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felix 2016-04-12 02:27

[iOS/Android] Granblue Fantasy (Mobage RPG)
If anyone is interested in checking the game in the meantime, this is probably the best time to do so, since it's gotten an official english patch. Well, you'll still have to go though some japanese screens to actually signup, since the patch is only ingame :heh: (chrome version of the game).

AnimeFangirl 2016-04-12 19:37

How good is the translation? Google Translate or actually passable?

Duo Maxwell 2016-04-12 21:13

Good translation if you haven't played the JP version. I'm not a fan of some decisions (characters and bosses' name got changed), but it's good for people who want to play in English.

Kuroageha 2016-04-12 22:49

Is there a website that has info about the characters? So far the wiki is there just in name.

BassGSnewtype 2016-04-12 23:09

This one is in english and has a fair bit of info

shmaster 2016-04-13 00:39

This is the Japanese one that has much more info.

shmaster 2016-04-13 00:53

Granblue Fantasy
So, the game is now in English just recently. Anyone has started on it?
Here is the download page if you have not.

For those who already started, let us enjoy talking about Cygame's stupidity and bad business decisions.

Duo Maxwell 2016-04-13 02:32

Beginner guide and SSR characters guide.

Klashikari 2016-04-13 04:31


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 5827467)
So, the game is now in English just recently. Anyone has started on it?
Here is the download page if you have not.

For those who already started, let us enjoy talking about Cygame's stupidity and bad business decisions.

I've been playing the game for more than a year. Currently done with Fire and nearly done with light and wind.

If I had to complain about the game as it is right now, it would be the lack of real balance. I think the worst decisions as of late were definitely Tiamat Bolt Magna, Chevalier Sword Magna and Fire being left to rot.

Business decisions wise, the whole anchira fiasco was rather some users being totally stupid, but OTOH, the 300 gacha tokens feature is dubious at best.

Regarding the translation... let's say it is obvious the localization team has several translators and while one of them is good, the rest isn't that so. What's actually worse is the editing and QC sections that are nothing close to acceptable if they are pro. I just can't help but laugh at the name changes, particularly the 10 celestials (and those are called Eternals? really?) and Chevalier (Luminiera? ok.jpg). It is a tad worse when they can't make up their mind.

Duo Maxwell 2016-04-13 07:15

In a sense I actually appreciate the 300 gacha token, since I know I can just save up and get the one I want even if they are limited. Also I feel like that decision was to fight against the whale that roll way too much and still can't get the one they want.

Regarding balancing, didn't they just try to hire the balancing team recently? I guess it will take a long time until the game could feel "balanced". And I hope they speed up the rate of 5* for characters, if they really intend to give everyone 5*. With the current rate it will take years before we even finish with the old characters.

Klashikari 2016-04-13 08:37

The 300 rolls feature is a half baked measure to avoid receiving yet another flak. The government pay heed to the recent backlash (even though half of it was unreasonable) and imposed more measures.

I'd rather say that they are not "fighting" the powercreep though paying, they are actually encouraging it: I mean, if you really one that one character/weapon/summon, you theorically have to fork up to 90k yens, which is arguably not reasonable by any stretch, although I concur most companies would just leave their gacha system like that so it "looks" like a lesser evil, but not quite.
But aside of that amount, it is mainly another safety measure to make more limited characters aside of the 12 heavenly generals (we got Harezena, Dark Jeanne d'Arc, and probably Zoe after the visa campaign), so the whole "300 rolls" feature is actually a much worse roll frenzy environment than before.

If they reduced the condition to 100-200 rolls, it would have been less insane (or just make the seals not expiring). but as far as it goes right now, that features give more reasons for people to roll like crazy as there is a ending point of it, albeit extremely expensive if they are unlucky.

As for balance, I don't believe they know jackshit about game balance whatsoever. Again, Tiamat Bolt Magna, Chevalier Sword Magna are just the tip of the iceberg, while you have encounters being absurdely easy (Nataku HL, Apollo HL) or really stupidly annoying (Flam Glass HL, Medusa HL).
At least, they did a better job for Order Grande and Proto Bahamut HL, but I'm not exactly impressed by their amateurism (an interview with one of the producer revealed that they couldn't defeat Nataku HL with their test teams and just released him as he was... so heh).

Duo Maxwell 2016-04-13 10:33


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5827712)
But aside of that amount, it is mainly another safety measure to make more limited characters aside of the 12 heavenly generals (we got Harezena, Dark Jeanne d'Arc, and probably Zoe after the visa campaign), so the whole "300 rolls" feature is actually a much worse roll frenzy environment than before.

We don't know if the whole limited characters are the result of that 300 rolls feature or not, since I've been coming from a bunch of mobage and I actually surprised that GBF has that little limited characters. Let's not talk about the stupid shit that is F/GO, and focus on the old one like Puzzle and Dragons, their limited characters could fill up the whole gacha of their own, and every godfest they have to rotate the limited characters, to the point that I had to wait 2 months until it rotates to the one I want again. Also, you either roll 300 rolls to get that one character, or you roll 2000 rolls and still don't get what you want. In a sense I would prefer the former, which is why I'm saving gem until I can get Anchira.

