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Eps~ 2008-06-28 19:13

Eps' Workshop

Welcome to Eps' Workshop. Mind your head.

At first I didn't really intend to start my own thread here, but someone suggested I should, so here I am. My first graphic designs go back 5-6 years ago which eventually led me to website designing. Then came the dark ages as I did not do a single thing for years. Now as of this post, it's been like 1 month since I started working with graphics again. For most of my work in the past I used Photoshop 6-7, Paint Shop Pro, Cinema 4D and Unlead gif animator. Today I usually work on Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3 and Flash CS4.

My goal, among common static works, is to make 'unique' animations. I want my stuff do me somewhat different - something I've never seen before. If that is true or not, you decide. Oh and I only do signatures when I'm inspired by something, sometimes I won't do anything for days, months even - the next day I can do 10.

Bellow is my recent work. Please don't steal anything without a permission ;)

Spoiler for part 1:

If you would like one, and if I have the time, then be sure to send me a PM.

Spoiler for part 1:

You can take these without permission, just don't go telling around that you've made then. Or you'll get ambushed by a group of maneating bunnies.

Spoiler for 2008:

Spoiler for 2009:

Sometimes I actually make tutorials of my animation work to inspire others. Sometimes. ;)

Spoiler for tutorials:

I fail at taking photos, but at least I try. On 95% of the times, I forget my digital camera, but if the view is amazing - I'll even take the picture with my phone.

Spoiler for photos:

Spoiler for wallapers:

escimo 2008-06-28 19:19

I was already wondering when you'd be making your own thread.

Really nice stuff. I welcome thee. (Seems another part-time photographer joins the ranks.) :D

NorthernFallout 2008-06-28 19:22

I LOVE the The Draak Empire logo. Beatiful gold/metal effect. That is something I'm trying to aim for myself, logos and such. Very nice job.

Shana 2008-06-28 19:38

I love your stuff :bow: specially I loved Maka, Vocaloid and Fire signatures. You've got a nice imagination :) I'll someday (when I get enough patience :heh:) try your fire tutorial :)

As of now, I'm giving you a cookie for having a nice imagination :p also keep up the eyecandy production :)

crazyhorse 2008-06-28 20:57

I like your stuff. Especially the animations. They're not ones you usually see around here. Keep it up :)

Ichigo-Sora 2008-06-28 22:03

You've made some pretty nice signatures ^^ I especially like the vocaloid one and the one with animated fire. Nice tutorials as well ^^

The Chaos 2008-06-29 04:33

Congrats on opening your own Thread Finally :heh:
lol...I didn't know that was from Wing..??..I Always Thought that old Gundam anime
But Look Really Good :p

Keep up The Good Work ^_^

lsley 2008-06-29 05:10

Rally nice, already told you I love your animations, thus I can't cookie you atm :upset:

Though a tip for improving your feather tutorial and saving time:


Step 4: Now create a dozen of layers on which you will slowly move the object to the center.
create two frames. for the second frame move the feather to the point where you want to have it, (here: short before of the circle the feather makes). Mark the two frames and press "tween" then tell it how many layers...
Same for the rest after the circle.
If there are more layers it will save a lot of time and there's not the problem that one of the feathers can be out of line. So you can do a smotther animation with even less effort. :p

Eps~ 2008-06-29 08:56

Thanks everyone, really appreciate it.

And cheers Isley, I'll add your description aswell :D

Riker 2008-06-29 09:16

I'm in your thread, err... spamming your thread... I guess...


Originally Posted by Eps~ (Post 1686609)
Oh and I only do signatures when I'm inspired by something, sometimes I won't do anything for days - the next day I can do 10 :p

Hey me too! In fact I haven't been inspired to really work on a sig for a long while now. Procrastination doesn't help the situation either. Hopefully I can do a collaboration with Icy or something.

Oh and welcome to the animation bandwagon. There seems to be an exponential increase in animated sigs recently and... and... I don't feel so unique anymore!

/runs away crying

Avantoe 2008-06-29 13:38

Howdy! Been seeing your work around AS and i just felt i had to pop by to tell you to keep up the awesome work of yours, the animations are really cool!

Hakuryu 2008-06-29 14:39

I'm so glad you made a thread! ^^
Keep up the wonderful animation work!

Originally Posted by Eps~ (Post 1686609)

And demand tutorials for these!

........ >.>

/runs away

cicido 2008-06-29 15:21

I am reserving a spot here before it gets too crowded XD
Your current sig have god's touch.

Avantoe 2008-06-29 15:54


Originally Posted by Hakuryu (Post 1688332)
I'm so glad you made a thread! ^^
Keep up the wonderful animation work!

And demand tutorials for these!

........ >.>

/runs away

Ya the Soul Eater animation is Godlike, I would love to see a tutorial for that one ;)

Frozen_Angel 2008-06-29 16:25

Aye Eps does does wonderful work, really love his maka sig, Love Maka!

konstargirl 2008-06-30 06:50

Hehe the tutorials seem to be easy especially the fire one. :p I also like this sig:

Great job and h ere are some cookies. :p

KiNA 2008-06-30 07:12


Originally Posted by Riker (Post 1687853)
I'm in your thread, err... spamming your thread... I guess...

Hey me too! In fact I haven't been inspired to really work on a sig for a long while now. Procrastination doesn't help the situation either. Hopefully I can do a collaboration with Icy or something.

Oh and welcome to the animation bandwagon. There seems to be an exponential increase in animated sigs recently and... and... I don't feel so unique anymore!

/runs away crying

You are way above our level.. so your run away option is nulled.. /drags back :p

Good job and welcome to the animated sig family ∩ω∩

If I may comment on a few sigs ..
Good animation, but its really didnt fit the mecha theme overall.. I think that was one decision when I have to decide my vote last SotM.
If only their legs wasn't crop at bottom ≧︿≦
Ace. Probably the best of the bunch.
You forgot the fire glow! Redo NAO! (and probably lost all you hair keeping the filesize in check :p
If the text became a glass of blood that drip it would be an awesome one.
Fail for fake transparency!

Eps~ 2008-06-30 07:45

Thanks for the comments!

Actually i never really noticed the Vocaloid's sig mistake :twitch: And to make things better, here are the 2 updated versions. Of course, The Chaos, they are still yours to do what you like!
v1 - lighter
v2 - darker

And yeah KiNa, those 2 sigs have epic fail written all over it :p But then again, they were my first 2 in years, so it's not thaaat bad :D

Never the less, appreciate your criticism!

The Chaos 2008-06-30 08:09


Originally Posted by Eps~ (Post 1690310)
Thanks for the comments!

Actually i never really noticed the Vocaloid's sig mistake :twitch: And to make things better, here are the 2 updated versions. Of course, The Chaos, they are still yours to do what you like!
v1 - lighter
v2 - darker

I'll Change my Sig Then ..Thanks ..Really Thanks again for The Awesome Sig :D
I Think I'm Not Gonna Change it for While ^_^

Eps~ 2008-06-30 13:17

A little update:

Haku lured me into another trap which I couldn't resist and this is what came out of it :D :

Also 2 freebie Code Geass sigs. Been working on the in the last week and before, so now I just had to update them a bit. It was a pain trying to get them beneath 50kb. Nicknamed 'the world is mine' :p

Next thing to do, tutorials :upset::p

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