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NoemiChan 2012-09-07 05:42


Originally Posted by Reckoner (Post 4339633)
Chisato needs to get over herself.

I agree with this one.

Anyway... I understand you're all annoyed of Chisato getting possessive of Yuki, oftentimes discussing with him about being close to Satsuki and Isara.

Let's put it this way...

Why is she being possessive of Yuki?

He's her childhood friend and love interest. Simply rejecting her and saying "I will stay by your side" afterwards is still confusing for a maiden's complicated heart.

Why should he stay away from Satsuki?

Yeah, its jealously but it since they're political rivals as well, it should be avoid even temporarily for the good of them.(Yuki and Satsuki)

Why should he stay away from Isara?

Same reason, since Isara is connected to the Finance and many are angry with them... it will affect his popularity.. Chisato told him to help Isara afterwards.

Chisato's jealousy is too much, yes.. but the reasons she uses are true as well.:)

thundrakkon 2012-09-07 06:55

Wow, there was so much going on this episode, that it felt like they crammed 2 episodes into one.

So now we have the arrival of Oosawa Yuina, who seems to be in with the dreaded evil Katahira faction (which, btw, I have no idea why they are evil in the first place since we know nothing about them). She looks like the big, bad final boss that Yuuki will need to defeat in order to beat the game. Btw, I rechecked the first episode, and the shadow of character that ran over Kana (the photographer who got run over) matches Oosawa, glasses, hair, boobs, and all.

Even though we have suspicions of President Mouri, he probably is not the bad guy. He seems to truly support Yuuki without trying to control Yuuki. He is also friends with Kana. I'm sure he will make Oosawa pay for what she did.

Yuuki did not have much romantic flags this episode, but the Chisato nagging is getting a little out of hand. We no longer know if what she is advising Yuuki is for his own good or out of pure jealousy. I do have to commend Yuuki for standing up for Financial Aid students, even if it is not the most popular agenda. It takes guts to stand for what is right.

With Chisato being so clingy and desperate, and also advising against the wishes of the MC, it really is a losing situation for her in the romance department. Yuuki now comforts her more out of pity than true love. Also, the 3 (Chisato, Yuuki, and Satsuki) have finally all met and talked at the same time. Satsuki really went on the offensive with that one.

Which reminds me, what was Satsuki so upset with Hazuki about in the beginning?

NoemiChan 2012-09-07 07:08


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 4339799)
Which reminds me, what was Satsuki so upset with Hazuki about in the beginning?

Its about the chess game.. Hazuki seemed to have used her story telling to distract Satsuki's concentration in the game that's why she lost... Hazuki may have admitted that she really tricked her....:heh:

thundrakkon 2012-09-07 07:26


Originally Posted by GenjiChan (Post 4339819)
Its about the chess game.. Hazuki seemed to have used her story telling to distract Satsuki's concentration in the game that's why she lost... Hazuki may have admitted that she really tricked her....:heh:

Ah, thanks. There was so much going on, that I totally forgot/missed that. I thought it had something to do with the elections, but oh well. Btw, the prize was Yuuki. :heh: He didn't reject that idea either. +1 for Satsuki. :D

NoemiChan 2012-09-07 07:29


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 4339838)
+1 for Satsuki. :D

nah, I still believe in a Chisato ending....:)

D-KLAC 2012-09-07 07:43


so now election back to work give chisato still bit hmm cause of daiki & chocolate.

also seem more hmm conspiracy going on between student pres & girl with glass wonder if tomoya 2.0 can bee an election puppet?

oh same ho-ski bullies trying to pick on isara again give tomoya 2.0 to rescue til student police arrive.

now long day work all in (wait great scott was that back to the future delorean car in it) then no not the truck cue chisato's NO!!!

frivolity 2012-09-07 09:42

Kugyu voiced the president, I recognise her pronunciation. She seems to be getting more supporting roles with less main roles these days.

Triple_R 2012-09-07 09:44

I think I get what they were going for with Chisato in Episode 9, but they really did overdo it. Chisato is now coming off like the female equivalent of one of those guys that gets upset everytime his girlfriend gets complimented by a guy or even just interacts nicely with another guy.

I can understand Chisato being a bit upset in general, and upset in particular over the Satsuki situation, but it was honestly kind of lame how she got upset over Oojima rushing to Isara's defense and also with him merely testing out Michiru's harmonica (anime can get pretty silly sometimes with things like "indirect kisses" :heh: ). Oojima has had nothing even approaching romantic interactions with Michiru the entire show, so Chisato really does come off as overly clingy and even a bit paranoid given her reaction to Oojima helping Michiru with her harmonica.

