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Takamura Mamoru 2013-03-23 09:03

[Summer 2017] Nanoha The MOVIE 3rd

Commence the raging and hating.

EDIT: Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 3rd: Reflection Has New Story

Nanya01 2013-03-23 09:10

You have GOT to be fucking kidding me!

f222051618 2013-03-23 09:25

krisslanza 2013-03-23 09:34

I was thinking we'd have to wait until 2016 or 2017 to hear a 3rd movie was coming out.

This is a lot sooner then that. Probably won't SEE anything for a while though...

Cloudenvy 2013-03-23 09:38

I love the movies and I welcome the announcement of a third one!

Takamura Mamoru 2013-03-23 09:39

As far as I know it hasn't been announced to be StrikerS yet.

Who knows, maybe they'll do something original.

Kaijo 2013-03-23 09:43

Do those twitter messages confirm a StrikerS movie, then? Or are they just random people speculating that it could be StrikerS?

A StrikerS movie does concern me, considering there is so much to fit in, much like A's. Two movies would be best, or better yet, why not do an original movie sometime in the 10 year gap between A's and StrikerS? I wonder if that is why he only did a 2 year gap in the A's movie epilogue.

Lastly, as I stated before, a 3rd movie doesn't automatically make me rage. I prefer not to do knee-jerk reactions, until I have confirmed information (usually after actually watching the movie, or hearing about how certain scenes go).

Keroko 2013-03-23 10:04


Originally Posted by Kaijo (Post 4602411)
A StrikerS movie does concern me, considering there is so much to fit in, much like A's.

Extensive rewriting will be required, but it's possible. Combine drones with airport for threatbuilding and giving Subaru an early link to current events. Introduce numbers and Vivio in the first fight. Spend the time in-between this and the next conflict developing protagonists and antagonists motivations and troubles. Move on to the big attack on HQ. Downscale the damage taken to protagonists and antagonists in order to then move straight on to the Cradle. Climax, epilogue, done.

Given what they did with A's, I can see Zest and Regius being cut. Lutecia and Agito can hang around with one of the numbers instead.

Craxuan 2013-03-23 10:13

Perhaps... perhaps the Movie 3rd will finally cover what all Nanoha fans have been dying to see, you know, the scene where Nanoha fell and eventually recovered? That would be even better than StrikerS as far as I'm concerned!

Nanya01 2013-03-23 10:22

If it's not StrikerS, I could probably enjoy it...


I don't have much hope though.

Kaijo 2013-03-23 10:27


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 4602428)
Extensive rewriting will be required, but it's possible. Combine drones with airport for threatbuilding and giving Subaru an early link to current events. Introduce numbers and Vivio in the first fight. Spend the time in-between this and the next conflict developing protagonists and antagonists motivations and troubles. Move on to the big attack on HQ. Downscale the damage taken to protagonists and antagonists in order to then move straight on to the Cradle. Climax, epilogue, done.

Given what they did with A's, I can see Zest and Regius being cut. Lutecia and Agito can hang around with one of the numbers instead.

Lu and Agito can actually be cut, too. Erio and Caro can fight with some of the numbers. Would dampen the impact of their involvement, but stuff needs to be cut.

Actually, what they could do is simply cut some of the numbers. Maybe only 6 cyborgs instead of 12. Otto, Deed, and Dieci can be cut easily. Wendi, too. Sette, obviously, can go with little impact. Nove perhaps as well, as she is only there to provide a tenuous link to show that Jail got a hold of Quint's genetic material, so she was killed by him.

Anyway, regardless of what will be cut, it will still end up fairly clunky and probably feel rushed. As much as I dislike the excess in StrikerS, it did make the overall experience feel more natural.


Originally Posted by Craxuan (Post 4602433)
Perhaps... perhaps the Movie 3rd will finally cover what all Nanoha fans have been dying to see, you know, the scene where Nanoha fell and eventually recovered? That would be even better than StrikerS as far as I'm concerned!

