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Solace 2011-03-02 08:15

Claymore Chapter 113
Welcome to the monthly discussion thread for Claymore, Chapter 113.

The thread was created before the chapter was published. Usually false spoilers start to appear early so (naturally) people always need a place to discuss them.

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haegar 2011-03-02 08:18

arrigato :D

repost for 113 official thread:

manmmlala 2011-03-02 08:18

I don't understand this:

Spoiler for 113:

"our mission apparently was to protect the organization froma an attack orchestrated from a no.1 and no.2 that i've never seen, as well as others"

from the shadows, i guess there are probably alicia and beth (but there outfits are not black in colour)...
since when alicia and beth launched an attack at the organization with "others"?

if they are not alicia and beth, who are those no.1 and no.2?

manmmlala 2011-03-02 08:19


Originally Posted by manmmlala (Post 3513090)
I don't understand this:

Spoiler for 113:

"our mission apparently was to protect the organization froma an attack orchestrated from a no.1 and no.2 that i've never seen, as well as others"

from the shadows, i guess there are probably alicia and beth (but there outfits are not black in colour)...
since when alicia and beth launched an attack at the organization with "others"?

if they are not alicia and beth, who are those no.1 and no.2?

ok.. i guess i get it...

it is only a reason the organization made up in order to summon all the claymores i suppose?

evil_kenshin 2011-03-02 08:22

I think they were presuming that since Alicia + Beth awakened they would try and "return to their masters" due to their extreme brainwashing but due to their nature of being AB's they would have to be put down.

though it seems highly flawed and dubious at best for example how did they know they would finish Isley off in time for the timed attack on Riful? under normal circumstances if it weren't for the destroyer + the ghosts presence + priscilla; Alicia + Beth would of won (unless the org sent them there to die?)

Kusa-San 2011-03-02 08:22

Miriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :love: :love:

MalakTawus 2011-03-02 08:22


Originally Posted by manmmlala (Post 3513091)
ok.. i guess i get it...

it is only a reason the organization made up in order to summon all the claymores i suppose?

Yes,the org was just lying.

evil_kenshin 2011-03-02 08:23

though I still find it funny yagi forgot he wrote that dietrich had been demoted; wasn't that long ago that dietrich said she had been demoted from her number 8 position.

haegar 2011-03-02 08:33


Originally Posted by evil_kenshin (Post 3513098)
though I still find it funny yagi forgot he wrote that dietrich had been demoted; wasn't that long ago that dietrich said she had been demoted from her number 8 position.

well the org was under some pressure, there probably was some chaos after the events with A&B and all that shit goin down, maybe the other Claymores just weren't informed about Dietrich's demotion?

manmmlala 2011-03-02 08:35

miria looks so cool... the aura of a real leader.. i bet all the current claymores admire her strength and personality now, all are following now the strongest claymore (ignore clare for now) on land to fight the organization, how cool!

evil_kenshin 2011-03-02 08:35


Originally Posted by haegar (Post 3513111)
well the org was under some pressure, there probably was some chaos after the events with A&B and all that shit goin down, maybe the other Claymores just weren't informed about Dietrich's demotion?

but it wouldn't matter what number he said since he said both number 8 and dietrich in the same sentence he could say number 47 with her name proceeding and it wouldn't matter.

it was a moment of forgetfulness from yagi :heh:

BlackMagister 2011-03-02 08:37


Originally Posted by evil_kenshin (Post 3513098)
though I still find it funny yagi forgot he wrote that dietrich had been demoted; wasn't that long ago that dietrich said she had been demoted from her number 8 position.

I thought she was just demoted from a higher position? What chapter did she say she was demoted? When she introduces herself to Helen and Deneve in chapter 85 she says she is rank 8.

I don't think Miria's death being faked was thrown in by Yagi simply to appease fans. I agree with the author of Bakuman in that if Yagi just does what the fans want he would be a terrible mangka (not a reference to the new guy, but what was done in earlier chapters). The Claymore rebellion was something important for the overall plot even if the fighting strength of the Claymores isn't much comparatively. Miria sparing the Organization Claymores because she thought of all of them as human and the same with Deneve, even deciding not to kill the twins which made fighting them difficult. It's not their fault the Organization had made them enemies and they should be allies in opposing the Organization which is their true foe and the one responsible for testing them against Awakened Beings. This Claymore rebellion did not happen the way I expected but it has been definitely been built up too with the Ghosts going rogue, then getting a reason to oppose the Organization and gaining allies/friends from the Organization.

evil_kenshin 2011-03-02 08:39


Originally Posted by BlackMagister (Post 3513119)
I thought she was just demoted from a higher position? What chapter did she say she was demoted? When she introduces herself to Helen and Deneve in chapter 85 she says she is rank 8.

it was after her return from the organization she says they demoted her for what happened when helen & deneve saved her (failing to kill the AB herself) and that she was no longer a single digit

MisterJB 2011-03-02 08:41

Dj0rel 2011-03-02 08:43


Originally Posted by evil_kenshin (Post 3513098)
though I still find it funny yagi forgot he wrote that dietrich had been demoted; wasn't that long ago that dietrich said she had been demoted from her number 8 position.

