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Kaioshin Sama 2010-12-02 02:43


Originally Posted by darkchibi07 (Post 3363255)
Trailer promo is out!

Every fibre of being wants to just leave one long post of "ahahaha", followed by the best laughing emoticon I can find, but that will probably just lead to a confrontation with relentlessflame and it would be decidedly low content, but man I just can't get over how much this looks EXACTLY like every show Kyoto Animation has done for the past 3 years right down to the regular cast list of Minoru Shiraishi and regulars who only ever seem to work with Kyoani or are flat out brand new.

I have to wonder if this really the best set of talent they are capable of scrounging up (do they not have a lot of contact with the rest of the industries seiyuu, writers, directors, animators etc?), because it's getting more than a little bizarre at this point that they haven't tried to expand their in any way shape or form.

Surefire hit with the usual crowd, but wow......the blandness of the music and washed out colour pallet just says it all doesn't it?:heh:

Ya'll have fun with that 4-girl-koma slice of life show ya hear! And I'm sure I'll be hearing about this one a lot come 2011.

CrowKenobi 2010-12-02 03:09

I knew something was missing... :rolleyes:

Kaioshin Sama 2010-12-02 03:22


Originally Posted by CrowKenobi (Post 3372406)
I knew something was missing... :rolleyes:

Yes, well I've been on a lot of shows cases lately (even the ones I've been enjoying) so you can consider this making the rounds if you haven't already. :D

I guess I'll also add that for an OVA, and one by Kyoani (who are supposed to be known for their higher quality animation) to boot, what I've seen in this trailer doesn't look very well or interestingly animated like the majority of OVA trailers that are coming out recently. Granted the material doesn't really necessitate it, but it's an OVA for crying out loud, this is the chance to have animation that is a cut above what you'd see in a TV series and get more people really interested and paying attention. Unless as mentioned above they really don't care too much about expanding their brand beyond the core audience of devoted fans at the moment and are simply anticipating their purchase regardless of any other factors.

I wish there was some insight into the Kyoani executive's decision making process because I am genuinely interested in whether their business plan is as the cynical side of me sees it, but what can you do eh?

Leo Keichi 2010-12-02 22:53

I'm mildly interested in the series.

Wasn't there a boy who was like, the main character of the story in the manga? Didn't see him in the trailer. Is KyoAni gonna cut him out? :uhoh:


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 3372426)
I guess I'll also add that for an OVA, and one by Kyoani (who are supposed to be known for their higher quality animation) to boot

This is a thing of the past, pre-K-On.


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 3372426)
I wish there was some insight into the Kyoani executive's decision making process because I am genuinely interested in whether their business plan is as the cynical side of me sees it, but what can you do eh?

I've read an interview where somebody of the staff said KyoAni decided to stick to moe anime, because it's easier to make. I was waiting for a Little Busters announcement, but I'm not so sure anymore, with Angel Beats being made by P.A. Works. So 4koma adaptations are what they must do for quite some time now.

Tyabann 2010-12-03 00:12


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 3372394)
washed out colour pallet

That is clearly intentional. I bet you complained about Pandora Hearts too.


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 3372426)

It's a preview episode for the TV series.


Originally Posted by Leo Keichi (Post 3373640)
Wasn't there a boy who was like, the main character of the story in the manga? Didn't see him in the trailer. Is KyoAni gonna cut him out? :uhoh:

That's Shiraishi's character, I believe, and he's really more like an amusing side character. Regardless, I think KyoAni will cut his role by a large margin, given how many of their fans on this site and elsewhere seem to absolutely DESPISE good male characters.


Originally Posted by Leo Keichi (Post 3373640)
This is a thing of the past, pre-K-On.

Wait two weeks and say that again.


Originally Posted by Leo Keichi (Post 3373640)
I was waiting for a Little Busters announcement, but I'm not so sure anymore, with Angel Beats being made by P.A. Works.

Thankfully, PA Works never does adaptations. Furthermore, I'd trust JC Staff more with Little Busters than I would with PA or KyoAni.

Midonin 2010-12-03 00:20


Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon (Post 3373725)
given how many of their fans on this site and elsewhere seem to absolutely DESPISE good male characters.

Isn't that a sweeping generalization? These broad judgements seem a little bit insulting to a large group of people.

Kaioshin Sama 2010-12-03 01:15


Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon (Post 3373725)
That is clearly intentional. I bet you complained about Pandora Hearts too.

