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Zu Ra 2010-05-26 09:41

[MANGA] Bleach Chapter 405 Discussion

* Kira tries to call out to Matsumoto but a wound opens up and he can't get his voice out . She's been healed barely enough to keep her alive, but her treatment wasn't finished .

* Gin says to Ichigo, "How boring. So weak? You were scarier before. You should run away.Scene changes to Aizen . Aizen watches Urahara and Yoruichi in conversation .

* Urahara ask what he's looking at . Aizen says something to the fact that even Urahara's conversation is a tactic to distract his attention .

* Not exactly sure what he's saying here, but it's something about leaving Urahara back in SS and taking an interest in him since he's only being whose intellect surpasses his own.

* Urahara says he overestimates himself and unleashes hadou 32, yellow fire flash. Using that as a smoke screen Yoruichi appears in front of Aizen.

* Aizen reads her move, but she uses shunkou and he's slammed into the ground . Yoruichi pursues him, but Aizen halts her later attacks .

* Urahara takes over and he shoots out something like a net from the tip of Benehime to entangle Aizen . He then uses the "rosary tie" technique to make the net explode.

* Aizen says, "You think something like that..." As the blast disperses Isshin appears and uses getsuga tenshou to slash him .

Credits : SpaceCat / Sheetz
// 69Ruma


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Haak 2010-05-26 09:44

Getsuga Tenshou? I thought that was technically a hollow technique. Does that mean Isshin's a vaizard too?

james0246 2010-05-26 09:45

So Ai-chan gets pwn'd (for a page, until it is revealed that hitting him only makes him stronger...), and Gin talks shit...Okay, sounds fun.

sonotme_9FedriqSama 2010-05-26 09:49

Getsuga tenshou???? that is the biggest Question mark I am having???

Farscape 2010-05-26 09:59

Could explain alot about Ichigo's past training and methods used by Urarahara


Originally Posted by Haak (Post 3064862)
Getsuga Tenshou? I thought that was technically a hollow technique. Does that mean Isshin's a vaizard too?

Isn't that the black(version) one, as Ichigo mentioned learning that from him (Hollow-Ichi)?

Haak 2010-05-26 10:11


Originally Posted by Farscape (Post 3064879)
Isn't that the black(version) one, as Ichigo mentioned learning that from him (Hollow-Ichi)?

What's the difference between the two?

Nakitaa 2010-05-26 10:15

Getsuga Tenshou is not a hollow technique... it's SUPPOSED to be Ichigo's shikai technique...

Kafriel 2010-05-26 10:15

None other than colour. More importantly, GT is a Zangetsu move (after all he is the one who taught it to Ichigo), so for Isshin to do it he MUST wield either Zangetsu is a captain-class zanpakuto with an alter ego that got Masaki pregnant, or Isshin's faking it and was actually using something else. Unless of course Kubo wants to contradict the DDR movie and allow two people hold the same sword.

sonotme_9FedriqSama 2010-05-26 10:34


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3064895)
None other than colour. More importantly, GT is a Zangetsu move (after all he is the one who taught it to Ichigo), so for Isshin to do it he MUST wield either Zangetsu is a captain-class zanpakuto with an alter ego that got Masaki pregnant, or Isshin's faking it and was actually using something else. Unless of course Kubo wants to contradict the DDR movie and allow two people hold the same sword.

woww there wats wid the wacked theory about zangetsu getting Masaki pregnent....its suppose to be Isshin....a zanpakuto cant get anyone pregnant....but a shinigami can....phew talk about messedup logic....and ichigo is the product of that....:heh:

Gilgamesh00 2010-05-26 10:50

Zampakutous are representations and part of Shinigami soul, theoretically all zampakutous are different because all souls are uniques, but people from same family may have similar skills just because their souls may be similar.
Zangetsu is Ichigo Zampakutou and part of ichigo itself, Isshin may have another Zampakutou who may have Getsuga-Tenshou-like-skill or even the same skill, but not the same Zampakutou.

kittybear 2010-05-26 10:58

I betting Aizen is a closet masochist...

sonotme_9FedriqSama 2010-05-26 11:04


Originally Posted by kittybear (Post 3064932)
I betting Aizen is a closet masochist...

lol.....and he has a crush on Urahara....he much be blushing under his transformed mask.:heh::heh:....I'll get back to chapter discussion before any mods throw me out.....I need better explaination for two zanpakuto with diffeerent nature having same far as we know isshins zanpakuto is very thin and ichigo's huge and is always released type....

Kafriel 2010-05-26 11:45


Originally Posted by Gilgamesh00 (Post 3064925)
Zampakutous are representations and part of Shinigami soul, theoretically all zampakutous are different because all souls are uniques, but people from same family may have similar skills just because their souls may be similar.
Zangetsu is Ichigo Zampakutou and part of ichigo itself, Isshin may have another Zampakutou who may have Getsuga-Tenshou-like-skill or even the same skill, but not the same Zampakutou.

I considered two swords having the same technique, but since Ichigo only knows GT, it would be kinda bad to take the unique feel away from it, unless Isshin fights with more than powerrrrrrawr!!! and GT spamming.

sayde 2010-05-26 11:46

Here's where we're about to learn of Zangetsu's true ability -- to copy the abilities of other zanpakuto. :D

Pretty cool how Aizen isn't too proud to admit Urahara to be the only person smarter than him.

Next chapter will begin with Isshin's attack destroying the condom suit revealing Aizen's completed transformation.

sonotme_9FedriqSama 2010-05-26 12:01

copying abilities of other that would be one heck of an ability....even yama jii wont stand a chance nor would ur of my favs scenes in bleach skits....and i was a bit suprized to see ichimaru having blue eyes.....

Cub-Sama 2010-05-26 12:03

Here is going to be Kubo's explaination for it:

Spirits cannot have children but because Isshin was in a perma-gigai he could have a child with Masaki. Ichigo inherited his father's spirit power and that is why he can use getsuga tenshou which is isshin's original technique

Kyero Fox 2010-05-26 12:06

i was getting annoyed while reading the spoilers that isshin wasnt getting any action. but then poof at the end he gets the final attack XD

:O I just had a hunch, what if Ichigo is always in Shiki mode because Zangetsu was originaly Isshins? that could be why Isshin hasnt gone Shikai yet.. but who knows =\

Freya 2010-05-26 12:22

Lol wtf?? Now we really know Ichigo is just a copy of his dad lol.

Squarecrow 2010-05-26 12:23

Maybe Getsuga Tensho isn't a Zangetsu-only technique, maybe people with ridiculously large spirit energy can use it. I'm pretty sure I've seen Kenpachi use his spirit energy to push/attack people before. Might have just been in the anime fillers though.

kamyu 2010-05-26 12:41


Originally Posted by Haak (Post 3064888)
What's the difference between the two?

white gt = using shinigami reitsu
black gt = using hollow reitsu


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3064895)
None other than colour. More importantly, GT is a Zangetsu move (after all he is the one who taught it to Ichigo), so for Isshin to do it he MUST wield either Zangetsu is a captain-class zanpakuto with an alter ego that got Masaki pregnant, or Isshin's faking it and was actually using something else. Unless of course Kubo wants to contradict the DDR movie and allow two people hold the same sword.

it wouldn't be a contradiction. the movie actually allowed for the possibility of two shinigami having the same zanpakuto. it was just soul society's silly rules that don't allow it. i don't remember their explanation for the rule, if there was one, but lol fight to the death.

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