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Klashikari 2011-10-01 12:32

Claymore Chapter 119
Welcome to the monthly discussion thread for Claymore, Chapter 119.

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Weils 2011-10-01 12:42

Chapter spoilers by Gooral:


Originally Posted by Gooral (Post 3787514)
NEW SPOILER!!! Looks like real one this time:

Spoiler for 119 spoiler in Japanese::

Spoiler for Google translate::

Spoiler for ch. 119:

I finally might give the chapter something more than 7 after all this time.

Gooral 2011-10-01 12:46

And here's the Chinese version which you will understand Weils:

Spoiler for Chinese spoiler from TSS, posted by Gene:

Weils 2011-10-01 12:59


Originally Posted by Gooral (Post 3787626)
And here's the Chinese version which you will understand Weils:

Spoiler for Chinese spoiler:

Direct translation:

Most of the chapter contents are Cassandra's flashbacks.

Audrey is about to be killed by Cassandra but she suddenly stops her attack.
As her memories reawaken, Cassandra's wounds (from the time she first died) split back open. Next are the flashbacks.

Just after Roxanne named Cassandra the "Dust-Eater", Cassandra met another warrior who she can confide in. Cassandra's friend's name is not revealed here in this translation, who is ranked no. 35, and resembles Cynthia, was the only survivor of an AB hunt. Seems like Cassandra rescued no. 35 with her dust-eating technique, but no. 35 was not affected and she just shed tears while thanking her for her help. From then on, Cassandra became very close with no. 35.

One day, no. 35 went on an AB hunt with Roxanne (who was no. 2 by then at the time). However, Roxanne abandoned no. 35 with their other comrades to the AB, leading to no. 35's death. Cassandra went out of control upon hearing her best friend's demise and went on a rampage against the Organization. It took Roxanne and all the other warriors to kill Cassandra, and she was slashed 126 times before she eventually died.

The flashback ends here and Cassandra immediately awakens upon reacquiring her memories. So chapter ends with AB Cassandra vs. Roxanne.

Ryus 2011-10-01 13:03

Wow... I find myself fully agreeing with Gooral two spoilers in a row. Maybe it's something I ate (it was an apple :p)

Seriously though, this plot has potential... really hoping it is true.

Thanks for the translation weils ;):D

Tom Bombadil 2011-10-01 13:11

Ryus, most likely it is true. It has all the marks of previous true spoiler. In addition to what Weils tranlated, there are also couple of remarks.

Spoiler for chap119:

Gooral 2011-10-01 13:14

Thanks Weils and Tom Bombadil for your translations:

Originally Posted by Tom Bombadil (Post 3787647)
Yep, this got to be the real deal, we need the Chapter 119 thread. :p

Cassandra gets her memory back.

She met her future BBF, No. 35 and the sole survivor of a AB hunting mission. Cassandra has to used a sealed-away technique never shown to anyone to save her.

On a certain day, No.35 and No.2 Roxanne joins a AB hunting team. The rest of the team came back in terrible form without No.35, who was raped, tortured and killed.
Cassandra went mad and turned on the organization.

Back to the current timeline, Cassandra awakens.

Then the guy also remarked that Roxanne seems to be unfazed facing awakened Cassandra, and it seems that Dae was also relaxed about the awaking.
He also said that the chapter was very moving, and the Cassandra fans would multiply!

Ryus 2011-10-01 13:18

Is it just me or does the idea of an entire chapter devoted to one character and those that mess with her just feel good... like the pre pieta days. There has been too many split chapters of late imho

Gooral 2011-10-01 13:25

I agree it's better. Having characters all over the island and jumping from one to another makes chapters less fluent and the story feels more artificial and forced. It also makes the story look as if it doesn't progress at all or it goes very slow.

Going back to spoiler, google translation was really good this time. I've practically understood everything. I didn't mention about Roxanne since it seemed almost impossible but I'm glad it came true. Looks like I was right about her (Roxanne) being the strongest (unless she's just stupid and isn't afraid of anyone or anything). I wonder though if it's already time for 22 pages though... Looks like it to be honest assuming it was all that happened.

Oh, and in next month Claymore won't have color page either. I hope it will get one in this year, it was already stripped of one in May.

Tom Bombadil 2011-10-01 13:26


Originally Posted by Ryus (Post 3787676)
Is it just me or does the idea of an entire chapter devoted to one character and those that mess with her just feel good... like the pre pieta days. There has been too many split chapters of late imho

Seems that BFFs are ubiquitous among the Claymores. Clare has hers, Miria has one, too, Hellen has Deneve, now Cassandra has her bed warmer BFF as well.

Gooral 2011-10-01 13:36

BBF? Belly Button Fluff?

On a serious note, looks like we have two awakened "Mirias" and two "Ophelias". They both lost a dear friend due to psycho's meddling, although Cassandra's friend had it much worse it seems. After all she was raped by AB (I don't remember any other case it happened earlier, I know youma raped but not ABs) and tortured. Couldn't be worse.

