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HiroInazuma 2008-07-23 06:58

Spoiler for one of my best manga moments:

KiNA 2008-07-23 07:33


Originally Posted by Thewanderer (Post 1749966)
Patients? I'm not a doctor:heh:

Any scene with Hiyori is the best =3

I didnt knew you were a spelling Nazi ;)

Thewanderer 2008-07-23 07:45


Originally Posted by KiNA (Post 1750042)
I didnt knew you were a spelling Nazi ;)

I'm not, it was supposed to be a pun ;_;

jelome1989 2008-07-23 08:23


Originally Posted by Hari Michiru (Post 1749122)
That freaked me out :uhoh:

Worst: "Kurosaki-kun". Every time I hear that, I feel like slapping Orihime.


awwww count me in, I hate it! :frustrated::mad::frustrated:

AceD 2008-07-23 08:37

anything with kenpachi and yachiru is win win :cool:

worst is anything to do with the bounto, boy did i hate that filler

Langus 2008-07-23 16:44

Favourite: "Hichigo" pwning Byakuya. The look on his face is priceless. Then Ichigo being all casual like - "oh hey yeah, sorry about my hollow beating the crap out of you. Okay let's get back to this fight."

Least Favourite: Any scene with Ishida in it (with the exception of the episode set where Rukia gets taken back to SS I skip every part with him in it) & the ENTIRE Bounto arc.

I tried to get a friend of mine into Bleach. She's not really a big anime fan so it was a bit of a struggle. I happened to be watching an ep from the Bounto arc - the face licking one. She looked at me like I was some kind of hentai freak and bowed out. I STILL haven't lived that one down.

Manga Picks:

Spoiler for Spoiler:

Worst: Anything with that annoying guy they all go to school with. Every scene he's in it's just BLAH BLAH BLAH. If I was Ichigo I'd deck him and be done with it.

Mitsuomi1971 2008-07-24 08:45

I really enjoyed the first time Chad used Muerte punch on the Arrancar with the Afro...that really looked amazing the first time...will always remain as one of the most powerful moments in Bleach for me. I have moments for each character but I owe that to Kubo's brilliance.

WONDERMIKE 2008-07-24 09:14


Originally Posted by Langus (Post 1751328)
Least Favourite: Any scene with Ishida in it (with the exception of the episode set where Rukia gets taken back to SS I skip every part with him in it)

Did you never regret not seeing Mayuri in Action? :confused: or when Ichigo faced a Menos for the first time?

Langus 2008-07-24 12:01

I forced myself to watch the Mayuri/Ishida show down the first time. It was the only series of eps where the nerd boy got some respect from me. Mayuri is just a twisted SOB so I love him :) Ichigo facing the Menos was Ichigo facing a Menos...pissed me off to no end that Ishida had to waltz in and "save the day". The last thing that guy needed right then was a way to stroke his own ego. Bah...just everything about his character drives me nuts.

Mitsuomi: Yeah that was an amazing scene eh? I actually went 'holy fucking shit' when I first saw it :D Chad is pure money!

Mitsuomi1971 2008-08-02 10:25

My moment for Kon has to be episode was a touching episode

incube 2008-08-02 10:47

Episodes with Kon are all epic =D

But if i had to choose i would go for the one when Ichigo finally appears, saves Rukia in the second Arc, destroys the execution ground and totally pwns those liutenants xD

BleachOD 2008-08-04 11:48

*Looks around for Filler-Police-san*

The entire Amagi Shunske arc...

*Die Animators DIE!*

Thewanderer 2008-08-05 07:24


Originally Posted by BleachOD (Post 1779072)
*Looks around for Filler-Police-san*

The entire Amagi Shunske arc...

*Die Animators DIE!*

There's nothing wrong with disliking an anime original arc, OD;) I mean, as long as you don't dislike it BECAUSE it's anime original... that's just wrong IMO:D

BleachOD 2008-08-05 11:50


Originally Posted by Thewanderer (Post 1780787)
There's nothing wrong with disliking an anime original arc, OD;) I mean, as long as you don't dislike it BECAUSE it's anime original... that's just wrong IMO:D

I dislike fillers because usually they suck. In cases I didn't think they sucked. Tsubasa Chronicles, Ouran HSHC(I plan on it) , Gintama, & Samaurai Deeper Kyo...But then I didn't read the Manga. So I can't say if they sucked or not. Okay thats not exactly true I am up to vol 15 in Kyo. I just still love the Anime despite the ghastly changes.:heh: The Wallflower's filler scenes, and out of order sequences were funny as hell. But you can't fully understand the Awesomeness of Sunako. She is the greatest Emo character ever. (No wait she's tied with Skip Beat's Kyoko/Kyouko) The Manga is much greater.

