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Haladflire65 2011-03-21 22:39

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Yeah, I know this is really early but I'm just way too pumped for the third Chris Nolan Batman film! We have confirmed cast members and filming is starting next month, who else is excited?

Set for July 2012 release date
Anne Hathaway - Catwoman
Tom Hardy - Bane (!)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Johnny Blake

What will Bane be like? Catwoman? Would it follow the Knightfall storyline? :eyespin::eyespin::eyespin::eyespin:

King Lycan 2011-03-21 22:41

So much bad guys in one movie hope it doesn't feel rushed

SOGESNAKE 2011-03-21 22:44

.... I'm having flashbacks of Halle Berry's Catwoman....

Once this movie comes out, I can forever forget that~

Ithekro 2011-03-21 22:50

Just think of Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman and you will feel better...or maybe that is a different feeling.

Afternoon Tea 2011-03-21 22:51


Originally Posted by SOGESNAKE (Post 3540326)
.... I'm having flashbacks of Halle Berry's Catwoman....

Once this movie comes out, I can forever forget that~

haha I remember as well!

Im super siked for this Movie!! I have a feeling its going to be just as good as the first Dark Knight movie, Bat Man is one of favorite Superheros. >.> wish some of my friends can feel the same way as i do... The only reason why they dident like the first Dark Knight movie was because too them it was long and was boring in alot of the parts.. too me I LOVE LONG movies! Thats just more Meat to the story!

Vexx 2011-03-21 22:56

At least by a quick image google, Hathaway is certainly attractive looking (apparently she looks magnificent without a bra) and we've had two good movies from this interpretation so far....

(edit: I simply don't know her or whether she's a good actress or not. So I have no opinion on her, just in case some Hathaway fans are confused.)

Lilithium 2011-03-21 23:19

I really don't think we need another Bane appearance in a Batman movie so soon. There are plenty of villains from Batman's rogue gallery that would be better.

Haladflire65 2011-03-21 23:24


Originally Posted by Lilithium (Post 3540364)
I really don't think we need another Bane appearance in a Batman movie so soon. There are plenty of villains from Batman's rogue gallery that would be better.

But I think a Nolan/Hardy interpretation of Bane could end up being really quite something... Bane being intelligent and super-powerful, he might make a nice villain for Nolan to play with! And Tom Hardy is a great actor, too...

As for Catwoman, I'm wondering whether she'll play a straight villain part or have some twisty romantic subplot with Batman/Bruce? As it was mentioned earlier three villains is a lot for one movie... I'm not familiar with the comics, but doesn't Catwoman play other roles too (not just villain)?

Lilithium 2011-03-21 23:39

Catwoman is more of an anti-hero in the DC Universe at the moment. A love interest for Batman every so often too! She's also been a socialite too, so just you wait! Catwoman sounds great, but I still have my reservations about Bane. Another villain, maybe Hugo Strange, would be awesome. :<

james0246 2011-03-21 23:48


Originally Posted by Lilithium (Post 3540364)
I really don't think we need another Bane appearance in a Batman movie so soon. There are plenty of villains from Batman's rogue gallery that would be better.

Did I miss something? When did Bane appear last in a Batman film? Batman & Robin?

That being said, it's pretty obvious how Alberto Falcone and Selena Kyle will fit into the next film (the supposed last in a trilogy), so I am very interested in how Bane will fit in with the story (Knightfall seems a bit of a long shot (that would require 2 movies), so it'll probably be some sort of amalgamation of Knightfall and The Long Halloween/Dark Victory).

Lilithium 2011-03-21 23:50


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 3540417)
Did I miss something? When did Bane appear last in a Batman film? Batman & Robin?.

Are you being serious? There are plenty of villains that would fit well into Nolan's movies that haven't been put in a movie yet. I for one was hoping for Victor Zsaz.

james0246 2011-03-22 00:01


Originally Posted by Lilithium (Post 3540418)
Are you being serious? There are plenty of villains that would fit well into Nolan's movies that haven't been put in a movie yet. I for one was hoping for Victor Zsaz.

Personally I wished to see Hush or Hugo Strange...

