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james0246 2012-02-07 11:59

[Manga] Naruto Chapter 573 Discussion
Welcome to the weekly manga chapter discussion thread. This thread is created early to discuss spoilers and speculation about the upcoming chapter as well as discussion of said chapter once it has been released.

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Remember that the manga is licensed, do not post significant parts of the chapter. This stands for pictures and direct translations. Summaries are ok, crops of pictures are ok as well if you want to illustrate your point but this is it.


It's a new week, so that means new Naruto spoilers...which are now released....


-Tobi seems to be oblivious to the names of the Bijuu. Naruto mocks Tobi's lack of understanding.

-Gai and Kakashi have an aside as they comment on Naruto's growth. Gai fears that he is becoming old, but Kakashi convinces him to believe in his "youth" once again (so, more or less, filler).

-Tobi is perplexed by Naruto, and reaches for his fan to fight him personally. As he draws his weapon,rain begins to fall, and Tobi wonders when the simple encounter that was supposed to be simple entertainment before Naruto fought Sasuke turned into such a serious exchange.

-Cut to, scenes of Headquarters and the various shinobi there reactign to the presence of the Kyuubi on the field. All are shocked by the power.

-Cut to scenes of the Konoha 11, all commenting on Naruto (since that is all they are good for).

-Finally, cut to a 2-page spread of Sasuke surveying the battlefield.

Merilyn Mensola 2012-02-07 12:02

Naruto 573 Spoiler CONFIRMED
credits - Ohana
English script by Benelori
Spoiler for 573 summary

Aqua Knight 2012-02-07 13:30

At last he appears!

noktown 2012-02-07 13:36

Finally Sasuke enters the Ring!


Randrak42 2012-02-07 14:09

Kishimoto: "This epic bijuu battle needs something...AH YES of course, Sasuke!"


Ero-Senn1n 2012-02-07 17:15

At this stage it's hard to believe that Naruto could face another really strong opponent, i think there will be something that prevents this Sasuke vs Naruto fight right now. Naruto was fighting for long hours now, non-stop epic battles. On the other hand all the allies are coming there, and i'm sure Kishimoto doesn't want Sasuke to kill them, that also prevents the Sasuke-Naruto battle. And of course if Kabuto notices that Sasuke is on the battlefield he will make his move to capture him, and then Tobi will interrupt whatever he is doing to make sure Kabuto doesn't screw his plans. In that case Sasuke and Kabuto may indirectly save Naruto from being captured by Tobi :)
And there's also Itachi who has a plan, so plenty of possible outcomes, this war is really fun to read.

Randrak42 2012-02-07 17:59


Originally Posted by Ero-Senn1n (Post 3992816)
At this stage it's hard to believe that Naruto could face another really strong opponent, i think there will be something that prevents this Sasuke vs Naruto fight right now. Naruto was fighting for long hours now, non-stop epic battles. On the other hand all the allies are coming there, and i'm sure Kishimoto doesn't want Sasuke to kill them, that also prevents the Sasuke-Naruto battle. And of course if Kabuto notices that Sasuke is on the battlefield he will make his move to capture him, and then Tobi will interrupt whatever he is doing to make sure Kabuto doesn't screw his plans. In that case Sasuke and Kabuto may indirectly save Naruto from being captured by Tobi :)
And there's also Itachi who has a plan, so plenty of possible outcomes, this war is really fun to read.


But...Naruto has gotten so OP that maybe giving him a handicap vs Sasuke isn't a bad idea...then again Kishi is so in love with Sasuke that EMS will somehow equal Naruto's Sagemode and full Kyuubi control AND extra bijuu power-ups...

I will say this...I wouldn't mind one bit if Sasuke shows up, gets in the way and is curb-stomped by full power Naruto for getting in the way...sadly for me, this will never happen...ah well

james0246 2012-02-07 20:13

MS's main purpose is to control the Kyuubi, so I doubt Naruto will be able to steamroll Sasuke, especially with an EMS.

Ulquiorra 2012-02-07 20:37

Sasuke vs. Konoha 11?

Hinata scares me.

Hinata : Naruto-kun ! I always tried to follow you, to catch up to you ... but once this war is over. I won't try to catch up to you anymore.
Next time I'll be right next to you while I grap your hand and walk with you. Please ... wait for me.

