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wnkryo 2006-05-30 10:37

PS3 Discussion Thread
We all know that the ps3 controller will support some BullSh*t half-assed motion sensor technology, and replace the rumble feature (which we all have grown to love). Sure, that motion sensor technology might even be the next big thing in video game controlling, but wouldn't it be great to have the rumble feature along with it? I mean, if we had to choose to get rid of something, then I would rather do away with some motion sensor sh*t, then do away with the rumble feature. Like a good buddy of mine said:

"Whether it's smashing your car along side another vehicle or drowning your enemies with ak-47 rounds, you can always feel the devastation your cuasing right in the palm of your hands [when using the ps2's rumble feature], and I think this feeling is almost irreplacable."

Basically, I could care less if my ps3 controller allows me to control an airplane up, down or side to side, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. So I was wondering if it might be a possible loop-hole to use our (now old) ps2 controllers (with the rumble feature) on future ps3 games. I mean, it would be sweet if the developers (like konami) would anticipate people using their ps2 controllers with their ps3 games and have hidden rumble support within their popular games (like MGS4). Do you guys think such a feat is even plausible?

SpecterVR 2006-05-30 10:52

Didn't they get rid of the rumble technology because they got sued for it?

Radd 2006-05-30 11:33

That's my understanding. It was big news a while back.

Dnous 2006-05-30 12:52

Yes they did. They had to choose rumble option or the unpractical motion technology. Guess which one they chose -_-.

srb 2006-05-30 13:22

I'm still wondering how it feels to fly a plane with the axis motion sensoring, because... Well, you usually fly a plane with a stick, and I can't be the only one who gets so engrossed in gaming that you actually lean to the left and right and lean forwards and backwards at times...

So how the hell will that work with that? :P

rdkenshin 2006-05-30 19:45

Since Sony got sued by Immersion they probably decided that they could do without rumble (and avoid paying MS in the process, they’re share holders now) and simultaneously steal Nintendo’s thunder by adding a gyro (edit: Oh yeah, that plan didn't work).

And you can’t use the PS2 controller with the PS3. There are no controller ports. Even if there were, none of the developers would make rumble an option because the standard PS3 controller does not have it.

I remember seeing an interview with Kojima and they asked him about the controller. He was not pleased to say the least. I bet he was probably building MGS4 around the Dualshocks rumble feedback and now he has to scrap it because Sony didn’t tell any of the developers that they were removing rumble. Kojima did say that he will now use the tilt sensor in MGS4 but admits that it does not make up for the lack of rumble.

mantidor 2006-05-30 23:11

Inmersion commented that they would help sony to put rumble back if they drop the appeal.

arias 2006-05-30 23:38


Originally Posted by rdkenshin
I remember seeing an interview with Kojima and they asked him about the controller. He was not pleased to say the least. I bet he was probably building MGS4 around the Dualshocks rumble feedback and now he has to scrap it because Sony didn’t tell any of the developers that they were removing rumble. Kojima did say that he will now use the tilt sensor in MGS4 but admits that it does not make up for the lack of rumble.

Did you watch this interview?

I read its transcript, and there was no mention of him being not pleased. He says something along the lines of "we've lost one, and we've gained one", indicating that they'll try to maximize use of the tilting technology. I can imagine it being used for tilting to peek across corners and such.

It's unlikely Sony will drop the appeal, and I wonder how Microsoft's 10% stake in the company will affect this hoo haa.

mantidor 2006-05-31 00:15

I think that the excuse that sony gave was pretty lame, and immersion answer is kind of mocking and making fun of sony. The wiimote has not only motion sensing but a pointing device and even a speaker, and that doesnt seem to present much of a problem with the rumble feature of the controller, this practically confirms that the real reason behind dropping the rumble was the lawsuit and not technical limitations. Immersion comments on sony are borderline insulting when they sid "is not that difficult to do".

rdkenshin 2006-05-31 14:31


Originally Posted by arias
Did you watch this interview?

I read its transcript, and there was no mention of him being not pleased. He says something along the lines of "we've lost one, and we've gained one", indicating that they'll try to maximize use of the tilting technology. I can imagine it being used for tilting to peek across corners and such.

It's unlikely Sony will drop the appeal, and I wonder how Microsoft's 10% stake in the company will affect this hoo haa.

