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Pellissier 2009-08-20 11:07

Hayate no Gotoku!! (2nd Season) - Episode 21 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Hayate no Gotoku!! (2nd Season), Episode 21.

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Midonin 2009-08-21 12:26

After last week's unsuccessful attempt to resolve what killed the Regeoster (I suspect the culprit is video) another week with an almost complete disconnect from reality. Tama being the center helps - he's one of the more fantastical elements. Bizarre and yet hilarious portrayal of Americans, novelty weapons, killer unicorns, Isumi's odd thought process, coincidental radio broadcasts, message boards, improbable disguises and Shiranui's crafty strategies.

I laughed this week. A lot. For the first time in a really good while with this show. A hat trick that brought me back to the subforum, and then right back out again. Now to wait for the song releases to finish up.

Shiroth 2009-08-21 12:36

Not a bad episode. Laughed quite a bit, though i usually do when Tama is featured.

It's obvious that Jenny is the best character in this series.

& the Priest still watching that recording. :heh:

serenade_beta 2009-08-21 15:40

......Well, it was entertaining... a bit. Laughed more than I expected I would for a Tama episode, at least.
Funniest parts were the 2ch and Pu-chan parts.

Still... 4 years old and that body?! <--about Jenny
...Hmm, I guess it isn't that surprising. A certain loli from a certain anime went through a similarly impossible change in only 2 years, after all. Yes... This is surely th-*cut*

Preview: Ah~, this story...

JaLooNz 2009-08-22 10:04

Ahha... the doll that Shiranui is on is exactly the same one from Gokujou Seitokai, aka pu-chan. Even the music at the preview is also a remix from the show.

Shiroth 2009-08-23 04:39


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2595898)
Preview: Ah~, this story...

Meh, episodes like this is what Hayate no Gotoku is all about. It's just nice that we have the romance side of the show from time to time.

chinaboat 2009-08-25 03:04

Pretty good ep, is this one straight from the manga? If so I guess that means we're going into a manga arc and the hilarity must end - oh, well. Jenny (and her character design) cracked me up and it's always nice to see Tama, even though he is too ugly to be a real tiger.

My favorite line in this one came in the preview: "And he's been told by the person he loves that he's a 2D gigolo". I liked it for two reasons the first being one of the fun things about Hayate is lines like this that even out of context are funny and second because it instantly reminded me of one of my all time favorite scenes: S01E12 Hayate said to Ayumu: I'm, sorry ----- I'm...

(Yuki, Haruhi and Mai from MoHS ep "Live Alive" appear in background)

... only interested in 2D girls."

I'd post the screencap but I can't figure out how <shrug>

That line was changed in the dub, btw.

Mentar 2009-08-25 17:42

Okay, I need to disagree. I thought that this episode was below poor. Brutally put, Tama on his own simply isn't interesting enough for me. It would have bored me if they had decided to give him half an episode, but it was even worse to give him a full one. Another episode without relevance to the main plot or any of the main characters, and even the chuckles I had originated from yawns.

I note with interest (and respect) that many people seem to disagree and enjoy it. I guess that those are the same folks who liked the second half of S1. But for me, the last 3 episodes were hardly interesting, with this one being the worst of the lot.

Then again, this is where the manga also had a terrible dry spell, so I guess we need to persevere...

Shiroth 2009-08-25 17:43


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 2604453)
I guess that those are the same folks who liked the second half of S1.

& enjoy the manga.

Mentar 2009-08-25 17:48

I enjoy the manga too - when it's not wasting too much time consecutively with side characters. Usually it doesn't. But the current sequence of chapters was when the readership and activity of Hayate threads dwindled, for a good reason.

Shiroth 2009-08-25 17:50


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 2604463)
I enjoy the manga too - when it's not wasting too much time consecutively with side characters. Usually it doesn't. But the current sequence of chapters was when the readership and activity of Hayate threads dwindled, for a good reason.

How's it wasting time when the majority of manga material is pretty much the same as this episode? We get chapters like this all the time. It's fun times with the side characters, like it's always been.

Mentar 2009-08-25 17:56

No, I mean - in the manga, there was also a seemingly endless sequence of chapters which had NO relevance for the main plot and which spent alot of time with secondary characters (of which HnG has too many, by the way). It added even MORE characters the show didn't need (Haruko, Aika etc) and seemed to go the same way of shows where the author is running out of ideas: Adding more new characters instead of developing the main ones and the main storyline.

It's almost as if an editor was whacking some sense into Hata, since after a loooong dry spell, the manga finally re-focused on what's important and managed to get ahead. And right now, the anime is fighting through these (IMHO terrible) chapters.