Just for the lulz

Choji: Naruto's as dumb as I'm fat, I know that but ... I can't say I'm surprised. ( Wait for me, Dumber Naruto ! I'll be there in a flash ! )

zerodragon 2012-02-07 22:03


Originally Posted by Merilyn Mensola (Post 3992365)
Naruto 573 Spoiler CONFIRMED
credits - Ohana
English script by Benelori
Spoiler for 573 summary

Am I the only one sensing a deathflag here?

Ulquiorra 2012-02-07 23:54


Originally Posted by zerodragon (Post 3993194)
Am I the only one sensing a deathflag here?

Kishi already fake killed Hinata once. You can't do that again and expect anyone to buy it. All the Konoha 11 have massive plot shields. Even Tenten, Shino, Ino and Choji. As the next generation and Naruto's cheer squad, they are immortal. Same with other Naruto cheerleaders like Gaara, Kakashi, and Gai. Kishi won't kill them.

Hinata is now officially set up as Mrs. Uzumaki. The stalker won. Congrats Sakura. You are off the hook. But as a female in this manga, that means you'll just end up as someone else's woman. As Kishi said through Kurenai's dad, the greatest thing Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Termari, ect, can do is have children for their men.

leokiko 2012-02-08 00:53

Boring chapter, that is all. I hate Sasuke, so him appearing didn't bring me any excitement. Just have to wait for OP and HxH now :rolleyes:.

james0246 2012-02-08 01:22


Originally Posted by Ulquiorra (Post 3993363)
Kishi already fake killed Hinata once. You can't do that again and expect anyone to buy it. All the Konoha 11 have massive plot shields. Even Tenten, Shino, Ino and Choji. As the next generation and Naruto's cheer squad, they are immortal. Same with other Naruto cheerleaders like Gaara, Kakashi, and Gai. Kishi won't kill them.

The only one in this chapter that even remotely felt like they had a deathflag hovering over their head was Gai. And since he has never been killed or almost killed before, and he has a respectable distance from Naruto (in the respect that he is a tertiary character as opposed to secondary characters like Kakashi or Hinata), then he could very well die.

That being said, who here hopes the rain comes from Sasuke, and a few Kirin’s are about to be unleashed on the Alliance forces. One Kirin can destroy a mountain (or at least a large hill), so if Sasuke can send out a few Kirin’s, then the alliance will be f*cked all over again.

And, I fondly hope that he cements his villainy by putting down all of the Konoha-11. He doesn't have to kill them, just KO all of them and then show their broken bodies to Naruto. (Personally, I am fully ready for Sasuke to finally enter the fray.)

Additionally, Sasuke is alluded to, once again, as being very important for Tobi's plans. Just why is Naruto and Sasuke's encounter so important Tobi?

xKeir 2012-02-08 01:49

Since everyone's using the term Konoha 11 ... i guess Sai doesn't count in yet. But he too got a lil small portion of his own thoughts. I'm not really a fan of Sai .. but can't we make this the Konoha 12 [13 would be including Sasuke] ? I'm jus sayin.

Anyway for this chapter .. Isn't this pretty much .. well a waste of a whole chapter just to greet Sasuke into the battlefield.

The only scene i thought was kinda cool was Inoichi spreading the message to every single Shinobi like a boss. And i'm pretty sure Naruto was trolling Tobi.

strategos 2012-02-08 01:54


Originally Posted by Ulquiorra (Post 3993363)
As Kishi said through Kurenai's dad, the greatest thing Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Termari, ect, can do is have children for their men.

Well Said!!!

Originally Posted by zerodragon (Post 3993194)
Am I the only one sensing a deathflag here?


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 3993459)
And, I fondly hope that he cements his villainy by putting down all of the Konoha-11. He doesn't have to kill them, just KO all of them and then show their broken bodies to Naruto. (Personally, I am fully ready for Sasuke to finally enter the fray.)

Additionally, Sasuke is alluded to, once again, as being very important for Tobi's plans. Just why is Naruto and Sasuke's encounter so important Tobi?

My guess is that The team will never reach naruto. They will be stop by Sasuke.
Tobi needs Sasuke to reach the same level as Madara did. Remember that Madara reached his Rinnengan powers when he fought the first. Naruto is of the same relation as the First as the First relate to one of the sons of the sixth path. Tobi wants to recreate the battle of the first and second.

My guess is that battle will open some kind of gateway to the powers of the Sage. It will probably open some door or hidden ninjutsu.

