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Tranhieu 2013-07-06 00:10


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 4748871)
Wrong series!
Here is your sub-forum:

Edited. Thanks :p

OverNOut 2013-07-06 00:33

Nice episode but its still slow and the next one looks like its gonna be equally as slow.
Its nice that they explained the whole Misaka 10031 and Misaka 10032 thing if not people might get confused again.

FlareKnight 2013-07-06 01:36

Damn, things just keep going further into the dark for Mikoto. At that point I really could feel the despair. Shutting this thing down just seems far beyond what she can do, but she can't turn away from it. She's already been run into the ground and mentally exhausted knowing every second she isn't solving this problem is a moment closer to another Sister getting killed.

That first experiment with Accelerator was interesting. Showed how detached he's become. He was legitimately affected by that first one. But at this point he can just blow them up or whatever.

Both Touma and Mikoto had horrible sights to witness. Mikoto helpless to stop another death and Touma...seeing the aftermath.

kaizerknight01 2013-07-06 02:10


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 4748911)
Damn, things just keep going further into the dark for Mikoto. At that point I really could feel the despair. Shutting this thing down just seems far beyond what she can do, but she can't turn away from it. She's already been run into the ground and mentally exhausted knowing every second she isn't solving this problem is a moment closer to another Sister getting killed.

That first experiment with Accelerator was interesting. Showed how detached he's become. He was legitimately affected by that first one. But at this point he can just blow them up or whatever.

Both Touma and Mikoto had horrible sights to witness. Mikoto helpless to stop another death and Touma...seeing the aftermath.

Let just say Touma has seen his fair of the grotesqueness in this timeline ... yup this arc is all about Mikoto's despair Imouto's apathy on their lives the tip of the iceberg of darkside of AC

Chaos2Frozen 2013-07-06 02:32


Originally Posted by OverNOut (Post 4748885)
Nice episode but its still slow and the next one looks like its gonna be equally as slow.
Its nice that they explained the whole Misaka 10031 and Misaka 10032 thing if not people might get confused again.

That's fine and all but there sure is a large number of "unclassified" information that they could divulge in this version...:twitch:

ReddyRedWolf 2013-07-06 02:41


Originally Posted by kaizerknight01 (Post 4748928)
Let just say Touma has seen his fair of the grotesqueness in this timeline ... yup this arc is all about Mikoto's despair Imouto's apathy on their lives the tip of the iceberg of darkside of AC

Touma here is a blank slate. Though not that different from the first incarnation.

You can take his memories and still be the same guy.

Which is why he can easily fool Mikoto.

But Touma cares whether she is a link to his past or not.

Chaos2Frozen 2013-07-06 02:49


Originally Posted by ReddyRedWolf (Post 4748940)
Touma here is a blank slate. Though not that different from the first incarnation.

You can take his memories and still be the same guy.

Which is why he can easily fool Mikoto.

But Touma cares whether she is a link to his past or not.

Actually, before this Kamijou did have a certain other incident...:uhoh:

Also, another reason he can fool Mikoto is because... Lets face it, she didn't exactly know him that well.

GoddyofAus 2013-07-06 03:17

It's quite obvious after watching this episode, smack bang at the halfway point, that JC Staff have busted their arses to make sure this was done properly and they've done an amazing job.

If this is the sort of thing we can expect from them now, I think I speak for every Raildex veteran when I say that I've never wanted Season 3 of Index more than I do now, and my fellow Raildex veterans know exactly why.

dniv 2013-07-06 03:44

The long Index hate discussion above me is really funny :heh:

I didn't think anyone could actually hate Touma so far here... I guess I was wrong :heh: He didn't even do anything wrong yet, so I don't see would anyone would be mad at him... Also, isn't any mention of future events a spoiler? I feel like there are so many spoilers in this thread it is somewhat ridiculous... You guys should tone it down. Some people still aren't sure about what is going to happen...

