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Pellissier 2009-03-04 08:01

To Aru Majutsu no Index - Episode 22 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru Majutsu no Index, Episode 22.

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MrTerrorist 2009-03-04 13:52

I haven't seen this episode but i think there's going to be a great fight between Sherry and the Anti-Skills forces and possibly the first proper meeting between Mikoto and Kuroko with Index. (I wonder how will that go?)

Tarepandax3 2009-03-05 01:38

DAMN IT xD I thought for sure finally Index would be in a fight:(
I hate how they keep making her vanish during the climax T_T This ep was ummm creepy, but good xD

serenade_beta 2009-03-05 04:43

Pacing? Toaru Majutsu knows nothing of that!
Haa... Previous episode spends lots of time on nothing, and then in this episode, the development was just... fast...
Well, it was more interesting than the previous episode and was decent itself, but the idiocy of the characters are bothersome...

For one thing, putting everything else aside, why in the world did they decide to remove Mikoto?! If they had to leave either Index, Mikoto, or Hyouka behind and take two to safetly, it's OBVIOUS that the only one who can even fight is Mikoto.
Yet they didn't and left some complete civilian behind. :rolleyes:
Which forcibly caused the next scene where the stupid girl doesn't run away, but walks near the golem, and Touma, for some reason, not bothering to use his hand and just running away.
Un, very wonderfully done, I understand. (-_-)

Spoiler for ep22 remaining thoughts:


Originally Posted by Tarepandax3 (Post 2252781)
I hate how they keep making her vanish during the climax T_T

Because she's Index. It's crazier to expect any action from her.

Plant42 2009-03-05 05:01


Originally Posted by Tarepandax3 (Post 2252781)
DAMN IT xD I thought for sure finally Index would be in a fight:(I hate how they keep making her vanish during the climax T_T This ep was ummm creepy, but good xD

Just wait for the "Real" climax.

Keroko 2009-03-05 05:23

Dang, Serenade beat me to it. Oh well.

I'm very interested how any relation between Touma and Kazagiri would work, should she join the harem. I mean, with her being a container for... whatever magical thingy that is, doesn't that mean she should disappear as soon as Touma's right hand touches her?

Huh. Touma's hand can block Telepathy now? How does that work? At least Kuroko's teleportation was excusable because she needed to directly use her powers on his entire body. Oh well, it was only a humorous situation anyway, let's move on.

Index and Mikoto have a glare moment, almost sparking a rival moment, before realizing they ended up knowing Touma through the same way. Their collective sigh and turning to blame Touma for some reason was very amusing.

Okay, wait, just because Index and Mikoto are throwing a jealousy fit about who will stay with Touma you're porting them out? Leaving the at first glance weakest civilian with Touma? That could have used some better writing... Maybe throwing in a scene of Kuroko seeing this as her chance to separate Mikoto from Touma. Still wouldn't make her look good, but at least its somewhat better then this.

Wait, so Kazagiri is just a container holding... what the hell is that inside her head? It looks like one of those keystones from the Fifth Element.

Well well, looks like Touma's hand can stop even an incoming punch from a golem. This does pose a nice contradiction to the manga saying that Touma couldn't stop physical attacks. Well, guess that means that the Railgun manga is still on track with Touma stopping Mikoto's Railgun.

Miraluka 2009-03-05 08:55

I understan now the golem part, it could be like a statue, Sherry give to it a form and movement when it touched Touma right hand Sherry the movent stopped

MrTerrorist 2009-03-05 11:08

What i predicted came true except the Anti-skills battle wasn't really that great.

Keroko 2009-03-05 12:08

Oh come now, did we expect anything less? Faceless cannonfodder is called faceless cannonfodder for a reason.

As for Touma... I'm going to give his arm the strength of plot, with the ability to work or stop working optimally whenever the plot demands it or an amusing situation rises.

MrTerrorist 2009-03-05 13:33


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 2253582)
Oh come now, did we expect anything less? Faceless cannonfodder is called faceless cannonfodder for a reason.

I was expecting something like Rainbow 6.

longshot 2009-03-05 14:04


Originally Posted by MrTerrorist (Post 2253732)
I was expecting something like Rainbow 6.

Rainbow 6?? i doubt a elite counter terriorist unit would be working for crowley and if the timeline is right they should be leading the Enforcer's corp in WW3........

in any case interesting if confusing episode somewhat although touma doing that to the golem hand in the end was kinda cool....kinda but knowing his luck something is going to slip up...

Tarepandax3 2009-03-05 15:05

I'm starting to get more dissipointed with this anime. How come they never make any character fighting along side with Touma? It's getting boring just seeing him stick out his right hand and winning.