Akashin 2012-02-08 02:03


Originally Posted by xKeir (Post 3993501)
Since everyone's using the term Konoha 11 ... i guess Sai doesn't count in yet. But he too got a lil small portion of his own thoughts. I'm not really a fan of Sai .. but can't we make this the Konoha 12 [13 would be including Sasuke] ? I'm jus sayin.

The term refers to them all being from the same graduating class (barring Team Guy) and being the original teams, so no, Sai isn't among them despite being a part of Team Seven.

Anyway, yeah, not a whole lot happened. Naruto trolling Tobi made me chuckle (and was it just me, or did it look like he put on a good ten pounds for a second at the start of the chapter? :eyebrow:), don't really care about the monologues that covered half the chapter... Don't really care about anything that happened this chapter. But the next couple of chapters should be good, assuming Sasuke's actually back to stay now.

Kind of interested in why Tobi places such importance in Sasuke that Naruto is just "a pawn to be used to stimulate Sasuke", though.

octaviahawk 2012-02-08 02:13

The beginning of this chapter was good; Naruto taunts Tobi. Everyone likes taunting Tobi; and plus, Naruto is bad-ass and clownish at the same time. Epic win.

Where I take points off is the Hinata creepy stalker moment. I freakin like Hinata, and yet, after the end of her segment, I was just like...barf. Barf I say!

Did anyone else feel like after the Hinata moment of barf, it was just troll, troll, troll, until WABAM! SASUKE IS HERE AND HE'S COMING TO KILL YOU! I was like...alright, Sasuke is going to whip out some Mangekyo. Troll time is over (hopefully).

even if you're not a Sasuke will be fun to see him knock a few heads together. Please, no more love-no-jutsu; I'm so ready for Sasuke to go on his Uchiha rampage. Is that wrong of me? :P

Slayerx 2012-02-08 03:01

Hinata: "Naruto, even though you completely ignored me after I sacrificed myself just to get a chance to confess my love to you, I love you and our romance is the best thing ever"

Shino: "I didn't receive enough development to say anything interesting"

Ten-ten: "I barely know naruto... So i guess i'll just say something about Gai-sensei and find a way to apply it to naruto."


Originally Posted by Ulquiorra
Hinata is now officially set up as Mrs. Uzumaki. The stalker won. Congrats Sakura. You are off the hook. But as a female in this manga, that means you'll just end up as someone else's woman. As Kishi said through Kurenai's dad, the greatest thing Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Termari, ect, can do is have children for their men.

Since I doubt Kishi will allow Sasuke to die a villain he will probably be redeemed and then Sakura will be matched up with him... *groan* :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by octaviahawk (Post 3993545)
Did anyone else feel like after the Hinata moment of barf, it was just troll, troll, troll, until WABAM! SASUKE IS HERE AND HE'S COMING TO KILL YOU! I was like...alright, Sasuke is going to whip out some Mangekyo. Troll time is over (hopefully).

ya... Things have been going smoothly for the past few chapters but Sasuke's arrival fills me with dread. It just feels like there isn't really much purpose for him to be here... Sasuke's drive for revenge is so damn nonsensical that I couldn't care less about it. I'd prefer to just continue the fight between Naruto and Tobi.

Kishi could be going for the common story convention that demands that the villian must come close to obtaining their goal before they fall... So this fight will end with Naruto's loss, which means the Nine and Eight tails will be captured; He will use them combine them back into one demon. Around this point Naruto will fight Sasuke, finally successfully convert him, and then they'll have to team up to beat Tobi (though mostly Naruto who will somehow use his friendship with the tailed beast as a leverage against Madara's new found power)... Thus reminding all fans why NarutoXSasuke is the only ship that makes sense :eyespin:

Spectacular_Insanity 2012-02-08 03:10

Is it too much to ask for a giant, fifty foot long toothpick to fall from the sky and skewer Sasuke?

Yes, yes it is. >_<

Johnny 2012-02-08 03:12

Was a nice start with the all mighty Tobi in full blown denial, but then it went into cheerleader mode for the rest...

I agree with some that suggest Sasuke will be getting detoured before meeting Naruto. My money is on Kabuto. Then again isn't the Kages vs Madara fight still going on so he might walk in on that. Also I forgot Itachi still floating around as well, but I guess he might save that for some Hallmark moment later on...

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