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monir 2009-06-22 20:48

Sora Kake - Episode 25 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Sora Kake, Episode 25.

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serenade_beta 2009-06-22 22:18

Murderous intent towards script writer just increased a lot...

The story... is beyond repair. How did it get to this... Heck, I think it might have even surpassed Munto's horrible story. And just like that, the script feels like the writer just gave up and turned everything into a gag. It's hard to see it as anything else, especially with that part at the end. With that "Prince of Darkness" line and Nami's "ban~" and Nami's "Sora wo Kakero Shoujo Black" thing and Lulubot's "Shoujo Black"...
Kagura's recovery was just chaotic... Takane's miraculous and sudden recovery was bad too, but this was... "amazing"... (;゚д゚)ポカーン
The rest... No Comment. Indeed, No Comment...

Like............ Nami's the only part of the series that is worth watching for now? Even though the series is about to be over either way...

Separate thoughts:

Akiha's little gun thing works by itself?!... (-_-)

Nami really is good at nicknaming people~ :heh:
What she said to Akiha was probably what a good number of people thought about Akiha too. Nami=Viewers? Especially the line "IRAIRA surundayo!" (<--It's irritating!" or something like that)

Nami~, Nami~ ( ^ω^ ) Her sickness is getting worse and worse... Half of the things she said to Akiha could have been completely said back. :heh:
But that's good. Good. Fuhehehe...

When did Nami get this strong..................... ( -________-)

Akiha... *laugh* Yeah... I'm sure most people don't even care about her anymore. Probably nothing she does in this episode will change anyone's opinion either, I bet.
Heroine <--*snort*

Ah...~~~~~ Nami~, step on me too~

Why is Nami's blood purple? A new type of censor?

..............Yeah, go figure, Tsutsuji's still alive. :rolleyes:

Preview: And so, after lots of horrible developments, we reach the last episode, which continues with the story that has suffered from horrible developments, as the good guys face off against Prince of Darkness and Nami.
It's a good end if Nami kills them all............ Geez, the other characters don't really matter anymore.

Sixth 2009-06-22 23:23

^ How funny...and I beg a differ.

I'm actually enjoy the direction of the story going.

In fact, for Leopard and Nerval switching their role definitely worth to watch. I mean, it isn't something you can see from other anime.

Of course, I would wait for the sub before I make my final judgment on it.

and again, I love how Akiha OHKO Nami.

Although it is sad that Blizzard Cathedral got beaten down within 1 seconds.

ThoHell 2009-06-23 02:27


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2466934)
Murderous intent towards script writer just increased a lot...

The story... is beyond repair. How did it get to this... Heck, I think it might have even surpassed Munto's horrible story. And just like that, the script feels like the writer just gave up and turned everything into a gag. It's hard to see it as anything else, especially with that part at the end. With that "Prince of Darkness" line and Nami's "ban~" and Nami's "Sora wo Kakero Shoujo Black" thing and Lulubot's "Shoujo Black"...
Kagura's recovery was just chaotic... Takane's miraculous and sudden recovery was bad too, but this was... "amazing"... (;゚д゚)ポカーン
The rest... No Comment. Indeed, No Comment...

Like............ Nami's the only part of the series that is worth watching for now? Even though the series is about to be over either way...

Separate thoughts:

Akiha's little gun thing works by itself?!... (-_-)

Nami really is good at nicknaming people~ :heh:
What she said to Akiha was probably what a good number of people thought about Akiha too. Nami=Viewers? Especially the line "IRAIRA surundayo!" (<--It's irritating!" or something like that)

Nami~, Nami~ ( ^ω^ ) Her sickness is getting worse and worse... Half of the things she said to Akiha could have been completely said back. :heh:
But that's good. Good. Fuhehehe...

When did Nami get this strong..................... ( -________-)

Akiha... *laugh* Yeah... I'm sure most people don't even care about her anymore. Probably nothing she does in this episode will change anyone's opinion either, I bet.
Heroine <--*snort*

Ah...~~~~~ Nami~, step on me too~

Why is Nami's blood purple? A new type of censor?