Tom Bombadil 2011-10-01 13:43

Ahh, I just realized that 虐杀された maybe better translated as "killed in a cruel way" than "tortured and killed". But you get the idea. and of course I meant BFF. :P

Shiek927 2011-10-01 13:51

Roflmao, I'm aware it was clunky; no reason to delete my post though :heh:. Oh well

I agree with you Ryus; long-drawn out chapters with huge focus on character development is what I miss and the way to go -- I was never crazy for the huge jumping back and forth, especially often in a single chapter, that the story turned too the past couple of years; like the focus suddenly changed to beautiful art and action rather then great story-telling. It seems to be shifting back to that though.

As for the spoiler though; the only thing that feels weird to me is that Cassandra's wounds would reopen just because she remembered her memories....that seems just plain weird to me. Just because I remember a bruise, doesn't mean I'll suddenly have it back. It would make sense though if Cassandra was still actually feeling the effects of the wounds, because she still was actually damaged (perhaps the revival didn't actually heal them) and the damage just now caught up with her "new" body which triggered the return of her memories.

Gooral 2011-10-01 14:07


Originally Posted by Tom Bombadil (Post 3787705)
Ahh, I just realized that 虐杀された maybe better translated as "killed in a cruel way" than "tortured and killed". But you get the idea. and of course I meant BFF. :P

BBF could also mean "Best Best Friend" and I thought you meant that.

As for your translation, that changes things a bit but still there is a difference being killed by a Claymore and being killed by an AB. Compared to Cassandra Miria had no reason to go crazy, Hilda would have been killed either way. In terms of being a cutthroat bitch Roxanne wins by far with Ophelia. She's on a whole different level in every possible way it seems.

Shiek927 2011-10-01 14:32


Originally Posted by Gooral (Post 3787734)
BBF could also mean "Best Best Friend" and I thought you meant that.

As for your translation, that changes things a bit but still there is a difference being killed by a Claymore and being killed by an AB. Compared to Cassandra Miria had no reason to go crazy, Hilda would have been killed either way. In terms of being a cutthroat bitch Roxanne wins by far with Ophelia. She's on a whole different level in every possible way it seems.

Miria almost awakened because Ophelia threw salt on her wounds - but you're right: Roxanne is definitely the vile horrific character we have ever seen in Claymore thus far; Ophelia looks like small-time compared to her.

And that's right; I haven't heard of a case of a warrior being raped by a AB before - then again, when you remember Dauf and his brutish attempts, it's probably not as uncommon as all that.

Nixl 2011-10-01 15:01

Just in time, I finished my LSAT today. Going to enjoy this chapter if the spoilers are true.

Korinov 2011-10-01 15:04

Spoilers look quite promising this time. I hope we get to see more than just a few flashback pages and Cass' awakening though.

Ryus 2011-10-01 15:06


Originally Posted by Shiek927 (Post 3787751)
Miria almost awakened because Ophelia threw salt on her wounds - but you're right: Roxanne is definitely the vile horrific character we have ever seen in Claymore thus far; Ophelia looks like small-time compared to her.

And that's right; I haven't heard of a case of a warrior being raped by a AB before - then again, when you remember Dauf and his brutish attempts, it's probably not as uncommon as all that.

Yeah, Miria was just very vaunerable when Ophelia revealed what she did... as to Roxanne holy s*** that is just messed up, knowing her she likely watched it from afar too. :upset::heh::upset: I knew she make a great antagonist :D and I very much agree with gooral again, Roxanne is very likely the strongest and back to the restated idea thats been floated around will likely be shown to be uber strong after destroying an awakened AO (Cassanda it appears) like Teresa and Priscilla did. The ghosts will likely arrive just in time to evac the survivors... I wonder if the winner of the Hysteria vs Miria fight awakens and also gets killed by her to buy the evacuation time.

As to rape... well Clare was implied to have been raped by her brother and then the yoma (why she defended Teresa most likely since she couldnt let hero go through what she did, even with how weak and scared she was) and the sixarmed AB seemed like he might take his time with the fab 4... just maybe he might have taken it to the next level after a bit.

fraktur 2011-10-01 16:33

The fact that Dae isn't concerned doesn't have to imply that Roxanne is just that superior to Cassendra. It could also be that he just wants to know which of his creations is the "most perfect". Remember, at the end of the day Dae is Dae. And Dae doesn't give a shit about the organization if he can expand his experiments. Hell, if he knew about the Claire/Priscilla blob he wouldn't hesitate to release them just for the lulz!
Also Cassandra is "just a regular No 5 with a super strong technique". Of course Roxanne doesn't really care about her. I wouldn't conclude that Roxanne is on the "Priscilla"-lvl. based on these facts. We don't even know how she fights maybe her special abillities are just that advantageous?

That aside, I also suspect that she is the strongest of the three tbh. And as we know she can erase her yoki so Raftela can't help Cassandra. It would be interesting seeing the ghosts siding with an awakend to kill the "real monster".

Ulquihorror 2011-10-01 16:46

what really interests me is the fact that cassandra's wounds reopened as she remembered her death and the conditions behind it. Maybe we can draw parallels to how claymores heal their bodies? If I recall correctly, galatea said that regenerating grandly depends on one's memories. What if the same logic is applied here? If that was the case, Raftela could even help offensive warriors regenerate ;)
She could even kill roxanne and hysteria. It would be weird if rafetla plunged into one of those two's mind and extract the exact memory of their head getting chopped off so a wound open and their head actually drop without any physical contact :D

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