Unlikely, considering Nanoha took a LONG time to recover. I thought of that possibility myself, but the movie would have to skip a lot of time, since they'd need to show Nanoha better again and fighting the "end boss."

Then again, given how things are going, they could finally use this chance to have Fate take center stage and handle the entire incident by herself.

Keroko 2013-03-23 10:30

Lu and Agito are recurring characters though. So far all the cut characters where those without appearance in later installments. Heck, Mariel, a minor recurring character, even got a better introduction in the 2nd movie than she did in the series.

Kaijo 2013-03-23 10:41


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 4602454)
Lu and Agito are recurring characters though. So far all the cut characters where those without appearance in later installments. Heck, Mariel, a minor recurring character, even got a better introduction in the 2nd movie than she did in the series.

Lu and Agito only appear briefly in SSX (and can be cut there), and then a bit more (but still minor) in Vivid. And Graham was referenced a couple of times in StrikerS, so he wasn't totally gone. Regius mentioned him, and Hayate had pictures of him in her scrapbook. So, even minor references in future installments can be cut.

Plus, one of the fears Lu had, was that Zest would be gone soon, and she had a feeling Agito would leave as well, leaving her alone. It was that fear that Quattro availed herself of, to make her Lu-puppet dance.

On another note, to fill in these gaps, they would most likely expand Fate's role, since she was apparently familiar with Jail prior to StrikerS. Making it more about Fate taking down an arch-nemesis, then anything else. Which, granted, I would like to see that part of her past expanded, but I'm filled with a bit of dread now.

Keroko 2013-03-23 11:06

Agito also has a role to play in Force. Regardless, that ignores the point: Recurring characters (not referenced, recurring) have so far not been cut.

And if anything, they might finally focus on Fate's own mother crisis in the movie. People who haven't listened to the sound stages might be surprised to find out that Fate was actually very nervous and insecure about the prospect of being a mother to Erio and Caro.

Akiyoshi 2013-03-23 11:26


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 4602428)
Given what they did with A's, I can see Zest and Regius being cut. Lutecia and Agito can hang around with one of the numbers instead.

Wait WHAT? You can cut Zest from StrikerS is like having cereal without milk!

Without Zest all Vita and Signum will do is fighting goddamn mecha mooks xDU

aers 2013-03-23 11:37

Just an FYI - they basically announced a 3rd movie had been green-lit (in fact, they got the news very recently, I've heard they said it was a week ago). They've announced nothing about the content, and I suspect development isn't even far enough along to do that - the people who fund the projects just said "ok make another one".

They might say something more at day 2 of Lyrical Party tomorrow, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Kaijo 2013-03-23 11:39

To set off Aki off, I will state (and I honestly believe this, too), that the Wolks will move into the background along with Hayate. Vita may have a few minutes to destroy the cradle Engine, but yes, Signum will be reduced to just fighting drones outside of the Cradle, probably taking command when Hayate goes in.

If they do a StrikerS movie, they will probably cut Nanoha's accident, which means Vita won't undergo her development wherein she vows to protect Nanoha at all costs.

Zafira and Shamal? Yeah, they're screwed. Vice will most likely be cut, or be reduced to a simple helicopter pilot, so no chat with Zafira. They may show up long enough to get trounced in the Peace conference attack, though.

Akiyoshi 2013-03-23 11:57

a reason to hook up Signum with Agito will still be needed, Zest was that link, or the movie could just have her partnering with Signum right out of nowhere and just pretend it somehow makes sense xDU

A posible positive change could be having Signum and Vita developing rivalries with some numbers instead, more likely the ones closer to Agito. I meab that was one the weakest points of Strkers. They had over ten major antagonists yet their climatic fights were badly adminstrated with Fate an Teana even fighting large groups of people.

This could also help the Number to look like more credibles opponents.

Takamura Mamoru 2013-03-23 12:03

inb4 Signum starts stomping Numbers 1v3.

Archon_Wing 2013-03-23 12:43

They haven't decided the premise on it yet though. It may be StrikerS or a previous period (which would make more sense)

Or it could be subtitled "The Search for More Money"

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