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wingdarkness 2007-06-05 01:25

Hmmm, I wonder if someone were to poke Tomino's corpse and ask him about this new Gundam 00 vs. The unofficial death of C.E.; what would he say?

Yeah, LMAO Tomino prolly hates his own kids xD...

Nightengale 2007-06-05 01:34


Originally Posted by wingdarkness (Post 978675)
Hmmm, I wonder if someone were to poke Tomino's corpse and ask him about this new Gundam 00 vs. The unofficial death of C.E.; what would he say?

Yeah, LMAO Tomino prolly hates his own kids xD...

As if he cares about something he doesn't even watch.

wingdarkness 2007-06-05 01:42

^Woah you seem to be taking this whole C.E. dismissal a little hard T_T...Dry those tears...

Tomino saw his fair share of GSD eps, enuff to call everybody nuts, but yeah he's an old staunch man..Hopefully Gundam 00 or the lack of a true C.E. trilogy can calm his old nerves a bit...I mean he did create the genre, so even his heavy handed comments are worth some note....

Archer 2007-06-05 02:38

Tomino cares very little for the Gundam franchise in general, so I doubt he'll care about any new series that's coming out. This is a man who detests his own Gundam series to the point where he explicitly says not to buy the DVDs, after all (Victory Gundam, Zeta Gundam, etc.).

On another note, everybody knows that there's a strong dislike for the Cosmic Era and series associated with it, and that's fine. However, let's try not to create baseless assumptions because of that. Just saying.

overthere! 2007-06-05 10:56


Originally Posted by JagdPanther (Post 978592)
No, we need more team hopping. It wouldn't be a SEED story without mass amounts of defections.

Or another Muwa wannabe without a mask.

JagdPanther 2007-06-05 11:06


Originally Posted by overthere! (Post 979254)
Or another Muwa wannabe without a mask.

Reusable scenes, characters, lines.... Ah, the C.E.-verse. ^_^

zgmf-x19a 2007-06-05 11:43

Maybe having someone else work on the serie would be nice and please no reused scenes and no recaps I think it would be necessary to create baddies who are on Kira's level so we get real fighting and no more 'Kira's so good he doesn't need to kill anymore he just disables enemy units'
Fukuda did mess up big time altering nice characters e.g Cagalli who used to be an acting hero and in GSD turned out to be useless and only good at crying character
and not really bothering creating unique Gundams just taking them from other series or just making upgraded versions of old ones (Akatsuki = Hyakushiki Destiny = a 3 in 1 improved impulse Legend = upgraded Providence ) the story wasn't that good although I did enjoy watching the serie

galeon110 2007-06-05 19:49


D-KLAC 2007-06-06 00:09

gs series is still going besides there is the fan disc gs supernova.

also fanfic & etc besides there that gs the movie & also 3rd top secret season of gs.

cause the gs is really by far the most emotional, dramatic, feelings, contraverstal, shocking, omg, revolutionize, etc gundam series ever.

that i would even like to see gs remake into a live action tv series or movies!!!

mangatron 2007-06-06 02:29

Wasn't that Gundam Seed Club supposed to be animated? Whatever happened to that?

I say, nice way to trilogy it with that lol :heh:

Nightengale 2007-06-06 02:33


Originally Posted by mangatron (Post 980251)
Wasn't that Gundam Seed Club supposed to be animated? Whatever happened to that?

I say, nice way to trilogy it with that lol :heh:

GSC will be a special release coming along with the fandisk, so technically it's like an extra fan-material. It's not like it's large enough to considered a part of a trilogy.

Go to the other thread that discusses about it. We can see some mag-print screen teases...with Kira/Athrun playing Famicon with their freaking helmets! and CHIBI-LagoWe! Man, that's awesome as hell.

srb 2007-06-06 05:49


Originally Posted by D-KLAC (Post 980084)

cause the gs is really by far the most emotional, dramatic, feelings, contraverstal, shocking, omg, revolutionize, etc gundam series ever.

Is it now?

