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Duo Maxwell 2011-10-25 00:48

Queen's Blade Rebellion
No one is talking about this? Couldn't even find the Queen's Blade thread.
I actually like the cast this time more than the previous one.


Set after the events of Queen's Blade, Gynos and the entire Continent has fallen under a tyrannical rule led by Claudette, the Thundercloud Queen and victor of the last Queen's Blade tournament. Annelotte, a brave young knight and exiled princess, leads a band of rebels called the Rebel Army to overthrow Claudette and restore peace and order to the Continent.

Annelotte – Aya Endo
Huit – Minako Kotobuki
Siggy – Yu Kobayashi
Mirim – Aki Toyosaki
Elina – Kaori Mizuhashi
Tanyan – Haruka Tomatsu
Sainyan – Kei Shindou
Ymir – Ayaka Saito
Eirin – Kaoru Mizuhara

creb 2011-10-25 01:08

You know, people (some of whom's opinions I actually usually find valid :p) have told me that if you ignore the rampant fanservice there is an actual story in this series. But, I was never able to make it through the first episode to find out.

One day I will finish it, if only to be able to say I've listened to some of Japan's biggest VAs playing borderline hentai roles. :heh:

Until that happens, I'm afraid I can't really say much about this latest Queen's Blade offering.

woodearth 2011-10-25 01:14

Can you add the current Character-VA list? Since they may also show up in Rebellion.

Kameruka 2011-10-25 01:29

Where's Captain Liliana?

I'm referring the cast list.

klare 2011-10-25 05:57

Claudette became a bad queen? i remember she was a good character in the previous seasons...

Crimrui 2011-10-25 06:11

The new lead is that purple-haired girl I presume? She looks much more likable then Leina/Reina. Hope the animation will be a bit better this time around, especially during the battles. No males in sight which is a good thing. :)

I'm loving the designs of the new cast.
Spoiler for character design + image size:

Duo Maxwell 2011-10-25 06:17


Originally Posted by Kameruka (Post 3824046)
Where's Captain Liliana?

I'm referring the cast list.

Currently is the public cast list, as far as I know.
The old cast will returned, but don't expect they are still the same one you knew :p. I actually love most of the redesign ones, except for maybe Aldra.

Justice Knight 2011-10-25 12:16

dont tell me they gonna censor this!?!??!? it might spoil my mood T_T

Crimrui 2011-10-25 14:36

^ BD release is your friend. You'll just have to be a bit patient. ;)

Sinestra 2011-10-25 15:13

So Claudette became a bad queen that is now oppressing the land and its citizens. Im not watching this on principal in my opinion taking a character like Claudette that oozed honor, loyalty and chivalry and having her turn out to the bad guy leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Of course there could be more too it and or some grand conspiracy. I was not the biggest fan of this series anyway because the script writing is well non existent we all know what this series is about its just like Ikki tousen but at least that plot makes more sense. The saving grace for Queens Blade for me was Claudette but ugh

Mizuno 2011-10-25 15:41

Claudette being a tyrant is completely plausible. We have seen her character in two seasons, she's someone who will rule with dominance.

SonOfHeaven 2011-10-25 18:17

Nice to see rebellion getting an anime. What are the chances that Echidna will be in this?

jdennis007 2011-10-25 20:02

Actually Claudette starts off as a very popular queen, but since she is a virtuous person she is seen as weak and that is where the trouble starts.

kenjiharima 2011-10-25 21:32


Originally Posted by Duo Maxwell (Post 3824011)
No one is talking about this? Couldn't even find the Queen's Blade thread.
I actually like the cast this time more than the previous one.

We've been discussing this in the QB s1 and 2 thread alot. :D

Glad to see there is a thread now of this

Duo Maxwell 2011-10-25 22:58

Strange, my search result didn't show the Queen's Blade thread.

Anyway, it's another season so I also think it deserves another thread, until the inevitable merged :heh:.

mangatron 2011-10-26 02:49

*mangatron walks into the thread*


Originally Posted by Crimson Cloud (Post 3824235)
I'm loving the designs of the new cast.
Spoiler for character design + image size:



*mangatron feels this series has a big potential to be a... big hit with his desires* :heh:

Duo Maxwell 2011-10-26 04:03

At least I'm glad it doesn't have as huge potential as certain someone from previous show.'

I'm in just for Huit and Vante.

NoemiChan 2011-10-26 04:36


Originally Posted by Crimson Cloud (Post 3824235)
The new lead is that purple-haired girl I presume? She looks much more likable then Leina/Reina. Hope the animation will be a bit better this time around, especially during the battles. No males in sight which is a good thing. :)

Don't think that I'm gay by saying this but.... though this is a "all girl ecchi", I still want to see some males characters, I often wondered from the past seasons why there are no males, even just as villains would be nice.:heh:

Good ecchi, so hot..hmmm

Crimrui 2011-10-26 05:02

^ Well of course, everyone has their own opinion and likes/dislikes, it's important to respect it not question it. For me, if there was one male (probably a dumb protagonist, although I don't have a problem if that is the case for the female character) it would have been a harem which I usually hate, and if there were more males then most of the girls would still fall for the main guy again.

In both cases we would be presented with all those ecchi moments where guy falls on girl's breasts that we see quite often today. If anything, it's refreshing to see girl falling on a girl. :heh:

Bonta Kun 2011-10-26 09:48

I love the VA list for this series, Kotobuki Minako<3!

Altho I'm not sure on Kobayashi Yu as Siggy, I do love her voice but I feel she suits a much different role than what I'm expecting of Siggy, kinda same doubt thing with Futayo from Horizon amt but I don't see it as off putting.

Looking forward to my Siggy, can't wait for the sexiest nun ever to grace my screen in all her aniamted glory!!!:hyper-^v^:

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