That being said, Bane is one of the few rogue gallery that actually took down the Batman, so of course a legitimate storyline with the super-villain would be a better choice than just a raving lunatic like Zsasz.

Additionally, Victor Zsasz appeared, however briefly, in Batman Begins. He is still "at large" within the universe, so he could still make an appearance (especially considering he was one of Falcone's thugs in the first film, so he could still be in the new film), and since Zsasz does appear in Knightfall...well the connection is obvious.

wingdarkness 2011-03-22 00:01

I love what Nolan has done for the Batman franchise, but this one might suck..I'm callin' it...

Too many chefs...Now all these artsy fartsy actors WANT to be apart of this project because of the last movies' success and everybody and their mama are trying to be in it...There is gonna be like 8 A-listers in this joint, and if you ever watch movies with that many stars they tend to suck a bit because every actor has to have that spotlight scene...

One A-lister who sucks is Anne Hathaway...As Catwoman? Is being unattractive and overrated as an actress a prerequisite for leading ladies in this Batman franchise? (See Gyllenhall and Katie Holmes although I'd bang Holmes^^)...But the minute she got cast I started to sigh, now they're gonna throw Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who's great) as a random Mob bosses son...Really? The scriptwriters better have rocket suits on after they deliver the scenes to the actors...Christian Bale is gonna go night-shift clerk on somebody for stealing his spotlight...

Hope I'm wrong, but I rarely am^^...

Stay Tuned...

Haladflire65 2011-03-22 00:20


Originally Posted by wingdarkness (Post 3540430)
I love what Nolan has done for the Batman franchise, but this one might suck..I'm callin' it...

Too many chefs...Now all these artsy fartsy actors WANT to be apart of this project because of the last movies' success and everybody and their mama are trying to be in it...There is gonna be like 8 A-listers in this joint, and if you ever watch movies with that many stars they tend to suck a bit because every actor has to have that spotlight scene...

One A-lister who sucks is Anne Hathaway...As Catwoman? Is being unattractive and overrated as an actress a prerequisite for leading ladies in this Batman franchise? (See Gyllenhall and Katie Holmes although I'd bang Holmes^^)...But the minute she got cast I started to sigh, now they're gonna throw Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who's great) as a random Mob bosses son...Really? The scriptwriters better have rocket suits on after they deliver the scenes to the actors...Christian Bale is gonna go night-shift clerk on somebody for stealing his spotlight...

Hope I'm wrong, but I rarely am^^...

Stay Tuned...

We'll see what happens with Catwoman and Hathaway, but seriously, can't we place some trust on Nolan's casting decisions by now? People were moaning about Heath Ledger too, see how that turned out. But I do have to admit, the females have always been the weaker links in the franchise so far...

but how is Alberto Falcone random? This is going to tie into Batman Begins very nicely. Bale's also been the quiet weight of the films since the first one, I think he and Heath worked nicely together in TDK, complimenting each other's performances well.

Ithekro 2011-03-22 00:27

I don't know about her acting (since I don't watch a lot of movies), but she looks like she can be poured into Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman suit.

ChainLegacy 2011-03-22 00:52


Originally Posted by Lilithium (Post 3540364)
I really don't think we need another Bane appearance in a Batman movie so soon. There are plenty of villains from Batman's rogue gallery that would be better.

Bane makes a great movie villain in my opinion. He's got interesting powers, without being too cheesy. Batman comics have a lot of cheesy villains that work well in the comics but would be weird in movies (Killer Croc, Clayface, Solomon Grundy, etc). Unfortunately his lesser known villains like Firefly would probably fit better on the big screen but don't have as much depth. The Mad Hatter would be an interesting choice though; could be a good trippy/psychological villain with special effects and such.

delirium 2011-03-22 01:44


Originally Posted by ChainLegacy (Post 3540497)
Bane makes a great movie villain in my opinion. He's got interesting powers, without being too cheesy. Batman comics have a lot of cheesy villains that work well in the comics but would be weird in movies (Killer Croc, Clayface, Solomon Grundy, etc). Unfortunately his lesser known villains like Firefly would probably fit better on the big screen but don't have as much depth. The Mad Hatter would be an interesting choice though; could be a good trippy/psychological villain with special effects and such.

