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Pellissier 2010-11-28 08:18

Ore no Imouto - Episode 9 Discussion / Poll
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HinataShou 2010-11-28 11:00


omimon 2010-11-28 12:48

It's REALLY REALLY weird to see Kuro in normal clothes.

serenade_beta 2010-11-28 13:00

Good ol' Sister Princess.

Anyways, not really an eventful episode, but thankfully more pleasant to watch than the previous.
Kirino was as always... Not that I expect anything.
Sandbag got kicked around (that kick really looked like it hurt...)
Kuroneko's family and house was shown... This was probably the main event of the episode.
And Saori... He-heh... One of the rich, huh... Isn't that great.

The ED was great Taketetsu quality! (As in, horri-...!)

Sprite_Coke 2010-11-28 13:01

You forget nii-nii
lol 8GB eroge...

margafred 2010-11-28 13:11

Spoiler for Episode 9 of OreImo:

larethian 2010-11-28 13:14

Spoiler for ep 9:

serenade_beta 2010-11-28 13:16


Originally Posted by Sprite_Coke (Post 3366294)
You forget nii-nii

lol 8GB eroge...


Hahaha, 8GB happens all the time... with Overflow.

blitz1/2 2010-11-28 13:18

I was :heh: during:

Kyosuke's "Who the heck is she arguing with now?.....oh with an eroge?" -_-


Sprite_Coke 2010-11-28 13:19

someone makes a gift of that brief hand motion in the shower. *hint hint*
oh and also, inb4 Kyousuke X Kuroneko shippers.

margafred 2010-11-28 13:28


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 3366316)
Hahaha, 8GB happens all the time... with Overflow.

I saw the required specs of the game she bought... and i checked my pc specs... kinda worries me if all the new games in JP are gonna be as hardcore as that..

Dahak86 2010-11-28 13:33

Spoiler for ep9 - gifs:

Sprite_Coke 2010-11-28 13:35

^think we can assume she masturbated between the commercials as well.
^^lol good luck finding copies of Windoms6XP or WindomsVisbo.

Ryo K 2010-11-28 17:43


Originally Posted by omimon (Post 3366274)
It's REALLY REALLY weird to see Kuro in normal clothes.

Its called Gap-Moe.

Micchi 2010-11-28 18:20

Definitely one of my fav eps, if not my fav.

Spoiler for Ep9:


Sumeragi 2010-11-28 19:17


End of question.

Undertaker 2010-11-28 20:06

Perfect, this episode is just perfect.

This is what original episode should be, I just wish last episode was like this.

This episode is completely original, not a wannabe like last episode. It does not discriminate viewers as last one did. On the other hand, for those who read LN, this episode sets up the middle part of v4 perfectly as well as provided more background info on the pretty important fictional eroge in the series.

In addition, the series put the dere back in Kirino, Ayase also benefit a bit with her naivety when she thought Kirino was studying hard.

Kuroneko is still the star and for the first time both (even in LN) Kuronekos 2 imouto made appearance.

The only 2 negatives in this episode is that It directly show that certain someone is an actual Ojo-sama in which the LN didn't confirm until V6 (though there are hints) and that while this episode is great, it felt a bit abrupt in turn of character personality in Kirino's part compare to what was portrayed in previous 2 episode. But that's nip-picking on my part.

In the end, it's up to the original LN writer to put the series back on track with his original script. Although this does piss me off more that they wasted last episode just to screw with the LN reader.

Overall I still give it 10/10.

HayashiTakara 2010-11-28 21:06

Kirino's self realization towards the end of the episode :heh:

Scy 2010-11-28 22:25


Originally Posted by omimon (Post 3366274)
It's REALLY REALLY weird to see Kuro in normal clothes.

Weird?!?!? More like hot.... cause this episode confirms that she's the best Ore no Imouto girl.

Andrelol 2010-11-28 23:25

After 2 lame episodes, finally I got to see something nice. I was about to drop this series, but not anymore.

