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Love Yuui 2006-03-31 06:14

Your Thoughts on Death?
I would prefer to be immortal, observing what is to come in future, and being able to absorb every bit of knowledge (and trivia, entertainment, etc.) I could find. However, since I know that is not a possibility, I try to expand my mind as much as possible, if not just for my own amusement.

When I think about my impending death, I don't as much reflect as not care. There are too many variables in this world for me to control how I die. If one lives a vague life and avoids said variables, then perhaps one could control their death to certain extent. However, getting to school, work, et cetera by car, bus, et cetera presents far too many possibilities that one is not able to control. The only true way to be in majority control of one's death is to be a very wealthy recluse that is able to eliminate nearly all variables (see: Howard Hughes). Although, people like that are a very small percentage, and even they like to indulge in things that require them to partcipate in the external world. Therefore, while I try to be as cautious as possible, I do not care or ponder death as it is pointless for someone in my position.

When my grandfather died (Robert Takayuki Nakasome, may he rest in peace), I didn't cry or have feelings of grief or despair. While I did sympathize with my grieving family, I was more upset that they were upset than at my grandfather's actual death. This is by no means a way of saying that he was a bad person, as he was not, and in fact, he was a great person whom which I admired. However, death is mandatory, and I have learned to accept that we will all die. No one is immune to the sands of time. I see it more as a celebration of the memory of the departed than a depressing event in which one should become unprecedentedly sad. Although, I understand why someone would mourn, as every situation is different.

Additionally, there are circumstances and various realizations that I figure cause sadness over one's death. For instance, if a father/husband/brother/son died at the age of 48 leaving a widow and kids ages 5, 16, and 21 behind there may be certain realizations that trigger sadness. For the widow, while primarily mourning her lover's death, it could also trigger fiinancial worries as well as the idea of being alone. For the 16-year-old, while primarily mourning his father's death, he may also be thinking about how his university fees will be financed, and how his little sister will be taken of if his mother has to finance his tuition alone. Thus, the 16-year-old may be upset that he now has to get a job, possibly a fulltime job at his tender age. The 5-year-old is less perceptive than her older peers, and thus, is simply mourning the loss of her daddy. The 21-year-old, while primarily mourning his father's death, may also be worried about his mother and his family's financial situation. Perhaps the 21-year-old is thinking that he should move back home and help pay the family bills, or if he should take the 16-year-old under his wing and lessen the costs of his mother? Most deaths leave behind relatives and families, and primarily expenses. It's like the Grim Reaper's way of saying, "Ha, I took your loved one, and for an bonus I'm going to take your money, too!"

Every situation is different, and life does not end once someone dies. One must, at least, try to carry on as the world does not stop for one person, no matter how damaged they are. Thus, is life.

Shay 2006-03-31 07:48


Originally Posted by Love Yuui
I would prefer to be immortal, observing what is to come in future, and being able to absorb every bit of knowledge (and trivia, entertainment, etc.) I could find. However, since I know that is not a possibility, I try to expand my mind as much as possible, if not just for my own amusement.

Out living your children, and your childrens children. Watching everyone you ever loved die, finding new love then watching them die as well. Then when the human race is extinct, and the world becomes dark as the sun finally burns out. You will go on forever, alone...

Naw, immortality aint for me.

Lost 2006-03-31 07:53

I remember reading this one quote in the Reader's Digest, forgot who it was by, but it went something like: "I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens."

Pretty much my opinion, yeah.

npal 2006-03-31 08:24


Originally Posted by Shay
Out living your children, and your childrens children. Watching everyone you ever loved die, finding new love then watching them die as well. Then when the human race is extinct, and the world becomes dark as the sun finally burns out. You will go on forever, alone...

Naw, immortality aint for me.

A very nice thought if you ask me :p I'd rather have that than any short life I can be possibly offered :p

What can I say, there are too many things I want to see in this world (damn, the universe is huge), I don't care if the Earth falls apart as long as I can live on and explore the universe and its many beauties. Although, there is this tiny bit of ultimate loneliness to take care, but nothing is impossible if you're set on a target :p

Other than that though, since life doesn't last forever, I don't care much about death. It's a rare occurence (happens only once in a lifetime :p), you should make the most of it by making sure you give your life a meaning and get your message across so that others may use your ideas to create something nice (the world needs nice things happening).

Life's a bitch after all, she rarely smiles, you just have to shun her and create a smile for yourself.
Death, on the other hand, always smiles at everyone, smile back and be off with dignity.

