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PigLig 2006-04-01 09:37

Gol D Roger discussion thread
I dont know if this had been debated before, so dont bash me if it has.

anyway, if Gold Roger is worth a billion and was the greatest pirates.
How did he get captured? I dont think they explained it in the manga.

Slayerx 2006-04-01 10:11

It's been brought up from time to time...
And so far, Oda has yet to tell us how the great pirate king got captured...

There's a number of ways...

1) Badass Marine/bounty hunter... Gold roger may have been the king of the pirates, but that only means he was the greats pirate at the time... by all means, there's really nothing to say that there wasn't a stronger marine or bounty hunter at the time...

Problem with this theory is who was it that beat gold roger and where are they now... was it someone like Ao Kiji or Sengoku(if he fights), or was it a character we have yet to meet... if one man did manage to overpower gold roger in a one-on-one fight then i'm sure we would have heard something about them

perhaps maybe it was a combined effort, it could be that the fight with Gold Roger is where the three future Admril's got their reputation as the strongest fighting force... 3 vs 1 fight, Gold Roger vs the 3 soon to be adrmils... imo, it sounds more believable then roger loosing in a one on one fight

2) just plain overwhelmed/sneak attack... it could be, that during a time when his guard was down or he was weak(after a duel with Whitebeard perhaps), the marines launched a massive assault and took him down... i can very easily picture Sengoku being the one to lead such an attack (whether or not he can fight), along side with the likes of guys like Ao kiji and the other future admril's...

Other ways might be something like betrayal... but i that the pirate king would have a nakama on his side that would sell him out...

Another that's important to note is that whatever force took down roger, also managed to take down his whole crew... since i think it was said that roger's crew is gone (i'll have to double check on that)

What i think is probably safe to say is that the handcuffs used to hold Gold Roger were probably made of seastone... Gold Roger didn't have a devil fruit but Seastone cuffs are vitually impossible to break even for the pirate king

chucky 2006-04-01 12:04

Nah, I called the FBI and they brought him down.
Just that simple.....

neodrag38 2006-04-01 13:22

What Slayerx, and the other possibility of Roger fulfilling what he needed to while he was alive in which the only thing he had left to do was die. That and/or it being a necessity for him to die for create a needed situation in which the new age of pirates may have an at this moment unshown true reason behind it.

MihawkXGP 2006-04-01 15:19

At this point in time, it'd be pretty much Impossible for anyone to guess how he was caught, or if he was even caught at all.
Its Oda's secret. What-ever it is, i'm sure it'll be a fitting one for the Pirate King. Anything else that moment is just pure speculation, especially since we know very little about Roger's past, or his Journey through the Grandline. Perhaps within his backstory is a clue to how he got captured.

Rahan 2006-04-03 04:21

Can be something very retarded as well, just like "he fell down the stairs"

Actually, I would go with neodrag38's explaination. I think he let himself get caught to start the Pirates Age. When he says he'll give his treasure to anyone who can find him without detailing what is it it doesn't sound so much like he was separated from his treasure against his own will. More like it's what he always wanted. He doesn't sound too pissed off at this execution as well.

A bit like Tom who could have kicked out Spandam and friends if he wanted. (I think)

There are so few news about his crew that I think he left them before surrendering. I can see them being One Piece's last protectors.

Of course, all of this is pure speculation.

vl86 2006-04-03 15:19

well what i personally think happened was that since he travelled the grandline became the best of everything he just got bored and didnt bother putting up a fight when the marines tried to capture him and and just surrendered since his life accomplishment and everything along with it was completed

puxira 2006-05-05 23:52

Maybe Whitebeard captured him and gave him to the Marines so he would have a shot at Pirate King?

strategos 2006-05-06 23:59

Maybe he ate the fruit that gives him eternal life.
or maybe his ghost is around.
When Luffy reach the final island, we might see a huge Gol D Roger Flash back
And then
Luffy Vs Roger

Forever 2006-05-07 06:47

Most probably was gold roger was blackmailed into surrendering himself in exchanged for his families' safety.... (Maybe, maybe.... Luffy...) And then their family must never mention any relation to him at all to anyone...

Maybe because of this deal, the very higher ups of world government chose not to seriously go after luffy... It is only when Ao kiji and nico robin factor came in then things change...

