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marvelB 2014-02-25 02:52

One Piece - Chapter 739 [manga]
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Credit goes to Redon and Aohige from AP for the spoilers:

-Chapter title is "Captain" (as in captain of a team/squad, not pirate captain). Splash page features Brooke.

-The ship Trebol throws crashes into the same room where Usopp and Sugar are, which shocks the both of them. Robin saves Usopp from being crushed, but the Tontattas are captured by Trebol! He then grills them for information, pretending that he's their friend. Leo, being gullible as he is, ends up coughing up the info. Trebel then reveals that his sticky goo is flammable, ignites it, and blows away the dwarves with it! Leo is blasted towards Usopp's location. The liar tries convincing him to escape from Trebol, but the dwarf refuses to yield, as he does not want to fail his captain (Thunder Soldier), and promises to see the "SOP" operation through to the end....

-Over at the elevator side, Thunder Soldier is still fighting Lao G. He then has a brief flashback of the arena where Rebecca and the other gladiators learn of the news of Doflamingo's resignation, but the soldier was already aware of the news being fake, and tells them so. This results in an angry Rebecca announcing that she'll enter the tournament and win the mera mera fruit, despite the toy soldier's objections. After arguing some more, Rebecca tells the toy that he's not her parent, and that he stands no chance against Doflamingo. The soldier agrees with her, but nonetheless wishes that she stay away from the tournament, which causes the girl to regret her outburst.

-Back in the present, we cut to the tournament finals. Rebecca faces Diamante, but she's no match for him, as her sword lacks a blade. She then receives a beating from the officer, which prompts Sabo to send Bartolomeo to help her. As he beats her, Diamante taunts Rebecca, asking if she knew how her mother died. He notes that a toy soldier was mourning her death....

-Back at the elevator, Lao G is distracted by the tremors caused by Pica at the palace, and Thunder Soldier's companions use this opportunity to help him escape. Back at the docks, Usopp asks Leo why the Tontattas put so much faith in Thunder Soldier. Leo answers it's because he's the only toy who's NOT bound to a contract by Sugar, the only blunder she's made in a decade. And thus, he's the only toy who's able to rebel against Doflamingo. Most have forgotten his name when he was human, but his true identity is that of Kyros, the strongest gladiator in the history of the Corrida Coliseum...!!!!

Wow, that plot twist was soooo unexpected. :rolleyes: Seriously though, it's nice that Oda finally got that out of the way. Nice to see Rebecca getting some more development, as well (looks like Diamante killed her mother, after all..... that bastard). Also, I kinda have the feeling that Trebol revealing his goo to be flammable will end up becoming a double-edged sword (I DID suggest that drying him out would be an effective way to beat him in the previous thread, after all). And while I'm sure that more people will complain about Usopp being a wimp, I still look forward to the chapter, nonetheless. :)

marvelB 2014-02-26 01:09

Updated with the summary! :)

Diablerie 2014-02-26 01:24


Eh, sounds solid enough of a chapter, but I actually thought we were already told that Toy Soldier was Kyros in the story, didn't even realise that was still something that wasn't revealed. :/

Trebol's attack sounds brutal! Though I guess seeing Leo all beaten up will be what finally gets Ussop going? That flammable goo sounds like a Chekov's gun if I've ever heard one. Toy Soldier's leaving Lao G to fight Doflamingo? I don't think the Tontatta can take Lao G by themselves, and Kyros sure as hell ain't beating Mingo, this is like the worst possible move he could've made.

Just want these fights to start already!

marvelB 2014-02-26 01:54

BTW, fun fact: Rebecca's only 16 years old. Confirmed as much by Thunder Soldier during that flashback. That girl sure is developed for her age....

Also, speaking of that flashback: Having just checked out the raw, I found it pretty hilarious that such an emotional moment is immediately followed by Lao G doing a goofy kung fu pose right near the soldier as soon as the flashback ends, lol. :heh:

~Yami~ 2014-02-26 03:58

oh gaaawwdd.... that revelation :heh:

I love this chapters although not enough battle scene...
go Usoppland... you have to defeat Sugar now
leave Trevor to Robinland

and someone please save Mr. one-legged-toy

I also think this chapter shot down the possibility for Rebecca for being Strawhat Pirates
She didn't have any trait to be a crew (she still need to learn a lot to be more mature)

ChaosPaladin 2014-02-26 04:06

i think soldier might have a chance if he got turn back to human form. i guess tt is wat the tontata is betting on. SOP need to be a success first for the whole plan to work.

ZGoten 2014-02-26 04:08

Oh wow, that revelation really offers a whole lot of new possibilites when it comes to match-ups. But I really wonder why Leo can remember who the toy soldier was. Anyway, apparently the dwarves think that Curos is trong enough to handle Doflamingo. But even if so, they need to rely on Ussop and Robin to knock out Sugar first. It's their time to shine now.

ri0 2014-02-26 04:11

And so things have come full circle.
Usopp's determination will probably rise sky-high after hearing the story and he'll finally get serious. Now we're ready to go, since most of Dressrosa's history is revealed - Doflamingo's kingdom is set up to fall apart!


