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kj1980 2006-09-25 02:00

Higurashi Episode 26 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Higurashi no Naku Koroni, Episode 26.

Thread Guidelines
  • No telling or asking for RAWs.
  • Try to keep spoilers from the Game or Manga out of the anime thread. If you need to in reply to someone with a reference to the Game / Manga, either PM them or use Spoiler tags (see example below).
  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if not aired.
  • Be polite to your fellow forum members.
  • Try to keep the discussion on topic and future episode spoilers out of the thread whenever possible.

Spoiler Tag Usage

Using Spoiler Tags is easy. Using this...

[spoiler=title]Don't forget to use the spoiler title[/spoiler]

....will get you this...

Spoiler for title:

ADDITIONAL RULES FOR Higurashi no Naku Koroni
  • Make sure you read the English wikipedia article for Higurashi no Naku Koroni before you ask questions!!!
  • Feel free to utilize the info on the TIPS section as a complement to this series.
  • Feel free to share your theories and speculations. In fact, I encourage you to do so as this is what makes this series interesting.
  • I am designating Sushi-Y and Freakman to lead the discussion in the correct path without spoilers as they have played the game in advance. I put confidence in them that they will recognize a member has spilled the beans too far if any other members has begun to play the game.
  • SPOILERS FAR ADVANCED THAN THE CURRENT AIRED ANIME EPISODE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. THIS INCLUDES THOSE IN SPOILER TAGS!!!. People tend to peek at spoiler tags; especially when they do not know such tag is meant for the episode, only to find it spilling the beans too far advanced in the game storyline.

USCPharmacist 2006-09-26 01:41

I voted cuz Rika told me it would be a good episode. She also told me the lottery number so wish me luck...althought there is a mud slide at the main road, so I have to spend a night at the village...

aliensporebomb 2006-09-26 14:08

I hear there's a nice little VW microbus in the junkyard that's generally fairly
dry and quaint although watch out for parasites.

kj1980 2006-09-26 14:09

Reading reviews on 2chan, it looks like it failed. Sigh. Oh well, I'd better consider making a thread of Minagoroshi/Matsuribayashi-hen next week.

Eleutheria 2006-09-26 14:27


Originally Posted by kj1980
Reading reviews on 2chan, it looks like it failed. Sigh. Oh well, I'd better consider making a thread of Minagoroshi/Matsuribayashi-hen next week.


I think I'll skip reading the latter half of Watanagashi-hen, since it's pretty much bs >.> and hop over to Tatarigoroshi. Moe Moe Satoko? Yes please.

Paracelsus 2006-09-26 14:31

If they failed, they'd better re-animate the last episode, otherwise I shall go postal on them all


theacefrehley 2006-09-26 14:37


What do you mean ?
They didn't follow the game on the 26th episode, as they did for 25 episodes?
(I know, there is the details, but the plot of the game was kept I believe)
Or they just did it poorly, like in meakashi?

Shuin4 2006-09-26 15:36

Oh DEEN... how could you :upset:

Is there ANY hint at a continuation or remake? I'm really hoping DEEN's budget was cut drastically because of ratings/violence with young girls or something because this is probably one of the best anime series to come out recently and if it was animated better and stretched longer, this would've been one of the best series ever, at least in my book.

Edit:: The episode really wasn't bad at all. I would really like to know what Rika said in Oishii's car though.

Deathkillz 2006-09-26 15:40


Originally Posted by kj1980
Reading reviews on 2chan, it looks like it failed. Sigh. Oh well, I'd better consider making a thread of Minagoroshi/Matsuribayashi-hen next week.

seriously they screwed it up? storywise? :upset:

kj1980 2006-09-26 15:47

Close, but it seems the final plot twist at the end might've finished a bit confusing for some people...I'll probably have to write that for the TIPS for Ep. 26 (It was a TIPS in either case, but I would've hoped they would at least put that in so it would've given the same shock value).

But by the looks of it, they did have Rika's great quote and the dramatic scene at the rooftop. However, I still have this feeling that it wasn't as articulately portrayed in the original game...I shall see tomorrow.

LuckyCat 2006-09-26 17:05

I watched it without reading any spoilers or TIPS and this episode had some pretty amazing parts.

Rooftop scene seemed kind of rushed and oh god I wish STUDIO DEEN had more money to spend on animation.

Interesting ending though with Rika.


Sinless Idiot 2006-09-26 17:15

In ways better, in ways worse than I thought it would be.


Li Jianliang 2006-09-26 17:24

Episode 26 Screen Captures

At least the battle that I'd hoped to see occurred. ^_^
If only the other arcs could've been animated... But then again, given what Studio DEEN is producing in terms of animation quality, it's probably for the better.

MarthX 2006-09-26 17:26


Originally Posted by kj1980
Reading reviews on 2chan, it looks like it failed. Sigh. Oh well, I'd better consider making a thread of Minagoroshi/Matsuribayashi-hen next week.

Expectations were too high. I just saw the RAW, I thought it was great.

Sinless Idiot 2006-09-26 17:32


Malintex_Terek 2006-09-26 17:41

I also saw the raw; the first part of the episode was handled really well, but the legendary "Heaven or Hell" fight...meh, it was pretty bad. Inappropriate music, Deen's signature "distorted" character designs and pretty choppy animation to boot. To top that, there wasn't enough fighting.

In the last episode, I didn't think Keiichi's dialogue was "cheesy"; it sounded a bit weird since Souichirou Hoshi's expressions of pathos were more inclined toward "exhaustion" rather than emotion. However, stopping a certain timer at the last moment was pretty cliché.

Now, here's a question for all you game players. I can't speak Japanese, but here's what I think the "twist" was as interpreted from the final episode:


Varisha 2006-09-26 18:24

wait, so does that ending mean that even though Keiichi stopped the clock & stopped Rena, the summer 'reset' anyway? So they all died anyway, or is there another trigger for the reset....? I might just have missed some of the Japanese if they explained this.

At least Rika seems to have figured out that who Ooishi picks to ask about Tomitake & Takano is a trigger for driving people crazy.

ayyo 2006-09-26 18:27

Ignore the original script and ignore the somewhat bad animation and it is pretty good.

Garet Linegod 2006-09-26 19:14

Wow... I actually made it. I managed to finish the chapter in the original game before they aired the final episode.


Originally Posted by Malintex_Terek
Now, here's a question for all you game players. I can't speak Japanese, but here's what I think the "twist" was as interpreted from the final episode:


I have not seen the final episode yet (particularly since I don't live in Japan), but in the original game:

Spoiler for Regarding the final TIPS:


About the other TIPS, I couldn't find it even after I finished the chapter. Do you know how I could unlock it?

Shuin4 2006-09-26 19:23


Originally Posted by Garet Linegod
Spoiler for Regarding the final TIPS:

Then what was up with the last scene in the anime?(I know you haven't seen it, this is targeted for any of the game players)

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