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Pellissier 2011-08-14 03:57

Hanasaku Iroha - Episode 20 Discussion / Poll
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Peanutbutter 2011-08-14 10:20

Nice end to this arc. Oh, Tohru, why did you have to choose that place to sit? :heh:

Next ep look absolutely delicious. I dun think it's a troll this time, considering the number of episodes we are at now. :)

Midonin 2011-08-14 10:21

HSI 20 - Edible Red Letter Day

So while Minko was right that they couldn't cook the rice in the classroom, Yuki was right in that there was nothing wrong with serving it. Little issues like that happen sometimes, and it looks like it resolved itself peacefully. With some help from Ohana, who wasn't being overly intrusive this time - just drawing on experience from home. She sacrificed her stomach to make sure both sides were okay. A noble cause. Though due to circumstances, Minko's message might not have wholly gotten through. Such is the workings of TV land.

While her screentime was limited, Mizuno looks interesting enough for her own episode. Had the paradigm been reversed and the show was school focused, with Kissuiso as a side story, she very well might have. She's good fodder for the minds of the audience, at least. And she's an artist, so I'm sort of drawn to her already. One could suppose cooking is an art too.

marcosius 2011-08-14 10:23

TT references?

Pocari_Sweat 2011-08-14 10:55

Oh what is this. An actual good episode since the 2nd cour started? :confused: I have feeling this episode was actually written by Okada and the director who did all the "good episodes" because this one was much better quality then what we had for like 6 or so episodes straight. Fail male characters were kept to a minimum - the one I recall is the brief scene with Jiro. There was a resolution to the omlet rice debacle from the previous ep. Ohana was back to her bullheaded self and was key in Minko and her class resolving the issue. Got a nice scene with Tooru for Tooru lovers. Also got to see a nicer sweet side to Minko which was sweet. And best of all:

True Tears references. I lol'd hard. They weren't even subtle about it. Last Tears? TT school uniforms? Put a massive smile on my face. Oh there was an Angel Beats reference too with the brief concert scene.

The answer to Yuina's rheteorical question: Feels like I'm watching a Teen Drama - Yes you are (this episode at least). But a good teen drama episode.

Too bad this episode won't keep up though. I'm not getting up false hopes anymore, since this series has shown to have some major consistency problems. Just going to be enjoy the episodes as they come for this anime now if it ends up being good.

This episode is probably worth a 9/10 from me, but I'm going to bump it up to 10/10 purely because of the True Tears references. Too funny to ignore.

In regards to the PV for the next ep:

Spoiler for PV spoiler:

Kanon 2011-08-14 11:05

Nakochi to the rescue! She solved the problem without even being aware there was one lol. Credit should go to Yuina and Ohana for coming up with the right techniques too. I quite like that the issue was resolved so naturally and peacefully.

I enjoyed learning a bit more about Minko. She can be very cute when she wants to. A shame her message didn't successfully get across to Tohru. I can't really blame him for that, everyone had gotten the same message so there was no reason for him to think his plate was special.

Probably just my yuri googles, but I sensed some strong yuri vibes between Nako and Mizuno. A shame we probably won't see Mizuno again.

Next week, the rebirth of "Die"! This should be interesting (if they keep the Takako x Enishi to a minimum, that is).

Fnights 2011-08-14 11:31

4 episodes left and the plot is back to mainstream route after these "fillers", i see the start of the drama triangle Minchi-Ohana-Tooru + Ko later.
I predict that okami-san will die soon and the Ohana mother will take over the inn. :D

hanashi 2011-08-14 11:32


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 3728132)
Probably just my yuri googles, but I sensed some strong yuri vibes between Nako and Mizuno. A shame we probably won't see Mizuno again.

lol, my goggles are usually yaoi-tinted and I picked this one up. :heh: It was pretty cute, but I think you're right and we won't see her again. Sadface! :(

I liked this episode! I kind of figured that the next one would have something to do with Enishi since Okami's lines about children finding their own way seemed like she was tacitly granting him permission (*Cough* And hoping that Satsuki would come back). Please, PLEASE tell me we'll get more Satsuki.

Sol Falling 2011-08-14 11:36

Shy girl x Shy girl yuri. Seems obvious, but I dunno if I've ever seen it before. Indeed, too bad Mizuno is probably just a one-off character.