Aoie_Emesai 2006-03-31 10:15

Because i'm so free right now, I don't think of death much and i'm not too afraid of it. But there's one way of dieing that I fear among all else, Heart Related deaths. :(

When I talk about death of family members of my family or others, I don't start topics like that and I don't participate in them, I know it's hard to deal with death.

Jinto 2006-03-31 10:33


Originally Posted by npal
A very nice thought if you ask me :p I'd rather have that than any short life I can be possibly offered :p

What can I say, there are too many things I want to see in this world (damn, the universe is huge), I don't care if the Earth falls apart as long as I can live on and explore the universe and its many beauties. Although, there is this tiny bit of ultimate loneliness to take care, but nothing is impossible if you're set on a target :p


Imagine a sphere of steel the size of the earth, and imagine a fly that is landing every once a 1000 years on it. Imagine the time it would take for the fly to carry off the whole sphere due to friction. That time is still nothing compared to infinity.
(its a special hypothetical space fly, so it won't have the attrition effect on itself and a endless life)

Nobody who understands the meaning of infinity would like to live an endless life :eyespin:

wao 2006-03-31 10:50

I always like to think that with death, it is never a matter of if it will happen but always a matter of when. Which really is quite true, there's no two ways about it...

And I find it kind of odd how theistic people who believe in a Heaven cry when good people die - shouldn't it be good that they're going to a better place, with $deity? Why should you feel sad that they're leaving you if you know the'yre going to someone who should be infinitely better than you?
But that is not really related to the topic...

The most important thing, I guess, is to remember that the rest of life goes on even though that someone is dead. If I have an opportunity to suggest how my death be carreid out, I would like to be made into fertilizer and have no funeral, and everyone could just go back to the rest of their lives. That's something like what my grandparents did (not the fertilizer bit...).

Shay 2006-03-31 11:18


Originally Posted by wao

The most important thing, I guess, is to remember that the rest of life goes on even though that someone is dead. If I have an opportunity to suggest how my death be carreid out, I would like to be made into fertilizer and have no funeral, and everyone could just go back to the rest of their lives. That's something like what my grandparents did (not the fertilizer bit...).

I completely agree. Funerals cost a lot of money. I don't want anyone spending cash, potentially getting into debt over my rotting corpse. Cut me up and feed me to some Zoo animals for all I care, I'm dead. I carry a donor card anyway, so as long as I’m not vaporised I doubt there will be much of me to bury anyhow.

npal 2006-03-31 11:48


Originally Posted by Jinto Lin
Imagine a sphere of steel the size of the earth, and imagine a fly that is landing every once a 1000 years on it. Imagine the time it would take for the fly to carry off the whole sphere due to friction. That time is still nothing compared to infinity.
(its a special hypothetical space fly, so it won't have the attrition effect on itself and a endless life)

Nobody who understands the meaning of infinity would like to live an endless life :eyespin:

I can always climb off a cliff if I get SO bored as you suggest you know :p But I doubt it.

And show me one who knows the meaning of infinity so that I might ask him :p

Xellos-_^ 2006-03-31 12:22

I don't fear death myself. It is not something I wlll be actively looking for but I am not going to run away form it either. I see Death as the final release when nothing matters anymore and you can finally rest.

Chichi 2006-03-31 13:25

I briefly spanned over the topic and may have missed some of the points made, but I do agree with the majority made so far.

At the tender age of 18 myself naturally I wouldn't look forward to dying but I'm inclined to believe that if and when I reach my later years of 80+ I'd have had enough, so to speak. A certain expectancy that after my many years of living in society I'd have hopefully fulfilled what I set out to do or at the very least be contented to pass.

There's also a factor that age brings problems physically and mentally, and the overall feelings of tiredness that I may even wish, deep down, to pass away.

This is coming from someone who has thankfully never experienced any deaths from the people I knew while I was alive so my view on this topic would perhaps be different otherwise.

Eclipze 2006-03-31 13:32

My rather pessimistic view is that...if I had a choice to choose between dying and continuing my current life, I'd much rather end it. Not in the suicide fashion, of course.

I dont know, but as of now, I dont have loved ones whom I can say I truely care about (feeling responsible for them is another matter). Yes, Im still young, nor have I tasted the "fobidden fruit" that is sex, but to seems pretty meaningless.

Yea, sure, I could always live my life as an Otakus: Just watching animes and playing video games (considering how much of a human beings-hater, that I am). But beyond that, its basically repeating what you do from day 1 of adulthood to the last day of your lives. Eat, work, sleep. Thats what most people's lives are based upon. Oh, and of course I do not believe in any kind of religion, which would further remove any form of meaning to living, for me.