..............Yeah, go figure, Tsutsuji's still alive. :rolleyes:

Preview: And so, after lots of horrible developments, we reach the last episode, which continues with the story that has suffered from horrible developments, as the good guys face off against Prince of Darkness and Nami.
It's a good end if Nami kills them all............ Geez, the other characters don't really matter anymore.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! A man who shares my own feelings. I was in the series for Lulu, Honoka, and Itsuki, but now the only thing worth watching is Nami and Lulu. AWESOME evil team!:heh::heh:

willyvereb 2009-06-23 03:31

Yeah...At last! The inveniatable happened!
Anyways: It's somewhat ironic...Nami's the evilest character of the whole series and the most selfish one but her actions served the good for now.
Helping Nerval(who actually the "good guy"), freeing Kagura and Takane, Giving Akiha some damn reason to fight and cracked up her "shell"(her secluded world where there's no fighting, nothing bothersome to do and full of Imo-chan)
I bet Akiha turns both Nami and Leopard to good(at least she does something meaningfull in the end).
I bet Akiha's QT power to turn everyone to love her. Because Nami has the Anti-QT she's immune to that. I have no other reason why everyone loves her in the show.

Sixth 2009-06-23 10:41

Yeah..Nerval's biggest mistake was recruited Nami as his follower.

Everything would be damn fine if he just put Nami into the box in the first place.

and Nerval's city actually look cool and Nerval's sight-seeing are was awesome as well.

willyvereb 2009-06-23 11:44

My take It would be better if Nami finds Leopard. Better than the Good-for-Moething Akiha...Anyways I have a bad feeling about Nami's fate. Maybe she'll die at the end.
She has a probably serious wound after Akiha's shot.

golthin 2009-06-23 13:41

you know, i have to agree with everyone. At this point I can't help but to side with the bad guys. I think the writers are doing a good job by actually giving us bad guys that you can cheer on.
It does't matter what Nerval do, I can't never see him as a good guy no matter what he does.
Nami is kind of cool as a bad guy, while Akiha is just ANNOYING.

C.A. 2009-06-23 16:11

I just watched episode 21 to 25, haven't been visiting this forum because I'm behind. But I guess there's no need for me to post any summaries for this episode. Not sure if its because of bad subs or people failing to understand, it seems there's no need to explain the good of what has been happening. Not sure if I could have changed people's opinions if I had posted summaries of previous episodes.

But, really lol, serenade_beta has extremely bad reasoning and understanding skills.

Nerval's tattoos are QT imprints that brainwashes the person. Nami doesn't know about her own Anti-QT powers and can only use it as a reflex, when she recieves a heavy shock of some sort. The Anti-QT wave can erase the QT effects of Nerval's tattoos, she's like an extremely powerful QT-Rose, that doesn't just neutralises QT effects, but totally counters it. Her Anti-QT wave removed the Nerval tattoos from Takane, Honoka and Kagura, that's why Takane and Kagura returned to normal.

And I guess people missed lots of homages or they are not mentioned in the previous episode threads from what I read.

Min is a member of TOP, she knows her Inazuma Kicks and she crosses her arms well.
Nerval's Cathedral is Celestial Being.
Nerval himself is Bushido.
Nerval does a good Overdevil.
Turn A Gundam, White Doll, was buried and hidden under a rocky shell of nanomachine leftovers, just like Leopard's swords.
Nadesico Prince of Darkness.
Nami's Black could be a homage to a number of stuff, not sure what exactly, Kamen Rider BLACK?

Tom Bombadil 2009-06-23 20:59


Originally Posted by C.A. (Post 2468102)
Nerval's tattoos are QT imprints that brainwashes the person. Nami doesn't know about her own Anti-QT powers and can only use it as a reflex, when she recieves a heavy shock of some sort. The Anti-QT wave can erase the QT effects of Nerval's tattoos, she's like an extremely powerful QT-Rose, that doesn't just neutralises QT effects, but totally counters it. Her Anti-QT wave removed the Nerval tattoos from Takane, Honoka and Kagura, that's why Takane and Kagura returned to normal.

