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dearfuture 2016-07-03 00:31

Will Mr. XX show up ?

serenade_beta 2016-07-03 01:15

Spoiler for ep1:

Archon_Wing 2016-07-03 02:18

God, I love Chiwa Saito's voice acting, just skipping around in a borderline trololol kinda way. :heh:

com_gwp 2016-07-03 02:36

Jeebus, I can't imagine this first episode making much sense to anyone who didn't previously play the game. What an odd mish-mash of the game's opening chapter with story beats taken from all over the game.

At least there's no need for any further pretense; Rewrite is the most fantastical Key production there is, and in a very meta way, the most unlike of the typical stories they tell. I'm intrigued by this new take on the game even if it is, at first glance, looks like a bit of a mess. (A very fun, watchable mess.) It was always going to be difficult to make the story work in a TV series, and I don't mind the anime-original route they are taking; I only hope, based on this first episode, that Tanaka has a plan to this madness.

Alf 2016-07-03 03:18

As an anime only audience, I think the first episode worked quite well to introduce the characters as well as showing what kind of story is to be expected. Right from the start we got a monologue that seems to hint a loop type of story, and then there's a mysterious girl of clearly supernatural being seemed to have killed the MC and ended up like a dream. All the Key's usual character introduction comes after that.

This arrangement got me prepared for the supernatural part near the end, and the one hour first episode allowed the school life plus character introduction part to be done in the middle of the episode without feeling too rushed. This is a pretty good start and hope they keep it well handled.

Yamada II 2016-07-03 07:13

Episode 1

Koutaro is a fun guy. He was messing with the Yoshino, pissed him off, and then was like "why u mad bro?" lol. Why wouldn't he be mad?

So Koutaro is a mysterious guy. He has this ability to change his body strength according his needs which allows him to jump around from building to building or gives him super strength etc. The newspaper girl's notes on him made him even more mysterious. Lol mysterious loli enters his room and starts eating him. Kotori was cute. Ohtori's voice acting didn't feel up to the mark here. Ohtori and Kotori are related through the occult club. And Kotori is probably related to the witch. She did know that there was supposed to be a light switch over there with the weird sound switches. And that ribbon loli was weird, eating Koutaro and all.

They've gotten the introductions good I guess. Lol it started off with creation of the world to dinosaurs to humans first coming to the making of this harem. The visuals were nice too. The ribbon loli is a bit interesting. The supernatural part where Koutaro was running away from the loli and then ending up in some weird place with the chibis was interesting. Gonna give it some more episodes. At least.

Seihai 2016-07-03 07:33

^It's not a new thread, your post can still be viewed just 1 page back at:
Care to backtrack etc.

Marina2 2016-07-03 07:36


Originally Posted by MCAL (Post 5887721)
Also spot the Kanon reference? Even Romeo Tanaka knows what the best Key work is.

This? It is quite well hidden unless you remember characters surname :heh:

Benigmatica 2016-07-03 07:54

Episode 1:
It was an okay episode with all the character introductions and stuff. Can't wait for the next episode to unravel the mysteries surrounding this series!

Kanon 2016-07-03 10:05

I think they did a pretty decent job with this first episode. Got all the character introductions out of the way and introduced mystery elements to give viewers a better idea what the series really is about.

If the series is truly only 13 episodes long though, there's no way it won't end up being a disaster.

tsunade666 2016-07-03 11:12

I don't know what to say for the first episode pace but its fast. I liked the common route of the game but its slow.... if its not that funny, it would be boring. the mystery is too spread out in the common route that it would take you hours before something mysterious to happen. Here, the mystery was already presented. I liked it? this way... not sure but the first episode is indeed good.

felix 2016-07-03 12:13

Didn't understand a thing, but the MC is pretty okey.

The girls on the other hand... its like their characters came out of a cheeze grinder. Those school uniforms are pretty crazy too considering the tone of the rest of the school life parts.

orion 2016-07-03 12:38


Originally Posted by Marina2 (Post 5887921)
This? It is quite well hidden unless you remember characters surname :heh:

Go Ayu! :heh:

Klashikari 2016-07-03 13:04

Well, I'm not exactly too sure about how fast they went, especially with Pani and Gil stuff there, but at the very least, it doesn't beat around the bush.

While I understand what they tried to do, certain changes are a bit weird, presentation wise (nothing to do with the plot whatsoever)
Spoiler for very quick comparison with the VN:

I guess it is sort of ok, but the "adaptation" seems like it is destined to VN readers than actual anime watchers (which makes sense with their announcement that it would be original stuff).
Then again, aside of the relatively fast pacing, I'm still bugged by the washed out colors, smearing design and absolute lack of texture overall. Animation has no issue whatsoever though.

Seihai 2016-07-03 14:59


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5888307)
I guess it is sort of ok, but the "adaptation" seems like it is destined to VN readers than actual anime watchers (which makes sense with their announcement that it would be original stuff).

Can you explain why you think it's more for VN readers than anime only viewers because of it having original stuff? As an anime viewer myself, I figure it doesn't make a difference whether it's something original or a faithful adaption of a specific route. In fact, if it includes stuff that not even VN readers know/knew then I'm all for it since it will less likely invoke spoilerific posts.

Klashikari 2016-07-03 15:17

In general (and not going to mention them otherwise it would be hint-spoiler), there are elements that don't bear any meaning except if you know the original story already.
Unlike usual foreshadowing, the meaning of those points/scenes is arguably not possible to guess.

Thus far, they mashed elements from the game with "some sort" of anime only scenes to serve as a bridge since the timing/context of those scenes was different in the original game.

Wandering Soul 2016-07-03 15:59

The first episode worked out well. Introduced the characters while also setting up a mystery that gives some hints as to the plot.

Master_Yoma 2016-07-03 21:41

Well the girls are cute but and theres one way to get a girl to your place

Why is he freaking out do a cute girl sucking on him in his bed

orion 2016-07-03 22:20


Originally Posted by Master_Yoma (Post 5888758)
Well the girls are cute but and theres one way to get a girl to your place

Why is he freaking out do a cute girl sucking on him in his bed

I think he's pretty lucky that it was his arm, given the marks that she leaves behind. :heh:

Benigmatica 2016-07-03 22:35


Originally Posted by orion (Post 5888785)
I think he's pretty lucky that it was his arm, given the marks that she leaves behind. :heh:

Agreed, and it seems that the girl loves to drink Key Coffee and can't do any harm towards Koutarou... except for that dream sequence when she stabbed him with her ribbons!

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