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Klashikari 2006-11-24 13:06

Spoiler for slight spoiler about episode 7:

like vexx said, and the spoiler about episode 8, i'm afraid it will turn "pokemon"ish... "gotta have pactio all"... *chills in the spin* duh...

Kikaifan 2006-11-24 16:06


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 737860)
i'm a bit disappointed how SHAFT is going with the "partner" plot.
it's true the scenario is a fresh breath, but some parts of the original story are really missing, especially for Asuna, Konoka and Setsuna

Spoiler for MAJOR, don't read it until you have read at least the 5-6th volume:

the retold story is nice, but we are losing some depth of character relationship/background, i'm afraid :/

i'm aware this should definitavely be separated from the original story, but it's really too bad it doesn't keep some important origins for the main characters (especially that SHAFT could do this)

well... too much nitpicking ~~ (a big 8 for this episode anyway ^^ )

I feel the same way. I really like the animation but right now I'm just not interested in any of the characters because they're just a big sidekick variety show. Well, Evangeline remains aloof at least. I'm pleased with that.

Vexx 2006-11-24 16:21

I'm enjoying the show but have decided it should have been titled:
Negima!? A Freaking Big Pile of Omake!!!!

There's been about 5 minutes of actual plot line in the last six episodes and the rest is just skits and inverted character bits. Very entertaining :) but just mostly a lot of madness for now. (wanders off singing "Chupa, chupa, chupa ...")

Ashlotte 2006-11-25 02:17


Originally Posted by Darklightz (Post 748936)
At this rate Negi will have a pact with all the girls in the class!

*crosses fingers and silently hopes for some zazie screen time*


And yea the whole gun polishing thing with mana was abit...wierd...I mean shes a gunslinger and all but she shoots them not obsess over them. :heh:

Speaking of weapons...errr...just what the heck are those stick...things...that konoka busted out there. :eyebrow:

Vexx 2006-11-25 02:42

yeah, its not like we can't spot her striking beauty without the guns as a reference :) having her guns out all the time really reduces her dramatic entrances :)

darky 2006-11-25 11:58

this episode is ....

So So So So cool ...

I really liked Setsuna I had became her fan since this episode ...

Oh my beloved Setsuna

Furudanuki 2006-11-25 13:29


Originally Posted by Kimichi (Post 749494)
Speaking of weapons...errr...just what the heck are those stick...things...that konoka busted out there. :eyebrow:

Those are sticks that are used for a type of fortune telling or divination. I think it is called something like "Chien Tung" (sp?), though what she has could easily be some other variant. They showed Konoka using them for this purpose in episode #5 (starting about time mark 5:34 of the Mahora fansub).

EfrainMan 2006-11-25 14:35


Originally Posted by ImClueless (Post 748905)
I personally liked the ED since they added a chibi tambourine playing Konoka this time to join the chibi fan/sign? waving Asuna.

Actually, they look like maracas.

Ashlotte 2006-11-25 20:30


Originally Posted by Furudanuki (Post 749831)
Those are sticks that are used for a type of fortune telling or divination. I think it is called something like "Chien Tung" (sp?), though what she has could easily be some other variant. They showed Konoka using them for this purpose in episode #5 (starting about time mark 5:34 of the Mahora fansub).

AH I know what your talking about...Except im used to them being like singles and not all strung together like that... :heh:

Well that would certainly suit her then.

Mizuno 2006-11-26 02:40

Setsuna is probably the strongest partner of Negi in terms of raw power, isn't it? She was a formidable fighter already. I can't wait to see what happen if he makes a pact with Evangeline.

Damn, I envy Negi-kun. ^^;

Kikaifan 2006-11-26 03:00

You'd think there'd be diminishing returns at some point. Like he makes a Pactio with someone at the Lina Inverse level or up, and they're still leveling roughly a city a day.

xxxplizit 2006-11-27 02:09



Originally Posted by frad113 (Post 748252)
Mesousa anybody?

Haha! I saw that part. Random moment "of the year". :P

rooboy 2006-11-27 10:03


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 749064)
I'm enjoying the show but have decided it should have been titled:
Negima!? A Freaking Big Pile of Omake!!!!

I'd like to say that I love the new Negima!? show, but they should have just named it Pani Poni Dash season 2.