See the thing is...I don't think you understand. When I say I am an Ichigo fangirl I mean I am and Ichigo fangirl. Every time we get fillers...Ichigo gets weaker and dumb as hell. I know most think he is dumb already. He's not. He is intelligent, but he lacks common sense and doesn't know how to apply it. He's also guilty of instant gratification ...So he doesn't bother thinking sometimes. He just acts based on his emotions.


In the Bounto arc...He got trapped under two 2x4 inch wood beams (sticks; can't even call em beam) Rukia had to tell him how damn dumb that was was.(and weak)
The last half of the Bounto arc was good. Even if I hated that damn cupie doll(the one with annoying voice that took over Rukia. Even if she looked really pretty once it did) and Kariya's doll disappointed the hell out of me. :frustrated:The animation was really crappy. :mad:Ichigo had deformed stand in (that was not MY Ichigo) if you watch closely you can see just when Kubo stepped in.

This arc same thing....He went Bankai for no damn reason. He looked cool; He looked hot; He looked like a jackass. The only redeeming part of it...Rukia again...tells him how stupid that was. That was it for me...(And he looks deformed again. Crappy animation)
Then I hear he gets owned by Soi Fon...WTF?!:confused::upset::frustrated:

I cannot stand to watch anything that does that to MY ICHIGO!!:frustrated: Who is that buffoon?!:confused::mad::frustrated: I don't know him...that's not MY ICHIGO! :nono:

And what was up with the cheesy Zankpakuto? The one that freezes people for instant...Something that weak; someone that weak... Ichigo has a hard time with

No way will I ever except fillers that do that to my boo!:upset::frustrated:

HiroInazuma 2008-08-05 11:55

1 thing I like about the Amagai Shuusuke arc is the opening when Ichigo puts on the mask I just love that bit for some reason. Also Amagai's shikai is one thing I liked and Amagai himself all the other filler characters can burn in a painful filler hell.

BleachAddict 2008-08-11 14:43


Originally Posted by BleachOD (Post 1781148)
I dislike fillers because usually they suck. In cases I didn't think they sucked. Tsubasa Chronicles, Ouran HSHC(I plan on it) , Gintama, & Samaurai Deeper Kyo...But then I didn't read the Mnga. So I can't say if they sucked or not. Okay thats not exactly true I am up to vol 15 in Kyo. I just still love the Anime despite the ghastly changes.:heh: The Wallflower's filler scenes, and out of order sequences were funny as hell. But you can't fully understand the Awesomeness of Sunako. She is the greatest Emo character ever. (No wait she's tied with Skip Beat's Kyoko/Kyouko) The Mnga is much greater.

See the thing is...I don't think you understand. When I say I am an Ichigo fangirl I mean I am and Ichigo fangirl. Every time we get fillers...Ichigo gets weaker and dumb as hell. I know most think he is dumb already. He's not. He is intelligent, but he lacks common sense and doesn't know how to apply it. He's also guilty of instant gratification ...So he doesn't bother thinking sometimes. He just acts based on his emotions.


In the Bounto arc...He got trapped under two 2x4 inch wood beams (sticks; can't even call em beam) Rukia had to tell him how damn dumb that was was.(and weak)
The last half of the Bounto arc was good. Even if I hated that damn cupie doll(the one with annoying voice that took over Rukia. Even if she looked really pretty once it did) and Kariya's doll disappointed the hell out of me. :frustrated:The animation was really crappy. :mad:Ichigo had deformed stand in (that was not MY Ichigo) if you watch closely you can see just when Kubo stepped in.

This arc same thing....He went Bankai for no damn reason. He looked cool; He looked hot; He looked like a jackass. The only redeeming part of it...Rukia again...tells him how stupid that was. That was it for me...(And he looks deformed again. Crappy animation)
Then I hear he gets owned by Soi Fon...WTF?!:confused::upset::frustrated:

I cannot stand to watch anything that does that to MY ICHIGO!!:frustrated: Who is that buffoon?!:confused::mad::frustrated: I don't know him...that's not MY ICHIGO! :nono:

And what was up with the cheesy Zankpakuto? The one that freezes people for instant...Something that weak; someone that weak... Ichigo has a hard time with

No way will I ever except fillers that do that to my boo!:upset::frustrated:

LOL that was funny. I must agree...the fillers do make Ichigo (and Rukia) weaker than they are. And i'd like to add the following to your list OD:
- Ichigo suddenlly lost his Bankai during the start of the Bounto :confused:
- animation was crap. (bounto) what was that with the shadows under their chins? (chibi filler) seems like they where too elongated - ehhh.. not sure how to put it but the animation is just a tad wrong...
- Rukia appeared to be super powerless during the Bounto arc. I understand that she was still healing at that time but to be pwned on her every battle and be rescued by Byakuya and Ichigo (as a shipper i find that cool.. but not the Rukia that i like). She was a damsel in distress here! :mad:
- a second rate Shinigami almost owned Ichigo in Bounto...again, wtf?!?
- chibi filler's timing is just confusing. oh well, this is just anime - logic is not really needed.

