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Kairin 2013-04-06 12:03

Little Busters - Episode 26 Discussion / Poll (TV END)
Welcome to the discussion thread for Little Busters, Episode 26.

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Haiprbim 2013-04-06 12:11

So, the last episode is incoming with full speed!

As I haven't found any good-quality looking video previews, here is the text:

Spoiler for Episode 26 Preview:

Zankoku12 2013-04-06 12:22

Maybe it's just me but the art quality look alot better in this ep.

Haiprbim 2013-04-06 12:22


Originally Posted by Zankoku12 (Post 4623417)
Maybe it's just me but the art quality look alot better in this ep.

"Save the best for last" comes in action. :cool:

Yye1 2013-04-06 15:14

It was a very good episode and sets up for the Refrain portion of the story very nicely

Snuffle 2013-04-06 20:12

Great episode, a very nice enhancement to the original story. :) I really liked how all the girls talked to Riki as he was questioning himself whether he should become or is capable of being the leader. I bet the teaser for Refrain at the end was a big "wtf is happening" to the anime only viewers. :heh: Too bad there is no date set for Refrain, I hope the wait is not too long. ;)

Team Rocket Elite 2013-04-06 20:59

Good end to the series. It'll be interesting to see how Little Busters Refrain is handled.

Yye1 2013-04-06 21:25

From the looks of the PV, it seems
Spoiler for Refrain PV spoiler:

trinitem 2013-04-06 22:02

How long was Saigusa hiding in that locker? Seems like Riki was contemplating the team strategy for quite a decent while.

thundrakkon 2013-04-06 22:44

Umm... so the secret to the world is... umm... Little Busters Refrain?!?! Wtf?!?! Talking about trolling the viewers. It's like Da Capo 3 all over again. We've just watched half a year's worth of shows in order to advertise the next product. Btw, here we are at the end of the series, I'm still wondering what the heck the show is about. At best, it might be about friendship. On the other hand, it is more Rikki helping people during random events. There really was no cohesion besides random stories about certain characters.

To say the least, this series has been a disappointment. I'm not sure if it was because the source material was not as good as other Key products or because the studio adapting this story was not up to par.

Masquerading Lunatic 2013-04-06 23:58


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 4624184)
To say the least, this series has been a disappointment. I'm not sure if it was because the source material was not as good as other Key products or because the studio adapting this story was not up to par.

Refrain is to Little Busters like After Story is to Clannad, and since you seem to prefer other Key works (from what I can tell, at least!), that sort of comment is a little strange to make. In any case, I think the source material is about as good as most of the other Key works. Little Busters is just a little harder to adapt than something like Kanon. And as far as source material goes, I definitely think it's better than Kanon, but it's my least favorite of Key's works, so just a bit of a bias there...~

In any case, that was a fun last episode for S1. It was just about what I expected, and I really enjoyed seeing Koshiki, Kanata, and A-chan at the baseball match. They looked really into it! The photo was great as expected, too.

Hollownerox 2013-04-07 00:03


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 4624184)
Umm... so the secret to the world is... umm... Little Busters Refrain?!?! Wtf?!?! Talking about trolling the viewers. It's like Da Capo 3 all over again. We've just watched half a year's worth of shows in order to advertise the next product. Btw, here we are at the end of the series, I'm still wondering what the heck the show is about. At best, it might be about friendship. On the other hand, it is more Rikki helping people during random events. There really was no cohesion besides random stories about certain characters.

To say the least, this series has been a disappointment. I'm not sure if it was because the source material was not as good as other Key products or because the studio adapting this story was not up to par.

It isn't that the original work was subpar, nor that the studio has animated it poorly, its because the story is simply extremely complicated to compress into an adaptation. To explain it without spoiling the story is hard but I'll try.

You see Clannad and other key works were easier to animate because they only had to focus on the main heroines route, while they included bits and pieces of the other heroines there was no need to focus on them much. Little Busters is different. For Little Busters story to be coherent all the heroines stories must be told, it is literally an impossibility to tell the story without doing so, since they are all vital to the main point. Because of the amount of material it is difficult to adapt.

But if that explanation really didn't do it, just think of it this way. The show is a lot like Clannad, the first season is a build up to the second; Refrain is Little Busters equivalent of After-story.

matrixhazard 2013-04-07 01:25

It's been a long time that I have posted here :)

After watching it. J.C. meets my expectation what I want to see how the 1st SS will end. This episode may look a bit rushing but I love the idea how to put baseball match at the end of this episode. The scene that every member in Little Busters takes a photo put a nice ending and intermission to the next season. :)

Anyway, I'm satisfied what J.C. has done so far to this anime. I'm looking forward to the Refrain how they can adapt it and reveal the secret of the world to audience. :)

Marcus H. 2013-04-07 01:48

A very satisfying end to the series, especially since most of the stuff from the start of the series was given closure, especially the part where Kyousuke would have to leave the Little Busters because of graduation and forming the Little Busters itself. However, the Secret of the World remains elusive, and amidst the joy in their hearts, especially Riki's, is the worry that those happy days are numbered.

