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Utsuro no Hako 2011-08-28 22:18


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 3745446)
I don't get it. Why does Sui want to close the inn? Some weird aesthetic?

It's one thing to close down a business that's unprofitable.

Well, the inn is unprofitable, and it's only going to get worse once the new resort opens. And on top of that, she really has no one to pass it on to -- Enishi has shown himself to be utterly incompetent in business, Satsuki doesn't want it, and Ohana is too young. The only alternative is to give it to an employee like Tomoe or Ren -- and I'm not sure they could handle it -- or sell it to a stranger who might do god knows what to the place (and frankly, I don't think the employees would stick around if a stranger took over).


But to put half a dozen people out of work just because she doesn't feel like continuing?
She's an old woman in declining health who's devoted her entire life to this place. I don't begrudge her wanting to spend her last few years relaxing. Just think about it -- Ohana's been there, what, six months, and so far as we know, she and Sui have only had two conversations as grandmother and grandchild (when Sui was in the hospital and when Satsuki came to visit). That's gotta be hard on Sui, but as long as she's Madame Manager it's not going to change.

(Of course, we all know somethings going to come along to save the inn, most like Satsuki deciding to return to the fold.)

MeoTwister5 2011-08-28 22:44

Dammit man if Okada's going down this road again and this late, then I hope she puts all her effort into it. Other than that great episode, finally the show is back to doing what it does best. More comments later,

Austin1 2011-08-28 23:07

I can't wait for next episode where Ko shoots her down. Also, Tohru is 23 and handling these teen girl crushes like a boss. There is no way he would go out with Minchi or Ohana. They still act like children and he would get very annoyed with them pretty quickly.

Peanutbutter 2011-08-28 23:40


Originally Posted by Austin1 (Post 3746141)
Also, Tohru is 23 and handling these teen girl crushes like a boss. There is no way he would go out with Minchi or Ohana. They still act like children and he would get very annoyed with them pretty quickly.

Well, he's the last bastion of manliness in this series. :heh:

And yep, there could be two meanings to Sui's words at the end. Either she shuts Kissuiso down completely, and pass it to someone let them reorganise the place from scratch. Now which is it? :confused:

Triple_R 2011-08-28 23:46


Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo (Post 3746083)

Minchi... At times I love her because she's the only one in this cast who calls BS, and there's a lot of BS. But she's definitely not likable. She's not just anger-prone, but prone to violent anger and when she angers, she really tries to hurt. She has a fundamentally self-centered worldview and really needs to grow up.

My own view on Minchi is similar to your own. She basically needs to learn anger management, and also learn that some things (especially romantic attraction) comes down to personal taste, and there's not necessarily a "right" or "wrong" taste (this is especially important for a cook to learn, lol). Once Ohana said she had a crush on Ko, that should have been the end of it.

Leo_Otaku 2011-08-28 23:58

One of the best episodes for me since I really like Minko. There is something real about her...getting in Ohana's face is amusing too. Though you think she would tone it down later on XD

I liked this episode how things were resolved in a way and how the plot is progressing. Maybe people just want to retire *shrug*

vansonbee 2011-08-29 00:38

Finally finished watching episode 22 this late at night, even though I downloaded it this morning, this urge of not watching was all Minko fault! Her previous behavior in episode 21, really irritated me! I understood her frustration, but to solely blaming her failed one sided love on Ohana, is very petty. Now to the good parts regarding Ohana conversation w/ her mother, regarding her mom love life and constant observation of Minko repeatedly failed one sided love for Tohru, made her realize her true feelings for Ko. :p

Now I'm afraid of the return to the Tokyo arc, because Ko might of moved on w/ the bookstore girl , either way, this series portrayed one clear point across to me. It shows that Ohana has matured, she is different now, compared her first appearance in episode 1.

Originally Posted by Goggen (Post 3745739)
Oh come on... Obviously, Ohana has had feelings for Ko the entire time (don't tell me you didn't notice this, please), but has been trying to surpress those feelings (or been in denial). What's changed now, is she has come to accept it and decided to deal with it head-on. That is character development. I'm sorry you're not getting your fantasy yuri ending, but please don't talk as if the show has betrayed your trust or something by going in this direction when this is clearly where it's been heading from the get-go.

I agree entirely with your post, I'm lol@ other viewers, who didn't see Ohana feelings for Ko this entire time.

Originally Posted by Roger Rambo (Post 3745801)
They going to cram all the development with Ko in at the last minute?
See, I can't quite fathom how people can be watching Hanasaku Iroha THIS long, and still be surprised about the trolling.

It depends, if Ko rejects Ohana, that means he has develop, he has moved on with his life, but if he didn't, there no need to develop him further, because he has been already set-up as the sweet and good looking generic boy, while Ohana on the other side of the spectrum, she couldn't sort out her feelings till now, it was after all, the first confession in her life.

Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo (Post 3746083)
Beanman caught the bouquet. He and Jiromaru?

I was very pleased to see the series put on the big boy pants and deal with matters of consequence again. It's awkward because it's been so long and there were definitely some flat spots, but on the whole it was a good episode. Hopefully now that all the feelings are out in the open this whole never-was nonsense between Ohana and Tohru can be put away for good.

Agreed, I don't know where people get this :heh:, when it was a one sided for Tohru toward Ohana, plus he was never gonna do anything w/ her anyways, she just entertaining w/ her antics at the Inn.