I don't think there is any misunderstanding of what is going on. Nami's hit, green light flashes, Nerval's tattoo gradually disappears. That's it, isn't it? All the other stuff are just add-on so that credulous viewers will buy it more willingly. Now, think about what the script writters are trying to sell:
  • What kind of cheap masochist setting is it?:heh: Nami can only release her powers when she is hit? :uhoh:
  • Green light flashes...Kagura is no long under control...Wait... Did I miss a Kagura changing scene? Who moved my Kagura service?!! :frustrated:
  • Script writter: "Let me introduce you the button which we call RAIKS".
    Viewers:"Wow, what does it do?"
    Script Writter:"Remove Aleida, then Insert Kagura to the Scene. "
    Viewers:"What does this button over here do?"
    Script Writter:"Remove Leopard, then Insert Dark-Leopard. "
  • Didn't we saw the mind control thing with Miss Takane? Oh, I get it. They are just foreshadows so we won't be surprised when next episode Nami's former model friend are freed from the Neval's seal.
  • "That's the end of story, Akiha and imo-chan lives happily ever after. Time to go to bed. "
    "But what what happened to Miss Kagura?Why was she siding with Who-Must-not-Be-Named?"
    "Oh, she was just under mind control. Now go to bed."

C.A. 2009-06-23 21:15

The script writers won't be saying sorry to you if the script doesn't go your way, too bad for you then. You'll teach them how to write a better plot if you ever become a script writer yourself. There will definitely be someone who will blame you, the script writer though.

Meanwhile those who actually enjoy the show will get their rewards.

If you haven't seen characters who release powers upon receiving a shock or impact, you probably need to watch more anime. And if you haven't watch enough anime, then Sora Kake is definitely not for you at all in the very first place. This show has parodies and homages right from the very start, it is a fan service anime.

serenade_beta 2009-06-23 21:44


Originally Posted by C.A. (Post 2468102)
Nerval's tattoos are QT imprints that brainwashes the person. Nami doesn't know about her own Anti-QT powers and can only use it as a reflex, when she recieves a heavy shock of some sort. The Anti-QT wave can erase the QT effects of Nerval's tattoos, she's like an extremely powerful QT-Rose, that doesn't just neutralises QT effects, but totally counters it. Her Anti-QT wave removed the Nerval tattoos from Takane, Honoka and Kagura, that's why Takane and Kagura returned to normal.

......Anyone can realize that...
And? Just because an reason was given to everything that happened doesn't immediately mean it's great. The way it is done, the setup, etc. are still important.
Like... Say an anime kills a character... and then suddenly introduces a plot device to revive that character. Similar to this, take Imo-chan. Kill her off for some drama, and then Ta-Dah! She's actually alive! They give a reason later on... So? We should all go "Well, then this is a great development afterall!"?
Anti-climatic and disappointing... No, wait, according to you, hating such things is apparently because "extremely bad reasoning and understanding skills". :heh:


Originally Posted by C.A. (Post 2468480)
The script writers won't be saying sorry to you if the script doesn't go your way, too bad for you then. You'll teach them how to write a better plot if you ever become a script writer yourself. There will definitely be someone who will blame you, the script writer though.

If you haven't seen characters who release powers upon receiving a shock or impact, you probably need to watch more anime. And if you haven't watch enough anime, then Sora Kake is definitely not for you at all in the very first place. This show has parodies and homages right from the very start, it is a fan service anime.

I have no idea what you are trying to get at... That we shouldn't criticize anything?

And so you can take it that way. That you shouldn't take it seriously and that anything that happens is okay.
Unfortunately, not everyone does.

C.A. 2009-06-23 22:04

Extremely bad reasoning and understanding skills is specially for you, everyone knows how you can never enjoy a show properly and your only enjoyment comes from criticising. And you've made so many wrong statements in your posts, we really wonder whether you understood anything, or were you not watching in the first place.

And of most things to not take seriously is anything that you post. Your criticism has never been fair judgments, but simply opinions that carry no weight.

We all know that any episode that has more talk than action is a bad episode for you. Any character that talks more than acting is a bad character as well. Your posts are generally considered as lulz, but if you overdo it, you'll definitely get complains.

Seravy 2009-06-23 22:22

Egad! Only one episode left?? I guess we'll never find out what Kagura wrote on that note eh, not that it matters anymore :bleh:

C.A. 2009-06-23 22:56

If you look at 7:30, where Nami destroys Enigma, you can see that the note is gone, someone took it.

