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Kairin 2013-06-21 20:55

Ore no Imouto (Season Two) - Episode 12 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Ore no Imouto (Season Two), Episode 12.

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NoemiChan 2013-06-21 21:05

I hope, we could see a kissing scene..... Kirino x Kyousuke!!!!!

Wilshere 2013-06-22 01:32

All girls will be present,party,sounds like fun and trouble at the same time to me. Anyway I hope this episode will be hilarious.

Sakuratsuki 2013-06-22 07:23

This episode is important. Because it can tell us (a bit), what to expect in the last 3 OVA's.

Wilshere 2013-06-22 10:28

Just watched the episode. Rated it 10/10 for many reasons. Didnt expect the end tho.

Xical 2013-06-22 12:01

Ayase reaction to Saori is priceless.

Kakurin 2013-06-22 12:06

Darn you guys, I also want to see that episode. Guess I'll have to wait a couple of minutes / hour. :D

finalfury 2013-06-22 12:51

Well, aside from the fact that this episode had cringe-worthy moments, the ending wasn't bad. :/
Although some fans got crushed, stomped and trampled over due to this episode. :/
I like the ED tho and the ending was fairly emotional gripping for something that isn't a tragedy [i.e. death(s)].

tommythecat 2013-06-22 13:05

Whole lot of passage of time going on here, really tough to pick out whats going on if you have no real sense of how the novel plays out. Other than that it was a fun episode, the party played out more naturally than it seemed to when I read that part.

So there was someone snapping shots of Ayase and that was never elaborated on... wonder if that will be dropped or resolved later.

relentlessflame 2013-06-22 13:09


Originally Posted by tommythecat (Post 4733091)
So there was someone snapping shots of Ayase and that was never elaborated on... wonder if that will be dropped or resolved later.

I'm supposing it may be addressed on the Drama CD that will ship with this Blu-Ray volume (volume 6). (They already said that things not addressed in the anime may be covered during those.)

ExXentriK 2013-06-22 13:20

The last part with Ayase was so rough. I actually expected more emotions from it. Good episode overall but to be honest I'm a bit disapointed about this...

Dr. Casey 2013-06-22 13:22

I almost feel out of place here without a Kirino avatar. :heh: Six of the nine posts in this thread have one, not counting Kairin.

Time to check the episode out; though I've always enjoyed Ore no Imouto, the series has taken quite the jump in quality these past few episodes. I hope the promised discussion between Kyosuke and Kuroneko that Kuro mentioned last week takes place.

edit: Make that seven out of ten. :p

Ricadan 2013-06-22 13:39

It definitely felt very rushed, which is understandable considering the agenda for this season. But that's seriously a whole lot of plot, emotion, and setup to fit into a 20 minute period. I felt there was almost no pause between any two characters' dialogue, and although i don't speak Japanese, it almost felt like they were speaking in a rushed manner.

Especially with Ayase's confession I could feel the rush, there was almost no time for the emotions to sink in, it was almost mechanical and systematic:
1. I hate you
2. I love you
3. I love somebody else
4. Goodbye
And this is such an important moment for Ayase-shippers considering this is how they were supposed get their closure. I felt the montage of their shared moments at the end definitely alleviated some of that.

Otherwise, there were plenty of fun and amusing moments throughout the episode, especially all the tension Kanako brought up. Overall I enjoyed the episode, but the emotional parts definitely whooshed over my head.

Densetsuhakai 2013-06-22 13:43

Spoiler for Comparison to the novel:

Wilshere 2013-06-22 13:44

Leaving issues aside, isnt Ayase contradicting herself??? In the previous episode she said that Kuroneko cant say that she's Kirino's friend anymore because she doesnt want anyone dating her brother... and now, she confessed,like lol what the hell??? So what are you to Kirino now?!?!??! She also admitted to lying to herself but too late mate.

relentlessflame 2013-06-22 13:48


Originally Posted by Ricadan (Post 4733125)
Especially with Ayase's confession I could feel the rush, there was almost no time for the emotions to sink in, it was almost mechanical and systematic:
1. I hate you
2. I love you
3. I love somebody else
4. Goodbye
And this is such an important moment for Ayase-shippers considering this is how they were supposed get their closure. I felt the montage of their shared moments at the end definitely alleviated some of that.

Well, part of this is also inherent to the situation itself. She just shows up unexpected a month after his exam on the day he's moving out to congratulate him and confess. They tried to use the build-up from the previous scenes to carry the momentum (along with the flash-back), but the problem is still that her confession is pretty sudden. The scene itself didn't really have a lot of emotional build-up because it was all this pent-up feelings from her end. Given that his feelings were set, he didn't have much to do except to turn her down.

Basically all this to say... to me, it honestly didn't feel like she came there that day expecting to have her feelings returned. More that she was trying to cleanly close a chapter of her life.


Originally Posted by Densetsuhakai (Post 4733129)
Spoiler for Comparison to the novel:

Spoiler for Comparison to the novel:

tommythecat 2013-06-22 13:53


Originally Posted by Densetsuhakai (Post 4733129)
Spoiler for Comparison to the novel:

Spoiler for Comparison to the novel:

User68604 2013-06-22 13:54

12/10 episode

i love everything about this show

ArturEngel 2013-06-22 13:57

It maybe felt rushed, but they have just 25 min to cover everything. Don't be selfish. They try their best, i believe.

Kakurin 2013-06-22 14:01

I just skipped through some scenes. It definitely feels rushed. But I laughed hard at some scenes. Like Ayase and the knife. Or Ayase's reaction to Saori. :heh:

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