No kidding: I literally had to force me to keep my eyes open when I proofwatched this episode. I was tired from work - fine - but I was almost falling asleep, and this is very rare. I just don't like this kind of fluff, gomen >_<;

Shiroth 2009-08-25 17:59

I don't really agree with that. For a lot time the manga has been about the characters, and each having their moments in the story. This episode, as well as the last one is just apart of that. You obviously won't accept that, and believe that the romance part is the main calling of the series. Sigh.

Mentar 2009-08-25 18:04


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 2604486)
I don't really agree with that. For a lot time the manga has been about the characters, and each having their moments in the story. This episode, as well as the last one is just apart of that. You obviously won't accept that, and believe that the romance part is the main calling of the series. Sigh.

Hey, I respect that you're among those who like this kind of stuff. Please be so kind and extend the same courtesy to me.

And yes, I do prefer a show which has proper storyline development and a focus on the main characters. That's why they're named like that: "Main" characters. I'm more interested in them than in the side chars. I'd rather have the side characters _support_ the developments in the main storyline rather than shifting the focus away from it.


Shiroth 2009-08-25 18:09

I've got nothing against what you want from this series, and from a certain angle i can see where you're coming from, though just not with this title. :p

& i do respect your opinion, like i do with everyone's here. It's just a shame that what you want from this title doesn't happen as often as it would in a more romance focused show, and i'm pointing that out. Sorry if i've offended you in anyway. :)

GDB 2009-08-25 18:27


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 2604453)
Okay, I need to disagree. I thought that this episode was below poor. Brutally put, Tama on his own simply isn't interesting enough for me. It would have bored me if they had decided to give him half an episode, but it was even worse to give him a full one.

Like I said before, he's the Zoidberg of Hayate.


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 2604510)
& i do respect your opinion, like i do with everyone's here. It's just a shame that what you want from this title doesn't happen as often as it would in a more romance focused show, and i'm pointing that out. Sorry if i've offended you in anyway. :)

The problem (at least for me, not sure if the same is true for Mentar) is that they put too many episodes/chapters back to back that focused on side characters rather than main characters or the main plot. It's fine every now and then, but when you get an entire volume's worth of chapters that are essentially side stories, that gets boring.

qwertyman 2009-08-25 23:34

I haven't watched this episode, because I assume it'll suck.

Don't get me wrong; I read the manga chapters and I enjoyed it, but it's not something that I'd go through a second time. Tama is pretty boring and I never cared for him. That and it seems to me that J.C. Staff is either completely hit or miss with jokes/gags; they're decent when the episode isn't a filler episode (the white day ep was pretty good, joke-wise), while the joke episodes usually end up being... bad.

I wish we could just forget about season 1, have SynergySP do an actual manga -> anime adaptation of Hayate, and then have a second season of SynergySP's Hayate again. The jokes in season 1 were done much better, imo. And the characters had less awkward movements, or maybe that's just me buttering up SynergySP's episodes.

Mentar 2009-08-26 00:25

Pinning this on J.C.Staff would be completely off in this case. The problem lies with the source, not the execution. At least J.C.Staff managed the main storyline and romance part very well, with a truthful conversion. The same can NOT be said about SynergySP.

qwertyman 2009-08-26 01:38


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 2605150)
Pinning this on J.C.Staff would be completely off in this case. The problem lies with the source, not the execution. At least J.C.Staff managed the main storyline and romance part very well, with a truthful conversion. The same can NOT be said about SynergySP.

I'm going to have to disagree. While it's nice and all that J.C. Staff feels that it'd be better to go "safe" and just do a 1 : 1 conversion, I like how SynergySP took more liberty with their adaptation. I'm just watching episode 9 of the first season to refresh my memory, and there are quite a few lines, movements, etc, that aren't present in the manga as well as a few lines here and there that are omitted. It makes the anime feel much more smoother.

As an easy example to spot; in the anime, they show Hina slapping Hayate after he rescues her from the mannequin (again, episode 9). In the manga, they don't show anything, it zooms out to nothing and just has a loud slap sound effect. Showing the slap made the scene better since it showed exactly how frustrated Hina really was (which you didn't get in the manga). Also, camera angles were altered, as well as how Hina jumps into Hayate's arms. Again, these changes made the scene much better.

While it's obviously not fair to say that J.C. Staff wouldn't do something like that, it just goes to show that going 1 : 1 is not always so good, and liberties should be taken.

Compare these two:

I have to say the anime does it better.

Yes, I also disliked how the first season went on and on and didn't accomplish anything, but it also was the consequence of different target audiences and different airing times. I'm sure if the first season wasn't made to pander to little kids (if that's what the aim was, I'm not even sure), and was instead scheduled to air at a time similar to season 2's release, we would've had an anime that followed the manga more closely in terms of plot/direction. Or at least, I'd hope so.

(man I edit too much)

Silverwyrm 2009-08-26 03:13

The part I actually laughed out loud here was on the forums when I saw Klaus respond with a "lol" for some reason it just cracked me up.

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