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Hunter 2012-11-08 12:17

Psycho-Pass - Episode 5 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Psycho-Pass, Episode 05.

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Bern-san 2012-11-08 13:46

New episode is already out.

Spoiler for 5:

Dengar 2012-11-08 15:27

Spoiler for "Episode 5:

MisaoFan 2012-11-08 15:37

Spoiler for Episode 5:

DXMichael 2012-11-08 15:52


ArturEngel 2012-11-08 15:56

Spoiler for for Episode 5:

Kanon 2012-11-08 17:30

Guys, there's no need to use spoiler tags in this thread.

Another excellent episode. I wasn't too surprised to find out Kogami was an inspector, as that explains the investigative skills he's displayed throughout the series as well as why he calls Ginoza "Gino", but I thought the man Ginoza was talking about was Masaoka at first. I'm pretty sure he also used to be an inspector. He's way too good at his job to be a simple enforcer. Kogami's downfall most likely occurred when he investigated Shogo Makishima, the big bad of the series (the case is still marked as unsolved). I'll be curious to see how Akane will react when faced with a similar case. Will she be able to handle it?

The way they resolved the case was rather interesting, even it seemed a little too easy. I was under the impression this guy -or rather, his partners- should have been able to cover his tracks. All that was needed to find him was to cross-reference informations. Anyway, that such a guy was allowed to roam free means there are some cracks in the system. He managed to avoid psycho-pass scans for more than four years, and I'm sure the same goes for Shougo and his goons. I wonder why there aren't more scanners around, or why they don't place them at more strategic locations, like say, in front of every workplace; this way virtually nobody would be able to bypass them. Perhaps they don't have the necessary resources.

In other news, we learned that Akane is only 20 years old (I don't think we knew her age before now). I knew she was young, but not that young. I'm amazed she's managed to become an inspector at such a young age.

ArturEngel 2012-11-08 17:44


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4431378)
I wasn't too surprised to find out Kogami was an inspector, as that explains the investigative skills he's displayed throughout the series as well as why he calls Ginoza "Gino", but I thought the man Ginoza was talking about was Masaoka at first.I'm pretty sure he also used to be an inspector. He's way too good at his job to be a simple enforcer.

No, you've understood everything wrong. Being an inspector doesn't mean to be a good detective. It' only to watch the Enforcers doing their job. If inspector thinks in the way Kogami does, he becomes an Enfocer.
And i've still thought, that Masaoka was a detective before Sibil system was established.


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4431378)
In other news, we learned that Akane is only 20 years old (I don't think we knew her age before now). I knew she was young, but not that young. I'm amazed she's managed to become an inspector at such a young age.

You have watched episode 2, haven't you? She was talking so much with her classmates about it.

Kanon 2012-11-08 17:54


Originally Posted by ArturEngel (Post 4431403)
No, you've understoond everything wrong. Being an inspector doesn't mean to be a good detective. It' only to watch the Enforcers doing their job. If inspector thinks in the way Kogami does, he becomes an Enfocer.
And i've still thought, that Masaoka was a detective before Sibil system was established.

I disagree. I think there's more to being an inspector than watching over the enforcers. Ginoza does that because he's got two very good investigators on his team (the other two don't do much besides following Ginoza around)


Have you watched episode 2, haven't you? She was talking so much with her classmates about it.
I don't recall any mention of her age there. I guess I forgot.

ArturEngel 2012-11-08 18:03


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4431417)
I disagree. I think there's more to being an inspector than watching over the enforcers. Ginoza does that because he's got two very good investigators on his team (the other two don't do much besides following Ginoza around)

Maybe you're right, but Akane and Gino are totally zero at looking for clues and unterstanding criminals.


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4431417)
I don't recall any mention of her age there. I guess I forgot.

There wasn't any. She was chosen by Sibil as an inspector from about 500 people from the univesity and came on duty the day she was transfered.