Hell, her name is Mizuno. And we all know Nako == water. lol, whatever. Just leave me to my delusions.

ookamigirl 2011-08-14 12:01

Another nice episode. Ohana vs Minchi chopping exercise ^^
Today's topic was Omelette rice. I just don't get why they always put ketchup on it.
Preparations for the cultural festival were interesting. Watching them cook make me wanna cook too (^-^)
Ohana eating omelette rice -> "I'll do my best" with tears in eyes was so LOL (she got stuffed)
Princess Cafe open for business! ^^ Girls sure did a good job.

Ghostfriendly 2011-08-14 12:10

Aww, Nakochi and Mizuno find love, I'm so happy for them...even if just as friends, they are very cute together.

Nice to see that Minchi's stubborness stemed from perfectionism rather than wanting to impress Tohru with more extravagant dishes. Next ep looks interesting, hopefully we'll finish Minchi and Enishi's character arcs off, and spent a good 4-5 eps getting Ohana together with Ko (She definately hasn't got rid of him, based on the op and the dream, so resolution there is in order)

Haak 2011-08-14 12:15

So I'm guessing a cook wrote most of this story? In all honesty most of the episode bored the hell out of me. It only really got good in the last quater.

Also, I totally saw that True Tears poster. Triple-R will be having a fit.

MeoTwister5 2011-08-14 12:22

A great episode to cap off a less than stellar run for the last month or so, or maybe last two months. At the least I'm glad that the story will now go back to where I wanted it to be as the series reaches it's final few episodes. Les-Yay goggles ON!

(And I can start blogging the series again!)

revive4563 2011-08-14 12:24

Another great Minko episode!:)
When I noticed I was smiling for Minko's love, I realized I really love Minko like her young father. :D

And after all, Nako is a character of yuri category. (btw Mizuno reminds me of Nagato)

Triple_R 2011-08-14 12:25

My reaction to this episode:

And yes, "Last Tears" played a role in that reaction. ;)

One thing I can honestly say about Hanasaku Iroha: It has cemented itself as one of my most memorable anime watches of all-time. The main reason being that roughly one out of ever five episodes knocks it completely out of the ballpark, and this episode is one such episode.

The execution in this episode was simply sparklingly superb.

It was better than I had hoped for.

The resolution to Minko's conflict with her classmates was so sublimely subtle, and beautifully demonstrated how to overcome seemingly intractable conflicts when neither side is willing to formally apologize.

Nako, Ohana, and Yuina all teamed up with such grace and style to overcome the issues faced by Minko and her class.

The shonen heroine Ohana is learning.

She's learning how sheer brute force and determination will only get you so far in certain circumstances, and she's putting what she's learned into practice.

While I had originally hoped for an Ohana tells off Minko confrontation which would lead to Minko backing down on Omelette Ricegate, this resolution was much more creative and superior to that, beyond what I could have even hoped for a week ago. I liked how it also helped to flesh out just why Minko loves cooking so much, and also why making substandard Omelette Rice would be so unacceptable to Minko.

Everything was handled so endearingly in this episode, and the plot all came together in a way that I simply loved.

Watching Tohru order omelette rice, and watching how Minko handled that, truly left me laughing out loud, and has left a smile on my face since.

I can honestly say that this is my favorite TV anime episode of the past month or two, if not longer.

When Hanasaku Iroha is good, it is incredibly good.

A well-deserved 10/10 for a really great episode.

My eyes are crying True Tears... True Tears of joy. :p

Mina-Sweet 2011-08-14 12:50

Very good episode !
Ohana was really funny when she sacrified herself !
I loved the omelette rice resolution and Minko was really cute when she was younger !
The final was the best: Yuina watching Mizuno's drawing " Friend " and simultaneously watching Ohana, Nako and Minko.

I really can't wait for the next episode !
Spoiler for Preview Next Episode:

deadite 2011-08-14 12:50

I bet the preview is a troll and it's not Enishi and Takako getting married. On another note, It seems like if Nako ever gets pregnant in highschool, it won't change her lifestyle in the slightest.

Bullet2k4 2011-08-14 13:05

i cant believe they referenced true tears.i really went "oh come on...." when i saw that last tears ad.

Blaat 2011-08-14 13:09

The best part of the episode was the preview, I'm really looking forward to next week's episode.

Shiroth 2011-08-14 13:54


Originally Posted by Blaat (Post 3728250)
The best part of the episode was the preview, I'm really looking forward to next week's episode.

Love saves the world!


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 3728132)
Probably just my yuri googles, but I sensed some strong yuri vibes between Nako and Mizuno. A shame we probably won't see Mizuno again.

Yuri goggles or not, they both obviously had some hidden chemistry. Shame it'll never be explored.

This is why we have fan fiction. :D

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