Yes, I am aware it was intentional, but I still maintain that it gives the whole work a feeling of blandness upon first impression. Also I would have had to have actually watched or cared about Pandora Hearts in order to complain about it. Thing is I'm not really complaining here, as I said above we're dealing strictly with first impressions, like how when you see a movie trailer as your first exposure to something and form your first impression based on that.


It's a preview episode for the TV series.
It's still an Original Video Animation in that it operates outside of the need for the production schedule to follow alongside a regular television schedule. Without the restriction of a commitment to a certain schedule and number of episodes I would have expected to see something a little more outstanding than the average TV fare in this trailer, especially for something that is also meant to preview and open a work. Then again perhaps not, but then comes the obvious follow-up of how this bodes for what the television series is going to look like. Again Kyoto Animation built a strong following based on above average animation for television series, where is that these days? That's not something they can afford to let slip I would think, and it's also an area where I would kind of expect to see them attempt to stay ahead of the curve, not fall within or behind it.


Originally Posted by Midonin (Post 3373736)
Isn't that a sweeping generalization? These broad judgements seem a little bit insulting to a large group of people.

Yes, well I will say that I for one do not despise good interesting and strong male characters. In fact I long for more in this current age of anime where it seems like every other male lead is doomed to play patsy to an overbearing tsundere female.

I also kind of have to agree with the generalization charge, but I don't take it as an insult by any means because I'm sure it wasn't intended that way. Still, it'd be nice if people would consider more closely whether any given individual would even find what Shiraishi offers to be in tune with what is considered a good male character (I for one found him annoying beyond reproach in Lucky Star) before they start throwing out accusations of people hating good male characters.

Tyabann 2010-12-03 04:55


Originally Posted by Midonin (Post 3373736)
Isn't that a sweeping generalization? These broad judgements seem a little bit insulting to a large group of people.

One of my biggest conflicts with K-On fans back in the day was about whether male characters should even exist in anime. :heh:

Also, I said 'many', not 'most', or 'all'. That isn't a generalization, merely a statement of which the validity is arguable.


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 3373803)
Yes, I am aware it was intentional, but I still maintain that it gives the whole work a feeling of blandness upon first impression. Also I would have had to have actually watched or cared about Pandora Hearts in order to complain about it. Thing is I'm not really complaining here, as I said above we're dealing strictly with first impressions, like how when you see a movie trailer as your first exposure to something and form your first impression based on that.

That is where our tastes differ, then. I happen to like the faded colors.


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 3373803)
Again Kyoto Animation built a strong following based on above average animation for television series, where is that these days? That's not something they can afford to let slip I would think, and it's also an area where I would kind of expect to see them attempt to stay ahead of the curve, not fall within or behind it.

Looks relatively decent to me, animation-wise. Keep in mind that this OVA will likely come not long before the TV series is released, at a time when they are also working on a theatrical production and god knows what else, and that KyoAni is a relatively small studio.

I'd just like to say that I don't think I'll even LIKE Nichijou. I'm just arguing in its favor because I've read some of the manga and it's nothing like K-On, even though certain people are probably going to assume that it is.

Kaioshin Sama 2010-12-03 16:38


Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon (Post 3373996)
KyoAni is a relatively small studio.

They have about 4 office buildings (2nd only to Sunrise among major anime studios) and a regular employee count in the hundreds last time I checked, but okay whatever you want to believe in that's fine with me.

Though I must say I'm honestly surprised people still believe in the whole Kyoani is a small studio myth? If that were the case then by what standard could a studio be considered large I wonder....

Tyabann 2010-12-03 16:43


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 3374686)
Though I must say I'm honestly surprised people still believe in the whole Kyoani is a small studio myth? If that were the case then by what standard could a studio be considered large I wonder....

Hmm? I thought they only had about sixty employees. Guess they've increased in size recently.

Either way, they only work on one anime ever couple of seasons, unlike JC, BONES, or Sunrise, who usually have at least one or two shows per season, so they must not have very large animation teams...

Kaioshin Sama 2010-12-04 01:58


Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon (Post 3374693)
Hmm? I thought they only had about sixty employees. Guess they've increased in size recently.

Either way, they only work on one anime ever couple of seasons, unlike JC, BONES, or Sunrise, who usually have at least one or two shows per season, so they must not have very large animation teams...

If you have the time I think you should read this article and after that if you still have time come back and read what I have to say in the next paragraph.