Which could be taken by these 4, Nami(unlikely), Nerval(unlikely), Aleida(maybe), Imo-chan(most likely).

There's a chance we'll see the note next episode, my guess is when Akiha reunites with Imo-chan and we'll learn of the note.

Sixth 2009-06-23 23:29


Originally Posted by C.A. (Post 2468632)
If you look at 7:30, where Nami destroys Enigma, you can see that the note is gone, someone took it.

Which could be taken by these 4, Nami(unlikely), Nerval(unlikely), Aleida(maybe), Imo-chan(most likely).

There's a chance we'll see the note next episode, my guess is when Akiha reunites with Imo-chan and we'll learn of the note.

But does the note ever matter when Kagura herself is at Akiha's side? :heh:

Seriously, I really want to know what fate lies for Nerval.

Will he got converted or die like an hero in the end?

Will there going to be 3 Colonies vs 1 Colony in next episode?

I wonder, how will those animator fit everything within 20 minute episode and warp the conclusion. :confused:

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-24 00:07

I knew this series was going to get the full on bashing treatment before the day was out. :rolleyes: It wouldn't be a Sunrise series subforum if it all didn't just go to hell with people railing on the script writers for things that aren't actually a problem.

And yeah Serenade Beta never knows what he's talking about. Everytime I watch these episodes it's completely different from how he portrays it. And there's no way this is worse then Munto, he's just doing his trolling thing now so yeah....lulz indeed. Especially considering the show was pretty much ALWAYS a gag.


Originally Posted by C.A. (Post 2468102)

Nerval's tattoos are QT imprints that brainwashes the person. Nami doesn't know about her own Anti-QT powers and can only use it as a reflex, when she recieves a heavy shock of some sort. The Anti-QT wave can erase the QT effects of Nerval's tattoos, she's like an extremely powerful QT-Rose, that doesn't just neutralises QT effects, but totally counters it. Her Anti-QT wave removed the Nerval tattoos from Takane, Honoka and Kagura, that's why Takane and Kagura returned to normal.

Yep, this was covered ages ago, it's just that some people don't pay attention and like to watch the shows raw even though they can't understand it and criticize it for not making sense to them. Anyway thanks for coming back to help people understand what is actually going on pre-subtitles. It's good to have somebody with Japanse linguistic skills who knows what they are talking about.


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2468518)
No, wait, according to you, hating such things is apparently because "extremely bad reasoning and understanding skills". :heh:

It's cause you really honest to god do have horrendous comprehension skills, though mostly because you can't understand the raws. You have no idea what is going on at all in this show and your comments don't reflect any sort of reasonable or even coherent reaction to anything that's gone on in the show either. Maybe if you'd just wait until the subs come out before rushing to do your weekly comdemnation of the writers we wouldn't have to be having this discussion.

Ice Block 2009-06-25 00:11

With the way the plot is going, has it never occurred to you guys that this may be getting a second season like most recent Sunrise shows? ;)

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-25 02:56


Originally Posted by Ice Block (Post 2470470)
With the way the plot is going, has it never occurred to you guys that this may be getting a second season like most recent Sunrise shows? ;)

I kind of hope so, but am doubtful. Usual if one of their shows is getting a second season they telegraph it ahead of time. I'm not getting that here.

Miles Teg 2009-06-25 03:06

From Animation (Anime) DVD Sales in Japan


Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo *2,073 (2+) (Sunrise)
2009/04/24 *2,064 Vol. 1 (Two episodes)
2009/05/26 *2,081 Vol. 2 (Three episodes up to current volume)
With this kind of figure I won't say a second season is impossible but that probably won't be Sunrise priority :heh:

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-25 03:11


Originally Posted by Miles Teg (Post 2470628)
From Animation (Anime) DVD Sales in Japan

With this kind of figure I won't say a second season is impossible but that probably won't be Sunrise priority :heh:

Who cares about sales, show is still tremendous fun. Sunrise competed against themselves and lost to Gundam 00 and the show has honestly been to experimental and off the beaten path as far as selling to otaku go.

Miles Teg 2009-06-25 03:53


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 2470635)
Who cares about sales, show is still tremendous fun. Sunrise competed against themselves and lost to Gundam 00 and the show has honestly been to experimental and off the beaten path as far as selling to otaku go.

