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Zu Ra 2007-12-26 18:21

Name your Best and Worst moments in Bleach

Thread Credits : Kankel


< Use Spoiler Tags for Manga Events >

* Best Bleach Moment (Anime) : Mine would be ep 154 for the obvious reason . The anime only flashabck between Rukia and Kaien was sweet

* Best Bleach Moment (Manga) :

Spoiler for Manga:

* Worst Bleach Moment (Anime) : Mod Souls interupting IlForte Renji fight

* Worst Bleach Moment (Manga) :

Spoiler for MANGA:

Kankel 2007-12-26 18:31

Oh! Thanks Geta Boshi for making the thread :)
Now my best and worst moments... Man I gotta think this out thoroughly, I came up with the idea for this thread but I still don't know mine.:heh: well I'll post them soon enough.Now lets see.

Kankel 2007-12-26 18:39

* Worst Bleach Moment (Anime) : Mod Souls interupting IlForte Renji fight

* Worst Bleach Moment (Manga) :

Spoiler for MANGA:

Well I do agree with you on the worst moments thats for sure those are mine as well ;)

kissthestick 2007-12-26 22:21

* Best Bleach Moment (Anime) : Seing the 1st Grimmjaw vs Ichigo fight godly animated

* Best Bleach Moment (Manga) :

* Worst Bleach Moment (Anime) : Espada meeting being horribly animated, talk about bad timing,lol

* Worst Bleach Moment (Manga) :

Amirali 2007-12-26 22:44

Best bleach moment (Anime): Dordonni's dancing, stylish entrance and heroic demise. Normally in Bleach, a character is judged cool according to how strong he is. Dordonni on the other hand, was weak, goofy........and still won me over with a lot of class and balls. May his soul dance in peace. Special mention for the Ikakku bankai fight as being the best animated of the year.

Best Bleach moment (Manga) (spoiler) :
Spoiler for manga:

Worst Bleach moment(anime):
The horrible arc where Matsumoto goes shopping, saves a snotty brat from the self-duplicating arrancar, and acts likes a complete ditz. Bad animation, cliched plot, poor character portrayal, annoying dialogue, inconsistencies..........this one hits all the notes on the bad filler checklist.

Worst Bleach moment(manga):
Spoiler for manga:

Jays 2007-12-27 01:17

Best Anime Moment:Tie between Edorado & Ikkaku and (first fight) Grimmjow & Ichigo. I don't know what to say, no fillerish parts, suberp animation, better than the stuff from the movies. Done magnificently to the bone - kinda hurt a bit though, it reminded me of how much I enjoyed watching Bleach in the Soul Society arc.

Best Manga Moment:
Spoiler for spoiler:

Worst Anime Moment:The constant fillers put into the Arrancar arc, they were all bad, horribly bad. I know this isn't one moment, but a lot of them, but still, it just ruined it. I think the culminative moment had to be when they had that stupidly crappy duplicating hollow.

Worst Manga Moment:
Spoiler for spoiler:

Hir0 2007-12-27 07:20

Best Anime Moment: After Ichigo got bankai and saved rukia beating down 3 Vice Captains in no time.

Best Manga Moment:

Worst Anime Moment: Hanataro and Co. Making cakes? seriously, wtf XD

Worst Manga Moment:

hachihachi 2007-12-27 11:14

best moment: byakuya injured in a major way after ichigo and aizen. thought that aristocrat was cold-blooded until then. cant decide between this and the nell moment when she drool over don panini.

worst moment: bount fight when ichigo first walked inside that mansion. i dozed off during the fight.

King Lycan 2007-12-27 13:56

Spoiler for Manga:

Ichy 2007-12-27 14:18

Best in Manga: Nell
Best in Anime: Ichigos first time Bankai

Worst in Manga: Entire Mexico Arc ecluding Nell and
Spoiler for Spoiler:

Worst in Anime: Bouto Arc. Filler Characters still there after their arc -.-

Kankel 2007-12-27 14:46

Ok my best bleach moments are:
* In anime: The whole Ichigo vs. Dordonii fight, especially Nell :)
* In manga:
Spoiler for best manga moment:

RWBladewing 2007-12-27 18:18

Don't watch the anime so I'll just name manga only.

Spoiler for Best:

Spoiler for Worst:

BleachOD 2008-01-02 09:16

Best Anime Moment
Spoiler for ....:

Worst Anime Moment
Spoiler for Eww...:

Best Manga Moment
Spoiler for ...:

Spoiler for ...:

Scep 2008-01-02 10:31

Best anime moment: I'm afraid to say that for the anime i dont really have the huge surprises storyline wise because i have read the manga, so for me basically any moment where the animation quality is high. Eg. Grimm v Ichi fight, ikkaku fight. Special mention to the moment when the main team stepped into HM leaving the mod souls behind 8)

Worst anime moment: Any scene with mod souls.