I just suspect all the new SSR will be limited until they can gather them all into one pool to rotate with the current pool.

About the whole balancing, I believe they started hiring after the Chev sword IIRC.

shmaster 2016-04-13 11:27

Anchira incident is entirely Cygame's own stupidity backfiring at them.
Their lack of transparency gets find out, and it is enough to file a case of false advertisement against them.
Really, I don't mind grey marketing strategy in Mobage, but at least do it smart. No one but to blame but yourself if getting find out.
Be damned if it is reasonable or not.

What I don't like is the gold moon.
That really opens up the P2W in GBF, as if they made this system entirely to please the whalers.
All the SSR weapons and LB items are so easy to get... as long as you whale enough. And since the moons come out on the repeats, it is truly none stoppable for the whalers who already whaled everything out once.

300 roll really is nothing compare to this.

Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5827577)
I've been playing the game for more than a year. Currently done with Fire and nearly done with light and wind.

You are almost done with light!?
How many hours did you spend a day to get that many Chevalier Sword....?

Kirayuki 2016-04-13 11:38


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 5827819)
Anchira incident is entirely Cygame's own stupidity backfiring at them.
Their lack of transparency gets find out, and it is enough to file a case of false advertisement against them.

There was no false advertising at all from Anchira's tho, that's just how RNG works.
People making a ruckus on Anchira's being lower than the other new chars at the time was pretty much people who don't know how digital Gacha works

shmaster 2016-04-13 12:12


Originally Posted by Kirayuki (Post 5827827)
There was no false advertising at all from Anchira's tho, that's just how RNG works.
People making a ruckus on Anchira's being lower than the other new chars at the time was pretty much people who don't know how digital Gacha works

There were goevrnment intervention though, and it was deemed grey.
And the Cygame either has to take correction measure or face consequences. (And this is not the first time Cygame got warnings from the government either).

So no, Cygame cross over the line enough to let the government lay their fingers on them.

Fine, you can argue that the Bureau just butted in because they want attention.
But that doesn't change the fact that Cygame is stupid because the Bureau already had their eyes on them from cases before and still did stuff that would arouse the Bureau's attention.

Klashikari 2016-04-13 14:23


Originally Posted by Duo Maxwell (Post 5827786)
Also, you either roll 300 rolls to get that one character, or you roll 2000 rolls and still don't get what you want. In a sense I would prefer the former, which is why I'm saving gem until I can get Anchira.

In my opinion, they just incited more people to spend money like nuts for a given character due to that feature alone. With a sense of uncertainty in the gacha system, you would be very less likely to pull more gacha over time for a given character due to the fact you might even need 70K and yet don't see the outcome you have hoped for.
That's why I believe the 300 gacha features is a very dangerous "bait", because those who usually spend tons of money would usually go nuts anyway, while those who were uncertain will be more likely to spend enough money for the said character.

Sure, you can compensate that with crystals, but that was already the case prior the 300 pulls, and unless you have unhealthy luck with guild war bets, you should hardly have more than 100 rolls worth of crystals within 3-6 months. Meaning that you still have to compensate the rest with your own money. While we got refund from Anchira's incident, the moment you have spent your crystals for a character, a new one won't be easier to get with that system.

About the whole balancing, I believe they started hiring after the Chev sword IIRC.
Well, they just digged further and further their own grave when it comes to balance. Shit was already insane back with Tiamat gun, then we got Colossus Katana being utterly trash, and it went even further down to the gutter.

What they ought to do is to fix the huge decrepency between weapons types, particularly fists, bow and wands, being quite weak and mostly relegated to useless jobs.


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 5827819)
You are almost done with light!?
How many hours did you spend a day to get that many Chevalier Sword....?

Ah sorry, when I meant "done", I implied functional magna set (so 5-6 3* magna weapons depending of the element). In my light setup case, I've pretty much given up the idea of having a full sword arsenal any time soon, so I'm mainly running with 5 guns and 1 sword with Cosmos Gun (at least I have 30 horns if I had to switch my cosmo weapon to sword... eventually). I wish it could drop as often as Tiamat gun, but alas it is not the case, as usual with Chevalier's stingy drop rates even for non sword drops.

I'm not insane enough to follow Yashiro Seika or Mochi's path. Those 2 are completely insane, and I have no idea how many chevs pubs and damascus ingots they used to finish their 8 chev swords completely. Power of Money I guess.


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 5827855)
There were goevrnment intervention though, and it was deemed grey.
And the Cygame either has to take correction measure or face consequences. (And this is not the first time Cygame got warnings from the government either).

So no, Cygame cross over the line enough to let the government lay their fingers on them.

Fine, you can argue that the Bureau just butted in because they want attention.
But that doesn't change the fact that Cygame is stupid because the Bureau already had their eyes on them from cases before and still did stuff that would arouse the Bureau's attention.

I wouldn't say Cygames acted because of they were forced to, but rather because they don't want any more bad advertisment they already got during the compu gacha era.

