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Ja-Y-Ce 2008-08-04 00:06

Actually, i have posted a similar post in the DN forum itself - since I am still wondering should I open a new thread for this. But since, the front page has been revealed. Guess that it's time for us... to get ready and discuss over it. :heh:


This year's 36th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine has confirmed on Monday that the Death Note writer/artist team of Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata are launching a manga called Bakuman in the next issue, which goes on sale on August 11. The magazine describes the new manga as "explosive." (The Japanese word for "explosion" is "bakuhatsu") ~ courtesy of ANN

Wonder how the plot will be like... Explosive... hmmmm.... (I just pray that it is nothing like Ral Grado...) :p


It's not easy to become and live as a mangaka, Mashiro knows that from his late uncle. At his 9th grade, while trying to keep up with reality, school and then normal job, he left his notebook with a sketch of a girl, Azuki, he likes. Tamaki, a first rate student found it and trying to convince Mashiro to draw a manga with his story. Doesn't like the idea, Mashiro tries to decline. Tamaki, however, tries to stick to dream and found out that Azuki also wants to be a voice actress and got a good reply from a production company. Tamaki, then, brought Mashiro to her house and telling her his dream.... Mashiro tells her that he will write a manga with Tamaki and will ask Azuki to voice their anime. Out of confusion, Mashiro asks her if the dreams become reality, will she marry him? She says yes, only if their dreams become true, and not otherwise!! Now, life of wannabe mangakas begun!!!

Shiroth 2008-08-04 07:42

Can't say i'm that excited over the summary, though it's sure to be fun.

Here's hoping for at least one JUST AS PLANNED moment. :p

ZODDGUTS 2008-08-08 21:22

Great start it got me interested. Though people expecting something like Death Note are going to be dissapointed but even as a fan of DN I enjoyed the first chapter of this series.

Anyways as for the main character


irrelevance 2008-08-08 22:29

First chapter seems very interesting, i like the character designs and the fact that this manga has a lot of references to other manga
I lol at the death note joke :heh:

frubam 2008-08-08 22:38

Could somebody post a synopsis of what the story is about? I normally don't read only the first chap of a manga. I wait until a few chaps have been released, unless I'm excited about the series or just incredibly bored, of which I am neither. I didn't see any synopsis in the places I looked.

ZODDGUTS 2008-08-08 22:50


It's not easy to become and live as a mangaka, Mashiro knows that from his late uncle. At his 9th grade, while trying to keep up with reality, school and then normal job, he left his notebook with a sketch of a girl, Azuki, he likes. Tamaki, a first rate student found it and trying to convince Mashiro to draw a manga with his story. Doesn't like the idea, Mashiro tries to decline. Tamaki, however, tries to stick to dream and found out that Azuki also wants to be a voice actress and got a good reply from a production company. Tamaki, then, brought Mashiro to her house and telling her his dream.... Mashiro tells her that he will write a manga with Tamaki and will ask Azuki to voice their anime. Out of confusion, Mashiro asks her if the dreams become reality, will she marry him? She says yes, only if their dreams become true, and not otherwise!! Now, life of wannabe mangakas begun!!!

irrelevance 2008-08-08 22:55

The first chapter is here =>


Spoiler for Sypnosis:

It is a very interesting idea too. I don't see a lot of manga telling story about being a mangaka

Edit: ack, i didn't see the post above while i was writing, sorry/

frubam 2008-08-09 03:02

Thanks, its sounds like it could be interesting. Though I could assume since it's in WSJ it'll get a weekly translated release, I'll still hold off on reading it for at least a few chapters to let it gain some momentum.

Sun Shine 2008-08-09 03:31

I really liked the first chapter, it was pretty amusing. Completely different to Death Note and I think that its a good thing as it shows the makers have versatility. Its going to be interesting to see how the plot carries on because at the moment I don't see how its going to keep up interest for too long.

Ja-Y-Ce 2008-08-09 05:26

yup yup, i have read the first chapter too! Pretty interesting plot ....:D and yes, i do LOLed at their own DN joke too... :heh:

Shiroth 2008-08-09 09:37

I must say, i enjoyed that a lot more then i thought i would. Brilliant start, and i just can't wait to see how this one will progress in each chapter.

Also you've gotta love some of the Death Note jokes in this, along with some of the other popular manga's that were mentioned. I guess we'll see much more of that.

