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Xcomp 2007-06-22 04:00

The Games of Haruhi Suzumiya
Tried to post this in the Older Series forum but couldn't so, I guess the mods will move this over like the Code Geass thread :D

The adventure game (i.e. visual novel), which will be developed by Bandai, will be set for sometime this year and is currently called, "Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu" (working name). The company also claims that it will not just be the usual ADV game because it will include "a new system and elements that will be tried out for the first time in consumer games."

No real details about what the game will contain but you can find out more in the following magazines:

The Smeeker (June 30th)
Computiq, Monthly Shonen Ace Assault, Newtype (July 10th)
Dengeki PS (July 13th)

Official site is due to open on July 10th.

Opening text says:

"Hey Kyon! I need to talk to you! Come over here!"

Kyon:"...What is it this time?"

"Listen and be amazed!"

"The activities of our great SOS Dan has been recognised and a decision has been made to put them into a game!"

"Just look at this for now!"

"Man... Well, go have a look please."

Dating sim? Probably but now there will be all those "if" endings.

Treble 2007-06-22 11:05

Wish it was going to be on the DS....

Xcomp 2007-06-23 05:41

They probably want to go for the best visual experience possible and that's why they chose PSP. Not to mention it has a bigger ADV dating sim fan base which makes you wonder if the game will really be a dating sim...

Since the thread titles been changed from "PSP" to "Games of", I might as well point people to the two fan made Ace Attorney style PC games too :p

kayos 2007-06-23 08:11

Shouldn't this be in the game thread... I know this is based on a older series anime but it's actually still news about a psp game.

xris 2007-06-23 08:19


Originally Posted by kayos (Post 1007718)
Shouldn't this be in the game thread...

Game thread? It is in a game thread.

Do you mean "Should this thread be in the Games forum" then the answer is no since it's about a series that has its own sub-forum.

kayos 2007-06-23 09:33

I see... it makes sense.

I was just taking into consideration that the gaming community should be informed of the new game in development, instead of being hidden away in a sub-forum of an anime.

But I guess fans of the anime will stumble upon it.

xris 2007-06-23 09:42


Originally Posted by kayos (Post 1007791)
I was just taking into consideration that the gaming community should be informed of the new game in development, instead of being hidden away in a sub-forum of an anime.

True, but we are an anime forum not a games forum after all :)

But feel free to make a post in an appropriate PSP thread located in the Games forum if you so wish. Just point any possible discussion to this thread ;)

Kaioshin Sama 2007-06-23 23:40

I read about this yesterday on Kotaku and had a feeling it would probably be an ADV (As that would make it most accessible to the Otaku market that enjoys Dating Sims and what not). It seems I was right, but I'm a bit curious to hear what this mystery gameplay element is. I don't plan on buying it once it comes to North America (Which it will, don't people be worrying about that), but we'll surely see some clips on Youtube at some point. What would be potentially upsetting to even a person who doesn't plan to play is a lack of a Kyon-Imouto route.

Cloudy 2007-06-24 00:27


Although I prefer it to be on the DS.

Ultima_Rasengan05 2007-06-24 07:42

fan made game, but looks like a possibility about what this new Haruhi game might look like.

kayos 2007-06-24 11:32

That resembles Powerstone.

My guesstimation is that it'll end up being like Tales of World, a nice RPG ADV game.

zoozoc 2007-06-24 19:55

dang, i read this thread and i thought it was gonna be a discussion on the different games played in haruhi...but hey, a haruhi game is coming out.

Ultima_Rasengan05 2007-06-25 06:41


Originally Posted by kayos (Post 1009312)
That resembles Powerstone.

My guesstimation is that it'll end up being like Tales of World, a nice RPG ADV game.

yea I'm predicting something like that based on the "Haruhi Theatre" short chapter that they did a while ago about the S.O.S brigade being in an RPG world.

Xcomp 2007-06-26 06:03


Originally Posted by Ultima_Rasengan05 (Post 1010699)
yea I'm predicting something like that based on the "Haruhi Theatre" short chapter that they did a while ago about the S.O.S brigade being in an RPG world.

Which episode is that? I've still to watch the whole series :heh:

DJ_RockmanX 2007-06-26 09:10


Originally Posted by Xcomp (Post 1012412)
Which episode is that? I've still to watch the whole series :heh:

That was never animated, although it'd be very interesting to see. I'm in support of seeing a scenario like that in whatever media form we can get.

Xcomp 2007-06-26 09:36


Originally Posted by random_passerby (Post 1012517)
That was never animated, although it'd be very interesting to see. I'm in support of seeing a scenario like that in whatever media form we can get.

Ah... So does that mean it was in the novel then? If so, which volume?

DJ_RockmanX 2007-06-26 18:15


Originally Posted by Xcomp (Post 1012536)
Ah... So does that mean it was in the novel then? If so, which volume?

Actually not in the novel volumes either. I think it was published in the magazine though. We're off topic, so ask in the novel translation thread.

Potatochobit 2007-06-26 18:37

They probably want to go for the best visual experience possible and that's why they chose PSP

Yeah, I almost died laughing.

I can only hope that namco is able to redeem the game some what.

IchiKyo 2007-06-27 06:08

New again
with the PSP Game
We will have the PS2 Game too! ;)
French News yes... But according to the News
The PS2 game will be released on January 2008 and it will be an Adventure Game just like the Digital Comic... The Images are in the Last Famitsu Magazine...
here's the scan!

Ascaloth 2007-06-27 09:10

.....what kind of costume is Haruhi wearing? :heh:

I suspect that it's the Haruhi Theater Part 1 costume...

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