Rayneing 2012-11-08 18:52

I was disappointed that they didn't take Mido alive at the end (still not sure if it's even possible for the Enforcers/Inspector to override the Dominator's lethal setting), especially after they overheard part of the conversation he had with Makishima. A living criminal can always be interrogated after all, and I would've thought the conversation would make it clear that Mido was not acting alone.

It was nice to see more of Kogami's detective instinct, and how he was able to pick up on that fact that Spooky Boogie was replaced moments after the conversation ended. Was not at all surprised at Ginoza's revelation that Kogami used to be an Inspector, although I am surprised to hear he was his partner. I would've thought that'd be Masaoka, and I'm still left wondering what relationship those two had? Is Masaoka a former Inspector himself or not?

I wonder what on earth Makishima had planned that might've included the kind of skills Mido would provide. Whatever he's plotting seems to be bigger than any kind of net-related scam that I would think Mido's ability to impersonate net Avatars would provide (also I would think the show's only villain so far would have bigger plans than that). Whatever it was, Mido didn't match up to his standards in the end.

Really enjoying this show thus far, and I can't wait for next week's episode.

jeroz 2012-11-08 21:27

so in other words, psychopass works similarly to your soulgem. :D

hope Urobuchi wasn't influenced by the numerous fanart of Mami using Charlotte as her familiar :P

Tsukou 2012-11-08 22:05


Originally Posted by ArturEngel (Post 4431427)
Maybe you're right, but Akane and Gino are totally zero at looking for clues and unterstanding criminals.

There wasn't any. She was chosen by Sibil as an inspector from about 500 people from the univesity and came on duty the day she was transfered.

It's been like less than a month, I'd say maybe two weeks that Akane's been at the job, so it's not surprising that she isn't as good as the seasoned veterans. Detectives rely a lot on experience and instinct, but that instinct is developed through experience, so it's just not fair to expect her to be able to solve cases.

As for Gino, he's more straight-laced. He does the obvious, like obviously the trace will result in a dummy, but it's still a necessity to search. He's a very by the book personality, so it's not surprising that when a case we're shown, which are far from the norm, all have special clues that normally you wouldn't find, unless you were able to think like a criminal, as is the case of Kogami. And it's obvious Gino tries very hard to not cross the line in his thinking, because he's seen what's happened to Kogami. I thought Kogami being Gino's partner was a perfect piece, that really explained Kogami's character extremely perfectly. And it also explains why Gino wants Akane to just be a guard over the enforcers, and not try to become like them, because it could result in her being demoted.

Akane right now is definitely travelling down the path of trying to understand Kogami, but in doing so leaves her extremely vulnerable. I mean, in the first episode she sympathized with the woman, but too strong of a belief in her own justice might mean trouble for her with Sibyl in the future, so it's all pretty interesting stuff.

Kirarakim 2012-11-08 23:00

I have to admit I was very surprised that Kogami turned out to be a former Inspector and not Masaoka.

Although Masaoka could still very well be one, I now expect his story might be something different.

Although it was expected, it's nice to see Gino given more depth and there were reasons for his harsh words previously.

Triple_R 2012-11-08 23:48

Superb episode. Very intense. Very rewarding.

I think that just about anybody who likes cop dramas in general would like this episode, even if they aren't much into cyberpunk or sci-fi in general. This two-parter (Episodes 4 and 5) was wrote very well.

I like how we're slowly but surely learning more about the characters. Given that Gen has two cours (instead of just one) to work with here, taking a slower approach is probably the way to go.

Shadow5YA 2012-11-09 00:51

It's pretty obvious that Shinya's crime coefficient spiked when he was chasing Shougo.

Did they really have to kill the guy? They could have captured and interrogated him.

Polarpew 2012-11-09 00:58


Originally Posted by Rayneing (Post 4431452)
I was disappointed that they didn't take Mido alive at the end (still not sure if it's even possible for the Enforcers/Inspector to override the Dominator's lethal setting), especially after they overheard part of the conversation he had with Makishima. A living criminal can always be interrogated after all, and I would've thought the conversation would make it clear that Mido was not acting alone.