Nice job blowing off your otouto's wedding, Satsuki. But getting Ohana off the pot and sending that note makes up for it. Hearing Yuina read that, oh my - I had to splash some cold water on my face. If only she'd been in a massage chair as she read it...
I lol@ the wet part of the message ^_^ Make sure its wet, my little brother!

black_star 2011-08-29 05:06

Anyone realize that the chara that talked with Enishi around 14:59 is voiced by Kimiko (nano.RIPE's vocalist)?
She also gave a song too for the wedding...

Also, i laughed hard at JiroXMame scene. :D

Haak 2011-08-29 05:55

Just about loved his episode to bits. I think Minchi's fight with Ohana was handled very well and when Ohana said she was still in love with Ko, I had to do a victory lap around my house. :heh:

creaothceann 2011-08-29 06:24


Though what did her mother mean with having a one-sided crush on Ohana's father? Makes me wonder how Ohana came to be...

ReddyRedWolf 2011-08-29 09:56


Originally Posted by creaothceann (Post 3746453)
Though what did her mother mean with having a one-sided crush on Ohana's father? Makes me wonder how Ohana came to be...

Why do I feel some DRAMA behind it. She made it sound like she's the other woman.

She says he's dead already. What did he dies of? Damn other than Mame-ji guys have a low life expectancy.:heh:

Considering her taste in men the father I picture would a be dirty old man who died of a heart attack.

Blaat 2011-08-29 11:07


Originally Posted by creaothceann (Post 3746453)
Though what did her mother mean with having a one-sided crush on Ohana's father? Makes me wonder how Ohana came to be...

Her father is dead, its kind of hard for a dead guy to feel any emotions (including love) hence her mum saying she has an one-sided crush on Ohana's father.

Guardian Enzo 2011-08-29 12:37


Originally Posted by ReddyRedWolf (Post 3746612)
Why do I feel some DRAMA behind it. She made it sound like she's the other woman.

She says he's dead already. What did he dies of? Damn other than Mame-ji guys have a low life expectancy.:heh:

Dead or in drag, that's how Okada likes her guys...

vansonbee 2011-08-29 13:58


Originally Posted by Blaat (Post 3746693)
Her father is dead, its kind of hard for a dead guy to feel any emotions (including love) hence her mum saying she has an one-sided crush on Ohana's father.

Woah, very unique interpretation :p

Goggen 2011-08-29 14:07


Originally Posted by black_star (Post 3746400)
Anyone realize that the chara that talked with Enishi around 14:59 is voiced by Kimiko (nano.RIPE's vocalist)?

Yeah. Kind of looks like her, too. Kind of.

Roger Rambo 2011-08-29 15:04


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 3746184)
My own view on Minchi is similar to your own. She basically needs to learn anger management, and also learn that some things (especially romantic attraction) comes down to personal taste, and there's not necessarily a "right" or "wrong" taste (this is especially important for a cook to learn, lol). Once Ohana said she had a crush on Ko, that should have been the end of it.

I'd personally argue that demanding Ohana to go out with Tohru at all was unreasonable. Minchi was operating from some kind of presumption that Ohana was inconveniencing Tohru...when in reality she felt like SHE was the one being inconvenienced and was lashing out.


Originally Posted by vansonbee (Post 3746219)
It depends, if Ko rejects Ohana, that means he has develop, he has moved on with his life, but if he didn't, there no need to develop him further, because he has been already set-up as the sweet and good looking generic boy, while Ohana on the other side of the spectrum, she couldn't sort out her feelings till now, it was after all, the first confession in her life.

That'd be pretty unsatisfying. I think it'd confirm everybody's feelings about Ko being a rather flat character. Right now I'm of the view point that there are two *good* ways to wrap things up with Ko. Both the endings could be equally good in my mind, but the execution on one is much more difficult (and from my perspective it's not preferred).

-Ohana has to win Ko back. This is done by having mother fucking adult conversations. Not making cutsey analogies about each other, or smiling or giggling like a pair of adorable ten year olds while creepy fans squee over how cute that is.

Some kind of catharsis being reached between the two after they thoroughly diss and call eachother out on their respective failings (Ko for running off from a confused Ohana after confessing, and Ohana for holding out on Ko for so long) would go so far in giving me more respect for the pairing.

-Ohana and Ko reconcile. They realize that they did used to really like each other but they've both changed/drifted so much that they don't know each other anymore. They amicably go their separate ways, clearing the water.

Ko acting out the part of a eternally passive, chaste virginal maiden waiting for the gallant Ohana to deflower would be kinda lame and ass pulled.

Triple_R 2011-08-29 16:10


Originally Posted by Roger Rambo (Post 3746912)
I'd personally argue that demanding Ohana to go out with Tohru at all was unreasonable.

Yes, but I can understand Minchi wanting to force the issue; wanting to force Ohana to recognize that Tohru has a crush on her and for her to deal with it. Ohana's obliviousness was making a bad situation much worse for Minchi, so I can't fault Minchi at all for wanting to force the issue with Ohana.

Could she have forced it in a better and more effective way? Most definitely. But this much alone I'll let slide for Minchi.

However, it's simply insane to ask a girl to confess to a guy when she's explicitly telling you that she has a crush on a different guy. :heh:

kk2extreme 2011-08-29 16:25


Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo (Post 3746782)
Dead or in drag, that's how Okada likes her guys...

I fear for Ren's life:uhoh:, how old is he really?

marcosius 2011-08-29 18:12

It's a shame that the animation was not in the same level than the plot.

PV: Did you notice that Satsuki arrives to the bookstore where Ko works in the trolling PV?

Goggen 2011-08-29 18:19


Originally Posted by marcosius (Post 3747087)
It's a shame that the animation was not in the same level than the plot.

I dunno, I thought the fight scene was pretty well animated.

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