I don't care about sales (or critics) but when you ask for a second season, rating and sales are two of the most important thing to look at :heh: I really don't see Sunrise giving money for a second season to a series that sells 4 or 5 times less than My-HiME/My-Otome.

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-25 04:22


Originally Posted by Miles Teg (Post 2470668)
I don't care about sales (or critics) but when you ask for a second season, rating and sales are two of the most important thing to look at :heh: I really don't see Sunrise giving money for a second season to a series that sells 4 or 5 times less than My-HiME/My-Otome.

Yeah well, now more than ever before proven names and such are what sell with Otaku. That and series packed with as much moe as possible. Sora Kake Girl has moe, but it also seems like it's poking fun at Hikkimori's and pointing out the truth about locking oneself up in a room and hiding from the harshness of reality. The show needs to pander more and it's just not doing it at all so unfortunately it's going to have lower sales.

Deathkillz 2009-06-25 11:39

To be honest, I did see this whole switching sides coming for a mile away and it is great to see that it has actually played out right. I think after all this time, I have finally given up more of myself to the madness and can honestly laugh at the whole ordeal. It's the small details that make me really laugh and Nami is without a doubt one of the best villains out there at this point in time. I mean her gag about being sora kake shoujo ver 2.0 was just brilliant...FABULOUS if I may add and not forgetting her expression and movements when she went "bang" and the whole planet blew up!

While the side of good is still as limp as ever, I still have to give props to Nerval for being a complete badass and the type who played the anti-hero card. Really well done.

Then the honourable mention of Benkei laying flowers for his former master (haha) and T Rie singing a song (I can listen to that all day <3).

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-25 15:47

Man this episode really gets me excited for the final one. Nami has come into her own as a villain (her seiyuu did an amazing job) and unsurprisingly allied herself with Leopard now since they share a common goal and Akiha is finally starting to accept her responsibility as "the girl who leapt through space" (as I've said the whole series has been about getting her up to this point, not about her being it, which is fine by me), which I saw would come to pass around the time she finally realized her sister was serious about trying to kill everyone.

Meanwhile Nerval's "perfect society" is unveiled and I do think that he has the best interests in humanity in mind, but that people will probably reject his box system and just choose to coincide with the brain colonies in the end. I also predict Leopard snaps back to his senses completely by the half way point of the next episode (going by the cliffhanger showing him waking up) and that Nami is the true final boss, but will eventually come around too. In any case it's definitely going to be exciting and I completely disagree with the usual downer posters that this show is horrible and uninteresting or whatever. The whole show is worth watching, from the screwball duo of Bou and Min as well as Tsutsu, Benkei and Xanthippe, to the garness of Honoka and Itsuki, to the wackiness of Sakura's language, to the story of two girls on opposite sides rising out from under the shadow of their incredible siblings to become heroes of both sides of their stories. It's all been a great ride (I feel like I've watched a Brave Saga show) and I'm going to miss this show once it's all over. Wish Sunrise would just up and announce their next original series that isn't Gundam Unicorn right now so I could know what was in store for the second half of 2009.

By the way is it just me or does Nerval have the same ice blue eye colour that Evil Leopard has in the preview?

Shiroth 2009-06-25 18:53

Only one episode left. Will my dream come true, and i shall see Nami get Bright punched? :p

Fishfood1 2009-06-25 23:04

i thought this episode is pretty interesting, but unfortunately, everything has to be wrapped up in 1 final epi... and probably a lot of things will be left out unanswered or only partially answered.

Sixth 2009-06-25 23:40

Probably the final episode going to be rushed as hell.

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-26 00:54


Originally Posted by noobita (Post 2472441)
Probably the final episode going to be rushed as hell.

As long as it's as fun to watch as the rest of them I can't say I'll really care. This was never a serious plot driven show anyway and really at the end of it all it's not the storyline that I've come to care about, it's the fact that it's one of those rare anime I can look to each week and fully enjoy the time I spend watching it. Sadly I think the last episode is going to be nitpicked to death something fierce.

Sixth 2009-06-26 07:21

Is there anyone actually lurking in the main website for Sora Kake?

Because I want to know either that Kagura is under Nerval's influence or she working with Nerval with her own will?