I always believed Dietrich became number 8 after she got demoted.

Shiek927 2011-03-02 08:43

Well, I just read the chapter; I skipped all the comments because they are simply too much and I'm bound to just repeat what's already been said anyway.

1) Maybe I'm starting to get things mixed up....but are they intending to use Priscilla's arm to power and bring back to life the three Abyssal Ones? I thought, until now, they were using it to create 3 entirely new beings...I think it was still ambiguous before, because, they seemed to be talking about all the old Abyssal Ones for no reason.

Now though, it seems to be connected; Priscilla's arm will be the lightning bolt that will reanimate all these old Number 1s. How they expect to control them, is another matter entirely (:heh:) - the question is however, if these will actually recieve power from Priscilla's arm, because if so, their power would be extreme to say the least, though I guess it depends on how much.

2) Something crossed my mind seeing the cut up Number 1......haven't we already seen her before?

One of the girls on the front and back of Chapters/Volumes....she seems strangely similar to the small shots we got of this warrior; I'm starting to think that Yagi is attempting to actually introduce those girls into the story.

3) Strange that Anastasia is still so back-and-forth, though I guess it's predictable; she's definitely, rather quickly, accepting to rebel. No more of this "they're against us, but they're still friends" :heh: :heh: :heh:.

4) Miria's survival?.........I don't get it; apparently they can cut her up into little itty bitty pieces, but she still lives because they didn't cut out her heart, or vital organs etc.....that's really pushing 0_o.

The words would make more sense if the pictures we saw didn't seem so extreme - hell, even the MiB was disgusted. While it's nice to see her alive again, it feels a little.....a little....

Jyeaaah, the Rock can get my opinion out better then me :heh:.

It's interesting however, how it was the shrimp twins who didn't deliver the final they are still prototypes, they haven't gotten all the mental conditioning that Alicia and Beth did; it makes sense that they are still openly empathetic, if only a little.

It feels like I missed something though.....all the Claymore silently empathizing with her...."it's our signal to revolt"....I just feel like we went from A to C without seeing B.

Now they are all going to start rebelling? How? Why? because Miria told them the truth? Who is she to them? Why did they even spare her?

The whole set-up just feels way to convienient. I hope we'll see the bits we missed in the future, because right now, it feels like Yagi is skipping ahead. The warriors have no reason to rebel or trust this stranger.


My thoughts on Miria's return is honestly.....I don't know - time will tell, but I feel Yagi made a mistake with this one; the series is slowly but surely losing it's dark reality and feeling generic. What, did people pound on his door so much that he brought her back? What about having an iron will and not giving into what fans wanted? I would believe that he planned for her to survive all along, if I didn't remember all the rage that happened only a few months back.

I just feel this sense that this story is losing it's originality; perhaps it's all part of the same post-timeskip feelings and thoughts that are connected since Isley died, which many feel was the turning point....

As always I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but right now, it kind of feels like he brought her back as a sell-out; are other characters from the dead gonna start coming back if they pound on his door enough? you might say I'm complaining for nothing, but their does feel like something to be noticed.

haegar 2011-03-02 08:45

oh by the way, I'm gonna call it now and you can hold me to the prediction later and make fun of me if I'm wrong:

There will be a huge tragic price for Miria's return. The world Yagi has created ain't so forgiving. For saving and swaying all those current generation warriors she will be punished - by having to be the powerless bystander as somewhen over the next three chapters, 90% of these freshly saved Claymores will be gruesomely mutilated and slaughtered by the first, or all of the zombified #1s.

evil_kenshin 2011-03-02 08:46


Originally Posted by Dj0rel (Post 3513128)
I always believed Dietrich became number 8 after she got demoted.

no, as BlackMagister pointed out she was number 8 when she introduced herself; when she reintroduced herself (after a brief gap between her appearances) she says she was demoted and no longer a single digit.

can't recall the chapter but i remember the scene

MisterJB 2011-03-02 08:46


Originally Posted by haegar (Post 3513131)
90% of these freshly saved Claymores will be gruesomely mutilated and slaughtered by the first, or all of the zombified #1s.[/I]

Who cares? Miria is alive so that's a price I shall gladly pay.

I told you all. I always said she was still alive:D

Battler-kun 2011-03-02 08:46

Miria must be even stronger than before now.

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