now I'm actually excited for Bleach again, now that Nel and Halibel are reintroduced into the fold...I've always wondered if Grimmjow would ever come back, since he was sparred by Ichigo, and you don't just get sparred by the main character as an enemy without coming back to pay off a debt, so this would be as good an opening as any...

Everything else is still...ehh

Frenchie 2012-03-21 22:04


Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium (Post 4065290)


Rule #34

Black-Cat-Sama 2012-03-21 22:30


Originally Posted by Streetor (Post 4065096)
So, they killed off a VC who didn't even get to show off his zanpakotou powers and whose only real fight was ended with a 1 hit KO.

Poor guy

Well he released his sword that one time... Although we can always go to the anime if you really want to see the zanpaktou's power explained or tried to be ;] something about lightning and rain lol. But yeah..poor Sasakibe =/..couldn't even get a sword clash in with arrancar back in the 'war'.

Here's hoping more of Soul Society goes down in some epic shiet!

Eragon 2012-03-21 22:36


Originally Posted by HiddenMessage (Post 4065340)
That's nothing new, Ichigo somewhat saved Grimm Jay from Nnoitra's kick-the-dead-dog-attack. What would kill my last shred of respect for Bleach is if Grimm pull a Renji and go all butt-buddy with Ichigo.

NOOOOOOO, I would die before I see that happen or we could kick some sense into Kubo:heh:

kk2extreme 2012-03-22 01:21


Originally Posted by Haak (Post 4064917)
I was thinking that too but I'm pretty sure it was unintentional. Besides it couldn't possibly make any sense. How can a dead person, let alone a dead person without a soul somehow reproduce? And how would they grow so quickly? And how many times would he have to...err...well...:heh:

Halibel is now Lilith :confused:

I don't care, I just want my Stark back

Xagzan 2012-03-22 09:00

I'm finding myself curious as to how this chapter did in the Jump rankings this week...

Mangs 2012-03-22 09:04


Originally Posted by Taco Bell (Post 4064687)
that probably grimmjow and stark are going to be alive too seeing as they were like the "good guy" arrancars along with halibel

Uhm, how the hell is grimmjow a "good guy". There was absolutely zero good in him, he was a crazy ass beast who wanted to kill everything in his path.


Originally Posted by vansonbee (Post 4064786)
I usually read Bleach first and save my favorites, but seeing Halibel again means there a possible chance of Ulquiorra coming back.

Halibel was only cut down, Ulquiorra turned to dust. I wouldn't get my hopes up :P

Out of all the arrancars, I say the only ones who didn't die permanently would have to be Grimmjow, Halibel and Stark, everyone else had a really convincing death-scene.

Kyero Fox 2012-03-22 12:09

Looks like someone totally missunderstands.

He did NOT go around killing people, Instead he was only interested in fighting the strongest person. Think of him as Bleach's Android Saga Vegeta. Bad guy at first then..some what good at the end.

Liwyn 2012-03-22 13:02


Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium (Post 4065290)
I thought you were a yaoi fangirl? :eyebrow: You found Bondage Harribel that amazing? :uhoh: I would never have thought you had an interest in anyone but gay males :heh:

Allow me to crush the dreams of a few fanboys :p


No rape fantasy for you!!!!!:heh:

I am a yaoi fangirl, but I love Halibel and Nel :D

kitten320 2012-03-22 13:15


Originally Posted by HiddenMessage (Post 4065288)
^ Ichimaru Gin died. :( Of all the useless garbage in the series, the one who had to die was a awesome character to show death was possible.
And oh yay.... more things/people who needs saving.

Gin was a bad guy for biggest part of the show and barely cared about anyone else except Matsumoto. His death does not count as good character death.

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