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Klashikari 2016-08-29 12:14

Danganronpa 3: Future Arc - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll
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Marina2 2016-08-29 12:43

Number of possible attacker/traitor is pretty low now

I don't think Danganronpa 1 survivals will be attacker/traitor

It can't be Juzo (boxer).

It probably not Munakata.

Miaya is robot. (She works automatically in this ep. but maybe some one is actually controlling her???)

Ruruka is just someone who desperately wants to survive.

The only possible one is Ryota Mitarai. Unless alternate attacker theory is real or there will be completely unexpected plot twist coming. It can't be someone else at this point.


Now, how about we try to answer these question. I believe if we can figure the answers, the identity of mastermind should be clear.

1.Who control Monokuma?

Naturally, only Junko and Monaca can control Monokuma.

But….Monaca said she wasn’t mastermind. And….Junko is dead. Second Ai Junko should be in the hand of Hajime since he woke up with Izuru memory and he should know where it is and already made sure no one will take it. So, who?

2. Why did Monaca conclude that “Someone will die because of Naegi”? Did Monaca see mastermind and know that mastermind is related to Naegi and other survivors some how?

3. How did Monaca know in advance about killing game? If she didn’t know, did she only killed real Miaya just to impose her to watch Naegi?

4. Why didn't mastermind care about Miaya bot? I meant, image this:

**After everyone get put to sleep in ep.1**

Mastermind: Okay, let put bracelets on everyone...

Miaya bot (Monaca) : Hmm..hello? What are you doing?

Mastermind: ...!

It just doesn't make sense.

Golden_Witch 2016-08-29 13:12

It can be Munakata.

Miayabot did something very peculiar this episode.
It/She ran a recognition check on Munakata. There was no Munakata found in the FF Database.
It shows everyone, From Tengan even to Togami. But Munakata is not listed even after she checked a second time BECAUSE there is no data on him.

It's not that Miayabot didn't recognize him, he was literally not in the database of the FF.

And mind you, Munakata is supposed to be 2nd in command of the FF and according to Tengan, he personally planned the construction of this building.

ninjastarforcex 2016-08-29 13:56

wtf new episode delayed 2 times in a row, trigger heavy despair

omimon 2016-08-29 13:59

The problem I have with Munakata being the mastermind is contradicts so many plot points.

As a guy with a giant sword there is no reason for him to go on such around-about way as setting up a game, just to kill everyone. Fuck, I mean he is doing that right now, what's the point of being the 'attacker' if you are attacking people in broad daylight already.

Also, the old man died revealing who he thought was the mastermind to him. It just wouldn't make sense for Munakata to be the mastermind and have the answer 'revealed' to him.

Honestly. at this point considering the Despair arc as well, it seems to point towards Ryota Mitarai. But at the same time, it would be TOO obvious now.

It just might be AI Junko inside Kirigiri like what people are saying.

Kanon 2016-08-29 15:11

RIP Kizakura. Most heroic death in the anime so far. I thought there was more to it than this, but I guess not.

Multiple attackers theory seems to be debunked in this episode, since Kyoko noted the attacker always kills his victims the same way (stab to the heart).

Homura7 2016-08-29 15:31


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 5933999)
RIP Kizakura. Most heroic death in the anime so far. I thought there was more to it than this, but I guess not.

Multiple attackers theory seems to be debunked in this episode, since Kyoko noted the attacker always kills his victims the same way (stab to the heart).

And cross stance.

SilverSyko 2016-08-29 18:48

Had to watch a fansub again this week. What the heck is going on with Funimation? :uhoh:

Anyway, I sure thought robo-Miaya would be out of the picture since Monaca left but it turns out that's not the case. Honestly she seems like the only thing that can fend off roided-out Kyousuke and his impressive new sword at the moment. :heh:

I seriously wonder if Koichi actually had his left hand clenched in a fist this whole time. I'm too lazy to go back and check every episode but kudos if the animation team actually did that.

The situation surrounding Sonosuke is deduced by Kyoko as well, though I'm not sure if her bluff is either Ruruka's NG code or the door actually being an exit to the outside. I think it's the latter, but either way I bet Ruruka, Juzo or both are gonna be dead soon for one reason or another.

That post-credits scene though, I'm quite curious just what the hell is happening now. :eyespin:

tuckersister 2016-08-29 19:29

Kizakura is probably a close friend to Jin. I actually though he was his younger brother. But there isn't anything supporting it.

ninjastarforcex 2016-08-29 19:35

man, HOPE sub really giving me hope again this week, but the episode is kinda boring and the ending is anticlimatic, nothing amusing besides munakata ghoul mode

Nvis 2016-08-30 01:51


Originally Posted by omimon (Post 5933952)

It just might be AI Junko inside Kirigiri like what people are saying.


That would be so kinky.

Dengar 2016-08-30 02:21

For now I am assuming the mastermind is not among them, and possibly not corporeal.

I also still entertain the possibility that the attacker might be unaware that it's them.

Then there is a few facts that need to be laid out:

-The worldwide broadcast was a lie
-Some viewers noted some inconsistencies in the environment between when they were put to sleep and when they woke up
-There is a monokuma-shaped secret door in a building built by Munakata
-When Togami blew open the entrance, there was a tremor in the building
-If the whole building collapses, but Naegi and the others remain fine, what would that mean?