I'm sorry, but I fail to see how rehashing plenty of old Gundam concepts can make for a dramatic, controversial, shocking and revolutionizing Gundam series. GS is good, for sure, but I think you are.. well... a weeeeeee bit biased and that your judgement is clouded because of it.

aeriolewinters 2007-06-06 07:50

^and to think this guy hasn't watched a microsecond of, just lol...

He brags that he's only watched AC and

Skyfall 2007-06-06 11:16


Originally Posted by srb (Post 980442)
Is it now?

I'm sorry, but I fail to see how rehashing plenty of old Gundam concepts can make for a dramatic, controversial, shocking and revolutionizing Gundam series. GS is good, for sure, but I think you are.. well... a weeeeeee bit biased and that your judgement is clouded because of it.

It is the presentation that counts, not the originality of the content (what is "original" nowdays anyway :)), especially if we are talking about things like dramatic/shocking, which would be emotional reactions.

brightman 2007-06-06 12:47


Dramatic: I would say Seed is the most dramatic out of them all... In fact its so dramatic it comes off more as a J-dorama than a mecha show
Controversial: KxF s3x0r, nuff said
Shocking: Yes, the way Destiny was handled was PURE SUCKING!!!!! (oh wait...)
Revolutionizing: Seed revolutionized Gundam so much it is now THE Gundam series for many!!! Its so revolutionizing that its THE ONLY GUNDAM KIDS WATCH!!

So I agree wholeheartedly that Seed is the most dramatic, controversial, shocking and revolutionizing Gundam out there!

overthere! 2007-06-06 13:55

I never liked Gundam or Mecha in the past but when I stumbled upon Gundam Seed (actual human action), it really charged my view towards mecha anime. I've tried watching Gundam Wing before but it didnt suit my tastes. I'll probably give it a second go.

Last_Hope 2007-06-06 16:28


Originally Posted by overthere! (Post 981002)
I never liked Gundam or Mecha in the past but when I stumbled upon Gundam Seed (actual human action), it really charged my view towards mecha anime. I've tried watching Gundam Wing before but it didnt suit my tastes. I'll probably give it a second go.

Do give Turn A Gundam and Gundam X a chance aswell. Those two are heavily underestimated and thus rarely mentioned so a lot of people who are new to Gundam generally tend to miss out on them.

Since I donīt want to be solely off-topic.

I really want a third season but I donīt see one in the near future. If you think about it. Something a lot of cunning writers in here as already done.

Weīve already had two seasons of SEED. In a time where SEED pretty has been all weīve got when it comes to Gundam. Now, weīre getting a totally new show outside of UC, CE and even AU and at the same time a SEED movie is in the works. Just looking at it objectively, I donīt think thereīs anything at all that hints towards a third season at this point. Perhaps Iīll change my mind after the movie has aired but itīs easy to compare CE with UC and well... I donīt think Fukuda thinks itīs such a bad idéa to end SEED with an "epic movie where quality has been emphasized 100%"

Shinn_Kabuto 2007-06-06 17:25


Originally Posted by srb (Post 980442)
Is it now?

I'm sorry, but I fail to see how rehashing plenty of old Gundam concepts can make for a dramatic, controversial, shocking and revolutionizing Gundam series. GS is good, for sure, but I think you are.. well... a weeeeeee bit biased and that your judgement is clouded because of it.

amen to that.:D

D-KLAC: Ok, minus GSD. period.

I feel sorry for Shinn, but I don't hate that guy when I found ou that he was poorly developed as a character. Maybe he'll be a great character if he's like this:

Kenichi Suzumura is the VA of this guy. XP


What if Shinn is a Kamille Bidan-like character w/ a Kratos-like badass-ness and attitude, if u know God of War.

kaito-kid 2007-06-06 19:12


What if Shinn is a Kamille Bidan-like character w/ a Kratos-like badass-ness and attitude, if u know God of War.
Then he would actually have been funny:rolleyes:

overthere! 2007-06-06 21:00

Shinn might've been a better character if his life wasn't so random:

Spoiler for Random Girl & Shinn:

Correct me if I'm wrong

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