I'm afraid they'll turn Bane's venom into something along the lines of steroids. He'll be some macho boxer or something along those lines in Gotham for a string of fights, and one thing will turn into another, and it'll just be a disaster.

I don't know if that's my distaste for Bane being reused talking or not.

Tsuyoshi 2011-03-22 03:36

I'm gonna be positive neutral on this one, mainly because of Catwoman. Anne Hathaway is an incredibly gorgeous looking woman and a fantastic actress so to me, I would say she's a good choice for the part, as is everyone else. I'm assuming here that Bale is keeping the role of Batman for this one as well. While I do enjoy the new franchise (and believe Jack Nicholson's Joker was not as good as Heath Ledger's version), I still feel that Michael Keaton's Batman films were much better. I do hope they don't rush it but at the same time, I won't expect too much out of this. I will certainly see it at the theaters tho.

Spoiler for On a side note that's not neccessarily to do with this particular movie:

Aqua Knight 2011-03-22 05:08

Surely Darth is way better :)

btw, Batman is still Christian/Christopher whatever Bale?

Kyero Fox 2011-03-22 07:27

it was already announced that there wont be a MAIN bad guy but rather several

the ridler,Bane,Catwoman most likely the most realistic villians, unlike freeze or ivy

GuidoHunter_Toki 2011-03-22 09:27

I was initally unsure about having 3 villians crowd up the movie, considering what doing such has done to other movies(looking at you Spiderman 3). However I'm still very optimistic that Chris Nolan is gonna knock it outta the park again. Dude is on a roll with his films, and I haven't seen a film of his that was even, what I'd see, as average. So I think its in good hands.

Kyero Fox 2011-03-22 09:29

I hope its about catwomanxbatman more than anything :heh:

delirium 2011-03-22 10:14


Originally Posted by GuidoHunter_Toki (Post 3540752)
I was initally unsure about having 3 villians crowd up the movie, considering what doing such has done to other movies(looking at you Spiderman 3). However I'm still very optimistic that Chris Nolan is gonna knock it outta the park again. Dude is on a roll with his films, and I haven't seen a film of his that was even, what I'd see, as average. So I think its in good hands.

I hope so! I hope this is the last in the Nolan trilogy, and that the next movie will be a little less unrealistic and have Robin in it, as a teenager. And then we could have some of the kooky villains make appearances in that new series. I think it would be very popular, y'know? :>

Tsuyoshi 2011-03-22 10:24


Originally Posted by delirium (Post 3540779)
I hope so! I hope this is the last in the Nolan trilogy, and that the next movie will be a little less unrealistic and have Robin in it, as a teenager. And then we could have some of the kooky villains make appearances in that new series. I think it would be very popular, y'know? :>

To be fair, Nolan's adaptations are more realistic comapred to Micheal Keaton's films, even. For example, Batman Returns, which featured the Joker, also included a poison that would kill people by making them laugh and subsequently deforming their face in death. In "Dark Knight" however, the Joker's deformation and plot was much more down to earth if not darker. The same goes for Two-Face. His deformation was well-explained, unlike in "Batman Forever" where you see Tommy Lee Jones with half his face colored purple. Tho that appearance is more loyal to the comics, Two-Face as we saw him in "Dark Knight" was more realistic as well. I agree on having Robin tho. I think it's about time he makes an appearance as well.

delirium 2011-03-22 10:29


Originally Posted by Tsuyoshi (Post 3540784)
To be fair, Nolan's adaptations are more realistic comapred to Micheal Keaton's films, even. For example, Batman Returns, which featured the Joker, also included a poison that would kill people by making them laugh and subsequently deforming their face in death. In "Dark Knight" however, the Joker's deformation and plot was much more down to earth if not darker. The same goes for Two-Face. His deformation was well-explained, unlike in "Batman Forever" where you see Tommy Lee Jones with half his face colored purple. Tho that appearance is more loyal to the comics, Two-Face as we saw him in "Dark Knight" was more realistic as well. I agree on having Robin tho. I think it's about time he makes an appearance as well.