LytHka 2006-05-07 07:00

I'm very much inclined to believe that the guy was strong, however, not that strong that he couldn't be taken down. Also, I'd like to believe that his path of becoming The Pirate King was achieved because it was destined for him to become as great as he was, even though his skills weren't that top notch. Luck helped in his battles, perhaps? Why I think this is the case is that Luffy is basically following his footsteps and his decission of becoming The Pirate King so far quite nicely coincided with his success as a pirate. He also had a lot of luck.
In anime, skill does not determine one's destiny.

Sazelyt 2006-05-07 08:42

Roger's capture is an interesting story on his own. But, there is one thing that hasn't mentioned yet in related to Roger's capture: his men and what happened to them. Taking into account what we have observed until now, some of Roger's men should be strong enough to have a crew on their own. We haven't heard about them yet. So, we might consider them as dead. If that is the case, a sneak attack that will allow only Roger survive is still likely, but I don't give it a high possibility. On the other hand, considering the strength of his crew and the strength of his ship, then for me it is highly possible that the marines used a very powerful attack against him. Regardless of how strong Roger and his crew is, against the best marine captains, it shouldn't be very easy to survive. And that brings out a few other questions. Why? What did Roger do? Was it related to the legendary weapons?

MihawkXGP 2006-05-07 09:38

Most if not all of His crew are gone.
Roger's crime was knowing too much about the Lost 100 year history of the world, amongst other obvious things.

Sazelyt 2006-05-07 17:44


Originally Posted by MihawkXGP
Roger's crime was knowing too much about the Lost 100 year history of the world

Although we know that he had knowledge on the ancient language, has this ever mentioned before? I must have missed it.

Bremm 2006-05-09 09:37

Bah, he let himself be captured. Probably had the whole One Piece thing planned out for the sole purpose of starting the whole pirate craze so people would have the same chance for adventure and nakama that he did. Would seem appropriate, anyhow...

n00boi 2006-06-01 02:56

Gold Roger's crew probably contracted a disease and died.

He too got contracted and became weak but havnt died yet.

d.Lughie 2006-06-03 21:15

Assuming that the theory of WG being the actual villain...

I guess Roger didn't have enough power to go against the WG with his crewmates or himself alone. Moreover, he could not think of any other idea to proof WG being guilty beside to let people know the existence of the tablet of truth or we know called the Rio Poneglyph. To fulfill this, he dismissed his pirate crews and hand himself over to the Government, in the idea that he will be executed publicly. He was executed publicly and used this chance to spread the words to people, by mentioning "One Piece" the greatest treasure in the whole world. People would believe in him because there is really nomore use of lying for a person who was about to die. Therefore, all hell broke loose and people started searching the great treasure.

noktown 2006-06-27 23:00

Maybe its stupid,but...

I think Roger if he was the man who had everything in this world,and saw everything...,so there was no point for him to leave...,he's a pirate after all,the only thing he didnt see is death,so maybe he just decided to die...

MonkeyD.Luffy 2006-06-28 07:32

do you ppl even pay attention when watching or reading one piece.........Gol D. Roger didn't die for ppl to just become pirates or to just die.......(makes a good story but not for one piece),

"Inherited Will,
The Destiny of the Age,
and The Dreams of the People,
These are things that will not be stopped.
As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom,
They will never cease to be!"

Gol D. Roger was probably (assuming the world government is an evil empire) trying to have the world gain their freedom. If we are assuming he is caught......(sure) he probably did it for the ideal of freedom, his ideals.

the world government theory would probalby work best also because its never depicted that Roger plundered or murdered masses of ppl. just like luffy, though luffy is a pirate, during a pirate age and thats the only reason he is an outlaw. there fore Roger is an outlaw because of "one piece" or the rio poneglyph.....assuming thats what it is.....

Petbe 2006-06-28 07:43

I think some marine or someone from his past cornered him and he just turned himself in. I am pretty sure he could have esacped easily but he chose to end his life,

MonkeyD.Luffy 2006-06-28 07:49

why the hell would he just turn himself in though, you ppl need to give reasons, if not it just makes Gol D. Roger just plain sad...