As a mnga fan, i don't like fillers. But I don't hate it as much as most mnga fans do coz i still watch it...only because, i need to feed my addiction. :heh:

OD, in fairness to Ichigo, he was almost owned by Soi Fon because he was all defense during their fight. He didn't go all out. Unless they met again in the most recent episode.........

Amray 2008-08-11 15:05

Orihime's and Tatsuki's first parting. If they added a couple of kissing between them and similar such things that scene would have been a gold-mine.

Kyero Fox 2008-08-12 10:48

Worse: when ever Rukia comes out of no where and tries to act all heroine and shit... and fails.

Best: When Ichigo threw Rukia

Worse2: When renji caught her

I wanted to see or make a crater in the ground :frustrated:

*waves to the obsessed Rukia fans* ^_^ :D


Originally Posted by Amray (Post 1796315)
Orihime's and Tatsuki's first parting. If they added a couple of kissing between them and similar such things that scene would have been a gold-mine.

Their BFF, not FBF (Joking... kinda lol)

- HEROiNEx 2008-08-12 11:25


Originally Posted by BleachOD (Post 1781148)
I dislike fillers because usually they suck. In cases I didn't think they sucked. Tsubasa Chronicles, Ouran HSHC(I plan on it) , Gintama, & Samaurai Deeper Kyo...But then I didn't read the Manga. So I can't say if they sucked or not. Okay thats not exactly true I am up to vol 15 in Kyo. I just still love the Anime despite the ghastly changes.:heh: The Wallflower's filler scenes, and out of order sequences were funny as hell. But you can't fully understand the Awesomeness of Sunako. She is the greatest Emo character ever. (No wait she's tied with Skip Beat's Kyoko/Kyouko) The Manga is much greater.

See the thing is...I don't think you understand. When I say I am an Ichigo fangirl I mean I am and Ichigo fangirl. Every time we get fillers...Ichigo gets weaker and dumb as hell. I know most think he is dumb already. He's not. He is intelligent, but he lacks common sense and doesn't know how to apply it. He's also guilty of instant gratification ...So he doesn't bother thinking sometimes. He just acts based on his emotions.


In the Bounto arc...He got trapped under two 2x4 inch wood beams (sticks; can't even call em beam) Rukia had to tell him how damn dumb that was was.(and weak)
The last half of the Bounto arc was good. Even if I hated that damn cupie doll(the one with annoying voice that took over Rukia. Even if she looked really pretty once it did) and Kariya's doll disappointed the hell out of me. :frustrated:The animation was really crappy. :mad:Ichigo had deformed stand in (that was not MY Ichigo) if you watch closely you can see just when Kubo stepped in.

This arc same thing....He went Bankai for no damn reason. He looked cool; He looked hot; He looked like a jackass. The only redeeming part of it...Rukia again...tells him how stupid that was. That was it for me...(And he looks deformed again. Crappy animation)
Then I hear he gets owned by Soi Fon...WTF?!:confused::upset::frustrated:

I cannot stand to watch anything that does that to MY ICHIGO!!:frustrated: Who is that buffoon?!:confused::mad::frustrated: I don't know him...that's not MY ICHIGO! :nono:

And what was up with the cheesy Zankpakuto? The one that freezes people for instant...Something that weak; someone that weak... Ichigo has a hard time with

No way will I ever except fillers that do that to my boo!:upset::frustrated:

I agree in a way. I just don't like fillers... period. xDDD
I read the manga and it gets straight to the point
I watch the anime and it takes like 15 million years. DDD; and makes the characters look like shit.
Its depressing. D: Not gonna lie.

ANYWAY. My worst moment?
Was probably when I saw the first episode out of the Bounto arc. And then I gave up watching. And then I thought, "Okay, give them the benefit of the doubt." so I went back to watching. Then I saw Nel... and she was HORRID. I was appalled and pissed off like hell. D: She's only supposed to mis-pronouce th's, why, WHY, WHY does she mispronounce like almost EVERYTHING?! I... was mortified. They killed nel for me. >x> I stopped watching the anime right after that. I only watch the anime to see fights animated and some funny moments, and thats it. Other than that... I'm too disappointed to watch.

And my best moment?
..xD Nel turns super badass
Not gonna lie. Was amazing. xDDDD
Nel >>>> everyone.

Hari Michiru 2008-08-15 12:02


Originally Posted by BleachAddict (Post 1796265)
LOL that was funny. I must agree...the fillers do make Ichigo (and Rukia) weaker than they are. And i'd like to add the following to your list OD:
- Ichigo suddenlly lost his Bankai during the start of the Bounto :confused:

Well, he didn't really lose it, but he was afraid to use it. Remember when his inner hollow took over in the battle with Byakuya? He's still scared that that might happen again.

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