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Pellissier 2013-04-13 04:26

Ore no Imouto (Season Two) - Episode 2 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Ore no Imouto (Season Two), Episode 2.

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Sumeragi 2013-04-13 04:28

Hentai Kyousuke and Tsundere Ayase..... What can one ask for more, except Ruru?

bakAnki 2013-04-13 05:06

I'll ask for far less dose of yan Ayase :heh:

Chaos2Frozen 2013-04-13 05:08

Its a bundle deal :p

Soverence 2013-04-13 08:57

All bundles also come with a free dose of Tsun Kirino as a special side offer :heh:

Miraluka 2013-04-13 10:57

I thought, meh another Kirino episode. And then...

Ayase: Did you say something?
Me: <_< Nope.

icebreaker 2013-04-13 11:05

What was this episode even for...

On another note, Ayase is seriously scary as hell..

s0beit 2013-04-13 11:31

I didn't like it, really. It felt corny and uncharacteristic, plus it was from the drama CD which, yeah, we aren't supposed to discuss the light novel here, but I can at least point out that this is supposed to be a light novel adaptation, not a drama CD adaptation.

finalfury 2013-04-13 11:52

Sets expectation level to negative infinite. Okay, I'm ready for this.
I'm gonna assume that the ending of season will be rushed then. :/

Chaos2Frozen 2013-04-13 11:59


Originally Posted by s0beit (Post 4634601)
I didn't like it, really. It felt corny and uncharacteristic, plus it was from the drama CD which, yeah, we aren't supposed to discuss the light novel here, but I can at least point out that this is supposed to be a light novel adaptation, not a drama CD adaptation.

Thats one of the silliest complaint I've ever heard.

There's no law that says you can't use material from other sources to adapt into an Anime.

icebreaker 2013-04-13 12:05

Do we have a thread for light novel readers to discuss how the anime is going to progress?

Rising Dragon 2013-04-13 12:31

I daresay you can use this thread.

Shinhwa 2013-04-13 12:52

This episode was seriously creepy lol....

Who was the illustrator for the ED?


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 4634572)
I thought, meh another Kirino episode. And then...

Ayase: Did you say something?
Me: <_< Nope.

Yandere Ayase made my day lol

finalfury 2013-04-13 13:25

First half:
Kyousuke: What the hell is Kirino doing with that game?
Second half:
Kyousuke: This is a godly game. I love you, Ayaka-tan.
Wow Kyousuke, you are waaay too much like Kirino lol.

frubam 2013-04-13 13:56

Hooo boy =02. I was hoping I wouldn't go into complain mode, but this episode makes me return to the old days of how I was annoyed with this series. Ayase is a b****, plain and simple. Can't stand tsuns that ask for help, then beat up on said char or treat him like shit. I'd been acceptable if it felt more like Kyo was simply trolling Ayase for his own amusement, but the whole episode felt like she was pushing him around like a coward; and that's something I greatly dislike in a series. The ONLY enjoyable moment in this episode was Manami walking in to Kyo's "I love you" line, though I preferred Manami to get the wrong impression allowing for antics to ensue from it over her finding out it was a game. It was funny nonetheless.

Hopefully, next ep will feature anything not-Kirino and not-Ayase, and not-<insert 3rd girl's name here that's part of that Kirino/Ayase group whose name I've forgotten> =02.

Azuma Denton 2013-04-13 14:02


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 4634572)
I thought, meh another Kirino episode. And then...

Ayase: Did you say something?
Me: <_< Nope.

THIS !!!
Ayase !!! That is not how you portrait Manaka-chan... :heh:
You dont suppose going Yandere all the way there... :heh:

But really, this episode is hillarious...
Kyousuke and Kirino perverted face really prove that they are brother and sister...

Azuma Denton 2013-04-13 14:14

I notice that there is a handcuff in the OP of episode 2.

But I didn't find any scene involves handcuff in this episode...
Is this relevant in this episode? Or is this hinted on future story?

finalfury 2013-04-13 14:16


Originally Posted by Azuma Denton (Post 4634829)
I notice that there is a handcuff in the OP of episode 2.

But I didn't find any scene involves handcuff in this episode...
Is this relevant in this episode? Or is this hinted on future story?

not relevant in this episode.

Shinji103 2013-04-13 14:17

Oh man, I was looking forward to Ayase-tan, but after reading the comments, I'm afraid the episode will ruin my opinion of her. I hate abusive female characters too. :(

Rising Dragon 2013-04-13 14:18

No abusive female characters? In a quasi-harem series? Perish the thought, Shinji!

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