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NexgenXVII 2007-09-23 04:27

do you guys tell people you watch anime?
Personally, I dont tell them unless they say something about anime.

Blaarg 2007-09-23 04:46

If people ask me what I'm into I'll say so, or sometimes I'll even bring it up. I really have no reason to hide it.

anti-random 2007-09-23 05:57

^exactly. Its the same thing I do

Kana Futayo 2007-09-23 06:26

Well, I always blurt out anything anime to other people if I am in a very good mood :heh: Heck, I may be funny at times if I went too far :eyespin:

Flonne 2007-09-23 07:19

If asked,i say that i watch anime. I don't have any reason to hide it. :3

muppsatan 2007-09-23 07:32

When talking about what i like i do admit to liking anime (to which they reply: omg u watch that porn stuff?) usually :). There is no reason to hide it unless u wanna be labeled "sicko" since everyone thinks anime=hentai

raikage 2007-09-23 07:41

Only if it comes up under discussion of hobbies or whatnot.

Otherwise, no.

"Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is xxxxx and I watch anime!"


Deathkillz 2007-09-23 07:47

I find that there is no reason to hide it as well...but i do get a bit edgy talking about it with people like teachers...example is that i have recently been trying to write a personal statement for university and my teacher asked if i have any hobbies...i said anime and the clueless look on her face didnt make me feel very well :heh: always say japanese animation instead of cartoons to be on the save side XD

DazarGaidin 2007-09-23 07:57

If someone sees me watching and brings it up. Usually they say something like 'I just can't get into that stuff' which really sounds ominous to me lol What exactly do they think i am 'getting into'?

Had this conversation with the county sheriff the other day after he saw some heroic age on my laptop (yay for lawmen checking out my illegal copywrited material! woo!).

I often reply that its an acquired taste, which ends the conversation (more ominous feelings lol)

SeijiSensei 2007-09-23 09:10


Originally Posted by muppsatan (Post 1161305)
When talking about what i like i do admit to liking anime (to which they reply: omg u watch that porn stuff?) usually :). There is no reason to hide it unless u wanna be labeled "sicko" since everyone thinks anime=hentai

I see this comment repeatedly on forums. This connection between anime and hentai must be something that exists mostly in the minds of people much younger than me. Most people my age don't know what anime is at all so they don't associate it with porn. My first real exposure to anime was in my 40s, and we were watching Mononoke Hime. I later saw some more ecchi shows (Najica Blitz Tactics comes immediately to mind), and later learned that there was pornographic anime as well.

I also usually say "Japanese animation," which tends to conjure up Miyazaki among people who know anything about modern global culture.

Reno 2007-09-23 09:24

Ya I have no reason to hide it either. If someone asks what I like, anime will be one of them. In fact I'm only too happy to. It feels good to say I like something other than music and games.

Kana Futayo 2007-09-23 09:54


Originally Posted by muppsatan (Post 1161305)
When talking about what i like i do admit to liking anime (to which they reply: omg u watch that porn stuff?) usually :). There is no reason to hide it unless u wanna be labeled "sicko" since everyone thinks anime=hentai

Yeah, about that anime->hentai thingy. It always happens in my class. Everytime I watch anime during my free time and when everytime my classmates saw me watching. They always say "wth! you're watching hentai again!?" Well, I guess that is their thought of what I'm interested in. :heh:

I don't even watch those stuffs (hentai). Well, I do watch ecchi shows and but that's not even close enough (I guess) :heh:

RavenHawk 2007-09-23 11:16

To my best friends, yes.

I do watch a lot, but I usually pick those for my taste. Some of my friends watch ecchi; I gave up on ecchi anime (not pics), hentai anime ('cept Class Reunion Again, which is the only one I own) and harem anime since my 2nd year in college; I wanted to start fresh. They have no problem about my situation.

SuzumiyaU1 2007-09-23 14:09

No,I dont, although my friends watch many animes.
My friends just dont understand why I love to watch some Anime like Suzumiya Haruhi,Air,Kanon and Lucky Star.
All of they guys love Bleach,Inuyasha and Naruto.etc.
like #13, I dont like ecchi anime,although I've played some of Echhi Game.And of course, I never say,"hey,I play ecchi game,yet I hate them." to my firends.

arcadeplayer987 2007-09-23 14:29

I tell only to my friends

Miko Miko 2007-09-23 14:35

only a couple of people <_<

People are like "omg pokemon is lame" :uhoh:

X10A_Freedom 2007-09-23 14:39

Only if the other person/party mentions anime first. I find it far better to go along with the "majority" at university, like joining in for a game of Pro Evo Soccer on the Playstation even if I'm not really interested and the fact that I stink at it!

SuzumiyaU1 2007-09-23 14:39


Originally Posted by arcadeplayer987 (Post 1161898)
I tell only to my friends

Do your friends laugh at you?
my friends do, "you watch Ecchi Anime!"
OMG,I never believe Kanon is a Ecchi anime (yeah,the game is Ecchi.)

MajideTime 2007-09-23 14:55

I do, but most of my friends are of the "anime=DBZ" mentality, so I bring up or mention anything related to anime and they're like >_> .

LionsMane 2007-09-23 14:57

Well it's not something I necessairly hide nor is it something I bring up right away. Usually people notice something I'm wearing/watching/listening too, whatever, and it'll be anime related. Then I tell them because they usually show some sort of curiosity towards it. So I don't really hide it but I don't make a priority to tell people(well, unless I notice that they are into anime as well).

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