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Kairin 2017-12-02 00:47

Love Live! Sunshine!! Second Season - Episode 9 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Love Live! Sunshine!! Second Season, Episode 9.

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blakstealth 2017-12-02 10:18

Being subscribed to Lantis' Youtube channel is a blessing and a curse.

I'm completely blown away by this episode. I was 100% set on just a Ruby x Leah performance. The beginning made me extremely feel confident that both their voices would be amazing and would carry the whole song. Leah, especially, has such an awesome singing voice. But NOPE. Everyone jumped in and seemed to already know the choreography and lyrics! That's probably the most stereo-typically "musical" scene so far where everyone seems to know the song with no indication of them practicing for it. There was a lot of crying and eyes watering up as well. I wasn't prepared. The song was so so so so good as well. The bond Ruby and Dia have with each other is so heart-warming. Same with Sarah and Leah.

Requiem-x 2017-12-02 23:45

A few seconds in and I'm already smiling. Also, boy, is this a ship now.

On a more serious tone, it was a really good episode, showing some love for the first year, giving Leah some very needed character (seeing her prepare the room for Ruby and the others was adorable), and to cap it off, a live with a lot of flare. No complaints here. That said, DIa doesn't seem to have the best singing voice in this one.

Seems like next we'll be dealing with the graduation issue again, though only with the third years. Wonder how that will go.

blakstealth 2017-12-03 02:24


Originally Posted by Requiem-x (Post 6171578)
(seeing her prepare the room for Ruby and the others was adorable),

Seems like next we'll be dealing with the graduation issue again, though only with the third years. Wonder how that will go.

The smile on her face after making her bed is too cute.

It'll involve flying cars.

Kanon 2017-12-03 13:28

Saint Aquours Snow! I laughed when they made this joke at the beginning of the episode, but it actually became reality. That was a great performance, especially visually. I'm not too sure about everybody jumping in though, for one it wasn't realistic, and secondly, it kind of destroyed the point Ruby and Leah were trying to make. On the other hand, it gave Leah a chance to perform properly with her sister one last time, and that was definitely a good thing. So yeah, great stuff.

Ernietheracefan 2017-12-03 15:57

Yohane being the heaviest among the first years..!! What kind of sorcery is that..? :heh:

Awaken Ze Powah indeed..

Liddo-kun 2017-12-05 02:38

Really nice performance together by Aquors and Saint Snow. Ruby finally has the self confidence to be independent.

Oh, and surprised that Yohane is heavier than Zura. I guess being shut in her room caused da tenshi to gain weight. :p

grecefar 2017-12-05 21:58


Originally Posted by Requiem-x (Post 6171578)
A few seconds in and I'm already smiling. Also, boy, is this a ship now.

Why they have to go to different schools????, I want a new season with ruby and leah as duet ;-;

Best chapter of the season for me, it would have been better if the song was only those two or only with their sisters, well we can't have that and need to force chika to out throats until the last second.

Eisdrache 2017-12-06 16:04

10/10 episode. I was looking forward to the Ruby/Ria performance but then they added my girl Seira and the rest to it to make it even better. Ria has a really nice singing voice.

Ulin 2017-12-10 15:02

Surprinsingly, although Ruby was my least favourite character until now (I guess that's Chika's place now) I really liked this episode. I didn't understand what Chika meant with "the other surprise" although I guess is that everyone was joining magically the performance, even if they didn't seem to have practised, and it didn't seem to matter if the choreography was initially thought for two people :heh::heh:

Anyway, apart from that, probably most solid episode of the season

AP24 2017-12-27 08:30

I forgot, who's little demon no.9?

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