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monir 2009-06-20 06:59

Regios - Episode 24 [END] Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Regios, Episode 24 [END].

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Von Himmel 2009-06-20 08:17

*Patiently waiting for the last episode :)
Wonder how 2ch will respond to this ;(

nina-antalk 2009-06-20 08:41

Can't wait to see this episode!
I hope that the ending will be good.

babydemongirl 2009-06-20 09:37

Yeah i cant wait either but i dont want regios to end :(

zibi88 2009-06-20 10:28

dont worry there was a note that new series will start in future (maybe season 2...) but for that we will have to wait and see since no information are beign released for now.....

Renegade334 2009-06-20 10:31

Already the end, huh...I see. I'm so outta it nowadays...

Anyway, I'm once again in early as I don't have much free time to come back later and do my..."appointed" job. So here's the joint Asura Cryin'/Chrome-Shelled Regios thread before you start wondering where in the nine hells I am...and reach for the pitchforks.

Koukaku no Regios episode 24 END (tentative)
Spoiler for 2chan thread for Chrome-Shelled Regios episode 24 (tentative) {Scroll down, past the Asura Cryin' posts and till mid-page, until you reach the C-SR screencaps}:
- Do NOT spread the 2chan link.
- If you want to quote my post, then please ERASE THE URL.
- If you want to (re)post screenshots from 2chan, then reload them on Imageshack and kindly supply the new links. In other words, do NOT hotlink. Why? It's simple: when the short-lived 2chan threads get junked along with their contents (aka screencaps), the broken urls automatically lead the user to a pageful of adult advertisements, a category of content outlawed by Animesuki's policy on inappropriate material.

I'll erase the URL in a few hours (at least until the first raw or blog entry appears you-know-where) so, if you want to visit the page later on, save my link somewhere (in your bookmarks or notepad...whatever) while it's still up.

EDIT: weeell...since there apparently are already a few raws making the rounds, I guess that's it. Haven't come across them yet, but never mind that. The link's out and so am I - for the last time of this season (or so I understand). Peace, ya'll.

nina-antalk 2009-06-20 10:36


Originally Posted by zibi88 (Post 2462747)
dont worry there was a note that new series will start in future (maybe season 2...) but for that we will have to wait and see since no information are beign released for now.....

Hopefully they mean a second season and not another series.

ipernorris 2009-06-20 10:53

Well the announcement was made on the series official website, so I guess it should be season 2. Otherwise it would make little to no sense...

Ultramarinus 2009-06-20 10:54

Who knows, maybe a spin-off like FMP: Fumoffu!? (mind you, it could be great as the potential is there :heh: ) I doubt that a second season before the novels reach to something like 20 volumes would be decent, they'd have to either do a lot of fillers, do 12 eps or totally change the storyline. Better to wait a couple of years before we get another 24 eps.

ipernorris 2009-06-20 11:05


Originally Posted by Ultramarinus (Post 2462782)
Who knows, maybe a spin-off like FMP: Fumoffu!? (mind you, it could be great as the potential is there :heh: ) I doubt that a second season before the novels reach to something like 20 volumes would be decent, they'd have to either do a lot of fillers, do 12 eps or totally change the storyline. Better to wait a couple of years before we get another 24 eps.

If you go take a look at the novel thread you would realize that the material for another 24 episodes season run is already there... :D

Ultramarinus 2009-06-20 11:09

I'm aware of that but they already fast forwarded to certain point in the story, it's not like they could go back to show untold stuff without messing up chronology. As long as they don't pump in non-canon stuff, I'm fine with it.

panpo98 2009-06-20 11:14


Originally Posted by ipernorris (Post 2462795)
If you go take a look at the novel thread you would realize that the material for another 24 episodes season run is already there... :D

Do you mean the "Chrome Shelled Regios Light Novel Discussion thread"?
I thought it would be more than 4 pages.

Estaron 2009-06-20 11:20

Before I begin TL... What the f@ck did I just watch?
Erm... OTZ
gensaku kaihen... ahahahahahaha

ipernorris 2009-06-20 11:21


Originally Posted by panpo98 (Post 2462805)
Do you mean the "Chrome Shelled Regios Light Novel Discussion thread"?
I thought it would be more than 4 pages.

Most of it hasn't been translated... only volume 1 has been translated, courtesy of Blewin-sama!

Ah btw...

Spoiler for LOL... look who there is on the Katana...:

TrueKnight 2009-06-20 11:22


What the fuck! LOL Epic!

ipernorris 2009-06-20 11:23

TrueKnight 2009-06-20 11:25

From the pics looks like a total cliffhanger ending. Oh God please give us a 2nd season... or not. >_>

Gotta wait for raw I guess.

zibi88 2009-06-20 11:27

the 12th HB sword went to Layfon on its own and protected him.... I guess queen was supprised about thuis...... and than Layfon fused together Psyharden katana with 12th sword XD and it becomed like this....... kinda like Clouds from FF7 :P

I wonder why Leerin collapsed... and will layfon return to Grendan with that 12th HB sword or will stay on Zerenii for the time beign...

Estaron 2009-06-20 11:27

Oh great 'It's just the beginning'

TrueKnight 2009-06-20 11:29


Originally Posted by Estaron
Oh great 'It's just the beginning'

Second season here we come? >_>

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