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AnymX 2009-06-27 05:57

Fairy Tail Anime Episode Discussion Thread [Episode 165 and Onward]
It seems no one wants too make a thread for this awesome Anime. Well in that case I will do it instead. :D

Genre: Shounen, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Animation Production: A-1 Pictures and Satelight
Expected Release Date: October 12
Website: TV Tokyo
  • Natsu: Tetsuya Kakihara (Gurren Lagann - Simon)
  • Lucy: Aya Hirano (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Haruhi Suzumiya)
  • Happy: Rie Kugimiya (Fullmetal Alchemist - Alphonse Elric, Saki - Yūki Kataoka)
  • Gray: Yuuichi Nakamura (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - Graham Aker, Macross Frontier - Alto Saotome)
  • Erza: Sayaka Ohara (Aria - Alicia Florence, Valkyria Chronicles - Selvaria Bles)
Synopsis for the manga: A young sorceress, Lucy Heartfilia, travels to the land of Fiore to join the magical Fairy Tail Guild. Along the way, she meets Natsu Dragneel, a teenage boy looking for a dragon named Igneel. Shortly after their meeting, Lucy is abducted by Bora of Prominence, who was posing as Salamander of Fairy Tail, to be sold as a slave. Natsu rescues her and reveals that he is the real Salamander and has the skills of a Dragon Slayer. He offers her membership into the guild, which she accepts, and they become a team performing various missions for the Fairy Tail guild.

Really excited about this and to boosts things up it's done by A-1 Pictures and Satelight. Which came like a surprise. I never expected them to do this kind of adaptation.

Will edit the post when better scan or new information appears.

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ZODDGUTS 2009-06-27 06:15

Question is will this turn out to be either a 51 ep series or a long running series like Naruto/Bleach/One Piece. As of right now there are 15 volume of manga material to use and when the first ep of anime airs this Fall another volume would have come out, they have more then enough manga material for them to make a 51 ep series without any filler and by the time it reaches ep 51 after a year they would have another 5 to 6 volumes for another 26 episodes and that's without doing any filler for the first 51 episodes. But I do think they'll be a few filler episodes here and their, stretching battles a bit longer then the manga early on, though that's assuming this is going to be a long running series.

Which would be a first for A-1 Pictures if it's a long running series. Satellite has been doing Shugo Chara for awhile now being close to 100 episodes.

Frailty 2009-06-27 06:41

ow f?ck!
is this true?!

christinemarie 2009-06-27 08:14

It's confirmed Fairy Tail in Fall 2009. Base from the manga readers it would be great if this turned into an anime.

Kafriel 2009-06-27 08:38

Yeah it would, even fillers are welcome since it's pretty fast-paced. Shares some similarities with One Piece art-wise but has its own unique touch to it as well, I still think there's not enough material for a continuously running series but I guess we'll wait and see^^

reverse 2009-06-27 08:39

count me in

A-1 Pictures + Satelight
I heard that Mashima Hiro chose the studio himself ( I'm not really sure though )
but that pretty awesome choice

Westlo 2009-06-27 09:31

I've been waiting for a Fairy Tail anime for a long time and to see that two of my favorite animation studios in A-1 Pictures (Kannagi, Birdy Decode) and Satelight (Macross Frontier, Noein) is much better than I could've hoped for. Personally I'm hoping for an approach like Major, air for two cours (26 eps) and take a break for two and than come back on. Hmm the end of that arc in the mid sixties would be a good stopping point for season 1 if they took that approach. If they do this like Pierrot are doing Bleach/Naruto than I must say this is a bit more filler friendly in how it works, at least upto the point I've read.

But still I'm hoping for the Major approach since that means the animation should be top notch for most of it, I'm hoping that Ryo Timo is animating fight scenes in this and since he's worked with A-1 and Satelight a lot I think that's a good chance of happening. The dock battle in Noein is one of my fav action scenes in an anime. Here's a clip with some of his work.

Also Erza is completely awesome, wonder who will voice her... someone like Nabatame Hitomi, Minagawa Junko or Romi Paku would be great for her.

reverse 2009-06-27 10:21

As far as I like Ryo Timo, I also like Norio Matsumoto and Shingo Yamashita. both in birdy decode and Noein

sapphire-pyro 2009-06-27 11:00

I look forward to the anime! (though I doubt I could follow it. it's hard for me to follow LOOOOOOOOONG shounen series -_-) I love Fairy Tail and very curious what Gray and Erza will be like *_*

Westlo 2009-06-27 11:15


Originally Posted by reverse (Post 2475610)
As far as I like Ryo Timo, I also like Norio Matsumoto and Shingo Yamashita. both in birdy decode and Noein

Yeah Norio Matsumoto is awesome, hope he and other great animators are onboard for Fairy Tail. Still get a chuckle out of how people thought his Naruto Vs Sasuke fight had bad animation when it came out. Still see some people think that.. lol.