C.A. 2006-06-28 10:19

Here's what I came up with after reading the posts here, pure speculation and theory:

Rather long, but I've already shortened it actually lol

MihawkXGP 2006-06-28 14:47

Interesting theory C.A

ALthough, honestly, i think its very pointless to speculate about how Roger was captured. We still barely know very little about the man. We only get small scraps of information about him in every Arc. We saw his execution, at Drum kingdom we find out his name was Gol.D.Roger, Sky Piea we find out he has the poneglyp and can apparently read the language.

Too much about him we do not know. Knowing Oda, it'll be something we could never think of. After-all no one expected Kaku to have a Giraffe fruit did we?

MonkeyD.Luffy 2006-06-28 16:50

..........i believe shanks does kill, and plunder for the fun of it.....he is a pirate after all. i mean what the hell do you think he does on his free time? he just doesn't seem that bad to us but from what we see there is a side to him that plunders and or not if its planned its the same thing...

C.A. 2006-06-28 17:14


Originally Posted by MonkeyD.Luffy
..........i believe shanks does kill, and plunder for the fun of it.....he is a pirate after all. i mean what the hell do you think he does on his free time? he just doesn't seem that bad to us but from what we see there is a side to him that plunders and or not if its planned its the same thing...

That's definitely not Shanks lol

He told Buggy that killing and stuff is not his way, he just wants to sail the seas, enjoy the freedom and adventures.

We haven't even seen him draw his sword at anyone, not the bandits, not the seaking, he doesn't even like to kill those who threatens him.

If he doesn't kill the bad guys and instead kills everything else for fun, I can't see in anyway how Luffy idolizes him so much and thinks he's a great person.

And its very clear what he does in his free time: occupy the local bar, if not set up a camp on a deserted island and party lol

MonkeyD.Luffy 2006-06-28 20:18

thats just what you want to believe. when i say shanks i mean his crew, i didn't say he kills everything else for fun i said he has planned raids and plunders, where killing has to have taken place. and even zoro has killed ppl, so all these crews are not innocent in the killing sense. (except ussop's but he is gay)

just because shanks hasn't shown killing ppl doesn't mean he hasn't, even luffy has killed ppl, (we assume crocodile, ex marine capt., im sure some of the marines died from his fights, and blah blah blah.)

point is every pirate crew has been implyed that they have killed some ppl and stole and all that other pirate stuff.

but it doesn't mean they are bad, its been shown that shanks, and gol d. roger weren't bad pirates just like luffy's crew. even foxy's crew wasn't THAT bad.....(that can be up for debate. lol)

C.A. 2006-06-28 21:41

Oh lol, I thought you meant kill and plunder for fun, I thought you meant both acts lol

neodrag38 2006-06-28 21:59


Originally Posted by MonkeyD.Luffy
thats just what you want to believe. when i say shanks i mean his crew, i didn't say he kills everything else for fun i said he has planned raids and plunders, where killing has to have taken place. and even zoro has killed ppl, so all these crews are not innocent in the killing sense. (except ussop's but he is gay)

LOL:D Funny but the part about killing is true though I guess.

just because shanks hasn't shown killing ppl doesn't mean he hasn't, even luffy has killed ppl, (we assume crocodile, ex marine capt., im sure some of the marines died from his fights, and blah blah blah.)
None that can really be counted. Believe it or not Crocodile is still quite alive, enough to appear in a manga mini.

Anyway, the theory C.A. gives seems to make sense. Though I could never get up the effort to type that much.:cool:

zetra 2006-06-28 22:15

Any body know where is enel now??

C.A. 2006-06-28 22:20


Originally Posted by zetra
Any body know where is enel now??

Not sure why you're asking this in Gol. D Roger's thread lol but:

zetra 2006-06-28 22:32

I don't know, is Roger still alive??

C.A. 2006-06-28 22:39


Originally Posted by zetra
I don't know, is Roger still alive??

He was executed infront of thousands of people, I'm sure they will all tell you he's dead lol

zetra 2006-06-28 22:40

I forgot that!!!!!!

