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Midonin 2009-06-24 09:17


Originally Posted by NeoSam (Post 2469011)
11eyes -Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shoujo- is an eroge (erotic game) by Lass.

Following links contain adult content (NSFW).


11eyes -罪と罰と贖いの少女-
11eyes -Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shoujo-
11eyes -Sin, damnation and the atonement girl-

Male oriented adult game.

The game was released on April 25th, 2008.

Lass' page for the game:

Getchu's page for the game:

Genre: Seinen, Adventure, Suspense, Mystery


Other than the anime adaptation the game will also be getting a manga adaptation.

The game got an Xbox 360 edition that's titled: 11eyes CrossOver.

There's some good stuff in here that could make for a nice anime. All that shall be said and the rest is waiting. And/or obsessively monitoring the store listings for more news. Whatever order I do it in.

Katapan 2009-06-24 09:50

The adaptation is hardly a surprise, not long after CrossOver is released. I haven't had a chance to actively get into the games, so this should be a nice introduction, so long as the right studio's working on it.

...and the idea of getting yet another OP/ED set from Ayane and Asriel, respectively, makes me more than happy. I'm sure 5pb will have they say in who sings what for the anime too, so changes shouldn't happen... I hope. Midonin, I'm counting on you to post the theme song announcements whenever they appear! :)

Master Anime 2009-06-24 12:31

Wow My Favorites galge get anime adaption
Oh, I can't wait to see misuzu-senpai and kukuri-senpai in action :D

Will this anime include new chara in x360 like Kanae, and Mio ?

justinstrife 2009-06-26 02:53

The red-head and the nurse make me have bad thoughts...

Klashikari 2009-06-26 04:44

If they manage to fix the numerous and retarded issues of the original plot, that might be watchable: that is definitely a series that SHOULD NOT be a carbon copy of its original VN or it won't be pretty at all.

At least, another Opening from Ayane would satisfy me plenty (**** tears... pattern probably?)

Skyfall 2009-06-26 07:49

Can't say i am all that surprised - ever since i played the original VN, i thought it looked like something to be animated one day. That said, i am not sure how enthusiastic i am about it - the original premise had a fair bit of potential, but much like Klashikari, i found the story plagued by a lot of problems, and it degenerated a fair bit towards the end it in plot quality. Still, this should be fairly atmospheric to watch (at least at start), and if they actually do something to improve the story - all the better. At worst, i dare to hope for another wonderful OP single, as the game's opening was a treat to my ears :). Things not worth looking towards to: the male lead, who makes all the other clueless harem leads look like insightful relationship counselors. Kakeru managed to reach new heights (or was it lows ...?). At any rate, we shall see what the anime does with it.


Originally Posted by Master Anime
Will this anime include new chara in x360 like Kanae, and Mio ?

My guess would be: highly unlikely. I haven't played 11eyes CrossOver, but bear in mind that it is a completely new story with new main characters, only borrowing the ideas from the parent story (though a few characters seem to re-appear) - so, no. It is unlikely we will see any of the new characters (short of some cameo maybe), as they have no room to exist in the original storyline.

justinstrife 2009-06-26 19:47


Originally Posted by Skyfall (Post 2473084)
Things not worth looking towards to: the male lead, who makes all the other clueless harem leads look like insightful relationship counselors. Kakeru managed to reach new heights (or was it lows ...?)


This does not bode well for the anime then... God I am so sick and tired of these mail leads. They give you absolutely no reason to like them, nor to see why the girls would even give a damn about them.

Master Anime 2009-07-14 08:18

Anime Scans

Anyone can translate what written there ?

Midonin 2009-07-14 09:09

Just the listing of the staff, some basic background info on the characters (nothing that Lass' website can't provide) and what basically amounts to "The game is getting animated!". Nothing overly important.

Except for the swimsuits, of course.

Deathkillz 2009-07-14 11:17

Gin sama clone WHERE!!!! :D

In all seriousness though...I won't be putting too much hopes on this one since it reminds me of how Chaos;Head ended up as an adaption. Oh the horrors :sad:

PNGO 2009-07-14 23:14


Originally Posted by Skyfall (Post 2473084)
Things not worth looking towards to: the male lead, who makes all the other clueless harem leads look like insightful relationship counselors. Kakeru managed to reach new heights (or was it lows ...?). At any rate, we shall see what the anime does with it.

Please tell me it's not worst than the Rosario Vampire male lead. IMO one of the worst I've seen and completely pissed me off everytime I watched.
Stopped watching the series after the first 6 episodes.

Shadow Kira01 2009-07-16 12:15

I am not sure what to expect..

Nowadays.. If a visual novel gets a 7th gen edition, there will most likely be an anime adaptation. A few good examples:

11eyes CrossOver (X360)
Clannad (X360)
Tears to Tiara (PS3)

Personally, I don't like the idea of the main characters to appear so young but I do realize that this is a popular trend. Oh well...

I am expecting the anime to be aired either next season or the one after it.

Dominic Night 2009-07-16 19:56

Can't wait for the series. XP.

I wonder if momono shiori will be in it. (Don't know much about the story)

Midonin 2009-07-23 08:52

The primary cast went up at MoonPhase today, and just as I expected. It's the cast from the Xbox 360 version, which is in turn the cast from the original version. All voices will be as they were.

Who They Were/Are/Will Be:

Kakeru Satsuki: Daisuke Ono
Yuka Minase: Mai Goto
Shiori Momono: Emiko Hagiwara
Misuzu Kusakabe: Yuu Asakawa
Kukuri Tachibana: Noriko Rikimaru
Yukiko Hirohara: Oma Ichimura
Takahisa Tajima: Showtaro Morikubo

Three shows this fall with Mai Goto in a major role. (This one, Shin Koihime and Nogizaka).

Mizuno 2009-07-23 19:10

So Shiori's in it but not Mio and Kanae?

Midonin 2009-07-23 19:16

Looks to be just the cast of the Tsumi to Batsu story. But if Dogakobo can follow up Koihime Musou with a sequel, a chance that Story of Another Side may one day see animated form definitely exists.

Avisch 2009-07-23 23:15

They got Ono for Kakeru? Wow, maybe they'll make him badass.
Im half-playing the novel right now, it's really easy to see this as an anime.

Midonin 2009-07-24 06:42

Official site is up, with the anime versions of Kakeru and Yuka on the front page.

Varion 2009-07-24 09:21

The same director as Polyphonica?

We're doomed.

At least it'll have a good opening and ending... probably? I'll be giving the show a chance anyway, because it has the opportunity to minimise the tedious school bits that stopped me finishing the game in the first place.

Midonin 2009-07-24 09:42

The only predictions of doom to worry about are the ones Kakeru and company have to deal with. After all, if it hasn't aired yet, we can't declare it doomed or undoomed or Houndoomed in any way.

Edit: Ayane for OP, Asriel for ED once more. Huzzah!

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Official anime promotion image

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