From the episode preview, I do know that next episode is probably going to be my favorite episode of this season though 12/10 (literally if executed perfectly).

Anyways, moving onto critiquing this episode:

I've already seen it 6 times. The stream 2 times. The raw 2 times. The subtitles 2 times. I've noticed a lot of details in this episode.

1st big comment: the scene with Mikoto's psychosis (talking to herself) was perfect. This was better than perfect. It was at the same level as Key-work if you get what I'm saying. This was perfectly done. Her despair reached a new peak and she couldn't handle it anymore and cracked under the pressure. She has slowly lost her ability to think rationally. We see this when she only talks about destroying everything related to the experiment: destruction.

Mikoto is temporarily (or longer than that) turning into an anti-hero. She's definitely not worthy of having the title of the person who destroys AC and being called perfect. This wouldn't end happily if she did things herself.

The first season of Railgun was about how Mikoto learned to rely on her friends and work together with them in order to overcome difficult challenges. This season, her friendship convinced Mikoto, not to involve her friends. This is why we can easily surmise that Mikoto needs to overcome this cherished protection of her friends in order to be able to solve the problem. This means she can either get her friends' help or Touma's help. Touma is already involved and seems to be asking her the details about the experiment next episode from the preview.

For this obvious reason, it seems good that Touma seems to be stepping in. Mikoto needs to rely on others and not do everything herself. It is bad to do everything yourself. If you do, you end up in the hospital every arc... :heh:

Mikoto is herself when she is not doing things by herself. She has a tendency to try to do things alone, but her personality "shines" when she is doing things in tandem with others. This is why she should get another persons' help whether it's Shirai's, Touma's, Kazari's, or Ruiko's help. (sorry for ranting xD)


OSTs this episode: 11/10 no joke. They had the same OST as the end of episode 5 for her crazy scene. This made that scene PERFECT 11/10.

Animation this episode: 11/10. This was significantly better than other episodes which I've already given a 10. So I'm giving this animation an 11/10. This was better than the ITEM arc and everything else in Railgun S except the opening. It's on par with the opening graphics (which says something pretty good about this episode).

Content this episode: The Touma scenes were great. Before I read all of the Touma hate... I was going to say: I like Touma here more than Index 1,2. I'm not sure what the difference is, but it's not the preaching... it's something else. (the animation quality obviously helps though :D).

This episode was called One-way road which is the Japanese etymology for Accelerator. This episode was therefore about him.

I really liked the way they showed how Accelerator seemed normal when he started the experiment. He almost said he was looking forward to training with another level 5 :heh: Considering this, he really was a lot more humble and mellow. He was not so arrogant. He also seemed to be somewhat nice... I mean, he did show MISAKA 1 a thing or two, but he didn't want to kill her obviously. I think I now see that he decided to agree with the fact that the clones are dolls merely because MISAKA 1 killed herself "because of Accelerator" because his reflect is on auto-pilot when he wasn't looking, so he didn't want to accept that he had killed a person. That's kind of nice. I never actually recognized this before.... I just thought that Accelerator thought that the clones were dolls because he was told this, not because of the psychological reason that believing this fact would mean that he wasn't a killer instead of being one...

(seeing that flashback, I doubt he was a killer back then or had purposely killed anyone. I don't think he had killed anyone either. He seemed mentally stable and was shocked at MISAKA 1's death).

Going back to the MISAKA 10031 scene... this was even more emotional than expected.

Mikoto watched 10031 die. I'm not sure if she knows that the MISAKA that died was the one she told to get out of her sight. She might know... if so... that would have made it even more painful... That sight was painful... This season really is excellent.

People really should give J.C. staff more credit here, this was an excellent adaptation, top-quality.

After 6 times watching it, it only got better.

The most tantalizing part of the episode of course it how it ends: Touma going to Mikoto's room... and Mikoto recognizing how to stop the experiment after hearing the phrase: "induce a level 6 shift by killing railgun 128 times..."

