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Pellissier 2012-12-23 14:36

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - Episode 12 Discussion / Poll
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bastek66 2012-12-23 17:16

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)
Dang. Great episode. So many highlights:

hayate-sama 2012-12-24 12:13

Spoiler for Mashiro:

MisaoFan 2012-12-24 12:22

Spoiler for Episode 12:

hayate-sama 2012-12-24 12:24


Originally Posted by MisaoFan (Post 4487967)
I can't wait to see on how the next episode will be like.

next ep is about Hikari :heh:, he/she need more deban

Mashiro have more expression in this ep than all the previous ep combined

tsunade666 2012-12-24 12:25

Power Level Over 9000+

This episode is a good Christmas Present. Dec 25. In my country and its midnight and when I thought is a gloomy day with no party or presents (we skipped Christmas :p) This episode deliver it well!!!! From Jin to Misaki then to Rita and Ryuunosuke and finally Mashiro and Sorata!!!!!

Favorite Quote: Mashiro "Is this love?"
next episode: Mashiro "what is love?"

Poor Nanami. She is doing her best really and she is just getting .... well left behind. In the last episode. Someone wish for Nanami's happiness and in this episode. A chance of happiness was presented to her but she rejected it because that is not her true happiness. Sad.... really sad. I wish Nanami to have true Happiness.

And Rita just goes "AS PLANNED" JC really like to go their way into Aleister's train thought pattern. That scene in the airport just screamed "as planned" :D nice one Rita.

DXMichael 2012-12-24 21:03

Aww, quite the nice episode if I do say so myself. However, the love triangle has just hit the danger zone for Nanami who I desperately want to get to together with Sorata, but it seems that the possibility is slowly slipping away :(

With the recent cpnfession she just received, I predict bad times coming for her in the upcoming episodes with both having to suddenly reject someone as well as Mashiro learning about her love for Sorata. Why oh why must you do this to me, I don't want to see her upset :(

Pen3 2012-12-24 21:04

Being a big Nanami fan this show is getting more depressing as i watch.

Chaos2Frozen 2012-12-24 21:38

As expected, they surgically implanted the ending to the third volume in this episode.

Whoever is in charge of the background art, lighting, coloring etc deserves a raise for the evening scene at both the school and the airport :cool:


Originally Posted by tsunade666 (Post 4487970)
And Rita just goes "AS PLANNED" JC really like to go their way into Aleister's train thought pattern. That scene in the airport just screamed "as planned" :D nice one Rita.

Spoiler for Light Novel version comparisons, no future spoilers:


Originally Posted by tsunade666 (Post 4487970)
Poor Nanami. She is doing her best really and she is just getting .... well left behind. In the last episode. Someone wish for Nanami's happiness and in this episode. A chance of happiness was presented to her but she rejected it because that is not her true happiness. Sad.... really sad. I wish Nanami to have true Happiness.

It's strange how people seem more sad than Nanami herself.

Itlandm 2012-12-24 21:46

At the end, Shiina-san's honesty freaks out Sorata again. Although I have to wonder whether she is really that innocent. She is very good at saying just the right things to make people think things.

I am impressed with how this show manages to combine comedy and strong, deep emotions. Well done!

ars89 2012-12-24 21:54

Nice job of Mashiro by starting things off to get the crowd into it. Misaki's driving was great. Hats off to Sorata, even though he got tricked. Rita pulling one over on Ryuunosuke was great.

GDB 2012-12-24 21:58

I was wondering the entire time who was going to be first to shout something. They dragged that part on a little too long, but other than that, great episode. Loved Mashiro's "it hurts" after shouting.

liquidmetal 2012-12-24 22:43

Aww.. Rita is gone. No more of her interactions with Ryuunosuke :(

Pen3 2012-12-24 23:28


Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen (Post 4488407)
It's strange how people seem more sad than Nanami herself.

I am sure she feels sad deep down but not showing it.

totoum 2012-12-24 23:32

I've figured out why Misaki got her driver's license! This woman was her driving instructor

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen (Post 4488407)

Spoiler for Light Novel version comparisons, no future spoilers:

Spoiler for comparison with the LN:


Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen (Post 4488407)
It's strange how people seem more sad than Nanami herself.

What I find interesting is that Nanami herself doesn't seem to be shipping herself with Sorata :heh: She's the one that encouraged him to look for Mashiro so he could tell her more than just thank you.

Somnus 2012-12-24 23:54

What a fantastic episode. The game was great, and I'm glad we got to actually see their hard work pay off in full. The follow-up at the airport was just icing on this already delicious cake. This show is winning serious points of awesome in my books.

EDIT: I am going to miss Rita though, and her interactions with Dragon. That's one recurring theme I wouldn't mind seeing until the end. I love watching multiple pairings develop.

judasmartel 2012-12-25 01:24

Man, Galactic Cat Nyaboron is fucking awesome! I wanna play that game!

Anyways, Kazuki Fujisawa was there, and both he and Chihiro-sensei seem to know each other a lot. When he said, "the fruits of our successors in Sakurasou", I'm wondering if it's true that he was a former Sakurasou resident.

Chaos2Frozen 2012-12-25 01:28


Originally Posted by judasmartel (Post 4488548)
Anyways, Kazuki Fujisawa was there, and both he and Chihiro-sensei seem to know each other a lot. When he said, "the fruits of our successors in Sakurasou", I'm wondering if it's true that he was a former Sakurasou resident.

I don't know why Chihiro was sort of taking credit as Team Sakurasou's teacher, when's the last time she did anything teachery :heh: ?

judasmartel 2012-12-25 01:35

Actually, she's supposed to be some sort of the advisor of Team Sakurasou. But yes, quite honestly, she sucks at it. All she cares about is finding a rich single father to marry. She's a Level 30 Level 29 and 175% EXP wizard, after all.

EDIT: Oh shit, Misaki gets to show off her driving skills.

Mark Jackson: Are you kidding me? THIS SHOULD BE AGAINST THE LAW, SON! My goodness.

frivolity 2012-12-25 02:55

I like how modern the episode is. Rather than ask for Ryuunosuke's phone number, Rita asked for his email address instead. Reminds me of the poem,

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I found your Facebook,
Can I poke you?

Of course, no matter how technology develops, it can never fully replace face-to-face physical interaction. Nice kiss, Rita.

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