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Kairin 2014-11-29 00:02

F/SN UBW TV - Episode 8 Spoiler Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the spoiler discussion thread for F/SN UBW TV, Episode 8.

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Levani 2014-11-29 13:13

Amazing episode, I'm reading UBW as well and I've past the stuff that happens in this episode yesterday and thought it was brilliantly adapted.

Rider's death was creepy, disgusting and awesome at the same time.

GDB 2014-11-29 13:29

Great episode. I can't help but feel like Shirou saying he's used to dead bodies was moved though. I thought that didn't happen until Einzbern Castle?

The Green One 2014-11-29 13:41

Well Shinji went down like a third string chump, good thing that's the last we'll see of him right? :heh:

ShadowSamurai365 2014-11-29 13:43


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 5353209)
Great episode. I can't help but feel like Shirou saying he's used to dead bodies was moved though. I thought that didn't happen until Einzbern Castle?

It actually happens at that part of the VN, but I believe that it was at a different part of the school (I believe the scene about the "used to dead bodies" was stated before Shirou and Rin enter the forest to meet Archer). I can try and find the video clip about it if you want.

Gaulek 2014-11-29 13:44


Originally Posted by The Green One (Post 5353218)
Well Shinji went down like a third string chump, good thing that's the last we'll see of him right? :heh:

The spoiler thread is dangerous for you.

Good episode. Shirou is becoming stronger and make good decisions.
Poor Rider :D

GDB 2014-11-29 13:50


Originally Posted by ShadowSamurai365 (Post 5353220)
It actually happens at that part of the VN, but I believe that it was at a different part of the school (I believe the scene about the "used to dead bodies" was stated before Shirou and Rin enter the forest to meet Archer). I can try and find the video clip about it if you want.

I'll take your word for it since it's been almost five years since I played the game.

The Green One 2014-11-29 13:51


Originally Posted by Gaulek (Post 5353222)
The spoiler thread is dangerous for you.

Good episode. Shirou is becoming stronger and make good decisions.
Poor Rider :D

It was a joke, I've finished all three routes. Trust me, I wouldn't be in here if I didn't know what happens.

Side-streetdog 2014-11-29 14:19

While it's good episode as alway but there's something in this episode that I didn't like

Spoiler for Episode Spoiler:

Dengar 2014-11-29 14:36

A++ episode. I'm not sure what else to say.

Anyone else here love to see Shinji squirm?

Death Usagi 2014-11-29 15:22

R.I.P. Rider... Q___Q See you in HF Adaption...

Ophis 2014-11-29 16:34

Haha, Saber's tsuntsun, because Shirou picked Archer's style over her's, was truly adorable. Rin waiting for Shirou to eat their lunch was cute too. :heehee:

This episode was great!!! :D

Kimiko Khan 2014-11-29 17:09

I don't get why they added caster attacking saber with a mock up of rider. If i recall correctly it was just a shadow clone of herself that saber destroyed. I understand they wanted to add some stuff for rider and shinji and the little bit they added in the chemistry room was fine as it fit contextually. But the rider clone makes little sense.

Nayrael 2014-11-29 17:23


Originally Posted by Kimiko Khan (Post 5353370)
I don't get why they added caster attacking saber with a mock up of rider. If i recall correctly it was just a shadow clone of herself that saber destroyed. I understand they wanted to add some stuff for rider and shinji and the little bit they added in the chemistry room was fine as it fit contextually. But the rider clone makes little sense.

Because, on TV, it is more fun to see than Saber just coming and slashing Caster. Also, Caster is kind of person who would troll someone like that :P

GDB 2014-11-29 17:31


Originally Posted by Kimiko Khan (Post 5353370)
I don't get why they added caster attacking saber with a mock up of rider. If i recall correctly it was just a shadow clone of herself that saber destroyed. I understand they wanted to add some stuff for rider and shinji and the little bit they added in the chemistry room was fine as it fit contextually. But the rider clone makes little sense.

It was weirder to me that Saber could tell who Rider was (class-wise). Though I suppose at that point she's seen every other Servant, so it was a process of elimination, but still.

In fact, that may be the exact reason they did it. So Saber will have seen all the Servants of the war.

chaos_alfa 2014-11-29 17:39


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 5353395)
It was weirder to me that Saber could tell who Rider was (class-wise). Though I suppose at that point she's seen every other Servant, so it was a process of elimination, but still.

In fact, that may be the exact reason they did it. So Saber will have seen all the Servants of the war.

I don't think she had seen Caster at that point. She never went totally up the stairs.

Tenzen12 2014-11-29 17:49

Considering I didn't know I have suffer through fate route before getting play UBW and HF I dropped game when I found I am stuck in it and thus I might be wrong about what I am going to say (well, it will be bashed as heresy anyway)

It looks to me that DEEN adaptation might be more faithful to source than Ufo in some aspects.

Rin - from game it looked to me she tried scare Shiro out, while in Ufo she goes pretty much for kill. Even in this episode she admited she just wanted hime take whole deal more seriously and dead person can't do that...

Saber - Always felt distant, strict and actively trying denny anything that resemble own personality (Fate Zero actualy was mostly build around these trait as well). Here she is warm and caring from get to go.

Well, first was great spectacle and later actualy make saber likeable, so I don't have problem with either. There are some other details either, but overaly I do think Deen made better adaptation, while Ufo best both Deen and original game by infinite.

MCAL 2014-11-29 17:55

And to think it wasn't until the second cour that a Servant got killed in Fate/Zero...

I thought the scene in the beginning (With Shirou imagining his body becoming a bunch of swords) was a little awkwardly done, but other then that great episode.

GDB 2014-11-29 18:00


Originally Posted by chaos_alfa (Post 5353401)
I don't think she had seen Caster at that point. She never went totally up the stairs.

That's true, though I guess she could still use elimination to assume the Servant with chained spikes = not Caster. Still an oddly random scene.

Random14 2014-11-29 19:01

Yeah, that was a bit abrupt. I know Caster has magic, but disguising as another Servant, even for just a few seconds, seems a bit much. Someone could do that in the Fourthh War I think, but that was a Noble Phantasm.

Poor Rider, well, that's one servant down. Loved the part where Rin "invited" Shirou to lunch, that was cute. I think the VN noted how much of a fuss it caused, the school idol dragging Shirou off, but still fun to see.

Liked that they've started focus on Shirou's... issues, that look in his eyes when they're surrounded by dying students. Rin and Shirou's teamwork is doing pretty well too, its nice to see two decent Masters, what with Rin using a Command Spell to protect Shirou, then Shirou using his to summon Saber.

I forget, in the VN, did Saber start training Shirou earlier? Since its only been a day since Archer tried to kill him. Its a pretty good adaptation, but a few odd things here and there.

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