Read the article? :) Alright, now you might understand why I am about to say that I'm pretty sure the one show a season thing is another myth. For starters, why have four studio buildings if you are not going to be putting them to use to split up teams in order to work on different projects simultaneously? For another, having 10 times the number of regular employees that Sunrise does (and I can't even begin to imagine how many people that is), unless they have a massive group of workers that are idle the majority of the time, they must have some simultaneous projects going on otherwise what the heck are all those people doing? Finally the K-On and Haruhi S2, Haruhi film and K-On season 2 works must have seen some overlap in production since they all came out within the span of about a year. It would certainly go to explain why they have 4 buildings at current count.

Obviously the only way to put this to the mythbuster test is to obtain a log of the companies production schedules, but I'd say that there is a lot more evidence to support the theory that they do have overlapping productions compared to the pure speculation required to come to the conclusion that they don't.

And what does this have to do with Nichijou? Absolutely nothing! So in an effort to not trigger post deletion I will now proceed to shut the hell up.

applejuice 2010-12-04 03:17

Umm... few things to point out.

1. It is still unconfirmed whether this is getting actual TV series or not. It's still a rumour stage, but it is likely this getting TV adaptation still as OVA is named 'episode 0'. One of the newbie seiyuu 'accidently leaked' that Nichijou will be spring release, but the part where it says 'Spring Broadcast' is now deleted.

2. About that article, comparing Sunrise and Kyo-ani is ridiculous. Sunrise and Toei are largely focused on so-called 'main-stream' animations airing on golden time, when Kyoto animation is more of 'late night airing' series. Income from DVD sales are totally dependent on contract between the distributors and providers, not really much on business model or its size.

Sunrise uses tons of freelance animators, which is the main reason why they don't need much in-house employees from the start.

3. Sunrise has 'offices' in TEN different buildings, when Kyoani has four. The thing is, it's an "office per building", not entire. SHAFT and Toei has a single huge building by themselves without having divided offices. Number of offices does not necessarily means they are 'bigger'. You know how most of Kyoto animation product is focused on same production staffs all the time. What matter is number of 'core' staffs, not individual animators.

Tyabann 2010-12-04 03:25


Originally Posted by applejuice (Post 3375562)
1. It is still unconfirmed whether this is getting actual TV series or not. It's still a rumour stage.

The very fact that this OVA is titled "Episode 0" should indicate that there will be a TV series, if you ask me.

I do think it's a considerable waste of Ishihara's talent as a director, though.

totoum 2010-12-04 03:31


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 3375436)
If you have the time I think you should read this article


KyoAni is no more than a mom-and-pop shop in the industry

So the article says kyoAni is a small studio...

applejuice already pointed out other tings,like the fact that if you're not outsourcing anything you're going to need lots of employees

I can understand not wanting to discuss more here,there is a kyoAni thread in the 'general anime' section though.

Tatiana Razajev 2010-12-06 10:10

New Version of Trailer

Well, except for differences in shading, color, and possibly being a better quality upload, it's about the same. However it should be noted that the old video was made private.

boggart 2010-12-11 16:52

KyoAni really is a small studio. I've visited the studios in person, and I can say that applejuice is correct in saying that they are only offices in those buildings. I've only visited the main building and the 3rd building from that link above, so I can't say much about the 2nd and Tokyo branches listed.

A bit of trivia, the KyoAni shop is actually a tiny store one floor below the studio office in the 3rd building mentioned above.

billborden 2010-12-13 01:09

If this makes a full season--hell, if it makes 12 eps + 1 OVA--I'll be surprised. Very happy as I love the manga, but surprised none the less.

applejuice 2010-12-21 05:03

As expected, Nichijou is a new TV series releasing this April.

Lilith 2010-12-22 03:02

I love KyoAni because of their Key-adaption so I'm always looking forward to their shows. But unfortunately, it seems I'm gonna miss them this season too. I dislike the "genre" of Lucky Star, K-On and Nichijou. :p

But I'm still wishing them best of luck and pray this'll be their new cash cow. :D

applejuice 2010-12-22 03:25

^ Well, according to what I've heard, Nichijou falls better into 'Shafto ARAKAWA' and 'Gainaxu FLCL' mindfuck area astral gag than traditional Kyoani style. That's why I'm anticipating this anime more than I did with K-On.

Nichijou means daily life, but it will be NOTHING like it in fact.

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