Clarste 2009-03-05 15:07


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 2253582)
As for Touma... I'm going to give his arm the strength of plot, with the ability to work or stop working optimally whenever the plot demands it or an amusing situation rises.

There's a pretty big difference between an object flying through the air and a golem punching something. Unlike objects being thrown at him, the golem requires continuous magical input to move. It isn't just accelerated and released.

His hand stops magic. So, what happens when he touches a magically animated piece of rock? It turns into an inanimate piece of rock. And rock is not flexible, so the punching motion is now physically impossible. The momentum would be absorbed by the structural integrity of the rock, and either break the arm off or simply stop moving. It's not unreasonable that it would stop moving (far more reasonable than the railgun anyway), and either way it would have a lot less force.

I'm not saying there aren't plotholes and inconsistencies in Touma's power, but the golem case isn't nearly the most glaring example. The telepathy one is, in this episode anyway.

typhonsentra 2009-03-05 15:41

Hasn't he blocked golems before though? That fire demon's cross sword I mean.

Clarste 2009-03-05 18:28


Originally Posted by typhonsentra (Post 2253934)
Hasn't he blocked golems before though? That fire demon's cross sword I mean.

Well, fire is not rock by any stretch of the imagination, so I don't think that case really adds much to the discussion.

Also, it depends on what you mean by golem. In strict terms, the Golem was a clay figure brought to life by holy words. Later fantasy settings (a la D&D) extended this concept to stone statues and animated suits of armor and whatnot. And then, even later, it got extended to pretty much anything and now means "magical robot" regardless of what its made of (some have called Frankenstein's monster a "flesh golem").

In this series, golem seems to refer specifically to an artificial lifeform made from earth using a corrupted form of the creation of life from non-life. So I don't think the fire demon counts.

cloner4000 2009-03-06 15:07


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2252991)
Pacing? Toaru Majutsu knows nothing of that!
Haa... Previous episode spends lots of time on nothing, and then in this episode, the development was just... fast...
Well, it was more interesting than the previous episode and was decent itself, but the idiocy of the characters are bothersome...

For one thing, putting everything else aside, why in the world did they decide to remove Mikoto?! If they had to leave either Index, Mikoto, or Hyouka behind and take two to safetly, it's OBVIOUS that the only one who can even fight is Mikoto.
Yet they didn't and left some complete civilian behind. :rolleyes:
Which forcibly caused the next scene where the stupid girl doesn't run away, but walks near the golem, and Touma, for some reason, not bothering to use his hand and just running away.
Un, very wonderfully done, I understand. (-_-)

Spoiler for ep22 remaining thoughts:

Because she's Index. It's crazier to expect any action from her.

Well, Did you read the sub?

Spoiler for Story:

serenade_beta 2009-03-06 15:13


Originally Posted by cloner4000 (Post 2256171)
Well, Did you read the sub?

Spoiler for Story:

Why do I need the sub? I understand what they are saying in the first place...
Exactly! It stood out that everything was a plot device and stupid. So what if they were fighting? Leaving the one that seemed to be the weakest and removing a girl who can damage the golem with a coin IS the stupidest thing to do at that situation.
Could? Yeah, could could be anything (let's explain everything as could then. An anime can go through and not explain anything and let the viewers go "could". That must be the greatest anime in the world, I understand), but it doesn't mean it stood out as weird/badly done/hurry up and move.

Clarste 2009-03-06 15:49

Well, from Shirai's PoV it really doesn't matter who goes first, since she'll just come back and take the other later. The fact that Kazakiri (and Touma) is an idiot is a completely separate issue.

Keroko 2009-03-06 16:19

To be fair, that she'll come back later isn't really an excuse to take away the one that can defend herself best.

Like I said, it would have been better if we had a small scene of Kuroko seeing this as a chance to separate her onee-sama from Touma. It may not make look Kuroko that much better, but at least it's a better explanation then the one we have now.

Plant42 2009-03-06 20:30


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 2256286)
To be fair, that she'll come back later isn't really an excuse to take away the one that can defend herself best.

Like I said, it would have been better if we had a small scene of Kuroko seeing this as a chance to separate her onee-sama from Touma. It may not make look Kuroko that much better, but at least it's a better explanation then the one we have now.

In fact in the novel it's Touma himself , who said that Index and Mikoto should go first(cuz he can't stand the two arguing). And there are many lines that was cut off between 10.05 and 10.15 when Kuroko teleport them.

P.S. Mikoto's rail gun can't do anything much with this enemy, since it can infinitely regenerate. Index can deal with it better.

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