I know that the earlier Batman movies were unrealistic, but they are a product of the 90s, we can do so much moree with the Batman story than we could 20 years ago. Two-Face's appearance has changed over the years in the comics though. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a purple face anymore. it's obviously still scarred but no longer purple, or as purple as it has been in the past. The reason for Two-Face's scarring in the comics and probably Tommy Lee Jones' as Two-Face was that he had acid thrown in his face while prosecuting some mafioso as Gotham's District Attorney. Yeah, just read a recent comic with Two-Face, the disfigured part of his face is more fleshy than purple.

Kakashi 2011-03-22 12:27

I think you'll find Nolan has tried his hardest to stick to a realistic interpretation of Batman while still making the movie about a man who dresses up as a bat.

delirium 2011-03-22 12:46


Originally Posted by Kakashi (Post 3540921)
I think you'll find Nolan has tried his hardest to stick to a realistic interpretation of Batman while still making the movie about a man who dresses up as a bat.

But comics are not realistic! Making them realistic kills that little flair for the absurd that you have to keep in mind whenever you pick one up. Hell, Batman was shot by Darkseid's omega ray or whatever and was sent back in time after the conclusion of Final Crisis. Isn't that retarded? Yeah! But that is what you get when you read a super hero comic.

Flinch 2011-03-22 15:13

But its easier to relate to Batman than most of the superheroes. He has no superpower, he only has more money than any of us will probably ever obtain. He spends his time fighting crime, using gear that makes sense (Nolan films). Because of that, you can make it truly dark and gritty, and keep it realistic. meshing superheroes into reality isn't easily done, and Batman, frankly, is one of the, if not the only, superhero that could do it without any problems (as shown by the Nolan films)

delirium 2011-03-22 15:15


Originally Posted by Flinch (Post 3541101)
But its easier to relate to Batman than most of the superheroes. He has no superpower, he only has more money than any of us will probably ever obtain. He spends his time fighting crime, using gear that makes sense (Nolan films). Because of that, you can make it truly dark and gritty, and keep it realistic. meshing superheroes into reality isn't easily done, and Batman, frankly, is one of the, if not the only, superhero that could do it without any problems (as shown by the Nolan films)

You're making the mistake of trying to put super heroes into reality. It's a film, they don't have to be in our reality. They could be the most goddamn awesome movies of all time, but there is this insanity of trying to tie them to our reality.

It just isn't plausible! NO! NO!

Vexx 2011-03-22 15:23

I don't think "reality" "realism" are the right concepts to use here.... adaptations like this are more a sort of 'expanded reality' 'alternate reality' ...or even a modern fairy tale of sorts. A fairy tale of psychiatric madness... (both the good guys and bad guys) :) Modern mythology... even.

delirium 2011-03-22 15:30


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 3541113)
Modern mythology... even.

Yeah, that's exactly right! I mean, come on! Superman dies and returns! Reality shatters and they put it back together again, time after time. It's really quite incredible. The task of converting these stories to film will be impossible if we try to grasp it from what we perceive as reality. Batman will always be dark and gritty, even with some villain like Clayface. I just don't think there is a need to convert the story beyond what it is in the comics. Nothing is wrong with the costumes as they appear in the comics either! I'm so sick of leather and so on.

Kakashi 2011-03-22 15:33


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 3541113)
I don't think "reality" "realism" are the right concepts to use here.... adaptations like this are more a sort of 'expanded reality' 'alternate reality' ...or even a modern fairy tale of sorts. A fairy tale of psychiatric madness... (both the good guys and bad guys) :) Modern mythology... even.

That's what you'd label it yeah, the basic idea I was trying to get to is the film paints Batman as actually being feasible in the real world (even though remotely). That's one of the cool things about batman.


Originally Posted by delirium (Post 3540935)
I hope so! I hope this is the last in the Nolan trilogy, and that the next movie will be a little less unrealistic and have Robin in it, as a teenager. And then we could have some of the kooky villains make appearances in that new series. I think it would be very popular, y'know? :>


But comics are not realistic! Making them realistic kills that little flair for the absurd that you have to keep in mind whenever you pick one up. Hell, Batman was shot by Darkseid's omega ray or whatever and was sent back in time after the conclusion of Final Crisis. Isn't that retarded? Yeah! But that is what you get when you read a super hero comic.
Ok, you're saying one thing and then another. I have a feeling you're a troll, given how you think Robin would be a great idea. No one thinks that and isn't trolling...