Bonta Kun 2009-06-27 13:26

about time!

now I get to see my Erza and Mira-chan in their awesome animated forms!!!:love:

I soooooooooo can't wait for this!:hyper-^v^:

Haohmaru 2009-06-27 13:27


Originally Posted by Westlo (Post 2475693)
Yeah Norio Matsumoto is awesome, hope he and other great animators are onboard for Fairy Tail. Still get a chuckle out of how people thought his Naruto Vs Sasuke fight had bad animation when it came out. Still see some people think that.. lol.

^I don't think I've read that before. People usually say the art sucked, which was true in a lot of the scenes. I really like Matsumoto's work. He's definitely ace with fighting scenes.

Westlo 2009-06-27 13:30

A lot of people said it back when the episode aired, even now people still have a hard time telling the difference between art and actual animation. I've even seen comments still talking about that Naruto Vs Sasuke fight while discussing Birdy Decode 2's infamous "quality" scene.

ZODDGUTS 2009-06-27 13:49

Fun fact they'll have more manga material to use then One Piece, Naruto and Bleach anime did.

One Piece Manga started in: 1997-12-24 (Japanese Vol 1)
One Piece Anime started in: 1999-10-20
Latest One Piece Manga Vol: 1999-10-04 (Japanese Vol 10)

Bleach Manga started in: 2002-01-05 (Japanese Vol 1)
Bleach Anime Started in : 2004-10-05
Latest Bleach Manga Vol: 2004-09-03 (Japanese Vol 14)

Naruto Manga started in: 2000-03 (Japanese Vol 1)
Naruto Anime Started in: 2002-10-03
Latest Naruto Manga Vol: 2002-11 (Japanese Vol 14)

Now lets look at Fairy Tail...

Fairy Manga Started in 2006-12-15:
Fairty Tail Anime Start in: Fall September? 09
Latest Fairy Tail Manga Vol: Vol 16 will be release sometime in August before the anime starts.

So that's two whole volumes more than Naruto and Bleach had and 6 volumes more than One Piece had.

Shiroth 2009-06-27 14:43

I'm also wondering how many episodes this plans to be. There's no way they can tell the 15/16 volumes of material that there is in 26 episodes. So i'm hoping for what people have been mentioning, 50+. They can even do it in two seasons.

Can't wait to find out who will voice who. I already have some great choices in mine.

Darklord_bg 2009-06-27 14:55

Since it's shounen, it will definitely be longer than 26 episodes.

They can probably stop it after the Tower of Paradise arc, which will probably be after 50 episodes, and that will be as good a place as any, with only one problem - Natsu's past will never be revealed. I don't like it when they introduce a story point and never address it, especially a major one like that, so I would prefer the show to be continuous. We don't know how long the manga will be, but if it doesn't go above 300 chapters, it can probably be finished in one 150-episode anime without many fillers.

As for VA, I already made some suggestions in the manga thread. Here they are:

Natsu: Mayumi Tanaka - can't imagine anyone else

Lucy: Fumiko Orikasa - cute and sometimes bossy, just like Lucy

Gray: Tomokazu Seki - youthful and manly at the same time

Erza: Marina Inoue - strong and kind at the same time

Gazille: Kazuya Nakai - pretty badass and manly

Loki: Hiroaki Hirata - very smooth voice for a player

Happy: Ikue Ohtani - cute and funny

Gerard: Miyano Mamoru - fit for an evil genius

Can't think of anyone else at this point...

Haohmaru 2009-06-27 14:56


Originally Posted by Westlo (Post 2475905)
A lot of people said it back when the episode aired, even now people still have a hard time telling the difference between art and actual animation. I've even seen comments still talking about that Naruto Vs Sasuke fight while discussing Birdy Decode 2's infamous "quality" scene.

Yeah, but that BtMD2 episode was horrible. For a moment I thought I was watching Shin-chan or something. The animation however was still good. Also, why would you even bother discussing with people that can't even tell the difference in art and animation?
Also people looking at stills and saying the art sucks are stupid. It isn't supposed to be really great detailed art. The character is supposed to be in fast movement and the art and animation tries to show that on screen.

@Darklord_bg, oh hell no. As if the constent comparison between OP and FT isn't bad enough, you want Luffy's VA for Natsu.. Even though Tanaka is GREAT, I really don't want to see it happen.

Wargumm1i 2009-06-27 14:58

I mean who didint see this coming lol, its was pretty obvious that Fairy tail would be turned into an anime, just hope they stay true to the manga and not mess things up like 50% of most manga adapted animes.

Haohmaru 2009-06-27 15:01

^Does it really matter though? Making fillers for FT should be a piece of cake. Just send them on random bounty hunts.

Darklord_bg 2009-06-27 15:05


Originally Posted by Haohmaru (Post 2476036)
@Darklord_bg, oh hell no. As if the constent comparison between OP and FT isn't bad enough, you want Luffy's VA for Natsu.. Even though Tanaka is GREAT, I really don't want to see it happen.

The comparisons will be there even if they choose a different VA, so why not choose the right person for the job and just go with it. Can you think of someone better for the job?

Besides, being similar to One Piece is a good thing for me - as long as it's not a blatant ripoff, which it isn't.

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