00-Raiser 2010-11-28 23:31

They say that two similar people will inevitably hate each other. This is proven true here with Kirino :heh: The fact that everything she said could be applied back to her was priceless.

Kyouke calling Kuroneko a call and her reaction was :love:

D-Gold 2010-11-29 00:05

i got a good laugh out of this episode. It was enjoyable to watch.
I liked the first half when Kirino was basically flaming herself unintentionally .

dahl_moon 2010-11-29 00:10

YES!! Ore-imou has redeemed itself! I agree, it really needs the original author to whip the series back into place (surprisingly without any pacing issues, which some newbie writers have trouble with).

It also shows a side of this series that I really like; a broad survey of otaku culture. This time it was about playing eroge, and although Kirino's actions are greatly exaggerated, probably matches what some players in real life do. Kirino's stoic expression when hitting a bad path, route-branch studies, explosion of expressions while staring at a monitor and so on.

Update: Almost forgot. Kuroneko was, as always, very, very moe.

Triple_R 2010-11-29 00:22


Originally Posted by Undertaker (Post 3366893)

In addition, the series put the dere back in Kirino...

How so?

She struck Kyousuke twice (once with a slap, and another time with a kick), and insulted him a lot. She didn't say anything nice to him in the least, or do anything nice for him.

At first, I found it highly amusing for Kirino to get a taste of her own medicine with that eroge character that was annoying her at first, by acting just like Kirino does.

However, I was kind of hoping that it would help Kirino realize that if she wanted to build a closer relationship with her brother, that she's been going about it the entirely wrong way. But Kirino doesn't change her approach to her brother at all. If anything, she even seemed a bit more abusive than typical here. I mean, really, talk about Kirino completely missing an obvious point here.

So, between this and the last episode, it seems like this anime likes to bring attention to its own faults. This was done last episode with Kyousuke being confronted about why he does so much for his sister when many of us viewers wonder the same thing given how she treats him. And now in this episode, we see Kirino encountering an eroge character that's just like she is in real life and her complaining that the character is all tsun and no dere is precisely what many of us have been saying about Kirino herself.

And raising the complaints of some of this anime's viewers in this fashion would be great (not to mention clever, I'll admit) if the anime would then turn around and correct things. But, by and large, it's not doing that. Nine episodes in, and Kirino is as tsuntsun as ever. It seems as if the anime writers think that merely admitting to the validity of some of the specific criticisms of some viewers equates to fixing the core issue behind those criticisms. It's almost like a politician saying "Yes, we hear you loud and clear over Issue X, and we will make sure to rectify the problem there", and then the politician goes on to ultimately do nothing about the issue. At some level, I almost find it insulting to my intelligence.

However, I'll admit that there is a glimmer of hope here, and that came with Kyousuke finally standing up to his sister, and speaking up on his own behalf for his own well-being. That was good to see, and that alone made me like this episode much more than the last one.

Well, that and the Kuroneko and Saori scenes. Those were a real treat to watch. Personally, I'd love to see an anime surrounding them and their lives more. Seeing what they both look like when not wearing their typical attire was great to see. My whole perspective of Saori has completely changed. On a major anime blog, I read her described as the daughter of Al Borland from the sitcom Home Improvement, and I have to admit, that really did fit. :heh: Here we see that she's actually a very lovely girl when she's not wearing the handyman attire, lol.

I'll give this episode 8/10 because it did have some entertaining and amusing bits, but Kirino's character badly needs to grow a bit, imo.


Originally Posted by 00-Raiser (Post 3367172)
They say that two similar people will inevitably hate each other.

This is an aside, but I really don't agree with that saying, and I don't think that this episode proves it. What this episode does show is that if a person has an abrasive personality, then that someone meeting somebody equally abrasive can have a rather humorous effect.

liquidmetal 2010-11-29 00:30

For a filler episode it was oddly entertaining. Kuroneko is pure win. Wished Kirino's scream didn't cut off Kyosuke's question. Damn paper thin walls! :frustrated:

Clarste 2010-11-29 00:38

Liked this episode, but I have to wonder why Kyousuke called Kuroneko instead of Manami. Heck, even the fact that he has her number already is somewhat surprising to me. Saori's always been his "contact" among Kirino's friends anyway.