All in all, I'd think that most people would rather live than to die, and that life isn't that bad afterall. Still, it doesn't change my dislike of being alive, leading a rather pointless and meaningless life. I certain dont fear death: I welcome it.:)

Komataguri 2006-03-31 14:02

Death is a release from the horrors of the human world.

It should be celebrated, not mourned. That is all I have to say.

Kensuke 2006-03-31 15:04


Originally Posted by Lost
I remember reading this one quote in the Reader's Digest, forgot who it was by, but it went something like: "I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens."

Pretty much my opinion, yeah.

That was Woody Allen, I believe.

And about living forever, long time ago I read a scifi book Tau Zero about a spacecraft that was unable to stop accelerating or something like that, and it finally reached near light speed, and the crew out-lived the universe because of time dilation. So you might want to travel that fast, of course, your actual lifetime isn't going to be any longer.

Well, I wouldn't want to live forever, 100 years is more than enough I guess. :heh: But I'm an optimist, and actually content with my current life, so don't give it much thought.

Mr_Paper 2006-03-31 18:40

Death should be celebrated; it is the ultimate liberation from the suffering that is life and interaction with other people (unless you're buddhist). :heh: The prospect of eternal life scares me infinitely more than the thought of death - as cliched as it is, forever is a really long time.

If one thinks about it, from the moment one is concieved through to that last moment on one's deathbed, death is the only certainty in this existance. To live means that one will die, it is the inevitable outcome - we grow, we age, and we die though we know not when. To live without that finite distinction would rob one of more than it would liberate them of - life would escentually lose it's meaning. In life we strive towards goals and work hard for them as we know that there will come a time when we are unable to achieve them, without a limit on when they can be achieved there is no motivation to work towards them - whether it is done tomorrow or in a thousand years, it makes no difference. The other side of this is that one is eventually faced with the question of what to do when they have done everything?

You've done everything could have ever wanted to do... Now what do you do for the rest of eternity?

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind a slightly longer life span. I know my life expectancy is little more than 75 years, a third of which I've already expended, but wouldn't argue against possibly living for two hundred more.

Xellos-_^ 2006-03-31 18:50

Long age is fine if you can keep your youth and a harem cute/hot girls.

npal 2006-03-31 18:51


Originally Posted by Xellos-_^
Long age is fine if you can keep your youth and a harem cute/hot girls.

Strongly agree :D Especially the cute/hot girls part :p

Komataguri 2006-03-31 19:41

I prefer cute girls with glasses and cat ears [ fake, or by the miracle of science..real ] that call me Onii-san.

wingdarkness 2006-03-31 20:02

Well the thing about death is it's looming...It's looming like a mofo...Living in Houston it's almost become blahzay to watch the death toll each day...I mean everyday somebody dies on the ridiculously complex interstate highway...It's almost some ironic lottery win when somebody doesn't die...Oddly enuff when I'm driving I always have this feeling like it's never gonna be me, but who knows...I actually switch lanes with an unbridled fury and passion, hehe...

Being immortal definatley has it's high points...Some people would disagree, but people know living forever has it's advantages...The only thing people get hung up on is the endlessness of it all (personally I think 500-1000 years would be sufficient)...I mean at some point it will get tiring, but if your so fed-up with it I'm sure you can find some second-rate highlander to slice that head off your shoulders...I mean it would be nice seeing how technology changes and how the world evolves after hundreds of years...Perhaps get to experience the flying cars we were all told about that still ain't happening for atleast 100 years...The only question would be your age-range...

What age range would be acceptable for living your entire enternity in? You definatley don't wanna go the Kirsten Dunst route in "Interveiw with a Vampire" where your like 100 years old and still have no breasts and can't even ride the big roller coaster...You also don't wanna go to old, because if your like me you gonna still wanna mack on honeys...I mean being immortal should atleast have that advantage...the down-side is you can't really get married and if you did you'd outgrow your wife//kids and they'd be pi$$ed...I know i'd be pi$$ed if my dad is still looking healthy and $hit and i'm dying of prostate cancer or something at age 50...Which dives into another topic: Would I even tell my love-ones?? Most immortals you see find a way to seperate from the people they care about so their secret won't be exposed, I'm not sure if i'd go that route totally...I don't see much wrong hanging with my childhood friend or cousin when they're old and wrinkly watching anime, playing video games and stuff eventhough I'm still looking pretty prime...So to answer my first question I think age 35 would be the ideal age to be immortal...Old enuff looking to still get younger women, yet old enuff not to be really old...I'm not chancing it with being 40 or higher cause not everyone ages the same...Some people age good, others need "oil of olay" for breakfast...