I distinctly remember hearing the dubbed translator voice saying something along the lines of "I was not happy to learn that the PS3 controller does not have rumble built in. Although I do have a few ideas for the tilt sensor and I will try to incorporate it into MGS4. I'm not saying that the tilt sensor will make up for the lack of rumble on a 1 to 1 scale, but I will try to implement the tilt sensor as best I can." Paraphrasing of course.

Yeah, I was thinking he would use it to peak around corners, too. That would be a good use for it.

wnkryo 2006-05-31 21:29

Regarding MGS4, I think Kojima has to change much more of the gameplay then he's letting in on (because of the missing rumble feature in the ps3 controller). I'm making this assumption because he did that whole cell-phone (rumble) thing in metal gear solid 2, and generally, likes to include the rumble (very innovatively) within the gameplay itself. But I don't think he's the only developer who has to rework their game.

In either case, I was wondering what you guys think about losing the rumble feature as a whole, and how it will impact the way you enjoy your games.

Orchunter226 2006-05-31 23:21

I think the rumble feature adds another level of detail and feeling of immersion to games. The loss of the rumble feature sucks. But, will the motion feature be worth it? It remains to be seen, I doubt it though. The motion sensor here just isn't the same as the Wii's and may not be worth the loss of the rumble.

Syn13 2006-06-01 02:49

Oh that sucks! I thought that the rumble feature was delayed and Sony got sued for their analog sticks!
Anyway, I'd rather take rumber over motion! Like Orchunter226 said, it does make a difference in gameplay, I love to see my gf freak out playing Fatal Frame and just so the controller shakes and scares the sh*t outta her! :D

xxxplizit 2006-06-01 18:35

In a professional standpoint, the reason why they said that the rumble feature was missing due to hardware limitations (or you can say "lied") was because of business relations with other companies. Usually, on lawsuits, representatives are NOT supposed to say that "Immersion is suing us and they can go **** themselves". Not only would the Sony reps be getting in trouble for violating non-disclosure agreements, but speakin of such terms could lead to misunderstandings/rumors that could give a negative impact to the company in general (as if Sony and software developers aren't hurt), regardless if they know the corporate deals with the lawsuit or not.

Xerion12 2006-06-02 23:17

If the motion sensor isnt going to be the driving feature of the PS3 controller then: RumblePack > MotionSensor

Cloudnine 2006-06-03 01:00

Unlike the Wii controller which can detect 3D space and movement, the PS3 controller has limited motion detection to 3 axis'. Basically it only senses tilt and acceleration. Also the fact that the shell is basically a "dual shock" style controller limits those movements further.

If it's not a gimmick, then I don't know what is.

wnkryo 2006-06-03 02:32


Originally Posted by Cloudnine
Unlike the Wii controller which can detect 3D space and movement, the PS3 controller has limited motion detection to 3 axis'. Basically it only senses tilt and acceleration. Also the fact that the shell is basically a "dual shock" style controller limits those movements further.

If it's not a gimmick, then I don't know what is.

What exsactly does your specifics on the ps3 half-assed montion sensor feature (which has already been established to suck compared to the competition), have to do with the discussion at hand?

Zappster 2006-06-03 04:04


Originally Posted by Xerion12
If the motion sensor isnt going to be the driving feature of the PS3 controller then: RumblePack > MotionSensor

Indeed. I wonder how this will affect the MGS games as they've typically used the rumble features of the controller more than any other that I can remember. Certain items require the rumble to work.

I guess the easiest way round it is to just remove them from the game.

Arimfe 2006-06-03 06:17

This rumble thing you guys talk about, is that the build in thingies that make controllers vibrate?
I was just thinking, are there any ps1/ps2 games which has levels that actually requires the vibrations? (ie. where the player would partially/completely depend on it)
If there are then it's yet another slap on sony, because I remember they were all proud to mention the ps3 being backwards compatible, it was one of their sales argument:eyespin:.


Originally Posted by Zappster
I wonder how this will affect the MGS games as they've typically used the rumble features of the controller more than any other that I can remember. Certain items require the rumble to work.

:heh: I guess there are...
*slaps sony*

zeeke 2006-06-13 02:46

PS 3 Discussion
okay.. so i been reading some topics around here and some thought's passed my mind. :uhoh:

ps3 will beusing blue ray disks right? expensive much :heh:

ps3 cant be chiped? blue ray disks +games ar wayyy too expensive :heh:

the ps3 might cost alot itself :uhoh:

so is it worth it... buying a ps3? :confused:

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