I mean, their conversation was enjoyable to watch, but I can't think of a good reason for it to occur at this point in the story.

Jze0 2010-11-29 00:39

Ah... what a fun episode, really enjoyed it. Watching Kirino play her eroge and not notice the parallels between her and the character Rinko on screen was hilarious. I mean, can't you tell when your looking at your own image on the computer monitor? In her case I guess she can't but its ironic how they are both similar. Its as she said 100% tsun and 0% dere (at least for now).

Also, shes still giving Kyousuke crap, a slap and a kick to the stomach. I can't help but feel like its about time for Kyousuke does something about his imouto's abusive behavoir. He can't take it forever and not do anything about it which reminds me, didn't Kirino during her game choose "bear with it" as one of her chooses. Yet another parallel between her and the game, its irony I tell you.

Btw, loved the Ojou-sama. To bad they didn't show her face. ;)

0utf0xZer0 2010-11-29 00:55


Originally Posted by Jze0 (Post 3367301)
Ah... what a fun episode, really enjoyed it. Watching Kirino play her eroge and not notice the parallels between her and the character Rinko on screen was hilarious. I mean, can't you tell when your looking at your own image on the computer monitor? In her case I guess she can't but its ironic how they are both similar. Its as she said 100% tsun and 0% dere (at least for now).

Yeah... the meta-humour in this episode had me completely giddy. I normally prefer the dramatic episodes of this show, but this may be my single favourite episode thus far.

As for the "eroge system requirements" bit... just about everything is higher than a normal eroge, but the 1080P display requirement really takes the cake.

The way the transition to Kureneko's house occured had me thinking that it was a scene from Kirino's eroge initially... that's how different Kureneko is without her gothloli outfit. That said, I was wondering why they would have used Kana Hanazawa even thought she already played Kureneko... so when I figured out it was Kuroneko, it made a lot of sense. She talks differently when she adopts her persona too, I guess.

HayashiTakara 2010-11-29 01:01

Gotta love teh fact that the eroge hero looks just like Kyousuke, and even his study cards is giving him an omen of sorts for the future :heh:

The anime writers sure aren't being subtle with their foreshadowing.

SilverSyko 2010-11-29 01:02

Calling it that Saori's eyes shall forever be something we never see. Whether it be a camera-angle, obstructed by something or behind her geeky glasses. It shall be the greatest mystery of Oreimo. =p

Seems to me that Kuroneko's sister is her incentive to watch Meruru so she can speak about it on the same terms with Kirino. She doesn't like it entirely but she watches it anyway, which is admirable.

I kinda wonder about Kirino this episode though. I don't doubt some of the bigger fans of eroge do that sort of stuff when they play it but, they SHOULD usually be male, and it feels weird to me to see a 14 year girl reacting like that. xD;

Not a bad episode at all. Only fault is Kirino's usual abusive nature towards Kyousuke.

dahl_moon 2010-11-29 01:07

After a quick rewatch (of Kuroneko:heh:) I can't seem but notice how much Kirino is portrayed in a negative manner vs. Kuroneko. We have Kirino, a spoiled "abusive" girl with lots of cash (middle class family, but rich due to her model work), vs. Kuroneko, a girl from poor family but still manages to enjoy her otaku life, and a loving onee-sama to boot.


Originally Posted by Clarste (Post 3367300)
Liked this episode, but I have to wonder why Kyousuke called Kuroneko instead of Manami. Heck, even the fact that he has her number already is somewhat surprising to me. Saori's always been his "contact" among Kirino's friends anyway.

I mean, their conversation was enjoyable to watch, but I can't think of a good reason for it to occur at this point in the story.

If you rewind a bit, you can see him thinking about calling Manami, but eventually deciding against it. Maybe he didn't want to bother her?