MonkeyD.Luffy 2006-06-29 02:20

hopefully enel is DEAD!!! idk why he was even kept alive......last they show is him flying to the moon, he should die in the atmosphere or lack of oxygen. lol

who knows...

airsBlue 2006-07-03 09:19

did the marine capture roger or did u just give in to them ... u are talking about the man how was able to go to raftel wher no one other than him self could niether the marines ... so if it is hard to go to raftiel then why even after roger was executed no one else got to their for 20 years !!? even whitebeard or the marine .... like they are all waiting for someone to open the road to raftiel for them.

*spoiler read after ep 50 *
also i know one other thing .. not all of roger pirate members got captured .. i think only the weak ones not the main ones ... the reason, if u remeber when luffy enter grand line he, u remeber the old man he meet he said that he watched this place for 50 years but he during that time ( a little over 20 years he joined a pirate crew ), and after that he talked like he knows roger very well. i beleive he was a member of roger pirate at that time also Doc. Koreha ...
the other member i think he was a member of roger's crew is dragon the fact that he was visiting the place where roger died and he said part of his will confirm that .. i think.

* spoilers ep 225 or highter don't know *
but i believe roger is still alive or luffy is his grandson :) if that so then that's will explain luffy talks with Adminaral Aoi koji. about how capturing luffy grandfather was truble some ... or something like that ( wait for K-F release which after a year i think :)

Illuyankas 2006-07-03 09:31

Ener would only get so high before passing out from lack of oxygen. With Ener unconscious, his ship will fall and hit whatever's below him, unless he wakes up in time. It should hit ocean, but it might hit land...

SandalHat 2006-07-03 19:02

i think he turned himself in.. I think that he figured that he accomplished everything he ever wanted.. Why not go at the top of the game..

And he probally knew some crazy secret that he went to the grave with..

I wonder if poneglpyhs have something to do with the will of D

Hiking_Bear 2006-07-03 22:41

I think it had something to do with "Inherited Will" from the intro. Since Gol D Roger was the pirate King, he probably was too strong for the government to take down, so they threatened his family - the family line of D. To save them he had to turn himself in to be executed.

The will of D, is the will inherited from Gol D Roger, because he saved them. One of the D-line is destined to become the next Pirate King. Perhaps Dragon is linked to Gol D Roger in some way (a former crewmate maybe) and that is why he saved Luffy from getting his head chopped off at Roguetown. He had to make sure that the will of D survived.

Also, I think that is why Shanks and Whitebeard are meeting over the issue of Portgas D Ace tracking down Marshall D Teach. They are both part of the D family and so they're not supposed to fight each other. This seems to be known to Shanks and Whitebeard, but not to the government because the 5 elder stars don't know what the meeting is about.

** And this is a side note that I mentioned before, but "Old Roger" was a phrase that used to mean "devil" back in the actual pirating age. So, I tihnk D might stand for Devil, as in devil fruit.

C.A. 2006-07-03 22:45

Just to add, Dragon starts with D too.

airsBlue 2006-07-05 03:43

there is a point that i still don't understand, Raftel is the island at the end of the grand line and roger was the only person to confirm it existance .. when luffy entered the grand line at first and crocus explained to him about the grand line there was drawing of the grand line .. that all line will gather at and island before raftel, is that place the pirate summit which ace mentioned ??

but what i really want to know ... the orgnization that's known now as WG exist more than 800 years before roger came and they couldn't reach raftel, whitebeard which said to be the only pirate that fought equally with roger even after more than 20 years since roger dead couldn't reach raftel ... the marines and WB should have surviver or prisoner of roger men which saw what roger and how he entered raftel ?? if they are this strong why the heck they couldn't able to reach it ?

also another point they mentioned the whitebeard was the only man who fought equally with roger but i think that's was a long before roger became the pirate king which mean roger should got stronger than WB by that time ... so they probably decided to fight to see whose stronger, the marine heard that they gathered power 3 admiral, more than 10 vice admiral, a lot of fleets, and they created the shichibukai for the first time and they ambushed roger .. roger and his crew fought they probably killed 1 or two admiral, a few vice-admiral, and a few shichibukai.. but their number where great as last resort to let his nakama and friend escape ( like WB, or maybe Robin's mother, or baby luffy or to protect something ) roger surrender or played decoy to let them escape that's how he got captured ... because when he was about to get excuted they ask him if he want anything he asked if they can free his hands and promise not to flee because he is tired of runing away ..

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