Best manga moment:
Spoiler for manga:

Worst manga moment:
Spoiler for manga:

The Chaos 2008-01-02 10:43

Best Moment In Anime ----> Ichigo Vs Grimmjow
moment In anime ----> When The Gang(you Know Who) Want To Do The Cake Ep ...I hate it That Ep
I Don't Have Anything For The Manga... :)

WONDERMIKE 2008-01-02 12:07

Best Bleach Moment (Anime) : Keigo's sis :love: i thought of shaving my head after seeing Ikkaku's impact on her :heh:

Best Bleach Moment (Manga) :

Spoiler for Manga:

Worst Bleach Moment (Anime) : Shinji/Hiyori sticking their fingers in you know where... urks

Worst Bleach Moment (Manga) :

Spoiler for MANGA:

wingdarkness 2008-01-02 21:51

Best anime moment: Ikkaku's release, Uuru kicking that Arrancar's a$$ until she get's thrashed, Grimmjow punching the shonen $hit outta Ichigo in the best animated episode in the series, Ichigo's full monster hollow form during his inner-battle, and Shinji vs. Grimmjow to that cool Shinji BGM (Watched that scene a hundred times it's soooo good)...

Honerable mention: Yumichika baking pastries for a fata$$ hollow that wanted to chain choked his mom because she wouldn't eat the cake he taught them to make...Her explanantion still makes my eyes water with laffter to this day..."Everytime I see cake I think of him..." xD

Worse anime moment: How the Bounto Arc just turned into $hit once they got to SS...I had defended that arc so much and I felt ashamed of that because they ended it with such a lack creative thought...I still don't know what Kariya's followers actually thought they could accomplish once they got to SS because they were so outclassed it made the arc's climax meaningless...

Rukia's power being similiar to Hits (One ice-power is ENUFF!)...

The horrible animation quality of the intro espada episode...Grimmjow's jawbone during Aizen's ownage was OWNED....

The lack of crazy Hollichigo (It will be hard if we never see him again :( )...Fug-mask form just can't replace that guy...

Mr Hat and Clogs 2008-01-02 23:24

Anime: Episodes 139-140, there is just much win in those two eps, Grim vs Ichy, Shinji vs Grim, Uli & Ori, Luppi vs all, and Urahara! Oh and Wonderwice trying to play grabass with Urahara's hat was funny.

Spoiler for manga:

Anime: Prolly the arc with Matsumoto, such a shame.
Spoiler for manga:

edit: So so very very sorry about the spoilers, just completely missed it when i typed it. sorry.

Hir0 2008-01-03 03:39

can you at least Spoiler Tag ur manga parts?


Teh2ndrunner 2008-01-08 17:19

Ha , I've nt seen the whole series so far but I know the comedy scenes are definitely some of the best , esp ep 52 when the mini lieutenant takes the piss out of the bald guy. The best bits are the clashes of comedy and serious fighting ( although the early 'play' fighting with Ichigo is awesome). All in all the ironic moments.

The worst parts - fillers with absolutely no meaning! Example being the parts with the 3 mod souls pre Bounto arc! Waste of time! The bounto arc itself is pretty poor also ...

Don't read the manga so no comment there.

Arthas1011 2008-01-08 17:43

Best moment in anime - When Ichigo has a bath with Yoroichi

Worst moment in anime - When Cartoon network stopped airing it

Best moment in Manga - when I reached chapter 150

Worst moment in Manga - When the books were to expensive at armageddon

tbl 2008-01-08 19:08

Best moment of the year: When Ichigo called Dordonii, Don Panini.

Worst manga moment: The HM arc. Pretty disappointing.

thetruth 2008-01-11 03:35

Best moment is the humors in the first half of Bleach and Kenpachi, that guy is awesome.
Worst moment are the fillers after Aizen, Gin, and Tousen left to Hueco Mundo.

MAQI 2008-01-13 20:16

Best moment= Motsumoto soaking wet, naked, and hugging Orihime on the floor.

Worst moment= The appearance of dondo jack and the other annoying guy... I don't think they are funny and I can't stand them what so ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Irkalla 2008-01-13 20:25

Best moment: Byakuya X Ichigo and Grimm x Ichigo fight
Worst moment: Orihime trying to kiss Ichigo

Hilarieho 2008-05-20 13:10

Best anime moment: When Orihime slapped Ulquiorra. THANK you god the girl stands up for herself at last! It's a moment i recall fondly because i couldn't resist a loud 'you GO girlfriend!'. The ulq fans might have hated that moment but we must remember he was the one who kidnapped her, pyschologically tortured her and verbally provoked her afterall. He was being a complete twat to the poor girl.
I also quite enjoyed Orihimes goodbye episode (yes you might have guessed i quite like Hime :)) i thought it was one of Bleach's few tender episodes that really expanded her character's dilema.
And any episode with keigos sister and Ikkaku :heh:

Worst anime moment: The byakuya and whatsisface leader bount man battle. ZZZZZZZZZ

Best manga
Spoiler for bleach:

Spoiler for bleach:

HiroInazuma 2008-05-20 13:45

Best MOMENT OF THE YEAR: Aizen pwning Ichigo with his finger whilst Ichigo is in bankai mode, I especially loled when Ichigo started charging at Aizen and the music was all like: 'IF YOU WANT TO SEE SOME ACTION!! GOT TO GET A NEW -' then there was a ping sound and Ichigo bled out from all over.