Ithekro 2011-03-22 15:36

That might be why I enjoy these sorts of stories more in cartoon format. The old DCAU from the 90s to mid-00s seems the most interesting to me. Though part of that was that they seemed to focus on a more serious Batman while also keeping it light enough to keep most characters interesting.

Most Batman movies are about the villains really. Batman on film is usually a boring character next to the likes of the Joker.

delirium 2011-03-22 15:42


Originally Posted by Kakashi (Post 3541123)
That's what you'd label it, the basic idea though is the film paints Batman as actually being possible in the real world (even though remotely) rather than a 'superhero'.


Originally Posted by delirium
I hope so! I hope this is the last in the Nolan trilogy, and that the next movie will be a little less unrealistic and have Robin in it, as a teenager. And then we could have some of the kooky villains make appearances in that new series. I think it would be very popular, y'know? :>


Originally Posted by delirium
But comics are not realistic! Making them realistic kills that little flair for the absurd that you have to keep in mind whenever you pick one up. Hell, Batman was shot by Darkseid's omega ray or whatever and was sent back in time after the conclusion of Final Crisis. Isn't that retarded? Yeah! But that is what you get when you read a super hero comic.

Ok, you're saying one thing and then another. I have a feeling you're a troll, given how you think Robin would be a great idea. No one thinks that and isn't trolling...

What on Earth are you talking about? I said in both those quotes that unrealistic is the best way to go with super hero movies. How am I trolling? What is your problem? Robin would be a great idea. A kick ass teenage sidekick beating the crap out of Clayface alongside Batman? It would be AWESOME!

CrowKenobi 2011-03-22 17:52

Now, let's play nice here. Don't make me delete posts or issue warnings or infractions...

Elo the Blue 2011-03-22 19:24

I can't wait for this movie. I'm pretty sure Hathaway will be great as Catwomen. Hopefully, Bane is handled well though.

Haladflire65 2011-03-22 19:26

^ Agreed, and I'm not too worried about villain-overstuffing either. Batman Begins had Scarecrow, Ra's and Falcone and it worked well, TDK had not only Joker and Two-Face but an assortment of other criminals for Batman to deal with as well. Nolan knows what he's doing...

SOGESNAKE 2011-03-22 22:41

With this being the 3rd, I do have to worry about where the series is going. Usually movies don't last a 3rd installment, and when they do they just start becoming terrible, terrible movies. I hope to find this movie as enjoyable as Dark Knight, or hell.... even Begins. Then I don't have to worry about it at all~ :D

Y'know, not to get off topic and such.... but the old cartoon for this series was a shining example of great TV~

Spoiler for Cartoon SPOILERS:

wingdarkness 2011-03-22 23:51


Originally Posted by Elo the Blue (Post 3541384)
I can't wait for this movie. I'm pretty sure Hathaway will be great as Catwomen. Hopefully, Bane is handled well though.

I just don't see how you guys are gushing over Anne Hathaway as Catwoman...First off she's overrated and everyone assumes she can act because she was in a movie with Meryl Streep :uhoh:...I give her credit she's been eatin' off that her whole career...Second, she's not that cute, I'm sorry, not trying to mean, different Strokes for different folks and all that jazz, but when she smiles she almost looks like she had some of the Jokers' Brand X from the first Batman...Finally she's pale as snow on a winter's night and appears to be as frigid...Does she have some jiggles? Yeah in a couple spots, but she also has a hidden uni-brow :eyebrow:...

Michelle Pfeiffer has NOTHING to worry about IMO...Anna Hathaway is gonna be so over the top for this content...What a miscast, I'm already soured a bit...Nolan is the $hit, but I wonder if he can control multiple villains and a slew of A-list actors, plus the pressure of actually having a 3rd movie not do what most 3rd movies do...We'll see...

Vexx 2011-03-22 23:56

My... now there's a stream of hate :)

I have no opinion of her at all and don't even know what Streep movie you speak of. But the rest just seems to be gut opinion. That's okay.... everyone has some moments when they don't like a person on sight.... just don't confuse opinions for "fact".

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