It was nice to see more of Kogami's detective instinct, and how he was able to pick up on that fact that Spooky Boogie was replaced moments after the conversation ended. Was not at all surprised at Ginoza's revelation that Kogami used to be an Inspector, although I am surprised to hear he was his partner. I would've thought that'd be Masaoka, and I'm still left wondering what relationship those two had? Is Masaoka a former Inspector himself or not?

I wonder what on earth Makishima had planned that might've included the kind of skills Mido would provide. Whatever he's plotting seems to be bigger than any kind of net-related scam that I would think Mido's ability to impersonate net Avatars would provide (also I would think the show's only villain so far would have bigger plans than that). Whatever it was, Mido didn't match up to his standards in the end.

Really enjoying this show thus far, and I can't wait for next week's episode.

you need to understand that while they view themselves as detectives, they aren't. Their jobs is not to investigate crimes but to simply bring people in for therapy if their Psycho-pass is over the limit and if its too high simply eliminate them. People who are killed are simply seen as errors in the Sibyl system to be quarantined and removed. So the names "Inspector" and "Enforcer" is pretty accurate. They don't deal with stuff life drug trade or rape or w/e unless one of the members involved are scanned to be over the acceptable limit for their Psycho-pass.
They aren't the police, they don't "arrest people" or bring them in for questioning, their department deals with solely with enforcing the Sibyl system

thundrakkon 2012-11-09 01:25


Originally Posted by Polarpew (Post 4431830)
you need to understand that while they view themselves as detectives, they aren't. Their jobs is not to investigate crimes but to simply bring people in for therapy if their Psycho-pass is over the limit and if its too high simply eliminate them. People who are killed are simply seen as errors in the Sibyl system to be quarantined and removed. So the names "Inspector" and "Enforcer" is pretty accurate. They don't deal with stuff life drug trade or rape or w/e unless one of the members involved are scanned to be over the acceptable limit for their Psycho-pass.
They aren't the police, they don't "arrest people" or bring them in for questioning, their department deals with solely with enforcing the Sibyl system

This is definitely one of the flaws of the current system. Without taking anyone alive for questioning, they allow their partners and bosses to continue to do crime. It is a very reactive society instead of proactive right now, which does not make the citizens feel that much safer. Then again, we did have an episode where they arrested a guy for stalking a couple, even though he probably would not have committed a crime.

There is no level of assessment of severity. There is just absolute numbers based on one type of analysis (the crime coefficient) that determines if you are a criminal or not. There is so much wrong with that.

Polarpew 2012-11-09 01:45


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 4431857)
This is definitely one of the flaws of the current system. Without taking anyone alive for questioning, they allow their partners and bosses to continue to do crime. It is a very reactive society instead of proactive right now, which does not make the citizens feel that much safer. Then again, we did have an episode where they arrested a guy for stalking a couple, even though he probably would not have committed a crime.

There is no level of assessment of severity. There is just absolute numbers based on one type of analysis (the crime coefficient) that determines if you are a criminal or not. There is so much wrong with that.

while its true there are fatal flaws, but then again isn't there many flaws in our law system? with people getting away for crimes. I'm not endorsing the Sibyl system, but its clearly to have shown to work for their society seeing how crime is close to nil. If the only cases are ones investigated by the Enforcers, then it shows how low the overall crime rate is. It is proactive in the case that they deal with criminals before they commit a crime if the scanners manage to catch them before they hit the lethal level and they receive therapy. We haven't yet seen evidence of a repeated offender so as of right now, the therapy is a good preventative to crime and keeps the citizens mentally healthy

jeroz 2012-11-09 02:24

are we still assuming that the CC only takes in account of ONE SINGLE ASPECT of the person instead of being multifactorial?

in regard to the stalker in ep2, you can see it as them preventing the couples from getting harassed, which provides security for those citizens

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