Because someone in other forum told me she join Nerval with her own will and now faking it that she was the victim in front of everyone to gain their trust or whatever it is.

willyvereb 2009-06-26 07:39

Who knows...actually we didn't see anything disapearing on her after Nami's AQT burst. But one thing is certain: she remembers her actions and we didn't hear her apologising about them. And she has a somewhat suspicious comment. But even if she is it don't change a thing about the happenings in the future. Anyways...after watching the subs, I catched the Nami's more difficult comments and pharses. The funny is that every one of them bears a sharp truth. Nami's nickname on Nerval the best:lolicon-hentai-robo-oldman!

Jeffry2009 2009-06-26 08:32

EP25 thoughts NAMI the DOUCHEBAG

Just as I thought! I don't believe from what I just saw this episode!

This show was all about that DOUCHEBAG NAMI SHISHIDOU!!


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 2471981)
Only one episode left. Will my dream come true, and i shall see Nami get Bright punched? :p

God I hate her!! Finale she will be PAY once and for all!! Can psychotic Nami be stopped? IF they don't, I'll be damned once again! :frustrated::frustrated:

God, what am I been saying these days? I'm so confused.... that girl truly pissed me off. Well, no wonder why I felt like this since Mai Otome. I mean why is this keep happening to me? Oh well.....

SUNRISE, why did you made this show really made me feel embarassly emotional Since Mai HiME? :(

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-26 14:38


Originally Posted by willyvereb (Post 2473062)
Who knows...actually we didn't see anything disapearing on her after Nami's AQT burst. But one thing is certain: she remembers her actions and we didn't hear her apologising about them. And she has a somewhat suspicious comment. But even if she is it don't change a thing about the happenings in the future. Anyways...after watching the subs, I catched the Nami's more difficult comments and pharses. The funny is that every one of them bears a sharp truth. Nami's nickname on Nerval the best:lolicon-hentai-robo-oldman!

We did see a Nerval seal disappearing actually, though that looked like it was on Honoka which is strange. As for Nami's nickname, Nami is only supposed to be something like 14 and Imo-Chan is the youngest of the Shishidou family so think about that for a moment.

Jeffry2009 2009-06-26 17:49

I still wondering that what will that parasite Nami doing in the Finale. She's now become TOMOE MAUGURITE, congratulations. :mad::mad:

God, how dare she mess up with akiha like that! The way she talk really pissed me off.

god, I hate myself. :mad:

Kon the Magnificent 2009-06-28 16:04

i have to say I really enjoyed the show, and my favorite character is Nami hands down. I don't care what any one says about her, even if she is a bit crazy.

And yes, i'm willing to admit she's selfish...on some level with most, if not almost all of her comments and actions....not that i'm denying her the satisfaction of personal revenge against those model girls awhile back, or her lashing out at Akiha(sometimes if not all).

But, those comments towards Akiha were true....really...really true, which is why I'm going to say/write this now.

The show was all about Akiha, everything was about Akiha, from the love, from the attention, from the Imo(I really love her) angest. I believe it's alright for a main character to get a lot of attention, however, it would made this show a lot if Nami had some as well.

Let me explain

I've only seen any one of the characters worry or talk about Nami in a worried light once or twice. If it was more it would be fine, everything would balance out, however I saw none of that. As an older brother and a middle child myself, I can understand the hardship and frustration to deal with a younger sibling, but as a person who has watched a lot of anime and read manga, I feel not worry or even supporting your obviously troubled sister or even being depressed or a bit angry at her joining with the enemy(at the time) is wrong on so many levels.

I mean hell, we all saw this coming, Nami joining the 'Dark Side', I know I did after the interaction between she and Kazane before all the action started, and the small interaction between she and Akiha in the hallway.

The girl had no real support from anyone throughout the whole show, unlike dare I say, Akiha, yes I know I sound like Nami, but I find it true in a very strange way. When I look back on the conversation with Kazane with Akiha, I find it 'wrong' that she would compare Akiha and Nami, I mean look at Akiha, who does she have in her life to support her with that heavy load of her's; Kazene, Takane, Sakura, Imoko(her family), Honoka, Itsuki, hell even Leopard when he's not being Leopard, and hell of a lot more people.

And let's look at Nami.............................................. ....................I see no one at all.

