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Pellissier 2010-12-15 10:49

Kami nomi/TWGOK - Episode 11 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Kami nomi/TWGOK, Episode 11.

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Midonin 2010-12-15 13:56

Spoiler for Kaminomi 11 - Sky:

Shiroth 2010-12-15 13:58

Pacing was A+ in this weeks episode. It was only a chapters worth of material, though the added material and lengthening certain parts really paid off, and didn't feel forced at all. I especially like the CG books falling scene. It worked extra well along side Keima's final words before the kiss.

Easily the best animated arc so far, and i'm not saying that just because she's my favorite girl. :p

Seihai 2010-12-15 14:27

The episode flew by. It felt like a traumatizing fairy tale of some sort. The animation, the use of the music, the adaption and pacing were all good. I think for what the source material had to offer, they really gave a hell lot of effort into making this episode what it is, and they succeeded. I don't know how much original animation was used but the most interesting part was Shiori's past. I can totally understand the scene where she is hesitating on entering the classroom, by personal experience. A lot of nice details in this episode which make it outstanding, for example Keima's PFP shining through the books when he declares that he has a world he believes in.

Shadow5YA 2010-12-15 15:11

Great episode. I liked how they used the opening verse to God Only Knows to lead up to the climax. Kana Hanazawa also pulled off Shiori perfectly till the end, even raising her voice during Shiori's protest at the conclusion to show that she gained the courage to speak out.

The PFP lighting and the falling books also made great symbolic imagery. This anime arc is definitely superior to the manga.

Ryuutai 2010-12-15 15:18

I hated this episode. Well, I'm hating this anime. Not only they drag all the stories uselessy, but also they totally forgot that this series is mainly a comedy.Where is the tasty irony of the manga, that I love so much? What is all this serious and dark atmosphere?
I'm very, very, very disappointed. I dislike the director's choices.

Seihai 2010-12-15 15:45


Originally Posted by Ryuutai (Post 3393064)
I hated this episode. Well, I'm hating this anime. Not only they drag all the stories uselessy, but also they totally forgot that this serie is mainly a comedy.Where is the tasty irony of the manga, that I love so much? What is all this serious and dark atmosphere?
I'm very, very, very disappointed. I dislike the director's choices.

Well... I guess it's always bitter to see people watching things they don't even like. Not sure I sympathize with them but I can understand them in some cases.
It's less of a comedy, it's more comedy themed. I look at it as lightheartedness though. And which irony are you talking about?
The 'darker' atmosphere just makes it get even brighter when things are solved afterwards imo.

mtarzaim 2010-12-15 16:06



They messed the Descending God scene (should have been in daylight, with light from above and a baroque BGM).
They also missed the kiss scene, where all the bubbles which were confusing Shiori got blown to the stratosphere, along with ther runaway spirit.

But they used quite well the OP.
Loli Shiori was indeed as cute as in the manga.
The additions were smart.
The falling books are really the highlight of this episode.
It really portrayed how Shiori was falling into her inner jail, and how her love for books was also a fear of others, making her suffer more than she thought.

Yokkun in the preview was a nice surprise.

So what...
I enjoyed this episode. And I disliked it at the same time.
Didn't they messed up Keima entrance and skyrocketing bubbles, and it would have been total perfection.

It was so easy to do. Yet they failed at the most basic.
And yet, they succeeded at the most tricky.


Let's put a 9/10. :p

animenyo 2010-12-15 16:13

I thought they put comedy portion as in manga.
But they add mostly drama to the story which make drama ratio much higher than comedy.

I think its okay since most addition make heroine character stronger and unforgetable.
I didnt really remember Shiori's arc in manga since i thought she's not that special compare to other.

And i like how they end shiori arc with she's trying to write story about their meeting...

Ryuutai 2010-12-15 16:16


Originally Posted by Vanish (Post 3393103)
Well... I guess it's always bitter to see people watching things they don't even like. Not sure I sympathize with them but I can understand them in some cases.
It's less of a comedy, it's more comedy themed. I look at it as lightheartedness though. And which irony are you talking about?
The 'darker' atmosphere just makes it get even brighter when things are solved afterwards imo.

I'm watching this anime because I'm a big fan of the manga, of course, and I always hope that the anime gets better but, everytime, I feel disappointed.
In the anime, Shiori's arc became a boring and overdramatic story.
When I read it in the manga, I adored it. It was cute, sweet, funny but at the same time smart and someway deep. All this manga is like this. I love Kami nomi manga because it is able to tell a smart plot without taking itself too seriously.
Anime is failing to capture this important aspect of the original work.