Best manga moment:

Spoiler for manga:

Worst manga moment:

Spoiler for manga:

Best anime moment: Hollows worshipping Nell for being an arrancar

Worst anime moment: Bount arc

jelome1989 2008-07-22 07:37

Best Anime Moment/ Episode: Episode 60 -> Hitsugaya first Bankai appearance

Worst Anime Moments / Episodes: all the ******* fillers

BleachAddict 2008-07-22 09:42

Very interesting thread

Best Anime Moment:
Shinigami Isshin
Grimmjow's "Ali-moment" with Ichigo
Hirako saving the day! absolutely awesome. guy's cool!
Kisuke vs. Yammi
Inoue slapping Ulquiorra
Rukia killing Kaien the first time

Best Mnga Moment:
Spoiler for spoiler:

Worst anime moment:
Most, rather all, filler episodes. Just too... bwwaaaallkkk and zzzzzzz
ALL ear-splitting Kurosaki-kun moments.

Worst mnga moment:
Spoiler for spoiler:

Zu Ra 2008-07-22 11:21


Originally Posted by BleachAddict (Post 1747684)

Worst mnga moment:
Spoiler for spoiler:

Spoiler for Manga:

BleachAddict 2008-07-22 14:11


Originally Posted by Geta Boshi (Post 1747862)
Spoiler for Mnga:

Cow Nel... lol !!
is funny

Another best anime/mnga moment: Ichigo and Isshin in front of Masaki's grave. It's a touching scene. The whole Memories in the Rain is touching both Rukia's (kaien's death) and Ichigo's.

X207 2008-07-22 15:10

best moment: vaizard ichigo vs grimmjow
worst: any scene with monkey face and his bright bunch of unique katanas (ie the hyena freak), though the absolute WORST of them all is dumb don-kanongi and his idiotic trademark laugh. oh, how i so wanna drop by his house and use a zampaktou to sever that thing stuck between the chest and chin.

Zu Ra 2008-07-22 18:44


Originally Posted by BleachAddict (Post 1748213)
Another best anime/mnga moment: Ichigo and Isshin in front of Masaki's grave. It's a touching scene. The whole Memories in the Rain is touching both Rukia's (kaien's death) and Ichigo's.

Yeah I really loved Isshin's cigarette smoking umbrella thrusting speech for Ichigo about Being Happy also at the end as an added the was a cute interaction between Ichigo and Rukia . After that ep I discovered how deep Isshin's character is.

ruote 2008-07-22 20:57

Best Bleach Moment (Anime) : Rukia and Kaien/A.A. episodes, i like their fights and the flashbacks

Best Bleach Moment (Manga) :
Isshin as Shinigami
Byakuya VS Ichigo with Shirosaki
Kenpachi vs Tousen "long time no see" :heh:

Worst anime moment: Inoue trying to kiss the sleeping Ichigo
their nostrils creeps me out

SinsI 2008-07-22 21:20

Worst anime moment:
Spoiler for episode 111:

Best anime moment:
Rukia's attempts at drawing.

Hari Michiru 2008-07-22 21:24


Originally Posted by ruote (Post 1749046)
Worst anime moment: Inoue trying to kiss the sleeping Ichigo
their nostrils creeps me out

That freaked me out :uhoh:

Best: All the fighting scenes animated! It just doesn't have the same feeling in the manga.
Worst: "Kurosaki-kun". Every time I hear that, I feel like slapping Orihime.

Best: When I realized that Rukia hadn't died. :heh:
Worst: Any fanservice moment.

ruote 2008-07-22 21:41


Originally Posted by Hari Michiru (Post 1749122)
That freaked me out :uhoh:

i think it was the most awkward scene :heh:
it was really creepy.
i thought, she was trying to do this ->

Thewanderer 2008-07-22 22:01


Originally Posted by SinsI (Post 1749112)
Worst anime moment:
Spoiler for episode 111:

I have to agree. It was random and it's not going anywhere.

KiNA 2008-07-23 06:37

^ How about have patient and wait for it to be unfold later on?

Best anime scene.. Unohana spooking off Kenpachi's team in the hospital :D Turned me into an MILF addict with that XD

Notable scene Hiyori screaming she's still a virgin to Shinji :heh:

Best manga scene

That just owns on so many level XD .. I mean .. come on! XD

Thewanderer 2008-07-23 06:51


Originally Posted by KiNA (Post 1749943)
^ How about have patient and wait for it to be unfold later on?

Patients? I'm not a doctor:heh:


Originally Posted by KiNA (Post 1749943)
Notable scene Hiyori screaming she's still a virgin to Shinji :heh:

Any scene with Hiyori is the best =3

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