TnAdct1 2006-11-27 13:43


Originally Posted by rooboy (Post 751491)
I'd like to say that I love the new Negima!? show, but they should have just named it Pani Poni Dash season 2.

Either way, the new Negima series is way more interesting than what's currently going on in the original Negima manga (can you say "Namek?").

Klashikari 2006-11-27 13:48

that will depend which part you are talking about.

i must say that the chao's arc is simply fantastic : lots of characters development, while being the least plot holed arc. (the chara development event don't seem to be filler)

rooboy 2006-11-27 14:57


Originally Posted by TnAdct1 (Post 751669)
Either way, the new Negima series is way more interesting than what's currently going on in the original Negima manga (can you say "Namek?").

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree, I think the new manga arc (I'm assuming you're talking about the school festival arc) is great. But I also think Negima!? is interesting and funny. I just think you could replace the Negima characters with Pani Poni Dash characters with little to no effort and have it be just as funny/interesting.

Vexx 2006-11-27 15:07

If you mean what's going on in the Del Rey release version (volume 11) I might agree ... I'm finding the whole festival and tourney sequence kind of 'stretched thin' in terms of getting to know characters more intimately - it reads more like a news report in many sequences. For people who like action for the sake of action, it may be okay (but I'm finding that Ken has a tough time communicating movement in his frame sequences). There are many *segments* within the festival arc that I'm finding great (particularly relating to Nodoka, Mana, and Setsuna) ... so piece-wise I'm finding it satisfying.

If you mean the events up to the latest Japanese release, I used to follow the forums relating to that but they got spoilerish enough I decided to stop.

I'm simply not going to compare Negima!? to the manga -- they're two substantially different puppies. I happen to like them both.

Ashlotte 2006-11-27 18:49

Ill agree that the tournament sub-arc of the school festival got abit tiresome but it had some good pay offs there in terms of character development and such, so I wont completely trash it.

As for the non-tournament things there I loved it...Lots of great character interaction and more of the girls that where kinda in background moved more into the spotlight with their own storys.

As for the anime...To me I think its strong point so far is that it doesnt follow the manga too closely. I still havent finished my DVDs of the first season but so far im finding myself comparing it to the manga because they followed its story closely most of the time, which I guess wouldnt be so bad if I didnt find it so lacking when stacked against the manga. :heh:

Vexx 2006-11-27 21:36

I gave the ep an 8.... it would have probably been a 7 except for the "3 rare card" event and lots of Setsuna action. The episode (okay, this sounds odd) was very disjointed .... even for a Shinbou work. Usually even the random stuff (ala PPD/negima) fits in but this seemed to be out of whack a bit.

Fundamentally, I thought the faerie villian was just a bit lame --- probably would have been better if it were more vaporous or insubstantial, leaving some question about the antagonist (though the creature is obviously a pawn of the "boss villian")

Yue is getting a bit more screen time .... nice.

Nodoka's "rare" instantiation is absolutely great with her cloud of books ... she should become Google's mascot :)

And I'll bet the DVD incarnation of Setsuna with she spreads her wings is going to be pretty stunning. The encode of this episode seemed a bit "scratchy" for lack of a better way to put it.

TnAdct1 2006-11-28 14:28


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 752032)
Yue is getting a bit more screen time .... nice.

Also, it looks like Yue may be beginning to become suspicious of the world of magic.


Nodoka's "rare" instantiation is absolutely great with her cloud of books ... she should become Google's mascot :)
Count me in as another one who likes Nodoka's "armor" form. Along with a more colorful version of her "prototype" RPG outfit from the manga (complete with uber-kawaii bunny backbpack :love: ), I like the idea of how the books are floating around her (especially that bit where Chisame's chasing Nodoka, with the books following her as she runs for her dear life).

Finally, while I'm sure that Nodoka's "armor" form may cause some complaints to some manga readers, I personally like the idea that along with reading other people's minds, the floating books allow Nodoka to look up information about, among other things, various magic-related subjects. After all, given her love of books, her duty as a school librarian, and the fact that she's the fourth smartest girl academically in Negi's class, I kinda see Nodoka as the type of person who could be quite informative when it comes to various subjects.

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