AC-Phoenix 2016-08-30 02:39


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 5934320)
-If the whole building collapses, but Naegi and the others remain fine, what would that mean?

SomethingI noted at the very beginning :Either another VR or they are no longer in the same building;
And I will repeat - the interior of the building is far, far too damaged compared to what it should be.
Before they went to sleep it was completely fine, then someone had a party in there with 12.7 cm Shells :heh:

Homura7 2016-08-30 02:51


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 5934320)
For now I am assuming the mastermind is not among them, and possibly not corporeal.

I also still entertain the possibility that the attacker might be unaware that it's them.

Then there is a few facts that need to be laid out:

-The worldwide broadcast was a lie
-Some viewers noted some inconsistencies in the environment between when they were put to sleep and when they woke up
-There is a monokuma-shaped secret door in a building built by Munakata
-When Togami blew open the entrance, there was a tremor in the building
-If the whole building collapses, but Naegi and the others remain fine, what would that mean?

And I just remembered what the second part of the title of this show is.

"The end of Hope's Peak"

If this is true, then I have more or less an idea of who the mastermind behind this entire thing might be.

Dengar 2016-08-30 03:01

I still don't think it can be VR, there's no reason from a writer's perspective for it to be VR. The surprise would work only once.

There also can't have been a very significant passing of time, because Naegi communicated with Togami and Komaru in real time.

In other words, the 'trick' to this game is something else entirely.

Stark700 2016-08-30 03:09

I feel bad for Kizakura as I had suspected him at some point during the series. RIP. At least he kept a promise.

Glad to see Kirigiri being impressive as always with her detective skills.

Gilly 2016-08-30 06:24


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 5934320)
-Some viewers noted some inconsistencies in the environment between when they were put to sleep and when they woke up
-There is a monokuma-shaped secret door in a building built by Munakata
-When Togami blew open the entrance, there was a tremor in the building
-If the whole building collapses, but Naegi and the others remain fine, what would that mean?

FF headquarters have underground levels. At least that's what it looks like from the OP when they show the building. Question is, could it be that FF members don't even know about the underground half?

Klashikari 2016-08-30 07:32


Originally Posted by Golden_Witch (Post 5933925)
It can be Munakata.

Miayabot did something very peculiar this episode.
It/She ran a recognition check on Munakata. There was no Munakata found in the FF Database.
It shows everyone, From Tengan even to Togami. But Munakata is not listed even after she checked a second time BECAUSE there is no data on him.

It's not that Miayabot didn't recognize him, he was literally not in the database of the FF.

And mind you, Munakata is supposed to be 2nd in command of the FF and according to Tengan, he personally planned the construction of this building.

Robot Miaya still recognized Kyousuke after her head was severed. I think the whole deal with the database shuffling was just some animation blunder in an attempt to show she is looking in her database.

Hell, he already was assigned a S threat level, so he was already tagged such way.


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 5934320)
For now I am assuming the mastermind is not among them, and possibly not corporeal.

I also still entertain the possibility that the attacker might be unaware that it's them.

Then there is a few facts that need to be laid out:

-The worldwide broadcast was a lie
-Some viewers noted some inconsistencies in the environment between when they were put to sleep and when they woke up
-There is a monokuma-shaped secret door in a building built by Munakata
-When Togami blew open the entrance, there was a tremor in the building
-If the whole building collapses, but Naegi and the others remain fine, what would that mean?

It is very likely they were relocated to a building close to the original building.
It is possible that recreating a building similar to the FF tower allow the culprit to have easier time to monitor them (no need to install cameras everywhere right after they put everyone to sleep), while using the real building as a bait like just what happened to Byakuya.

As for the attacker, considering what we know thus far, I also believe the attacker doesn't know they are killing people left and right (if Tengan stated the attacker is Kyousuke or Juuzo, that would explain why he was shocked and why Chisa was found crying). It is possible that the attacker wasn't put to sleep, but rather got drugged and temporarily mind controlled, doing Monokuma's bidding during that period (this also explains why Aoi avoided her fate as the mind controlled attacker wouldn't have their mind straight and think she is dead, choosing Gozu instead).
Alternatively, it is possible that even the attacker has split personality. This means that even characters like Makoto and Kyouko can potentially be killers.

We will probably have more information with the next despair episode: Ryouta stated he used every techniques at his disposal to make his anime that great, which includes subliminal messages etc, even considering that some kind of brainwashing. Assuming Junko did learn those techniques along with the memory erasure techniques, personality manipulation wouldn't be out of stretch.

com_gwp 2016-08-30 10:39

Finally saw the episode; I guess this pretty much seals the deal on the "seperate location" theory. I wonder where we last saw a really tall tower which was similar enough that Byakuya could be reminded of it? And, what's this about a "campus"? :rolleyes:

Marina2 2016-08-30 18:39


Originally Posted by Klashikari
(this also explains why Aoi avoided her fate as the mind controlled attacker wouldn't have their mind straight and think she is dead, choosing Gozu instead).

Even though they had enough intelligence to find a way into the closed room? :heh:

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