Zanibas 2010-11-29 01:25

Okay, so from first glance, the final Kyousuke/Kirino interaction doesn't seem THAT deep, with kicks and all tsun tsun, but upon reexamination...

Spoiler for Analysis of Final Scene:

Anyways, that's my wild theory, go ahead and bash it all you want :P.

ion475 2010-11-29 01:53

After a wannabe that's episode 8, Oreimo is back.

Original? So what? Actually fits in the gap b/t Vol. 3 and 4 well, explain some more background of characters, and then there's Kuroneko's imouto.

And IMO at Rinko acting like Kirino, gotta love tsun 100% dere 0% character...(I laugh hard at Kirino reaction to Rinko when she acts 100% the same...)

And spoiling a certain ojou-sama already? Not that people haven't guess it already.

Did I mentioned Kuroneko (and her imouto) = win?

00-Raiser 2010-11-29 02:08

I knew Kuroneko had a sister, but I didn't know she had two of them.

FlareKnight 2010-11-29 02:11

Wow seeing Kirino arguing with a game representation of herself was more funny than I expected. I mean damn those two were just going at it :heh:.

It took me a while to recognize Kuroneko. I mean yeah the voice, but seeing her in normal clothes is such a shock. Interesting chat on the phone with Kyousuke though. I can kind of understand him wanting to chat to someone since he can't study at all like that.

Think that game at least hit Kirino in some respects. Though she is still locked up in her defensive comments. She just won't open up easily still hiding behind kicks, punches, and rude comments. Though being caught with the comment through the wall definitely embarrassed her. Not sure she realized how exactly the same she and that girl acted. But wow she really got into that game :heh:.

thundrakkon 2010-11-29 02:18

That has got to be the most boring episode yet. It was nice to get some more information on Kuroneko and Saori, but Kirino is just plain annoying this episode from beginning to end.

I was thinking that the girls in the series were feeling more towards Kyousuke, especially Kuroneko recently. As for Saori, I was thinking that she is the only one I did not want to end up with Kyousuke while watching the intro today until I found out her other personality as an ojou-sama. I am not reversed 180 degrees and think that Saori might be the best person for Kyousuke afterall. She is the most mature and understanding, probably very beautiful, and definitely very rich. Kyousuke deserves someone like that with all that he puts through with Kirino.

Kuroneko and Manami are great options, too, but Saori won me over this episode.

Reckoner 2010-11-29 02:39

lol. Sorry, this episode earns a 1. Sure anytime Kuroneko is on screen it's good, but Kirino was like a -9 to this episode's rating.

Yeah. Admitting the faults of your anime does nothing for me. :twitch:

Mairsile 2010-11-29 03:06

I always knew that Saori and Kuroneko looked quite different when dressed as their "normal" selves. It was cute to see Kuroneko blush when Kyousuke called :) What I find interesting is that other than Manami, he doesn't seem to have friends of his own so he's getting to know Kuroneko and Saori more as time goes on.

ion475 2010-11-29 03:24


Originally Posted by Reckoner (Post 3367447)
lol. Sorry, this episode earns a 1. Sure anytime Kuroneko is on screen it's good, but Kirino was like a -9 to this episode's rating.

Yeah. Admitting the faults of your anime does nothing for me. :twitch:

Drop the series then. I mean, your Kirino hating is getting more mindless every single week.


I knew Kuroneko had a sister, but I didn't know she had two of them.
Well, it was not really mentioned clearly in LN how many imouto(s) Kuroneko has either other than the fact that Kuroneko has imouto...if I'm not wrong this is the first time Kuroneko's house is shown in both anime and LN as well (I don't think the group ever went to Kuroneko's house)

type-R! 2010-11-29 03:44

Finally another great episode, maybe the best so far. I'm glad we got to see Kirino playing an eroge (of herself? :heh:) and Kyusuke being next door made it priceless. It clearly shows that Kirino knows that the final message of the eroge relates to her own life. Although it may seem like a filler episode to many, it actuallly provided important hints and some character development.
I really enjoyed this episode, 10/10.

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