Originally Posted by marvelB
Also, speaking of that flashback: Having just checked out the raw, I found it pretty hilarious that such an emotional moment is immediately followed by Lao G doing a goofy kung fu pose right near the soldier as soon as the flashback ends, lol.

Totally :heh:


Originally Posted by ZGoten
Oh wow, that revelation really offers a whole lot of new possibilites when it comes to match-ups.

True. So, Toy Soldier vs. Doflamingo and Luffy vs. Issho? :D
Regarding Fujitora: I'm still looking forward to his reaction, when suddenly all the toys transform. Things are so unpredictable right now, it's really awesome.

Also, I just love the Tontatta and their innocence. Leo's interrogation was so sweet!

And what an awesome panel, when Robin crawled over to Usopp :bow:

J4n1 2014-02-26 04:16


Originally Posted by ri0 (Post 5025262)
And so things have come full circle.
Usopp's determination will probably rise sky-high after hearing the story and he'll finally get serious.

Yeah, i think that in a chapter or two we're going to be seeing Usopp be awesome. :D

Trax 2014-02-26 08:42

So so chapter for me, it was a bit slow, and as for the revelation at the end... Called it! (Kyros being Rebecca's dad, that is)

Can't wait to see him in action once Sugar is taken out though!

GreyZone 2014-02-26 08:53

Come to think of it... did Robin get any 1on1 fights yet? Aside from her small attempt to kill Crocodile that is...

Randrak42 2014-02-26 09:17

Usopp looks pissed...I like where this is going.


Originally Posted by GreyZone (Post 5025438)
Come to think of it... did Robin get any 1on1 fights yet? Aside from her small attempt to kill Crocodile that is...

She got one in Skipea.

Poetic Justice 2014-02-26 10:01

Pretty predictable reveal, Just need Sogeking to arrive to the scene now. :D

shalala 2014-02-26 12:36

DAmn this chapter was good. I like the set up that Usopp is getting after seeing how much trust that the Tontattas have in Kyros. Plus to see them get burnt to a crisp which tbh should have happened.

Rainbowman 2014-02-26 13:09

Another epic chapter which I have no words to describe.

Diablerie 2014-02-26 15:43

Bit disappointed with Usopp's cowardice now - he saw his friends getting blown up and he still wants to abandon them and run away? He's stepped up to fight in the past with much less motivation than this, it's like he's actually gotten more cowardly.

At least Diamante's actually shown some of his power now, wonder how Bart's gonna do against him.

ZGoten 2014-02-26 15:56

A lot of people are critisizing Ussop right now. And of course his behaviour isn't exactly exemplary. But what you have to realize is that he's facing Trebol, one of the strongest, if not the strongest executive under Doflamingo himself. This guy is leagues above everything Ussop has ever faced. If he messes up, even in the slightest, his death is as good as certain. Either that or a life of slavery. That's why it's taking some sweet time for him to get involved. It's easy to step up against a bunch of fodder soldiers on Punk Hazard, but not against a guy of this caliber. Ussop is not yet the brave warrior of the sea, that he wants to be, and that's understandable considering where we are at in the overall story. Of course there is a certain threshold, though, where the power of the opponent doesn't matter anymore, because you just have to try to do the right thing regardless. I think Ussop has reached that point now. Get ready for some Sogeking awesomeness, everybody!

GreyZone 2014-02-26 16:56


Originally Posted by ZGoten (Post 5025795)
A lot of people are critisizing Ussop right now. And of course his behaviour isn't exactly exemplary. But what you have to realize is that he's facing Trebol, one of the strongest, if not the strongest executive under Doflamingo himself. This guy is leagues above everything Ussop has ever faced. If he messes up, even in the slightest, his death is as good as certain. Either that or a life of slavery. That's why it's taking some sweet time for him to get involved. It's easy to step up against a bunch of fodder soldiers on Punk Hazard, but not against a guy of this caliber. Ussop is not yet the brave warrior of the sea, that he wants to be, and that's understandable considering where we are at in the overall story. Of course there is a certain threshold, though, where the power of the opponent doesn't matter anymore, because you just have to try to do the right thing regardless. I think Ussop has reached that point now. Get ready for some Sogeking awesomeness, everybody!

I agree with the idea of a "threshold". The scene where Usopp taunted Lucci in the Enies Lobby arc was epic and showed that he can do awesome things if he gets beyond the point of no return.

Blackbeard D. Kuma 2014-02-26 19:10


Originally Posted by ri0 (Post 5025262)
And what an awesome panel, when Robin crawled over to Usopp :bow:

I second this :).


This chapter was alright. Nothing surprising, and there wasn't much progress. It looks like Ussop is finally going to take action. Bartolomeo will be getting owned soon enough. As much as I'd like to see Burgess crush him, Diamante will do just fine.

bhl88 2014-02-26 19:56

Best Gladiator + King of Dressrosa = win

And how do you beat someone who blocks barriers....
(Anyway I can see Barty joining the revolutionary [at least he can follow Strawhat with that....])

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