Chisato needs to come to grips with the fact that Oojima has become a popular guy... which is kind of the point at the moment! :heh:

While I feel a bit sorry for Chisato, this latest episode has put me squarely into the Oojima/Satsuki shipping camp. I'd now only be Ok with Oojima/Chisato end if Chisato shows a much greater ability to handle Oojima having friendly interactions with other girls.

I'm also now comfortable completely ruling out Mifuyu and Michiru ends - Mifuyu going into the drama routine when Oojima said he loved her in this episode tells me that Mifuyu has accepted romantic loss when it comes to Oojima. Meanwhile, this episode came the closest of them all to a Oojima/Michiru romantic moment... and it resulted in Oojima getting into a nasty accident or almost getting into one (and wow, talk about a preview absolutely destroying the effect of a cliffhanger... anime, will you never learn? :heh:). So, yeah, I doubt Michiru is going to want to push that much further given what happened here.

In spite of the complaints I made above, I really enjoyed this episode. It was great to see the scheming and strategizing of two of the three main camps (which in turn leaves me wondering if Satsuki is too much of an one-woman show for her own campaign's good - there was no scenes of her talking to her people). It was also neat to meet a new important character, who seems to be getting set up as an antagonist of sorts.

The election side of this story continues to deliver in flying colors, and it made for a pretty compelling watch. The romance side had some interesting conflicts and developments, but if they're aiming for a Oojima/Chisato end, I think they overdid things a bit this episode (OTOH, if this is leading into Chisato learning to let go of Oojima, then this episode effectively shows that she perhaps does need to).

novalysis 2012-09-07 10:18

At this stage, I still have fears for Elections ability to cram the remaining plot in three, or four episodes at most. We've taken NINE episodes to reach the main elections, and the direction of romance is still quite considerably up in the air. Now, can Chisato snatch victory from this? Maybe, but at this rate, it seems like a victory of pity, if nothing else.

Chocolate is coming into play rather nicely here at several angles, including the possibility that in many ways, Oojima is seen as a substitute brother in Chisato's eyes, and something more at the same time. Ultimately, I think at this stage, it's very difficult for this to end in a Chisato victory. Still, if this anime is going down the Satsuki route, it's handling the feelings of the First Girl at quite a surprisingly good pace.

However, it's because of this difficulty, in the light of the very limited time left that leaves me most concerned about the "Love" department. At this stage, it seems that it's going to be very difficult to juggle Elections and Love simultaneously. I really think we might indeed end up with a no Romantic Conclusion ending, but one leaning strongly towards Satsuki. Indeed, if what we've seen of the Public Security Commission is any indication, I'd imagine that winning the Elections is just the beginning. He'll need the support of at least one of the Commissions to get things done, and odds are, should Oojima win, and if there is no Romantic Conclusion, and if we get enough Satsuki screen-time, I suggest we might end up with an ambigious romantic outcome situation that leans strongly towards Satsuki.

Truth is, he'll need her after the elections. And the Food Club might no longer be a place of dwelling, but a temporary indulgence in a refuge. Save the club, get exiled from the club. The Post Election Now What clouds are gathering strongly in this episode.

By the way, has there been any Harem plot where the Harem lead is the Student Council President?
Spoiler for Examples that don't count:

pezzie 2012-09-07 11:01

I'm pulling for a Chisato ending because I'm hoping for a repeat of all the rage induced from Mashiro-iro Symphony. :)

hyl 2012-09-07 11:37

To be honest, i didn't expect that so many anime viewers are starting to dislike Chisato because of this episode.

Spoiler for minor game comparison:

relentlessflame 2012-09-07 11:42


Originally Posted by GenjiChan (Post 4339819)
Its about the chess game.. Hazuki seemed to have used her story telling to distract Satsuki's concentration in the game that's why she lost... Hazuki may have admitted that she really tricked her....:heh:

I think that's not the whole of it. She's annoyed because she realized Hazuki used her sob-story to distract from the actual purpose of that contest, which was to fight over who would get Yuuki. So even though they had that battle, and it looked like Hazuki was winning, the game never ended, and now neither of them are with Yuuki. :heh:

So basically, she's annoyed because the whole Satsuki romance question was swept under the rug -- which is actually exactly what Episode 9 itself was doing. :heh:

Spoiler for Comparison to the game for that scene in Episode 8:

ookamigirl 2012-09-07 11:47

Yuuki working hard on his campaign.
Those two Shinonome sisters still fighting...
Chisato having mixed feelings about Yuuki.
I was glad those mean girls got theirs for bullying Aomi.
It was about time too!
The ending of this episode was pretty dramatic..

thundrakkon 2012-09-07 12:38


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 4340160)
Spoiler for Comparison to the game for that scene in Episode 8:

That is absolutely a hilarious perspective that anime viewers would never have known about.