Oh and i just have to mention how adorable Azuki is.

alamarco 2008-08-09 14:17

Good start, a lot of hilarious moments. Totally didn't see that type of ending to happen. That was my favourite part and probably a sign of things to come between the two.

Nightengale 2008-08-10 00:14

It's nice for a first chapter. It seems that I'm in the minority, but while it is no Death Note, I'd say that the presentation of Tsugumi Ohba's writing style doesn't run far with the self-monologues and interaction comedy.

However, as much as I want to be optimistic about the manga's overall tone, I can't help but feel the whole twist to the romance 'marriage' angle, and how it's cynically referenced as 'shallow (( puppy )) love' along with the parallels to his failure of an uncle will bring about a more gritted end to this... like Bakuman getting canned after 10 chapters.

Morri07 2008-08-10 12:00

This series went straight for serialization. No one-shot whatsoever...
A manga about writing manga... in Shonen Jump.
The characters seen interesting and believable (apart from the bishoujo, but she was barely introduced in this chapter). The main duo makes a nod to Ohba and Obata. It's as if they are writing a story about themselves. :heh:

I'm worried whether Bakuman will get canceled... Tsugumi Ohba needs to introduce some kind of conflict fast or it will not fare well in SJ... I hope he/she does not go for the "episodic day-to-day struggles of the protagonists" scenario...

Izayoi 2008-08-10 12:48

Don't expect too much from it, I will try keeping up though.

NoOneKnowS 2008-08-11 04:18

Great start. It's listed as shonen right? Means that the story will focuse more on those guys manga adventures rather than the romance part.

Ja-Y-Ce 2008-08-11 05:38

yea, but actually, i guess that this manga can actually "develop" to many forms... it can not only be those "mangaka lifestory" on how to draw a manga and level up from it... taking those competitions and stuffs or getting no response or rejected from publishers... (sound like hikaru no go... to me...) :D

depending which way Ohba wanna go, i guess that, they can even go into those fantasy, adventurous, mysterious or whatsoever? or even "ridiculous" plot like "getting drawn" into the manga that they are making... i.e. they, themselves, playing the 'RPG form of manga' - so, Mashiro doesn't even have to draw it! :heh: walking around in the setting they have formed and out they are out of it, the "papers" will be "automatically" drawn all nicely..

kk, i better stop my has already gone all wild. :p

Kanon 2008-08-11 05:40

The first chapter was interesting, no real idea how all of this is going to develop though. I hope we'll see the girl's struggle to become a voice actress too, and not just the two guys trying to make it into the manga world.

technomo12 2008-08-11 10:19

hmm this might be good ehehehehe

aohige 2008-08-11 18:39

After reading Bakuman, the long-running question resurfaced in my head.

The long-time rumor of Tsugumi Ohba = Hiroshi Gamou.

There's been many somewhat credible hints about Gamou = Tsugumi, and in this Bakuman episode 1... the protagonist talks about his uncle who was a manga artist who despite of having terrible art-skills, got popular enough to get even anime series out of his work... only to fail later, and dissapear into obscurity. My god, that's EXACTLY the story of Gamou and his "Lucky Man" manga! Hell, the "Chou Hero Densetsu" even looks like Luckyman, crossed with Fujiko Fujio's Paaman. :heh: (Of course, Gamou-sensei didn't die, otherwise I wouldn't be comparing him)

1. Debut in monthly magazine as manga artist
2. His "Luckyman" manga, although poorly drawn, was a hit and even got animated
3. After Luckyman's sucess he tried to serialize two more manga, but both were canceled quickly, and he dissapeared from the manga world

His uncle's history is exactly the same as above, except he dies at the end.
The only explanation is:

A: Ohba really is Gamou, and using his story as a plot device
B: Ohba is aware of the rumor, and is using it for fun & to create even more confusion among the fans. :rolleyes:

If that rumor is true, it's very interesting to see one of the best (art-wise) artist Jump has ever seen together with possibly the worst (art-wise) artist Jump has ever seen, together creating a manga about manga.

They make a great team, it's great to see them back!

Edit: On a related note, there was a boy who "claimed" to be Gamou's son, appeared in anonymous forum over 3 months ago... and posted about the (then not-yet-announced, but later confirmed) picturebook that's getting released, and also said Gamou was wanting to do a manga about "a boy who wantetd to become manga artist, and a girl who wanted to become seiyuu". I wonder if this person was Gamou/Ohba himself, really his son, or a staff member close to him. :heh:

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