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SaintessHeart 2008-11-18 08:29

Anime To Ditch?
Currently I am serving my conscription in the military and I do not have enough time for all the sweet anime going around. I only have up to 6 hours per day to do what I like, and it going to be minused soon after AFA08 because I am going to stay-in camp.

Currently this is the list I am watching. Any suggestions on which one to drop?

1. Gundam 00
2. Toradora
3. Kannagi
4. Toaru Majutsu No Index
5. Rosario + Vampire
6. Clannad
7. Akane Iro Ni Somaru Saka
8. Chaos;Head

I am thinking about dropping Chaos;Head because the storyline is quite nebulous. Akasaka fansubs are rather slow IMO, and I can't really watch HD or H264 on my computer due to its limitations. However I need serious entertainment to make me forget about the shit I have in the day in-camp.

Any suggestions please?

C.A. 2008-11-18 08:39

You're going AFA? Are you going to watch May'n?

I'm not keen on telling people to ditch stuff, so I'll tell you which you should definitely keep.

Gundam 00

Vexx 2008-11-18 09:28

Why are you letting other people decide your interests????????????????????
Don't "drop" any of them .... just keep dl'ing them and put them aside for a rain day marathon. o.O

C.A. 2008-11-18 09:39

Yea Vexx-dono is right lol

I've been through NS like you're going through soon, what I did was stash them up. I kept the PC on and downloaded throughout the week. When I returned home during weekends, I burned the series and then select more anime to download.

Right now what I'm ended up with after ORDing, is another 500 gigs that I'm not able to finish watching lol

SaintessHeart 2008-11-18 11:53

500 gigs.....:eyespin:

The problem is that I might be not even be able to watch them on weekends though (I love combat, it is fun and thrilling but the weekends are gone too). I definitely need to drop some, and since I am the impatient kind, I don't think I can wait until after NS (I enlisted early this year only).

Besides I am starting to have an addiction for anime (esp those involving lolis) after I got a temporary 8-5, I risk my neck downloading them in bulk and test-watching almost every anime available on the net.

The three are already on my mind....need to size down more to around 5.

P.S Yes I am going to AFA08. I even set aside 2 leaves to be used just in case there is a need for me to go back. I am not missing the first anime convention held over here though. Not really for May'n though, but for the crowd and (H-)doujins.

Shadow Kira01 2008-11-18 13:33

6 hours of free time a day and it's still not enough? I got less than that..

I don't know what you should drop, but I do know what you should not drop.

Gundam 00: mecha
Toradora!: romantic comedy
Kannagi: supernatural
Rosario + Vampire Capu2: romantic comedy
Clannad After Story: slice of life

Fynal_Fyre 2008-11-18 13:39

Was never one to tell people to drop anime, but if I HAD to say something...

Drop Rosario to Vampire if you dislike mindless fanservice and an abundance of Pantsu...

Drop G00 if mecha's not your thing.

If you actually played Akane-Iro to Somaru Saka, the anime may not completely satisfy you (or so I've heard) so you can drop that.


Also, enjoy AFA. I'll be there too ;)

incube 2008-11-18 19:00

If you had to drop one i would suggest Rosario + Vampire... there isnt much to it but fanservice and the tipical useless guy with a harem following him everywhere.

AceD 2008-11-18 19:22

to be honest

rosario and clannad are wank really, especially clannad - id say that one personaly...

BUT, if you cant run HD then chaos;head really is the obvious choice ( although i think chaos;head is the best anime on that list....)

Rawgers 2008-11-18 20:01

Even though this is a strange question, I'll post my opinion.

I recommend that you drop one of these Chaos;Head or Akane Iro Ni Somaru Saka.

Chaos;Head is a great series, but it seems to me more like a show that you would watch short marathon. Plus, I believe there will be a second season (unless it becomes really rushed or certain events from the game are skipped [have only seen up to the 4th episode so I'm not sure if it changed any] )

Akane Iro Ni Somaru Saka- a pretty cliche romance, so not a huge loss of a watch.

If it were me I would think of ditching Rosario + Vampire, but considering that you are serving for the military, a funny but pointless anime can distract you from other issues.

ddwkc 2008-11-19 05:06

I would ditch Rosario + Vampire and Akane Iro Ni Somaru Saka.

SaintessHeart 2008-11-19 08:27


Originally Posted by Rawgers (Post 2061258)
If it were me I would think of ditching Rosario + Vampire, but considering that you are serving for the military, a funny but pointless anime can distract you from other issues.

Especially the severe lack of good looking females.

Oxtail 2008-11-19 13:42

I figure most people are only watching Akasaka in hopes of an incest ending which I consider unlikely at best. :p

ZephyrLeanne 2008-11-21 04:21

Well, I had this problem not too long ago.

I even had the same list as yours, minus
2. Toradora
3. Kannagi.

I'm currently only following CLANNAD, strictly speaking. But, you can decide for yourself. I chose CLANNAD 'cause I'm soft deep down. No, really.

Choose what you're really interested in.

Mecha? You wouldn't want to drop Gundam 00 (I'm not into mecha, BTW)
Laughs? Toradora is a must.
--and so on.

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