Kyousuke did say that "good things will come to an end eventually".

bhl88 2013-04-07 02:27

The problem is that hint....

Riki told Komari not to run and accept it... But if Riki runs from the ending...

I'm surprised Nishizono wasn't in fujoshi mode during Riki's slide....

MCAL 2013-04-07 02:41

Damn! I couldn't have asked for a better sendoff of Little Busters. What an absolutely incredible ending. I'm not ashamed to admit the ending made me tear up a little. And the trailer for Refrain... I'm definitely starting to see why Little Busters could be so great. That trailer definitely suggest some sh*t hitting the fans soon. That it will focus on my favorite heroine and the routes Jun Maeda wrote is just icing on the LB cake.

Little Busters was a flawed anime and it was an equally flawed VN (Of what I played of course). The fact that JC Staff was animating it instead of Kyo-Ani doubtlessly made people hate it no matter what, but all around the adaption did some things better and some things worse where I end up thinking this was a very good and fairly equal adaption of source material. In fact, I think JC Staff was the perfect fit for LB. The studio gets friendship as a majority of their works involve friendship and LB is definitely a show about friendship. And now that it is over, I think I can say something I didn't realize this untill this episode ended... I love Little Busters. While I rank it below most Key Works (Including Rewrite which was fantastic by the way), that doesn't change how I enjoyed this show. I give LB a very high 7/10.

Can't wait untill Refrain. Little Busters Saikou!

MCAL 2013-04-07 02:42

PS: Kurugaya is hot!

Haiprbim 2013-04-07 03:16

Amazing 26th episode and I cannot wait for the ~Refrain~!
10/10, no doubt.

thundrakkon 2013-04-07 04:02


Originally Posted by Masquerading Lunatic (Post 4624265)
Refrain is to Little Busters like After Story is to Clannad, and since you seem to prefer other Key works (from what I can tell, at least!), that sort of comment is a little strange to make. In any case, I think the source material is about as good as most of the other Key works. Little Busters is just a little harder to adapt than something like Kanon. And as far as source material goes, I definitely think it's better than Kanon, but it's my least favorite of Key's works, so just a bit of a bias there...~


Originally Posted by Hollownerox (Post 4624269)
It isn't that the original work was subpar, nor that the studio has animated it poorly, its because the story is simply extremely complicated to compress into an adaptation. To explain it without spoiling the story is hard but I'll try.

You see Clannad and other key works were easier to animate because they only had to focus on the main heroines route, while they included bits and pieces of the other heroines there was no need to focus on them much. Little Busters is different. For Little Busters story to be coherent all the heroines stories must be told, it is literally an impossibility to tell the story without doing so, since they are all vital to the main point. Because of the amount of material it is difficult to adapt.

But if that explanation really didn't do it, just think of it this way. The show is a lot like Clannad, the first season is a build up to the second; Refrain is Little Busters equivalent of After-story.

Thank you both for your explanations. I still feel that the ending of this series is not really conclusion. The example you used in Clannad, I felt that for Clannad, the first series ended conclusively. Even if they never made After Story, I would have been satisfied with the first series and not realized that I missed anything.

I understand from your explanations that this was complex and hard to adapt. However, the end product and results are still things that matter. From my opinion, as a stand alone, I felt the series was very lacking in many regards. There was just too many things in the series that I felt was lacking. The animation, the music, the weird game-like structure of flags, fights, and missions, and the execution all felt lacking.

I've watched it all the way through to the end, so I can't say that it was awful, although there were months I did not watch it, resulting in having to marathon through. I've enjoyed all the previous Key adaptations, in which I like them all the same (although Clannad After Story was very depressing almost all the way through). I do hope that Refrain, if it ever gets animated, will be better.

garbage 2013-04-07 06:57

enjoyable last episode still a lot of unanswered questions but it's ok aas it seems the story is continuing in that refrain thing/season.

the only thing is when the score was shown earlier All Stars Team was Batting on the top of the inning (they were the first team shown on the score board) with them leading 10-6 , yet at the end Little Busters was Batting on Top with them winning 18-10 (little busters is now the team shown on the top row). WHUT??? I guess that's just some animation errors...

edit : nah it was just translation errors of the first one I watched >.<

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