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Kairin 2009-12-04 03:49

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - Episode 10 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Episode 10.

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MeisterBabylon 2009-12-04 05:31

A thousand voices cried out "SATEN NO!" and were quickly silenced...

At elast that's what I'm feeling right now.
Spoiler for danger:

Estaron 2009-12-04 13:08

Not too much action in this episode.
I would have wanted some more comedy too.
But this episode makes it two out of the game now...

serenade_beta 2009-12-04 16:40

CANAAN: Hmm? Do I get an appearance with this topic?
NEEDLESS: You know, the same thing happened to me the other day...

Saten-saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! :T_T:
Well, I knew it was coming though... Kind of predictable for non-manga readers too, I believe. Though the manga didn't really show her power, did it? Though I kind of wish the script didn't make all of her friends seemingly having the exact same power. :heh:

It wasn't a bad episode and finished up Ruiko's business and introduces the obvious last boss of the arc, but to be honest, the parts that didn't involve the very obvious last boss of the arc and Ruiko dragged a bit too much. Too much talking, too much explanation lines. Almost reminds me of Toaru Majutsu no... In... In... Installation(?)

Anyways, farewell to the cutest character in the series. (-人-)Namu...

PS: Finally someone in the anime points out those flowers on Uiharu's head. :heh: We all want to know what that is for...

Miraluka 2009-12-04 18:12

If they have a mouth use it to talk, if not, don't waste ink, colors .... and seiyuus :rolleyes:.
Spoiler for or you can..:

Entertaining episode, again the studio added some things, but I don't care.

BlueDo 2009-12-04 19:33

So we finally get a glimpse of Saten's power

She must using the heat ability to create current, thus creating wind to blow the leaves.

Keroko 2009-12-04 19:47


Originally Posted by MeisterBabylon (Post 2800693)
A thousand voices cried out "SATEN NO!" and were quickly silenced...

At elast that's what I'm feeling right now.
Spoiler for danger:

See? I do know what I'm talking about sometimes. :3


Originally Posted by BlueDo (Post 2801837)
So we finally get a glimpse of Saten's power

She must using the heat ability to create current, thus creating wind to blow the leaves.

Or it's a more simple 'control air' ability. :heh:

Marcus H. 2009-12-04 19:59

So her ability is similar to
Spoiler for non-anime info:

Shinji103 2009-12-04 20:34

Not, like, a super magnificient episode, but it wasn't bad either, of course. One of those episodes you enjoy but can easily admit wasn't mind-blowing. :heh: Not really a whole ton to point out here though. (seriously, who wasn't expecting Kiyama to be at least connected to all this :heh:) I still can't and don't feel sorry for Saten though.

In short, it's not something I got overly excited for, but nothing that made me go "meh, I can wait a while to bother with this episode," so about 7/10.

-Sho- 2009-12-04 20:59

Poor Saten-san .
Kiyama "I've been wondering for a wheel , but what's with those flowers on your head"
Yeah me too , excluding a decorating ... her power ?

FlareKnight 2009-12-04 22:11


Originally Posted by BlueDo (Post 2801837)
So we finally get a glimpse of Saten's power

She must using the heat ability to create current, thus creating wind to blow the leaves.

Well yeah I was going with something simple like wind control. Be cool if she was able to develop it. "Go forth Tornado hand!"

But yeah even though you saw it coming pretty sad to see how it turned out :upset:. Bad enough to know you helped pass something that got your friends into trouble. But also knowing you were bound to collapse sooner or later and might never wake up again. Though for a moment she did get to touch her dream and if they can resolve this she'll have had that.

Of course no shock the creepy scientist was behind this :heh:. Poor Uiharu. No one has faith she can handle this situation....I mean she's got the flowers on her head so how can she be stopped?

Patriot's Blade 2009-12-04 22:40

NOOOO!! Saten!! why people who were named SATEN had such an unfortunate fate right now!?
including the one from the NEEDLESS series

& it proves that Saten is
a distant relative of the other Saten or even her cousin?

the same doctor who fixed Touma so many times except his brain is back!!
yes, Touma is his regular client

& Uiharu is going to risk her own life for her friends? we support your action Uiharu!

spawnofthejudge 2009-12-04 22:42

A CMOH! Oh how I love those.

Very interesting episode. Great reference to the flowers on Uiharu's head in a situation where she wouldn't tell; just short of brilliant, that. I do wish not all of Saten's friends had the same power... though maybe that's the power the Level Upper can give to those who are Zeros due to no power? Hmm. At least, I think Saten's friends in this case were all no-power Zeros.

Gooooooooo, Uiharu!!

I knew scientist woman was evil! (Opening Credits, natch)

Ansalem 2009-12-04 23:42

A nice plot oriented episode, even if it was lacking in action. I'm sure there will be plenty next week though.

Like everyone else, I loved the flower comment from the doctor.

Unlike everyone else, I did not expected the doctor to be involved in the Level Upper scheme, much less the culprit. Perhaps I was too distracting by the removal of clothes. Or maybe I should pay more attention. This always happens in murder mysteries. When I concentrate, especially from a meta-thinking standpoint, it's pretty easy to figure out who the evil-doer is. Why would the character do x if it weren't important to the plot, or why is x character here if they aren't important. Usually I just go through without thinking that hard about it, since it's more fun to be surprised. :cool:

KholdStare 2009-12-04 23:58

This is an excellent episode, even if it's not in the direction I wanted Railgun to go. 10/10

Darknemo2000 2009-12-05 00:37

Average episode, nothing great but nothing very bad either - 6/10

melange 2009-12-05 01:36


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 2802071)
Well yeah I was going with something simple like wind control. Be cool if she was able to develop it. "Go forth Tornado hand!"

Wind control?? It'll be perfect for FLIPPING SKIRTS!! :D

velvet nightmare 2009-12-05 02:06

the computer lists her as someone with telepathy but at the same time her ability level is: ordinary researcher? wtf?

HandofFate 2009-12-05 02:24

so Shirai binds her breast? that's new..I'm pretty big on bound breast look, so I'm happy...

Xacual 2009-12-05 02:27

Pretty sure that's just from injuries from arresting the level upper users.

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