Yes the girl ran away from modeling, but who was there to help her up? I sure as hell don't know, but what I seen from the show, everyone even her family seem to have casted her aside and treat her like garbage(in her mind), no giving her any support or encouraging words.

Where did all the support and love Akiha

The show is great....and I like Akiha on some level, but I believe she could have been more of a sister to Nami(everyone could), and not just to Imoko(I really love her).

the show in that regard had no was really annoying to me....

sorry for my rant....but I had to sign up and write this down....and get it out of my system after reading how many poeple hate Nami's character and such(not that I can blame them), and how Akiha is don't know...I guess Akiha(once again, not that I can blame them, I mean I have characters I like for reasons like this as well).

But on the other hand, this episode was great....and let me give my prediction on the next episode.

Leopard once again changes sides

Nami is severly injuired fighting Kagura, body never found, but we see a shadow of her months later staring at her family blankly before vanishing in space with Kagura and Honoka.

The Shishido Family shows no signs of missing Nami, and is living life happily along with many others

My prediction......even if it is one in a million chance it could be wrong

And once again sorry for the rant

willyvereb 2009-06-28 16:36

I have to agree with you to some extend. Akiha has much support and what she's done? Nearly nothing. She remained secluded in her own peacefull world and tried to not notice all the changes around her.
My perdiction about the next episode
Spoiler for ep 26 prediction:

I don't think this show has a chance for second season(but after hearing about Asura Cryin' second season maybe it's not impossible:p)

Kon the Magnificent 2009-06-28 16:49

yeah, maybe if my ending turns out to be true, Nami will come back as an Anti-hero, and not even bother rekindling with her family(not that I'll blame her if she don't).

Solace 2009-06-28 17:48


Originally Posted by willyvereb (Post 2478120)
I have to agree with you to some extend. Akiha has much support and what she's done? Nearly nothing. She remained secluded in her own peacefull world and tried to not notice all the changes around her.

It reminds me of early criticism of Harry Potter. Exactly why was he so special? He was the "boy who lived". He didn't actually do anything except survive, and people are lavishing praise upon him, telling him he's going to be this super guy, and basically stroking his epeen every story.

Now granted, he has his share of problems (like a Dark Wizard wanting to kill him), but he's surrounded by all these amazing people supporting him every step of the way and you have to wonder sometimes what exactly makes this guy so special that he's garnered so much love, support, and attention? Because you can't really tell just by looking at him.

Akiha very much reminds me of this, and while Nami's actions aren't great either (life sucks, get over it), at least Nami has some reasons for the way she is. Akiha...not so much. She's special because the story said she was special, there's really no explanation for it.

This is contrary to a Mary Sue type character such as Arika from Mai-Otome, who while rather stupid, at least blundered along and tried her best despite her mistakes (ignoring the obvious plot devices of the story of course).

Ani-OK 2009-06-28 18:57

Trying to figure something out about Akiha's Episode 25 drastic stunt
No doubt that things are rapidly coming to a head at this stage of Sora Kake. Considering the technique used to make the viewer think that a character is going to be killed off or perform some noble sacrifice such as what Imoko tried to do with that anti-matter missile, there is always some sleight of hand behind the scenes and the character comes back from the dead. In the case of Imoko, the price that she pays for her intercession is not being able to immediately rejoin Akiha even if she does come to the rescue.

Why the heck did Imoko not float over to Akiha who would have then taken off in Starsylph? I understand that Akiha and Imoko are both relieved that the other is safe and sound, but you can be sentimental as you are flying to safety.

Kazane slapping the taste out of Akiha's mouth for the rescue attempt . . . sorry, Akiha-chan, you had that coming. I think that Kazane is more upset at her endgame strategy being jeopardized than Akiha needlessly endangering herself. What are the ruins called where Kazane reprimands Akiha after her adventure aboard Nerval's palace?

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-28 23:15

Even if Akiha isn't the greatest lead character ever I still have to say I don't mind her part in it all. At least she's not annoying. I just hope I don't have to listen to people griping about her for the entirety of the final episode discussion because that would be annoying. There's so many parts of this show that are enjoyable I don't see any reason to dwell solely on one character who's taken her sweet time in rising to the occasion.

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