It's just my opinion, anyway.

Shadow5YA 2010-12-15 17:03


Originally Posted by Ryuutai (Post 3393148)
I'm watching this anime because I'm a big fan of the manga, of course, and I always hope that the anime gets better but, everytime, I feel disappointed.
In the anime, Shiori's arc became a boring and overdramatic story.
When I read it in the manga, I adored it. It was cute, sweet, funny but at the same time smart and someway deep. All this manga is like this. I love Kami nomi manga because it is able to tell a smart plot without taking itself too seriously.
Anime is failing to capture this important aspect of the original work.

It's just my opinion, anyway.

I understand since the anime is more serious and dramatic than the manga. However, most of that is because Kanon and Shiori's arcs were extended to three episodes. It can't be helped.

pampz21 2010-12-15 17:31

Its not like I wanted it to be great and epic and all!
but to people who don't understand the meaning of an anime Ill tell you:

promoting a manga is the anime's job!
Spoiler for read!:

they make anime to increase the manga's popularity! so whats wrong with changing the mood a little bit yeah it might be more serious and dramatic than the uber funny manga! but there are limit to our imagination and we tend to see what the author see! he's only one man so his view are different from the anime staff that have seen the scene!

EDIT: My guess is right! Keima's gonna sing the season's ending song! wooooooooooooooooh!

ars89 2010-12-15 18:30

It was courageous and funny how Shiori locked herself in the library, more of Shiori when she was younger, so it was on accident that she found the the library, wonder how she would have turned out if she never skipped class that day, the books falling on her and that whole scene was done nicely, like how she was writing down her thoughts to try and remember Keima, hopefully Keima will be nicer to Elsie next ep

D-Gold 2010-12-15 19:02

I wonder which option Keima chose when he was playing his pfp at the end. I wonder how much Shiori remembers. Questions I probably wont get the answer to.

Sprite_Coke 2010-12-15 19:39

excited to see how they will conclude

Midonin 2010-12-15 19:46


Originally Posted by pampz21 (Post 3393255)
EDIT: My guess is right! Keima's gonna sing the season's ending song! wooooooooooooooooh!

That would be a reasonable guess, if not for being entirely unreasonable. The ED for the final episode, I can say this with almost certain certainty, will be the group version of "Koi no Shirushi", the first track on the single. They've been soloing it up to now, so uniting everyone for the final episode makes sense.

thundrakkon 2010-12-15 19:54

I enjoyed the episode. I guess this is another case of being blissfully ignorant of the manga, and hence, not having my expectations crashed from my bias ideas of another material. It is really disheartening to read about people being upset that the anime does not follow their expectations from another source, and not just enjoy the anime for what it is.

This episode had really nice imagery, and it really drew in the viewers into a fantasy world. It was very cute how it ended. Also, the preview suggests that the last episode might be a lead-in for a follow-up sequel.

Qikz 2010-12-15 20:57

Loved this episode, but that ending section, does that mean there could be a sequal to this anime? I really hope there is! :D

Reckoner 2010-12-15 20:59

Enjoyed the episode very much :). I can definitely relate to Shiori the most of any of the girls presented to us thus far. I've definitely been in that situation where she was outside the piano teacher's room for a long time and couldn't enter because I was too worried about how I should enter.

Some nice music to go along with it. I give it a 9/10.


Originally Posted by Ryuutai (Post 3393064)
I hated this episode. Well, I'm hating this anime. Not only they drag all the stories uselessy, but also they totally forgot that this series is mainly a comedy.Where is the tasty irony of the manga, that I love so much? What is all this serious and dark atmosphere?
I'm very, very, very disappointed. I dislike the director's choices.

I don't think its appropriate to say that the manga doesn't have serious undertones in any of the girl's arcs. That's always been there.

DragoZERO 2010-12-15 21:08

Meh, okay episode. I have one question: where was the romance? I thought she had to fall for him, it didn't feel like she had any special feelings.


Originally Posted by D-Gold (Post 3393356)
I wonder which option Keima chose when he was playing his pfp at the end. I wonder how much Shiori remembers. Questions I probably wont get the answer to.

I wonder why he has to press so many buttons when he is playing. :heh:


Originally Posted by Qikz (Post 3393506)
Loved this episode, but that ending section, does that mean there could be a sequal to this anime? I really hope there is! :D

Second season has already been announced.

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