I mean death would seem to suck despite the poetical "pie-n-the-sky" talk we have to fool ourselves into believing so we don't have to face this ultimate of endgames...I mean it's your life, and somebody just hits the off-switch...I mean there's a degree of suckage to that...To be honest I ain't welcoming it and I grew up with a decent amount of religious influence...The bottomline is like most out there it's gonna happen when we least expect it and as abrupt as can be probably...And by the time many worry about it it's already too late...This probably sounds pitiful but if I knew i was going to die I'd think about all the anime series I didn't watch or finish watching...I'd be like "Damn i won't have a chance to critize the next Gundam SEED series!!"...Sometimes I think that would give me the strength to fight thru and cheat death, to do the heisman trophy pose on that Grim Reaper...

Yonsil 2006-03-31 21:07

Let me put this in simple way: Have you thought about your consciousness after death?

If you put this question, your philosophy,,or..wisdom..whatever you call it,
is useless.
Surely, death is greater than life and life is less than death because death is so mysterious yet life has so many "scientific" knowledge and yet we don't know all of it. Many people come to think "Wow, this place is full of mystery!" Well, truth is always there and never leave there. It happened because something happened by something. With some decent amount of investigating, mysterious sometimes be solved. BUT impossible to solve.

I'm sure you guys watch many animes as I did.
Well, it would be biased and "not good" if you put your knowledge from anime into this topic.

We are living a REAL life with REAL future.
Immorality and Morality.
Whatever you believe; no sin or sin of people by God.

Death of Earthly life is unavoidable.


My opinion to death of my really blessing, at same time, I have to leave the world which I loved so much.
Let us not avoid religious words because death do not happen by accident but by certain things in our lives.
Everything is planned and every suffering we see corrupts people to think "THERE IS NO AFTERLIFE!"
Well, we will see about that..after they die.

If AFTERLIFE theory is created by "fear of man because they have to die"
You are being biased.
You are missing the point and being lazy to investigate what "afterlife" is like.
There are many religions around the world which offers knowledge about Afterlife.
I strongly suggest "Dante's Inferno" as it is described very accurate.
Basically, Dante's inferno is "hell" as we all describe.
Anyways, also testimonies of "Near-Death Experience" people are interesting and has common view.
Like I said, do dreams come by so long and so accurate?
Is it just caused because something is wrong with body and thinks something "weird"?

Those who had near death experience
They feel similar experiences:

Is this what "Humankind" desires?
Love is comfortable. Love is patient.
Love is real and love has no jealousy nor hatred.
It has no evil, it is pure, and it does not promote to sin against another.
Love has no betrayer.
Love is merciful.
And so on..

I know how people feel about suffering and how they are convinced to think death is just death and nothing is beyond it..with that kind of "belief", you would have no profit in your life and missed whole experience in your life.
In fact, there is no chance after "death". It is either "hell" or "heaven", judge is the Lord.


Yea, sure, I could always live my life as an Otakus: Just watching animes and playing video games (considering how much of a human beings-hater, that I am). But beyond that, its basically repeating what you do from day 1 of adulthood to the last day of your lives. Eat, work, sleep. Thats what most people's lives are based upon. Oh, and of course I do not believe in any kind of religion, which would further remove any form of meaning to living, for me.

I feel sorry for you that you don't feel anything about your life.
It is your belief after all.
Yes, we all die and everything seems "pointless" but why?
When you can live, live greatly and fully before the death comes!
Why put yourself into depression to think "it's pointless".
Why is your life without love?

You can always change from life as an Otaku to living life if you become part of community.


Are this simple? Can you do it?
No, you cannot.
You cannot ALONE acheive this "beautiful light" as I could not.
I was Otaku and played games for straight 7 years and was obessed with it.
I came to think life is pointless but you know what, you can change because I changed.
I live a promising life without being condemned.
How can you do this?

Rejoice...only Christ can do that.
I'm the witness and I can testify it.
Because I live it.

Dead in flesh but alive in Christ.

Life is not just earthly things...there are "higher power" above you, trying to save you from endless hole which is set before you.

I tell you,
you are already dead because of your sins against God and have not repented and kneel before God.
You are already damned because you are without guidance.

I hope this message goes through..even if you are atheist.
Let me remind you, hope is with us.


Death can be avoided.


Death is not the End.
Death is only the End when you believe so.

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