I'm wondering if this means that Satsuki romance is only on hold, or if they are going to shove it aside the rest of the series? I can understand that they need to focus more on the other areas of the show, but I do hope it ends conclusively.

Nachtwandler 2012-09-07 15:35

It's clear that
Spoiler for Spoilers:

And Yeah. I don't like Chisato too. I just tired of osananajimis, especially tsundere ones and Chisato behavior is too annoying. Even Yuka from 11eyes didn't bother me so much.

Snuffle 2012-09-07 16:13


Originally Posted by Nachtwandler (Post 4340418)
And Yeah. I don't like Chisato too. I just tired of osananajimis, especially tsundere ones and Chisato behavior is too annoying. Even Yuka from 11eyes didn't bother me so much.

Not a fan of Chisato either. If this is really how you feel then I don't recommend playing the game then if you haven't (at least don't focus too much on her route). Like already mentioned in this thread somewhere way back, Chisato's personality is toned down in the anime.

The anime version Chisato I don't mind too much, meaning her being clingy, the jealous type, osananajimi is acceptable. Only problem I have with her is pressing the issue with Yuuki that he must fall in love with her, like it's expected. I seriously don't like the way it was handled here, it does not feel believable to me, not to mention there's a lack of proper build up since most of the time was focused on Satsuki (whom I prefer to get the ending btw).

NoemiChan 2012-09-07 16:51

If many have found Chisato annoying is this current episode... You should be prepared for more in the next episode.

Spoiler for For next episode based on the preview in Episode 9 on episode 10:

Tenchi Ryu 2012-09-07 17:12

To be honest, I didn't necessarily care for Chisato, but this episode made me NOT like her at all, for a few reasons that I'll get into.

The first has been pretty much covered and I agree with Reckoner completely. Chisato needs to get over herself, cause she's looking pathetic at this point. Yuuki is a better man than me, cause I would have put her in her place a LONG time ago acting like this. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she goes the yandere route. The guy can't even talk to a woman casually without her getting butthurt and getting a pissy attitude. I would have told her to kick rocks, cause I have a VERY low tolerance level to stuff like that.

I can understand her reasoning about Yuuki not including the financial aid students because of how it can ruin the campaign, but her true intentions were wrong. She didn't give a crap of the actual difficulties those students face, she was only worried about it cause of her jealously.

The final reason seems to be implied, but I get the overall impression that Yuuki is currently some kind of "replacement". Now I don't know if thats true, but thats the vibe I'm getting and I honestly don't like it. If we do indeed find out Yuuki is indirectly a replacement to Chisato for this Daiki fellow, I will not want her to win at all. Its shallow imo and not worthy of a relationship with Yuuki.

I'm dead serious when I say that Hazuki or Satsuki are the best girls in this show for me, and this episode proved it to a tee.

NoemiChan 2012-09-07 17:23


Originally Posted by Tenchi Ryu (Post 4340552)
Its shallow imo and not worthy of a relationship with Yuuki.

I'm dead serious when I say that Hazuki or Satsuki are the best girls in this show for me, and this episode proved it to a tee.

I would not talk harsh about an MC's particular childhood friend that way unless you know what she is going through

Chisato is annoying? True, I agree with that.

Why is she like that? She's desperate... Knowing that he is popular and a girl magnet had pout her in that situation plus Yuki's "rejection".

Chisato has lost her brother and now she's losing her childfriend and love interest since she learned how to love. Yuki saying "I'll never leave you" and " I'll stay by your side" put her more in a confusing situation. Blame it to Yuki for not clearing it... as if if he is allowed to be with Chisato when he choses another girl... Any girl would be angry if they heard that line.

Guardian Enzo 2012-09-07 17:26

Pretty much echo the feelings on Chisato. Somebody warm up the nice boat.

This was an excellent ep otherwise, though - the first time I felt like all three titular threads were not just present, but starting to collide. Some intriguing elements with the introduction of Oosawa (KugiRie playing against type) and the internal politics of the PSC. With Mouri saying that they have a mole in the Oojima campaign and the surprising intervention of his aides on Isara's behalf, I wonder if it's her. And who's the "influential ally" working on behalf of the GAC and Moheji?

As for the ending, I can only call it a "Deux ex harmonica" until proved otherwise. A very well-executed troll, playing on the idea that it was a classic indirect kiss gag and the usual early introduction of the ED theme. But why was Michiru trying to play a harmonica in the first place? And just why the heck is she in the story, apart from the moe factor? Many questions still to be answered...

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