It's obvious these two things are ominous. This is what I've waited for since the beginning of the season and I was not disappointed. This was simply magnificent. I hope they finish the arc this well: (no wise-cracks about whoever is involved in it). This was just good story placement.

@GoddyofAus yes :D

Arararagi-Senpai 2013-07-06 04:29

It was a nice episode. You truly felt Misaka's despair not being able to save the Sisters. And that flashback when accelerator participated in the first experiment was interesting. He wasn't always a psyco killer, when he killed MISAKA, he was legitimately affected. It actually made me feel bad for him, just in that moment.

As for the rest of the episode, it's pretty much a retread of Index, so nothing to say in that regard.

Draco Spirit 2013-07-06 08:32

Another good episode, similar to early episodes, what there trying to do, is to add layers to the story, Railguns mental breakdown is great to watch.

Spoiler for Comparison to Index novels:

Hamster 2013-07-06 08:51

Maybe Misaka should know... ask Accelerator to stop killing her sisters.

Japanese always seem to do things in a round about way when all they have to do is tell the person directly.

Chaos2Frozen 2013-07-06 08:56


Originally Posted by Draco Spirit (Post 4749122)
Another good episode, similar to early episodes, what there trying to do, is to add layers to the story, Railguns mental breakdown is great to watch.

Started reading the Index novels recently, and its interesting to contrast they way the handle then scene with 10031 corpse, with the novel describing it in gory details, but Railgun S using the blood on the camera and Toma scream to imply the horrid details instead.

Which is a way to show the scenes impact without getting this episode made a 15 ;)

I'll be very disappointed if THAT is the 'purple stuff' which Kamijou saw...

Ilidsor 2013-07-06 09:03


Originally Posted by Hamster (Post 4749134)
Maybe Misaka should know... ask Accelerator to stop killing her sisters.

Japanese always seem to do things in a round about way when all they have to do is tell the person directly.

It's not really that simple. We know that Accelerator is subconsciously very conflicted, but to Misaka he's just the dirtbag killing her sisters.


Spoiler for Comparison to Index novels:

Spoiler for Reply to comparison:

Miraluka 2013-07-06 10:09


Originally Posted by Ilidsor (Post 4749144)
It's not really that simple. We know that Accelerator is subconsciously very conflicted, but to Misaka he's just the dirtbag killing her sisters.

Its worse when the first thing she do is attack him and throw all the blame on him :heh:.

But yeah, if she asked him to stop there was a high chance he will consider it a lot.

kaizerknight01 2013-07-06 10:43


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 4749192)
Its worse when the first thing she do is attack him and throw all the blame on him :heh:.

But yeah, if she asked him to stop there was a high chance he will consider it a lot.

given the situation, Accel killing the clone without hesitation and Mikoto saw what happen , i think it's not possible

lazydoggamer 2013-07-06 11:02

I'm seriously starting to doubt the sisters really learn from previous battle with Accelerator. I mean over 10000 deaths later and they're still using guns and going wtf when it doesn't work.

Kyouka 2013-07-06 11:21


Originally Posted by lazydoggamer (Post 4749254)
I'm seriously starting to doubt the sisters really learn from previous battle with Accelerator. I mean over 10000 deaths later and they're stilling using guns and going wtf when it doesn't work.

well what do you expect from clones =D

Miraluka 2013-07-06 11:51


Originally Posted by kaizerknight01 (Post 4749240)
given the situation, Accel killing the clone without hesitation and Mikoto saw what happen , i think it's not possible

I don't recall anyone being present and telling him to stop.


Originally Posted by lazydoggamer (Post 4749254)
I'm seriously starting to doubt the sisters really learn from previous battle with Accelerator. I mean over 10000 deaths later and they're stilling using guns and going wtf when it doesn't work.

Now can you blame Accelerator for thinking something isn't right with them?

ninryu 2013-07-06 12:52

Mikoto was so badass this episode I had to take screenshots.

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