As Kirayuki stated, there was never any false advertisment when it comes to Anchira.
People made a huge fuss over her pull rate, but there was absolutely no surprise there because they -never- said every biased character should have the exact same rate. As result, Anchira being harder to get than Beatrix or Eustace was a matter of course, although she was still "easier" to get than any other non biased character.

That being said, some people used this opportunity to shame them. Ultimately, I do not like the gacha system one bit, and the odds are very low in general, but in regards of the law, they were perfectly clean in this case.

Suffice to say, considering how much money mobage are generating over the recent years, it isn't surprising the government had to intervene because we are dealing with a game system that is way too close to real Gambling with no actual value of the product, since we are dealing with digital content.
In this very case, it isn't like Cygames wanted their attention whatsoever. In fact, it is sort of amusing people were riotting about Anchira and not about Anila way before. Anila probably had a very low drop rate but still had a bias, but since there wasn't any other "reference" as she was never introduced with other new chars, there wasn't "oddly" any complaint.

Kirayuki 2016-04-13 14:33


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 5827855)
Fine, you can argue that the Bureau just butted in because they want attention.
But that doesn't change the fact that Cygame is stupid because the Bureau already had their eyes on them from cases before and still did stuff that would arouse the Bureau's attention.

Did stuff like...what ? There were nothing that technically against the contract/agreement for the gacha use with the Anchira incident.
What arouse Bureau's attention here is the fact people getting raged on this, and the majority of those are not even people who actually spend 700k yen for Anchira herself.
And let's not forget people who are just hitchhiking just because they can.

Stupid enough to catch the attention maybe, but it's pretty irrelevant now. Looking on it Cygames probably profiting even more now with all the new perks they decided to add in (and it's not like they are paying back for the gacha fees people spent, they just give you back the crystal to roll more)
And as a result, it's the non-whaler/low cash users that becomes the victim of this in the end since the game slowly upgrading their P2W ideology.
Those people reap what they sow, and those people who don't have anything to do with that get the short-end of stick too.


Originally Posted by Klashikari
People made a huge fuss over her pull rate, but there was absolutely no surprise there because they -never- said every biased character should have the exact same rate.

And also, while people saying Anchira's rate is lower than Eustace and Bea I wouldn't really nod it yet because the one doing the statistic here is just a user that tracks the record from the Gacha History page.
That is sure not the best method to do the statistic since you don't necessarily record everything completely and might even lose some data if the list update so fast, as a result you might get some skewed diff. unless you gonna do a really really lot of samples.
If we are going to argue with this, we need a government or dedicated bureau to actually do the statistic itself (the problem is they probably won't disclose it to the public too so it's kinda moot).

In any case, that's just how digital Gacha works.
You are on self responsibility for your own money if you are gonna roll and doesn't get the desired result you want.

felix 2016-04-13 16:00


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 5827467)
For those who already started, let us enjoy talking about Cygame's stupidity and bad business decisions.

Well, if I were to point out complaints it has to be the loading times. I get between 1-4ish seconds loading times, and the game still loads even after the loading sometimes (assets popin and such). 1s loading isn't something I'd normally complain about but this game annoyingly loads at every click. So what happens is I can play for 4h and practically speaking only maybe play for half that if not less, with the rest being loading times.

Spoiler for rant on granblue's netcode:

Oh well. Guess I'll just have to settle with the reality that whenever I play this game, I have to pay a toll of half the "time" I spend on the game going into the void.


Another minor complaint is how obtuse if not inaccessible it is to buy their premium currency at the moment (I believe its entirely possible though various 3rd parties but not interested in doing that). I wouldn't even care if not for this (from my understanding as a new player) one time offer for the first 7 days of getting any character in the game I want (if my understanding is right). Either way its only a minor annoyance, I can live with out it, and I'm understanding that this was a early released version of the english patch.

With regard to english translation quality, the only thing that bothers me is the use of "cut damage" and the way they use the word "hit", which I believe is a bit confusing with how it's wording, but otherwise everything else is more then acceptable as far as I'm concerned.

Klashikari 2016-04-13 16:07

You can buy their currency without much trouble with either iOS or Android device. It is like any other mobage around and they don't have any issue with foreign credit card.

As for that offer, start dash will appear again at random as long you didn't buy it. It is just that the offers stays visible for a week then disappear for a undisclosed period.

Translation has much more glaring issues such as inconsistent and awkward sentences (changing the subject of a given actions and so forth), but it becomes obvious only after the first third of the story mode.

felix 2016-04-13 16:33


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5828031)
You can buy their currency without much trouble with either iOS or Android device. It is like any other mobage around and they don't have any issue with foreign credit card.

I was told they only accept japanese credit cards or some such. Didn't have reason to not believe that so never tried it. I'll look into it later.


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5828031)
As for that offer, start dash will appear again at random as long you didn't buy it. It is just that the offers stays visible for a week then disappear for a undisclosed period.

Thanks you very much for the info.


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5828031)
Translation has much more glaring issues such as inconsistent and awkward sentences (changing the subject of a given actions and so forth), but it becomes obvious only after the first third of the story mode.

I don't skip the story but I do skim though it pretty fast so didn't even notice things like that. But I'm also only started recently so probably too early to tell.

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